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Topics - Symbol

I've been thinking this for a long time, I figured I'd start by learning to lucid dream first to do this.
Basically I've been thinking, I started training martial arts late, so I need to work 10x as hard as everyone else so I can catch up and surpass them. Problem is, there isn't enough time in the day to do this. I figured, maybe I can replicate what I learned in class, inside a lucid dream, it wont be perfect, but I can practice my technique and sharpen my skills in my dreams, combining dream work with real life work, to give me an edge over everyone else.
I wanted to do this not for martial arts, but for school, job related work, etc. I can practice what I learned, in my dreams, just get some repetitions in, so it stays in my head and I get better.

This was my idea and my main reason for wanting to learn Lucid dreaming/AP/OOBE's.

Is this achievable, has anyone done this? Is there any documented cases of this being done? This seems like it could change humans in such an amazing way if we learned to do this, is this a realistic goal?
I am trying to learn to lucid dream and to do this.

What do you think? Is this achievable?
I want to get 1 or 2 crystals, at most possibly 3, but I don't know what I should get.

First, my main goal is to achieve easier Lucid dreaming/OOBE's so I can eventually get good at it and do it at will, I mainly want to learn this skill to help improve myself, so while I lucid dream I want to face any fears I may have and train in the sports I practice, so it can carry over from the dream to real life. Same for anything educationally related.

Second, this has been the worst year of my life, I'm no longer in school due to financial aid issues, family members getting sick, I have to spend time taking care of them, plus I have to support my parents and pay the bills now, and I had to stop my sports practice, I planned for this to be my best year in sports activity, but it didn't work out. Also now I am having so much issues money-wise.

My main concern is using Lucid dreams/Astral/OOBE's to improve my waking life and gain an edge over my competition and everyone else.

What crystals would be best for me and could likely help aid me in making 2017 the best year of my life and help me in helping my family?

I want one crystal to be used as a pendant, that I will wear for pretty much the rest of my life, this crystal needs to be one that will help me achieve what I stated above.
I'm not sure if this was an OBE or Dream, but last night I had this experience, its still fuzzy in my mind.
I am not sure if this has been happening for a while, or it all happened last night, but I will explain best I can.

I am not sure if it was an OBE or Dream, it seemed like it may have been an OBE happening that transitioned into a Dream

I'll just call it a dream, so this makes as much sense as possible.

Last night I had this dream where I was about to astral project/OBE. In this dream I was separating from my body, and I guess I was in sleep paralysis, it sure felt like it. I began hearing the noises, voices, and seeing things even though I am sure my eyes were closed. Now note, this is nothing new, I've experienced these things loads of times in the past. The only thing is, I started to become scared and panicking. So I woke up.

I think that part was a dream, because I was sleeping on a different part of the bed, where I wasn't originally at.
Now I think this is where the OBE began, I started having sleep paralysis and started getting all the effects. Seeing through eyelids, noises, voices, images. This time I was in the correct spot in my bed. I started to panic again, and I began screaming, but since its sleep paralysis I couldn't move my mouth, so I was...screaming sort of, with my mouth closed.

I eventually wake up (In the dream), then start to look around and go back to sleep, after that I remember nothing.

This has always been an issue for me, and I think this is why I haven't been able to project for 6+ years.

The best way I can explain it is:

When I'm fully awake, I am brave and not afraid, when I am conscious enough I won't be scared
But when I  am sleeping, my subconscious seems to take over and it seems I am subconsciously very afraid.

I don't know really, but it seems like this dream was trying to tell me and show me why I wasn't able to project for so long. It makes sense. I've experienced sleep paralysis and gotten so close to astral projecting MANY MANY MANY times, but each time I would get too excited or too afraid.
I know right now, as I type this, I am not afraid at all of even the thought of projecting, but when it happens... you know...

Please, tell me how I can fix this problem? How can I control my emotions when I am barley even conscious... or not conscious at all....

*I posted this in another section but figured it'd be better fit in this one*

I've always been fascinated with crystals, lately I've been researching them to see how they would help me with Astral Projection, and life in general. But I am not sure which crystal is for me.
What I want to do is to just get 1 really good and beautiful crystal and make it into a pendant to carry around with me all the time.

I have a couple questions.

1: I heard you can only program ONE intent to a crystal, are there any crystals out there that can handle more than one intent?

