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Topics - Monk

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Cartoon Allegory
February 19, 2011, 00:34:22
Well now, time for something juicy for those of you who have enjoyed the tv cartoon Ed, Edd n' Eddy. It may have been a nonsensical piece of cartoon comedy for those youngsters watching tv on a Saturday morning, but this brings it to the big leagues, in a sense.

After the article, we get the concept of traumatic death experiences leaving  imprints or "expressions" of the individual on whatever plane it may be. These imprints live out for the rest of existence with no rush and various other elements come into play.

But where would the general location be?

The etheric plane? I doubt it for if it was then there would be other physical characters present since the etheric plane is considered by some an extension of the physical.

The astral plane? It would be the most accurate portrayal of such happenings since of it's nature. As seen with the cartoon, a literal/figurative "playground" of sorts.

Anyways i had a feeling of nostalgia after reading it.

Any thoughts/comments that you guys would lend? I would greatly appreciate it.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Greetings
December 15, 2010, 01:00:17


And so here I am, a humble man coming from the bowels of the internet.

Several of you know me as the infamous Ishikawa from the Aiyar Seas (a homophone of an acronym I suppose?).

I have finally decided to participate in the various threads of discussion undergoing on this forum due to my recently available time from school.

Now, only where should I begin remains to be answered.

That's all...
