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Topics - Dreamer82

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Salvia Divinorum
September 01, 2009, 13:19:29
I read that this plant, when smoked, can induce OBE's and mystical experiences. It is used by some to achieve a deeper form of meditation. I've tried it one time and had an incredibly intense experience. In the 5 minutes I was under the influence of Salvia, I felt as though everything I had ever known about myself and the world were just illusions. For that brief amount of time I was "awake" and truely myself and it was a little frightening. Has anyone here ever tried it? If so, I'm very curious to know about other people's experiences with it....
Earlier this morning I experienced an OBE problem which I have often and have not been able to understand or solve. I was lying on my back feeling faint energy sensations and knew that I could leave my body. I felt that my eyes were closed and could see nothing. After I felt myself leave my body, (I was still unable to see), I attempted to "open" my eyes, but when I did I was seeing my room from the perspective of my physical body. I'm certain that my physical eyes were open slightly. I felt myself leave my body over and over again...with the same results. As soon as I feel that I am no longer attached to my physical body, I try to see by opening my "eyes" and am immediately looking out of my physical eyes which are open slightly...does this happen to anyone else? What am I doing wrong? How can I overcome this problem?

Have any of you actually met on Astral Pulse Island?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Phasing
June 28, 2009, 21:34:36
Can someone explain to me what "phasing" is? I'm new here and have seen this word used a few times....