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Topics - baro-san

"A guide for OBE induction"

'Hypno-Channelings: A New Tool for the Investigation of Channeling Experiences'

'Contents of dialogues with "Him"'. "Him" is an entity they contacted and who answered a lot of questions. It is a very dense in information document.


I just read Bob's review of this book. I like his book reviews.

Probably that's why I felled compelled to make a post to express my disappointed by the narrow-mindedness he showed in this case (obviously in my opinion). Actually his review enticed me to read the book, so I'll try to get it.

Some of the ideas presented in the book, and discounted by Bob, correspond to my experiences. Others don't. But that is to be expected.

Bob seems very reluctant to accept that others can experience things differently than he does, or other well know obe-ers did, or science accepts. That was unexpected.
I really enjoy Bob Petersons's book reviews, on his blog:

With so many authors and so little time, Bob's reviews can give you a better feeling what might interest you.

Thanks Bob!

I wonder if anybody has an opinion about reconciling the non-physical model described by Monroe, Kepple, Moen, and others, which describes focus levels, belief territories, and especially retrievals, with the model described by Newton, Weiss, Goldberg, and others, which describes a more direct transition into afterlife, with elder councils, and a more educationally structured environment.

Welcome to Dreams! / Dreaming focus levels?
September 25, 2017, 14:26:13
I wonder if there is a focus level in Monroe's nomenclature for regular dreaming. Or maybe an "unfocused" level?  :-)

On another board, somebody asked if it were possible to be pulled out of his dream into lucidity by a helper who has already projected. This made me wonder, if soul retrieval of (dead) souls lost in focus 23 is possible, it might be possible to retrieve (live) souls lost on a regular dream level of the consciousness dimension, and awake them into lucidity.
Welcome to Dreams! / Lucid dreaming's the way?
September 19, 2017, 21:36:22
From the time I've begun experimenting with altered states of consciousness, I kind of favored those that allow transitioning directly from the awake state, because of the feeling of better control over the process.

I think that some of these experiences are more suited for certain purposes than others.

Recently I read "Muddy Tracks" by Frank DeMarco, and I was a little surprised, as the author was too, to learn that one of his closer friends, also well trained (TMI) and versed in non-physical experiences, after passing on, got caught in the dreamlike trap of Focus 23. DeMarco had to perform a retrieval of his friend to Focus 27.

Also, recently I read a couple of books about dream and sleep yoga, and listened to a handful of interviews with Andrew Holecek.

Last night, while in hypnotic trance, I received a message that if I want to ease my transition after death I should better dust off and polish my lucid dreaming skills, because quite often the death may surprise us, we may not be able to recognize it, and end up in a dreamlike loop of our final moments, or worse, in Focus 23.
Last night I tried for the first time dr Bruce Goldberg's hypnosis script for projecting into the 5th dimension. I have reservations regarding these 5th, 6th, ... dimensions, so I didn't have high expectations, but I ended up having an interesting experience, and I'm curious if anybody else experienced something similar.

As instructed, after merging with my Higher Self seen as white light, I projected through a black hole into the 5th dimension. I ended up into a blue-violet world inhabited by happy yellow blobs frolicking around. There was no gravity there, and I was literally engulfed into a blue-violet environment. The yellow blobs seem to have a semblance of facial features (eyes, mouths, noses, cheeks) that suggested smiling. They were in a continuous floating movement.

I was lucid, like in a lucid dream, but I couldn't control anything in the environment, except getting into and out of it. I gave myself the suggestion to remember the experience after I wake up.

It is the first time when I had such an experience unlike any other obe, lucid dream, or hypnotic experience I had before.
As the Stones were saying: "you can't always get what you want" ...

So when you're choosing your mate, friends, companions, working place, what would you favor: better intellect, or better character? Where would you draw the line?

When I was younger I favored intellect, but experience made me change my mind.

I think that both, intellect and character, are combinations of mind and genetics, flavored with education, child rearing, cultural environment, but it seems that intellect is more genetics than character is.
Could earthly life be an incubated dream of the soul?

This would explain why we don't recall our past lives, and our between-lives selves. It's the same as during our human dreams we aren't aware, usually, that we are dreaming.

Maybe souls incubate dreams for the purpose of experiencing something. It's the same with humans incubating dreams to solve problems, or for entertainment.

Karmic lessons could be homework or tests given to our souls by their teachers.

Maybe we die when our souls wake up, and our lives as humans mean to them what dreams mean for us.

Could this be the true meaning behind "life is a dream"?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Group karma?
June 03, 2017, 00:02:04
I've read about group karma, and I didn't question it until recently.

I believe that the first time I read about it was in one of Annie Besant's books. Now, I kind of wonder if the concept of "group karma" isn't just a result of human logic. I agree that karma works at individual level, but I doubt that it works at group level. Why would it? Because it would be nice, logical, or expected for a bad behaving group to be punished? That's human logic. Usually a group's behaviour is the result of the decisions of a small number of its members who impose on the rest of the group. What if those few leave, are restrained, or die? Should the rest of the group still have to pay for the accumulated bad karmic debt? Should they be victimized a second time just because they belong to that arbitrary group (nations, ethnicities, etc.)? They've already been victimized once by the bad guys. Where's the fairness?

I remember a q&a with William Buhlman, at Monroe Institute, when somebody asked if he thinks that humanity is on its way to eventually evolve towards peace and understanding. W.B. replied that he doesn't believe so because that would defeat the purpose of a physical world into which people incarnate to have experiences to learn from. There's already no antagonism in the non-physical, so what would be the use of incarnating in a non antagonistic physical?

