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Topics - chill

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling Osho
April 27, 2004, 23:47:51 also does the same for "shzw dwck". An impressive search that can see through misspellings.
I did not delete your thread, I moved it to the Healing Place!

You are asking for healing, are you not?  I did however, delete your second post asking why I deleted your first one..[:D]

My thoughts go out to those in need..

Can someone explain to me how I could wake up tomorrow in a different timeline ?

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Cassiopaens and Pleiadians
February 24, 2004, 22:20:49


Let me summerize the concepts, quoting from the site.

There are several parts or persons in Deity.

"I am the voice that has been deep within you, your essential nature as Spirit. I am the single source of Light that along with the Mother creates and sustains all that is. I am evolving as Creation evolves. The fact that I am evolving remains a fact even though it has been denied by most of my worshipers. I am Light, the Great Spirit, the Great Yang. I am the essential and universal masculine force in Creation. My energy is like electricity, like lightning, the energy of inspiration, ideas and thoughts. While I am referred to as 'God', and worshiped as God... the truth is that I am only one part of God, one part of Deity, the whole gestalt responsible for causing and sustaining Creation."

The Mother
"The other essential half of Deity is the Great Mother, the cosmic womb of creation. She is the one who opens and holds the space that contains my Light, the magnetic field of being within whom my colors and hues take form. She is the Mother of Creation, the great feminine power of the universe. She is known as the Holy Mother, the Mother of Everything, the Great Yin. She is the Will of Creation. Her essence is magnetic, like the energy of gravity... it is drawing, holding, supporting and nurturing. The Mother's energy is emotional, feeling and grounding."

"In the class called Quest for the Mother I will tell you why until very recently my messengers, prophets and channelers have ignored the importance and even the existence of the Mother. Although I will speak about the Mother, I will be speaking only for myself here unless otherwise stated. The Mother has her own voice, and hers is quite different than mine. You can know her essence inside of you through sensations, she is easier to feel than to hear or see. Hers is the language of emotions, movement and sound. And like mine, the Mother's voice can be most truly heard inside of you."

The Father

"The Father of Manifestation, the Father of Creation is my presence in manifestation, my Body. He is the masculine force responsible for the Creation of this universe. He and I had long been at odds with each other, and our differences have been reflected in an apparent lack of my presence in Creation.


"The child of Creation, the original offspring of Spirit and the Mother is known to me as Heart. He is our Son, our first born... and she is our Daughter as well. The part of our Heart together, the Mother and I... that is more like me is called Heart Son, and the part of our Heart more like the Mother is called Heart Daughter."


"Although the Mother and I have created this universe and everything within it, there is a larger universe and another level of Deity beyond us. Our 'local' universe is one of several separate evolving Creations supporting manifestation, each created by an original offspring of your divine 'Grandparents', the Spirit and Will of Original Heart.

"Just as you and I have a relationship in which I am constantly present within you, the absolute, pure Original Spirit I call 'Grandfather' is always present within me. I therefore have not only the knowledge and understandings of my own experience, but I'm privileged to have Grandfather's now as well. Although Grandfather did not create this universe, he and the Original Mother created the conditions that made it possible for the Mother and me to create it."
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling John Gardner
January 01, 2004, 12:32:49
I could not connect to John Gardner. The only 'thing' I could connect with so far is my 'higher self'. I got this information :

1. First read The Art of fiction.
2. It's God you really want to speak to.
3. Someone is 'watching over' you.

If the questions are coming from another member, I may get an answer, I could then channel for that one person. Perhapse.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / ...
September 15, 2003, 19:52:27
What makes these results interesting? The results seem pretty predictably typical of a new age website that they came from. Am i missing something?
this message will autodestruct in 10 seconds....10...9...8...[|)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / A thought about Allanon
September 08, 2003, 10:19:24
You are correct in your thoughts.  However- I was mocked, picked on, etc in middle school, and I never even thought I was better than anyone else, or even tried pushing my thoughts on to someone else.  See what I saying?  Anywho-Allanon appears to have gone away...?  I jkust don't think that we should continue to talk about it as it may anger some :)  Lets go AP instead! [:P]

Welcome to Astral Chat! / WHAT DO YOU DO ?
August 10, 2003, 20:52:10
Hey Chill.

I wasn't going to post cause, well, I am not scientific in any way..but, I am waaaaaaay beyond college years..and I am a artist.
Guess that is it!, that didn't hurt one bit!

Nay. [;)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Q about a PICTURE
July 20, 2003, 23:21:13
i sense EVIL in her eyes i just had to look to other way. what did you felt.
Sometimes, very seldom, I get this doubt "what if all my experiences  are just hallucinations or average dreams?"
Like you, I had lots of hypnagogic experiences throughout adolescence and my teenage years. I would 'see' all sorts of frightening things in my room, and I hated it so much, I would be scared to take naps during the day, which was when it would usually happen.

But then I had one experience in which I affected another person in the 'waking world' during my out of body time. And it was so real, I just stood up out of my body and walked around. It felt just like that. And once you have had one of those experiences and even some proof from real life, you don't have much room for doubts anymore.

I would be interested in what modern science has to say about hypnagogic imagery and the experience, why it is caused and such. If you would...

If you need to verify your experience, then you're in the wrong field, how about OBE laboratorist?

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / ...
July 16, 2003, 11:58:23
The answer is straightforward, get yourself a pair of real time glasses, better yet, real time contact lenses.

I think I have a 'harder' time getting through mirrors and windows, then through plain walls, even brick walls...

What you got against entering through a door?
