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Topics - HeadachyMuzikGirl

Welcome to Dreams! / weird, weird dream...
May 19, 2003, 20:32:32
I had a dream, not necessarily a nightmare, but just not a particularly happy dream...
i can't remember some of it, as it was expanded over many periods of REM, i suppose, but, here goes:
(as an afterthought, first I must explain, I'm involved in a musical theater group that does a whole lot of ilbert and Sullivan operettas.)

I was cast as Mabel, the leading female role in the play "Pirates of Penzance". I was very very nervous backstage, and I forgot ALL of my lines. (can't you see where this is going?) well, i go onstage, and it all goes well until some dialogue (i'm extremely sure that this dialogue wasn't even in the play of Pirates of Penzance...but it was a gets weird, just wait a minute) came up. i ad-libed the whole thing, and i cursed the entire play. Dave (a co-director at our musical theater program) was the only one who noticed that I did these things wrong. Here comes the weird part. I go down to get congratulated by my family, and my dad is...let's just say "commiting adultery". My mom's not there. (I had never seen the woman in the dream who was "helping" my father "commit adultery".) So i go over some water (somehow our theater is now floating...?)to a little room. I have no idea how, but I knew this was where my mom was, and I went there. This is not an ordinary room. has thongs lining the walls...leather ones, chained ones...all thongs...and my mom is in there. She's reading a book. (why didn't i write the book's title DOWN?? GRR!) I go over to her (nonchalantly, weirdly enough) and tell her that my father is two-timing her. I forget most of our conversation, but she didn't even care...

And then I wake up.

I know this would not exactly be an easy thing to analyze, but...any insights?
Greetings HeadachyMuzikGirl,

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Depends on your age (say you're under 10 or 12 years old). Immune to water? I guess if you're an inorganic being.


Personally I would suggest they read PPSD from start to finish, and then talk to you about it. Have you looked at the NEW text from this site? Your parents would be hard pressed to find in "satanism" in the text. There is a lot you could work on that is available from this site without rasing suspicion of things. Good soaking baths are one. Follow the recomendations for praying over a little salt and placing it in the water. Arch angel Michael is a good one to ask for help from. Getting baptised, or having it confirmed provides defense also. Memorize the Lords Prayer, and repeat it often. Particularily when you are feeling pressure that does not "fit" Not sure what your faith is, but my guess would be when you start memorizing prayers and psalms (robert mentions several) your parents will realize you are not a "satanist". Read through this whole Forum, there is a HUGE amount of information here from people that have had more than you can imagine happen. And good discussions about mental health as it relates to negs.

My best to you
What I recommend is to perform centering exercises during the day, what I mean is clear your mind and don't follow any thoughts that come to you.  You can do this anytime anywhere. Also you can do it for however long is convenient.  Practicing like this during distracting times is a very affective way at overcoming worry and thoughts that come to mind when really attempting something.  Don't over do it though, because you might miss something that you would really want to know or even need to know if you are doing this at school or work.  I do it during lunch in the cafeteria, one because it is loud and distracting making me focus that much more and two because I won't miss anything at that time.

Well learning about the NEW energy system is a great place to start, if you go to the main page ( you will see a section on training, within that there is the 'Treatise on Obe' and 'NEW energy ways'. They both cover what is in Robert's book Astral dynamics. There is plenty of reading to be done there, and also dont pass up the articles section either. Robert's works are actually a fantastic place to start. If you read and understand everything available on this site you will be well on your way. I think you have started at the right place [:)]

Oh and without meaning any disrespects to anyone, it might be an idea to not get caught up in the popular topics of the Energy develpoment forum at present, could be counter productive. Fly right and you will understand.

Sounds like something tension related. They are hard to diagnose and even harder to cure with surgery

Check into the Alexander method, might help you.

NOTE!! Im not a doc so this isn't medical advise. 'nuff said.

2cents & L&L