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Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Too high ?
September 27, 2004, 21:06:24
Sounds just like a dream, probably a lucid dream. I had the same effects in one of my dreams and it sounds just like what you explained, except I KNEW I was dreaming and didn't confuse it with anything else such as astral travel etc.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / method
May 01, 2004, 20:45:38
Intresting! :-D

When you say Move the energy from your Crown to your feet in a bow do you mean in like the shape of an 8 or an indian bow like a straight line and a d shape to the crown?


stay calm.

hoo sorry, this was funny "then i asked him if he was a. crowley. He didn't answer. and then i asked of he was myself, but no answer"

first let me tell you that lots of people see things when they experience "sleep paralysis"

i could post lots of links to websites that explain that, but please, take your time, here you will find everything:

"there have also been reports of people "fighting" dream assailants, and sadly when they "come to" or awaken, they find out they have hurt or even killed their housemate or spouse. this is rare."

im sorry if i wasted your time and if you think that it wasn't sleep paralysis but something bigger.
I think that is a very complex question, about why we should or shouldn't tell our experiences to others.

My own opinion is this.  First of all, there is nothing inherently wrong with telling your experiences to others.  The thing to remember is to be careful and use discernment about who you tell your experiences to.  

Psychic ability is very much a personal empowerment that depends on our attitude and oppenness to the experiences in the first place.  If we tell our experiences to the wrong person, someone who is a powerful personality but had not developed his own abilities to experience it and affirm it for himself, he may decide to go to great lengths to save you from your delusion!  This can be no end of trouble.  On the other hand, what you say may be very meaningful and beneficial to someone.

This is so because the psychic world is a world of mental energy and manifestation, so if you are not prepared for a negative reaction it can be very troubling, though a positive reaction can be very synergistic and empowering.