Also, past life regressions show that we reincarnate all over the Earth (and more), sometimes males other times females, different races, different ethnicities.
From Edward C. Randall's 1917 book "The Dead Have Never Died":

Quote... every man occupies just that position in society which he is qualified to occupy . That must be so, or the law of cause and effect would be a failure

I found this quote thought provoking ... If we karmically pay for whatever we think, desire, do, it means that sometimes we have to have unhappy, difficult lives.

Then, trying to better someone else's life, to even out people's conditions and opportunities ... Can it be accomplished? Is it a desirable endeavour? Do we try to interfere in something we don't understand, and in a way that is counterproductive to both the helper and the helpee?

How does "love everybody" figure into this? Just love them, but let them carry their burdens?
I believe human intelligence is a characteristic of the mind, it stays with the soul, and its development is one of the important goals in each incarnation.

From what I've read we are born with an IQ that doesn't suffer major fluctuations over one's life, under normal health circumstances.

On the other hand I've watched a couple of documentaries, that presented cases when individuals that suffered major traumas acquired new and exceptional gifts in disciplines as mathematics, painting, music, for which they didn't show even some interest before.

Is the brain only a limiting factor of our soul's intelligence, or more?

I've noticed behavioural characteristics in some individuals that are similar to those of certain relatives from previous generations, not only parents, but aunts and uncles, grandparents, or further.

Does the genetical inheritance play a role in the intelligence of an individual? Which and how?
Please share your opinions about Bruce Goldberg's books, techniques, reports of his and his patients' experiences.

Also, I'm intrigued about his claims regarding contacts with time travelers from the far future, and about teleporting into parallel / alternate universes.

Thanks  :-)
I use self-hypnosis in my quest for spiritual development.

While in trance, the answers to the questions I ask are very concise, and startling in their straightforwardness. I also noticed that the answer pops in my mind before I finish formulating my question. If I finish my formulation without an answer, then I won't get an answer, and I have to avoid rationalizing it.

It seems that my intention for the question forms in my mind, then my brain formulates it. Whatever higher source, that answers it, gets the question directly from my mind, and, when it sees fit to reply, it does it instantaneously, hence it arrives into my mind while my brain still formulates the question. From the brain point of view it is like and invalidation of the causality principle, the cause (question) doesn't precede the effect (answer).

It is an amazing feeling to notice that, and even a more amazing feeling concluding about what that means.
I watched a good two year old interview with Andy Tomlinson (starts ~33:23). At that point he talks about the most important things he learned during the "life between lives" regressions he conducted. One question he asked a council of elders, through his subject, was "what is the biggest challenge for humanity today?". The answer he received was none of those he expected (pollution, etc.). It was: "the delay in people waking up to who they really are".

That answer is also a good example of the difference between the perspective of an earthling vs. that of an eternal soul.
In a thought responsive environment, whatever you think "materializes" in front of you.
There is no "work" because it isn't needed; whatever you wish happens and is.
There is no "competition" because you can do and have whatever you want.
There is no "studying" because whatever you want to know you instantaneously know.

What "to do" :

  • learn to always be the master of your thoughts; be in permanent and full  control of  them;
  • improve your judgement, your understanding capability;
  • help others behind you on the paths above.
#17 site, that advertizes on astralpulse, is deemed "high risk" by McAfee. The access to it isn't allowed.
If McAfee is wrong, they should be contacted by ourultimatereality to correct it.
I suggest that astralpulse should suspend ourultimatereality adds until the issue is solved.
Browsing an old book, H. E. Wingfield's "An Introduction to the Study of Hypnotism" (London, 1920, pages 26-27), I was surprised to read the paragraph below, mentioning the idea of a continuous spectrum of consciousness ranging from waking to deep somnambulism and beyond, in 1920, well before Monroe, then Kepple mentioned it. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this idea is even much older.

"On the whole, perhaps, one may regard the range of consciousness as analogous to the solar spectrum. The waking consciousness might be represented by the red end of the spectrum, the profound somnambulistic consciousness by the violet, and the deepest part, which, we may suppose, is in relation with the visceral functions, by the ultra-violet invisible rays. Clearly, if we examine the red end of the spectrum, and compare it with the violet, we shall find a sharp line of demarcation between the two, for we shall have missed out the orange which bridges them. But if we look at the whole spectrum, it is obvious that it is continuous from end to end."
To me, one of the most important, and practical, question is: why are we here? Answering this would allow us to try to make the most of our journey through this life. I believe that answering another question: why are we dreaming?, might bring us closer to an answer to the first question.

People saw the Sun moving around the Earth, so they thought that that was the case. Then they thought it is the other way around. More recently they found out that even that is not absolutely correct, as the Earth, Sun and all the planets are orbiting around the center of mass of the solar system ...

There are various hypotheses about why we are dreaming, most of them considering that pastime as secondary, or less, to being awake. There are also those that say, some said it for a very long time, that "life is a dream".

What if actually "dreaming" is one of the most important "activities" we are meant to perform during our physical lives? Maybe our schooling on Earth is not as much active while we are awake, and taking a break while we are asleep / dreaming, but closer to the opposite: schooling while dreaming, and taking a break from it when being awake?

Maybe "we are here" not so much for being awake, and learning something while so, but for "dreaming", and learning to deal with a thought responsive environment in more manageable smaller bites, to prepare us for our "full time" accession / return onto a fully thought responsive plane of existence.