2: Can you change a crystals intent? Like at night, it can help me Astral Project, but at day it can just protect me or help me keep my mind at a higher awareness?

3: If I buy a crystal and have it cut, so it looks nice and is changed to a nice shape, will that affect it in any way? I just don't want to keep it messy looking and I want to make it look better so I can put it as a pendant to keep with me.

4: I can't choose between Amethyst, Quartz, and Ametrine
Honestly, Ametrine looks incredible. But I am not sure which is best for my purposes and which would be strongest.

Note: I just plan on making them into a pendant that looks almost exactly like this one:

^Is that sized crystal good enough? Or does it have to be bigger to have an effect on me/do anything?
I've always been fascinated with crystals, lately I've been researching them to see how they would help me with Astral Projection, and life in general. But I am not sure which crystal is for me.
What I want to do is to just get 1 really good and beautiful crystal and make it into a pendant to carry around with me all the time.

I have a couple questions.

1: I heard you can only program ONE intent to a crystal, are there any crystals out there that can handle more than one intent?

2: Can you change a crystals intent? Like at night, it can help me Astral Project, but at day it can just protect me or help me keep my mind at a higher awareness?

3: If I buy a crystal and have it cut, so it looks nice and is changed to a nice shape, will that affect it in any way? I just don't want to keep it messy looking and I want to make it look better so I can put it as a pendant to keep with me.

4: I can't choose between Amethyst, Quartz, and Ametrine
Honestly, Ametrine looks incredible. But I am not sure which is best for my purposes and which would be strongest.

Note: I just plan on making them into a pendant that looks almost exactly like this one:

^Is that sized crystal good enough? Or does it have to be bigger to have an effect on me/do anything?
So I just had a crazy experience, I don't know what happened, well I do. But I need someone to go through this with me, I'll tell you what just happened in as best detail as I can.
So I just woke up, basically I had this dream of a guy who told me EXACTLY WHAT TO DO, and I did it subconsciously and consciously, kind of a bit of both since I was still barley awake.

Here are my notes, the stuff I wrote down RIGHT AFTER THIS HAPPENED, I did that so I could remember every detail possible and not forget them. Everything that happened, in as BEST detail as I could remember, is in those notes!

My notes for the experience:
QuoteMan in the dream said:
Be one, with everyone, he said, be one with the air, the wall you were laying on, the bed, fuse your legs together, be just ONE with EVERYONE.

Let your energy combine with everything, let yourself combine with the air, the wall, the bed, everything

Astral Experience Description:
Lots of static
Lots of dark electric static shocks, like you see in a broken or not working tv
Like a broken static TV screen
It said "top 5 most excited", it was telling me I was really excited, that is why I failed my astral attempt
I almost had it successfully, it happened twice in 2 minutes
each time it almost happened, the ringing in my ears grew louder for 2 seconds and stopped, it was amazing

It happened right when I woke up, I had the dream and the guy in my dream told me exactly what to do, right now, at

that moment. I didn't move because I was dreaming, and right when I woke up I did what he said, its like he was

training me so I followed exactly what he said AND IT WORKED. I wanna cry right now because I am so happy. But I

am gonna man up and figure out how to do this again.

I usually set my alarm to go off 3 different times because I cannot wake up after just 1 alarm, I go back to sleep...

1: Alarm went off:
7:08AM, I click it off. Back to sleep
7:16AM, I click it off, Back to sleep, RIGHT BEFORE I went to sleep, Astral Projection popped in my head and I thought about the alarm method, and how I was doing it right now.

2: Dream happens:
Guy in dream tells me what to do, I awake from dream a little, and I do it, I didn't even think about doing it, I just did

it, it was almost half subconciously and half conciously, I didn't have much thought on doing it but did it.

3: I do what he says

4: Experience happens like I described above.

Note: I mainly failed because yesterday I told my mom to wake me up if I was still sleeping, so... she woke me up today, just now...during the
I'll keep this short, I am a veteran at ATTEMPTING this stuff
I quit 1 year ago, I won't get into why, I just got annoyed.

Whenever I attempt to AP I usually set myself up, relax my body, and well... Lets just say I end up laying flat on my back for hours, waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever happens.
I eventually give up, roll over, and go to sleep.

