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anyone know how to get around it?

Ruined an OBE today because I had too much spit in my mouth  :-(
I swallowed and woke up.
This has only happened to a few times, so far, but it freaks me out every time.

When I go to bed, it usually takes me a while to go to sleep, so I do my fair share of tossing and turning. Lately, I've tried to go to sleep right away, and this is what's happened:

I'll start to remember something, while I'm still pretty awake, and I'll recall a memory of something that happened to me. Except, after about a minute, I'll realize that something isn't right with the memory, and I'll realize that I had no part in it at all - that it wasn't my memory to begin with. And then I'll forget about it completely. Kind of like a mini-dream or something.

I'll sit up in my bed and even try to remember the memory out loud, but it's only a complete blank.

This wouldn't bother me if I had fallen asleep and then woken up immediately after, because I would at least know that it was a dream. But this happens while I'm still (at least) half awake. And it is really freaking me out. I can't remember (at all) something that I thought of a minute before.  :?

Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Okay, so I've been trying out astral projection/OBE stuff for about 3 months now. I've only gotten full body paralysis (through meditation) a few times during this length of time.

But in the last month, I've had a dream every night except for 1 or 2 nights. From what I've experienced, if I just relax for only 15-20 min. in bed, I'll have very vivid dreams. But most of the time, they're nightmares, but that's not really a big deal.

Well anyway, my girlfriend just graduated from basic training in the army, and I went with her parents to South Carolina to attend her graduation. On the 2nd night of staying in a hotel, with no plans on having an OBE/meditation/anything, I had one. And I'm really hope that it wasn't something that just randomly happened, and that I'm actually learning something about OBE's.

So here it is: I fell asleep listening to my mp3 player, which is actually pretty cool - I know the exact length of time that I was sleeping because of the song that I woke up listening to, and the song I fell asleep listening to. I'd say I was asleep for about 10-12 minutes.

I woke up with someone standing over me. I started to panic, but instinctively thought to pull myself out of my body. So, I did, it looked like someone climbing out of a hole in the ground. I got stuck about halfway out, though, and I reached out to the person that was standing over me.

Let me describe this person, or entitiy, at this point. I have no idea what they looked like. I'd have to say that the were of the same height as me, around 6 feet tall, but the person was completely black. Even though this was at night, and the setting of this OBE was on a hill with tall grass under the sky, the person was blacker than the sky. A complete shadow. It was the strangest thing I've ever seen.

I had gotten half way out, but I got stuck. I started yelling (or thinking) for help, and I kept calling the person "my spirit guide", or whatever. Well, whoever it was, they were a complete badass because they just walked away. I remember hearing the grass move under their feet. It was incredible. There was a lot of wind in my face too, and after a little bit, I lost my vision. But I could still hear the person walking away. If I had to guess, from what I felt, I'd say that they wanted me to follow them, so this is something I really want to get back to when I can.

After I lost vision, and I had small lucid dream where I had no control, and where I panicked and couldn't breathe. I woke up completely dumbfounded. I guess that's the best way to describe it.

But I'd have to say that if you're having trouble with having an OBE, to keep trying at it. It took me 3 months to have one that was only for a few moments, but it was worth it. It was so awesome. And I just want to go and try for it again.

If I can get another OBE the same way I did the first time, there was something (sort of) special, so I might just have a new method to achieving OBE. Hopefully.

Sorry to make this such a long post for something that wasn't very long at all, but I just have to say that OBE and astral projection are one of the coolest things I've ever experienced.
Feel free to list the places you want to go (or wish to go) when you're having an OBE

- for example, if I went outer body, I'd go right up to the sun. That would be f*cking crazy.

Besides that, though, there are tons of sweet places I would go to

- haunt the excrement out of my friends (not really a place, but high on my list)

- find out where J.D. Salinger lives

- The White House (although I've read that it's not wise to do so)

- other dimensions. Would be pretty cool.

- akashic records (of course)

- AREA 51 (again, maybe not a good idea)

- Any famous haunted location (possibly a really bad idea)

- a black hole in outer space (impossible to find, probably the worst idea of all time)

These are ideas right off the top of my head,
so start posting a bunch cool ideas - like going inside of an Egyptian pyramid. That excrement would be intense.
When I open my chakras, I pull energy through my legs (at least, that's what this - - said to do).

Well, lately when I'm doing this, my legs are starting to get really hot. They start to twitch and buzz like crazy, and I won't be able to concentrate on anything. And I know they're actually not warm at all, because I'll feel them, and they're not particularly hot or anything - maybe a little warm.

Has this happened to anyone else? What should I do?

It's more annoying than anything else
This has probably been discussed many, many times before, so sorry if it's a repost.

Well anyway, I was trying to have an OBE today (I haven't had one yet), and all of a sudden I started to feel really warm - kind of like I was rising too. My face went numb, and I felt really heavy, and even though it was dark out, and my eyes were closed, everything seemed to get lighter. I started to panic a little (I've had trouble with sleep paralysis before..yuck), and then I started to freak out. I sat up and breathed heavily for a while. It was scary! I don't know, it wasn't what I was expecting. Pretty crazy.

But if I knew that's what's supposed to happen, there wouldn't be a problem.
