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Topics - jamie6747


While listen to Robert Monroe's Hemi-Sync gateway experience i have noticed if i picture myself pushing upwards im instantly greeted with a feeling of large amounts of energy rushing from the whole of my body to the top of my head, this feeling is so strong it feels as if my non physical self is just going to pop out of the top of my my question is has anyone else experienced this?

Here are some other experiences i get.

Waves of energy pulsating throughout my body.
Tingling in my stomach
Head moving position on its own accord, while in deep meditation.

Looking forward to responses.


I see these at least 3 times a week.
What seem like small balls half the size of a marble or sometimes the size of a small house fly. They seem to have a mind of their own moving really slow to moving extremely fast shooting from one side of the room to the other. They appear just below the ceiling. Some of these things can even navigate around solid objects such as computer screens!

Here is a diagram i made showing the typical movements of the anomalies

The balls represent the typical path of one of these anomalies from start to finish. The object appears just below the ceiling in the blue section as semi transparent then enters the area outlined in black as a soiled object then begins to fade as it enters the pink area. They appear for no more then a split second but are quite clear to see. so has anyone else seen anything like this? 
I've had many dreams but the dream i had last night was very strange. It was as if i was consciousness in the dream!

From what i remember i was in what looked like someone's front room with a another individual, this person asked me what felt like a math a question of some sort then the view went from a first perspective view to the view of a younger person who simply put his hands together and started to enter in what seemsed like a meditation state or a trance like state.

Then a shift of consciousness occurred, i was back in my body in a kind of lucid dream like state then this very strange sensation of what can only be described as energy began to force its way into my body starting to enter from the toes and working its way up to my head and ending above my stomach.

I was paralyzed as this energy was entering my body and was extremely scared. It wasn't until this sensation stopped that i could regain control of my body.

Also i was laying on my arm and it had a strong tingling sensation so i think this is what caused the shift in consciousness back to my physical body and forced me to wake up.

Has anyone had anything like this happen to them?

So i was watching this documentary about past lives where this guy had been a nazi ss officer and was involved in the concentration camps, he died in the 50s and come back to earth and was reborn as an English man who now lives in England, i can imagine he must of created a lot of negative karma in that live so do you think that the bad karma would carry over to this live? if so would it show in the form of health problems? Or would it be something completely different?

I was watching Dolores Cannon on youtube and she makes some great points, according to Dolores Cannon before we come to earth we have to plan a life, this plan will include certain roles for family members such as the parents, who are already on earth and have planned well in advance for your arrival, the choice to be a man or a woman is for you to decide, once the plan has been finalized and everyone has come to an agreement you then start your journey to earth.

And when you finish your life on earth and return to the other side you undergo a life review and you judge yourself based on your actions here on earth.

so do you guys agree with this theory? if so how can we expand it with our knowledge and understanding of the subject?
Dolores Cannon at the 2011 Ozark Mountain Transformation Conference - Entire Lecture
For example did we lead a form of life in 4th density then decide to live a human experience on earth then return to 4th density? maybe one half of our families are living in a house in 4th density and the other half of the family is here on earth? When its our time to go back it might be time for one of them to come here?


If you where to ask the average person about spirituality, astral projection and humans as spiritual beings most people would not have a clue what you were talking about. So why are are only a small minority of people aware of this?

I was watching Robert Monroe's Out of Body Experience video on youtube, i will post a link for you guys to watch, he talks about how humans as spiritual beings do not originate from this earth and when we depart we go back to the 4th density. Wiccans call it Summerland. Whats everyone's take on this?

Robert Monroe's Out of Body Experiences

I have seen other threads about people who have visited the moon and have seen strange moon anomalies, some say they have seen what look like glass structures in lunar craters, buildings made of lunar stone and strange lights on the far side of the moon, some NASA photos ive studied seem to show activity on the moon.

Here is what appears on NASA Lunar Orbiter 3 frame 3084

If this is really on the moon do you think we could find it?