I tried so many methods over the 5-6 YEARS I've attempted this, and well, as you can see, nothing works.


I even tried not thinking about it, just daydreaming, nothing ever happens, I just daydream for hours..
Perhaps laying flat on my back is the problem? I don't understand why I can never do this.

This is just complete bovine excrement now.
I've been trying for a good few years now, more than 2, more than 3. Its ridiculous. This is pointless and a waste of my time now i'm done.

Its been on and off of me quitting Astral Projection due to frustration of failed attempts.
I recently started again a few weeks ago, and I am done now, still no freaking success. This is crap.

How can someone be at this for years and not have 1 fking successful attempt? What kind of excrement is this?
I seriously had no doubt in my mind about this, but I've had enough now.

I'd usually end up laying in my bed or outside in the couch for hours until my body just gets ticked off and then I get ticked off and quit.
I started trying to Indirect method, by waking up in the morning and trying it.
I tried it and keep falling asleep, then I wake up and try again, until I don't fall asleep, then once I stop falling asleep I end up trying methods until my body just gets so mad and quits.

Relaxation is one thing, but I just hit a point where I get so relaxed I get ticked the fk off and quit, because i'm sitting there for hours.

I'd try so hard and so much that I'd find myself getting out of bed in the afternoon like 5PM or so.
Seriously i don't understand how I can try for years and have no fking results, NOT 1 SUCCESSFUL SEPARATION.

You can clearly see why I am so ticked off. Screw this crap, its complete bovine excrement and pointless to me now.
I had so many plans for when I finally separated but not once did I separate in my life consciously.
So recently I been having a problem when trying to astral project, whenever I relax and try to focus on my breathing, my mind just randomly takes off and without me noticing it, my mind goes and thinks of something else, some random stuff, may it be my something about my life or anything else.

I notice my mind has wandered away from my focus eventually and I bring it back to focusing on breathing, but it just repeats, its like a cycle of wandering and focusing.

Then eventually I end up falling asleep...
I even tried to do it when I wake up in the morning, but I just end up falling back asleep after it wanders, or just fall asleep before it even wanders...

How do I fix these problems?
Does anyone have a tutorial or link or can teach me the correct way to meditate for Astral Projection?
I want to learn a meditation that will greatly help increase my chances of Astral projecting consciously.
When I am trying to relax in the bed after a good while of no success my eyes end up trying to open themselves, I end up struggling to keep them closed, because if they open, everything is failed and I need to start over...

Why does this happen? How can I stop it?
How do I stop this? Everytime I try them I fall asleep..
I want to try to practice Astral projecting at least 3-5 times a day until I start getting successful results, but I keep falling asleep...
I hear you can talk to people who have died...
If so, why hasn't there been any reports of anyone talking to someone famous or learn from them?

Why hasn't anyone even tried to talk to Tom Campbell (if he died, idk) or Frank Kepple? Maybe learn from him?
Talking to people who have passed on is something very useful, I don't understand why no one took advantage of it or reported it...
So much can be learnt from the ones passed on.
I really need some help, please, if you can tell me how I can just have an astral projection i'd be so grateful. I know its long, but still, please read it and help me.

So I took a month or so of breaks from Astral projection

About a week or 2 ago I got back into it and now so far no damn results.
So today i'm like "I'm gonna get serious". By serious I mean, attempt it 2-4 times a day.

So I tried it 3 times today, morning, twice JUST NOW at night.

2nd attempt: I woke up at around... 9PM, or near it. I sat in bed focusing on the inside of my eyelids, on the darkness. I don't care about my body anymore, screw it, it always relaxes itself, I just don't think about my body anymore. Basically its a phase method I think i'm doing. I focus on my eyelids, and before I know it, a crapload of thoughts pop up in my head, one after another, before I know it, i'm daydreaming. I'm like "CRAP!", so I do the BOX METHOD, which is in Monroe's guides, the Wave 1 or so I think?

I take all my thoughts and let it go into the box, then close and lock it. I then walk away. Okay now i'm back to the eyelids, more thoughts pop up, i'm like wow...
This goes on for...1 and a half hours. I tried the box method 5 times in that process. Also in that process, I tried, the ladder/rope method, triangle method, brain method, and some more. I am now sitting there, ticked off.

I then say, "Screw this crap, i'll START OVER". I figured that the only way to get rid of my thoughts were to start over.
What do I mean by "Start over"? I mean, break my concentration, break my trance, and redo it all.

