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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hitchhike the world...
November 24, 2005, 13:08:24
Hello my fellow friends of learning,
  Recently, I have decided to halt my current lifestyle completely - school, work, America - and travel the world.  I will just be hiking, hitchhiking and making my way around the world any way possible.  Hopefully, I will meet people and events that will teach me and guide me spiritually.  First stop México!  Six months is probably when the it begin; as for and end... that will come whenever it comes.  What are your thoughts?  suggestions?  guidance?

You're wisdom is always appreciated...
Hola amigos,
  I recently met a guy who could naturally see auras really well.  He told me that my aura had a hairline fracture in it.  What does this mean?  Truthfully, he told me lots of stuff about my aura and it sounds like a mess, but I feel great, happy et cetera.

¡Muchas gracias!
Hello fellow AP lovers,
  I have a copy of MAP - it rules!  Anyway, several of my friends would like to get a copy of the book too, but can't afford the cost - you know how college goes.  So we are looking for the old excel version of the 90-day guide.  Does anyone know how I could get a hold of this?  Please.  We're all dying to start the program, but want to do it together.  It'll motivate each other and keep each of us going.

Thanks a million^pi,
Hello yall,
 I noticed about a year ago that my base chakra is pretty active naturally.  Randomly throughout the day it will start tingling, lasting for a couple minutes or more.  Then an hour or so later it'll happen again.  However, if I'm doing NEW or meditation, it'll definitly activate and usually be stronger.  I was just curious what implications this had, and does this have any relation to Kundalini?
Hello all,
I would love to have a strong understanding of String Theory/M-Theory (I'll call it ST from now on), and I understand that for this, I must understand the mathematics behind it.  I do have two very good books on this theory, but it totally confuses me (it has lots of math equations and technical terms et cetera).  I also have a good book on quantum mechanics with lots of mathematics in it too.  Do I need to understand Quantum Field theory, Quantum Mechanics, the mathematics behind relativity, et cetera to move on to ST?  What math courses must I take (I'm on a university)?  What other theories must I understand mathemacally and technically to understand ST mathematically and technically?  Thanks for the help.

I do have a pretty good base understanding of Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and ST; I just don't know technical terms and the mathe behind it all.
I think it would be good if you pray to Archangel Michael to bind and remove all entities from the woman and set her soul free to make all her own choices. Pray for the binding of the impure desire elemental or "dweller on the threshold" of the woman so that desires and passions built up from past lives don't negatively influence the daughter. Do this every day for several weeks and watch.

The removal of an entity would probably cause her to feel (temporarily) as though she had lost a part of her own personality. She might feel that she has lost some of her passion (that which was the entity manipulating her). She might need some help with that. But she also will have the energy which the entity stole from her so in some ways she would feel better and more alive.

Pray for the daughter too, that she be sealed in white light of protection. The entity may be prepping her to be its next host. They do that sort of thing--riding through generations of a family.
Welcome to Dreams! / Help on Lucid dream.
May 30, 2004, 10:07:11
Hey, Congrats on your first lucid dream. [:)]
Ive had the same thing happen to me in the past, sometimes your just not as lucid as other times. I find that commenting every now and then while in a LD helps you to remember when you wake. For instance if im having an LD and the clarity is amazing (as it normally is) ill comment, describe to myself how it is and how amazed i am by the whole thing. If your memories not as good thinking back to the dream then you can normally remember what you said while you were in it.
Ive also found the more lucid dreams ive had the clearer they seem to be when i wake.

My condolences[:(]... Its always hard to see such things happen. How is the family holding up? Ive seen "negs" do that to families b4, its such a shame.

Is there something you can do? If its really a neg there will be some sort of motive for it. Personally it may not be a neg. Ask you friend, maybe there is more than what would initally seem
pretty possible... thats how i try but still havent  convinced myself that im able to tk :/
I only believe in a higher astral being, or higher self, potentially as a combonation of the rest. For me I think it has to do more with communicating with the subconscious than anything else.
It has to do with the number of posts you post.

I can't say, but it seems that it is a good thing happening.

For me, my dreams are waning. I've had about five good years of great dream recall. My vivid dream spell started with a hormonal shift. Why the dreams are not getting recalled now, I can't understand. I know I'm dreaming great dreams. It's as if I am living another life (or lives[:)]) in another world now. I'm coming to terms with it. The funny thing is that I think I have done this before with my dream experiences. Why and purpose? I suspect social change going on(just a guess). I have a few personal issues going on right now too. I must confront some injustices done to me, and possibly others. I must tend to waking life issues.

The only symbol I was able to remember this week, was a string instrument. I couldn't tell if the instrument was small or big, it was facing downward, and I had the impression of it being broken.So I may be deceiving myself. [:)]

Enjoy your vivid dreams.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dreams coming true!
May 21, 2004, 03:02:06
I have, somewhat. Could possible be a nuerological (what's that word?) thingy. Sometimes that happens, and it leads you to believe that you had just had a dream about what really happened and everything . . . deja vu? Hmm, did you feel any the dizzy when you realized you had dreamed it?