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Topics - Adi

Well I have had an amazing day. I went to the beach this early this morning, only intending to go for a walk and while I was sitting in my mums car I received pulses of pure affection from my higher self.

As I walked out to the groin it increased even more. [:D][:)][:D][:D][:)] It completely 'took my breath away' for lack of words.

Anyone who is interested I urge go buy/read Matrix V @ as I have been reading this for the last few days, again and this kind of experience seems to happen hand in hand with this book which connects one to their higher self like no other.  Is __amazing__  

Uh, yeah. Start reading. There is a ton of info in the past posts. Look for the stickies. There is the best info. since they were made sticky. [:D]
What can I do about them? And is there anyone who could help?
Use the same technique that you used then, only this time try for an exit technique OR just use that technique further and you will eventually push yourself out. Its like an instant transmission of your mind form one place to your astral body with maybe a second of missed conciousness. Once out, you will have some problems moving around but you will get used to it. My first time out of body was very short, I didn't have enough energy to sustain my astral form and my astral body collapsed to the floor and a second later I found myself back on my bed laying down. I damned myself repeatedly because what happened was WAY too risky. I collapsed instead of coming back on my own, BIG mistake. Good luck in the future [8D]