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Hello:  A few months ago, I started to feel objects strongly (and to see auras, but there is a lot written about auras).  However, I am looking for other folks that are able to feel objects strongly (e.g., to feel trees from a far distance).  Anyway, I am not talking about feeling objects with one's hands (e.g., kind of buzzing or tingling in hands).  I am talking about feeling objects more in one's chest and body -- kind of like a rather magnetic feeling that can physically push and pull your body if you allow it to.  Anyway, I am interested in discussing aspects of this and exploring some things.  I am also currently involved in some experiments with a university related to remote viewing, and may seek to perform some experiments related to this too.  Anyway, among other things, I am interested to discuss observations related to particular objects, tuning in an out on objects, etc. 
Hello:  I am looking for other advanced OBERs, like myself, that had thousands of OBEs/lucid dreams/etc., and that have taken years learning about them by personal experience.  I have found a few folks, but I am interested to find others.  Basically, I am interested in collaborating and pooling of thoughts and ideas.  I don't tend to share many of the common viewpoints of OBEs, etc.  But, I find it helpful to discuss things with others that have similar knowledge, etc.  At this time, I am more interested in folks with first hand experience over folks that are well read on the subject. 