So I quit, I stretched, moved for a bit, woke my body up a little, and started over.

3rd Attempt: Now I try again, before I know it, i'm back in a trance, pretty quick. I am getting annoyed with all the noises around me, but I try to ignore it. First thing I do is the box method, then stare behind my eyelids.

I try for like almost 2 hours or more... then I just quit, I am ticked off now. Who WOULDN'T be ticked off? I just sat in my damn bed, for 3 god dam hours! maybe more! THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME I'VE DONE THIS SO LONG EITHER!

Now I just lay on my stomach, I don't know why, I just did it. I end up falling asleep, randomly.

Here is the interesting part

Now apparently I am dreaming, BUT I DON'T KNOW IT!
I was sitting in my bed, and I noticed the TV.

I can't fully remember but the TV had 2 reflections, it was so weird. One reflection was normal, another was black n white, it was like that half of the tv was a security camera, watching somewhere.
In the dream, I focused on the TV, it began to take more depth, I don't remember what happened, but I ended up passing out, in my dream.

Before I knew it, I couldn't move, and I heard noises around me, I began to get scared.

So I concentrated and my body began to vibrate, but then eventually after 5 seconds it ended, mainly because I was on my stomach in an uncomfortable position...

Seriously, I am getting sick of all these long, stupid, wasted attempts. I had so many fails like this for years.
Will someone just help me?
Time in the video: 0:08:40 (8minutes and 40 seconds into the video)

Skip to that part.

He says this
QuoteWe talk about Out of Body and the problem with out of body is that it really isn't about the body. You see you're already, your consciousnesses, you don't need to get out of your body, you just need to get into your consciousnesses.
That's the problem, people read Bob Menro's books, he says he just rolls out of body, and people just try to ROLL out of body all night...
Its not about the body, let the body go. Its just your consciousness. You're already out of your body

That is all i'll type, go into the video and skip to that part, and you'll see what I was trying to type.
Now my question is, that stuff serious?

It really isn't about the body?

My main question now is...
1: Then how to I GET INTO my consciousnesses?
2: How will I know I am inside my consciousness?
3: Once i'm in my consciousness, what do I do?
I'm really getting tired of all of damned astral projection failed attempts. I have yet to have even 1 and I've been here almost a year or 2.

I tried it all

- Doing it right after I wake up
- Before sleep
- Rope method
- Falling method
- Floating method
- 100 countdown to 0 method
- This method
- That method
- No method

etc etc, point is I tried a LOT of methods for 2 years and had 0 astral projections.

This is complete BS.
I'm so ashamed and mad at myself right now, words can't begin to describe.
Here is my latest entry in my Dream Journal, I made 8 minutes ago

QuoteI experienced it all in 1 blow...

I was dreaming and suddenly woke up
I heard my Mom say my name

Her voice was in front of me
then to the right of me

It sounded scary

My eyes were without a doubt closed, but I could see, it was dark, and a bit blurry, but I could see as if they were open. I saw in front of me,
and above me, on the ceiling.

I then right after hit vibrations..

I panic'd, I wanted to say something but I couldn't open my mouth, I was officially in sleep paralysis.
I was afriad and mumbled screams until my mom heard me and came in the room, I then woke up.

I took 5 minutes to cool off in my bed.
I am now filled with pure anger..

Why did I get scared...
I told myself I was ready to do it and I failed.

Everything I needed was laid out right in front of me, when I finally was about to reach astral projection I failed because of my hidden cowardness.
I'm pathetic.

I have no memories of the dream that occured BEFORE all this...sadly..

Why did it have to be now when my fear had to show itself, I KNOW I AM NOT AFRAID OF THE STUFF THAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME, SO TELL ME WHY I JUST GOT SO AFRAID?!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Starting a Dream Journal
February 06, 2011, 01:33:08
So I was thinking about how much I want to begin Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection when I remember how my teacher and many other people told me to begin with a Dream Journal so I can begin to harness my dreams and learn from them.

I am gonna start a private dream journal, and maybe later release it once I get into the Astral Projection Stages.

