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Topics - GRRegis

On a couple of posts, I have heard people talk about astral phasing.  I have never really heard of the that before, so could someone tell me the differences between astral phasing and astral projection.  Also, for people who are familiar with both, which one do you feel is better?  Thanx.
Last night, I was lying in bed for about two and a half hours, not having any luck going to bed.  I decided to start looking at the images and patterns I saw when I closed my eyes.  The patterns usually have a certain frequency or rythm to them, but I started to look up and to the center (well, moved my eyes that direction), and all of a sudden the beat changed (I think it became slower) and mmy eyes started to move un-controlably, I think like I was in a REM state.  The patterns and images sarted to change, my head (or brain) started to tingle, and I kinda felt like I was being sucked up while I has having a slight seizure (my right arm started to shake).  I soon forced my eyes open because I was a little freaked, but then I collected my self and started to repeat the process.  I felt extremely exhausted, I couldn't concetrate as well, but I could still changed the frequency of the visuals and get the tingling sensation back in my head a bit, but I couldn't get it as intense as before.  Was i about to have a WILD, and if so do you have any sugestions on how to progress?  Thanks.
Whilst I can't help you on a vibrational theme ('cause I don't have them), I might be able to help about getting stuck.

Next time you are stuck, use your astral arms to rub your body at the place you are stuck.  I usually find this 'releases' that area and I am free to go.

Good luck.

Originally posted by GRRegis

Ioud I all of a sudden heard this really sinister laugh. Has anyone else had something similar happen?

I've heard the laugh, I've heard other voices and sounds. I usually just ignore them. Only rarely has it been anything to be concerned about.

But ya might do the LBRP in each room of our house just to clear out any possible negative energy.

Christmas Eve last year i got a present from my cousins. It was a Carlos Castaneda book (The Teachings of Don Juan book). Castaneda led me into lucid dream and lucid dreaming led me into astral travel. It is my goal to have left my body by Christmas Eve this year. I'm nearly there [^]
the only thing that i can think of that might be a problem is that you have little energy in your brow chakra, im sure you can find methods on putting more energy into your brow chakra just by looking around astral pulse. good luck
with much blahness,
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Free BW Gen
October 25, 2003, 23:12:09
Its not 82 mb. Your thinking of the mp3 file. If you want BWGEN, just download it and buy a reg. key.
I think most of my APs and OBEs have been from lucid dreams-like, I will be having a dream and something triggers me to become aware I am dreaming-something strange or that I dont understand and at that point I know if I want to AP I can-sometimes when this happens I will also have false awakenings (like OBEs-I am actually in my room) and sleep paralysis upon waking.
Hmm...I did an essay writing on "astral planes and ley line projections" nearly a year ago, I'll try and dig it up for you-I think that's what happened here.

You said your friend Jackie lives in Italy now? And that wasn't her dog but your dad said it was? It sounds, to me, like you've somehow projected onto another plane or time frame. Another dimension, so to speak, where this dog IS jackie's and she DOES live in the USA-not your reality-where she lives in Italy.

I know this must sound completley insane and I may be a little newbie (2 posts! go me! hehe) to this board, but I strongly believe you have slipped through the planes and timeframes-not a big slip, seeing how not much (I think, I could be wrong) has changed.

Are we communicating to different planes innfinately? Just by you being THERE and me being *HERE*...wherever here is...confusing subject, I hope nobody flames me for this reply and calls me a wanker...I would really hate that [:(] It's just my belief, ^that's what happened
Hey GRRegis.

Perhaps when you sat up it wasn't your physical? did you get up all the way?  The mind can be a tricky thing...sounds like you were already out, but you were thinking too much in the physical. I know that some of my experiences I can't even explain cause they are sooooo weird, like a time delay, being in two places at once..ect..

I don't think I helped..hopefully someone else can explain better [:)]

Nay. [;)]
Congratulations! [:D]

i work in dental and ortho and can honestly tell you that most people (99%) grind their teeth at least a little when they is only bad if it is very often (only about 20% of people)....most likely you just happened to be having a normal nitetime grind session at the same time you were astral or about to become astral.  you can get things to wear over your teeth as you sleep if it is a real problem and there is a company that sells do it yourself niteguards that are in most pharmacies (dr's niteguard)......i often will be lucid or obe and become aware of myself having a little grind...... if the pain is actually coming from where your lower jaw connects to your skull then you probably should get a type of niteguard called a TMJ splint..... if you were in central pennsylvania i would gladly hook you up with one.....otherwise, any dentist can get one made for you.... hope this helped