Here is the thing, I thought it would be better if I started a Dream Journal with some other people/friends. We could share our dreams between us, remind each other about always getting down our dreams. This way it builds motivation, it will make people REMEMBER and WANT to continue their Journals. It'd be awesome, then when we finally hit the stage when we lucid dream/astral project, we would all meet up in the Astral World.

I dunno, I was just thinking that.
If your interested, just add me on MSN.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Issues
March 23, 2010, 21:48:55
I have some issues when I try to Astral Project. I still have no been able to Astral Project, I am really getting annoyed, its been almost a year of trying every night.

Now here is my problems.

1: When I sleep my saliva always seems to overload in my mouth, it doesn't really go down my throat, I need to swallow it, and that messes up my concentration.

2: When it gets cold I want to cover myself with Sheets and try to Astral Project. The sheets seem to be a distraction for me because I can't seem to Astral Project with them on me. I find it easier to Astral Project with no Sheets on me.

How can I solve these problems?
I want to AP but I STILL can't and I am getting mad now cause of it.
I always try to AP on my back, with my hands apart, palms facing down, and feet together. Head is also down. My body is all flat. Even when I put my head on a pillow I still can't seem to get the saliva down without having to force it.
From what I have heard, apparently if you try to Open your Chakra's or learn psychic abilities it changes who you are. I am wondering, will it change me for the better or worse?
I don't want to become a whole new weird person with a different personality just because I am becoming Psychic or Opening my Chakra's.
I mean, right now I am like a normal teenager, I don't wanna become some total weirdo, who dresses like I am Gothic or in all white, and listens to some emo music or whatever.
I want to stay normal and be able to become Psychic/Open my Chakra's safely.

I don't mind if I become a better person then I am right now, I mean a much better person. I just don't want to be in the weirdo category, like dressing all weird, odd personality, etc.
No offense to anyone if I disrespected.

I know being Psychic and having spritual powers isn't considered normal, but yeah, who cares about that, its cool, and its not really weird. But dressing weird, changing my personality for the worse, and becoming weird is just not cool.

I looked at the two sites below, and I saw some of the effects it would have on my personality, I really don't like some of those effects... I don't want to become someone with that kind of personality...

I looked at this site also, it really seems like Chakra opening will change who I am.

Will Opening my Chakra's change for the worse? Will becoming Psychic change me for the worse? I don't want to become someone I don't wanna be.
Hello everyone, my names Ryan or you can call me Symbol and I am 16 years old. I am new on these forums and felt I should introduce myself. I am here because I had several Sleep Paralysis experiences when I was younger, some which terrified me at the time since I had no idea what went on. Sadly, I can't go into Sleep Paralysis anymore and I never was able to Astral Project. Right now I am struggling Day in and out to successfully Astral Project. I have been trying for months with no success. When I was younger I could see ghosts and whenever I went to sleep I was always afraid something would happen. I went to sleep normally and just woke up in a sleep paralysis which was terrifying me at the time. Let me tell you about 2 of my past Sleep paralysis experiences that scared me when I was younger.

First Experience
I went to sleep normally and it seemed like a normal time. When I went to sleep I was afraid because I thought something or someone was in my room, a sprite perhaps. I went to sleep normally and woke up in the middle of the night, then I heard of voice come from inside the darkness, it asked me something, i'll quote exactly what was said to me.
"Think something in your mind and I will say it"
I thought of my name in my mind and somehow the voice in the darkness said it. I got so scared and saw I couldn't move, my whole body was vibrating and I was scared to death because I didn't know what was happening. I finally managed to get out of sleep paralysis.

Second Experience

I went to sleep normally again once again with fears of sprites in my room. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw something that was white and foggy and small on my window, looked sorta odd, and it wasn't a body since it was not tall enough, it was kinda round. I got scared and was struggling to scream and move, once again my body was vibrating, I couldn't move at all. Then suddenly the white foggy figure came at me and it looked like it went inside of my body, once that happened I regained control and could move again, and everything calmed down.

I am just so angry at myself, I had all these opportunities to astral project and I just let them pass because of my stupid fear. Back then I had no idea about psychics or Astral projection, but still the thought of me getting so close to astral projection and just messing it all up makes me so angry. Now up to this day I haven't had the sleep paralysis once, and I was never even able to once astral project in my life.

I am struggling to just astral project, up to this day I still train to get that experience, even if its for one last time, I just want to experience astral projection and see what its like.

Anyway, that's my story.