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Topics - mcdwg

I just lost one of my labradors.  14 years old and it's been very tough, it's a first for me and I just wish I could see her in dreams, astral projection or somewhere to make sure she's fine.  I used to have AP's a lot a few years ago but I haven't had one in months.  She passed away Saturday night and I tried to have the intention of seeing her in a dream, I even stayed up late to see if I could see a projection of her but so far nothing.  She was the sweetest dog ever and I just hope she's ok.  It would be awesome if I could see her.  Any suggestions?  or should I just let go and hopefully it happens eventually?

Thanks everyone
Not sure if this is the right place to post, if not my apologies.

Does anyone meetup in zoom or any other place to chat about experiences?

Anyone interested?

I would assume that most of us have come to the conclusion that there's no bearded guy in the sky demanding obedience, worship, getting angry and not doing enough for suffering.  Most if not all religious people see themselves as separate from "God" not worthy of his might.  I now believe that God is source and we're a manifestation of source because source all knowing wanted to experience all there is.  Human beings, a rock, an insect, aliens, non- physical beings, all experiences.  Now I see and listen to other individuals in their journey and let me clarify this is merely my understanding, my perception, I'm obviously just a mortal with limited knowledge but I hear and read a lot about learning, that we're in a school for our soul development but then I ask if we're part of source and source knows everything but just wants to experience why is there a need to learn?  Wouldn't that be duality? Wouldn't that be a separation of our essence which could never happen but the illusion can be created to have the need for learning.  I see sometimes very complicated scenarios on how development works and I just don't think it's necessary.  Any comments on this?  Thanks
I joined this forum in 2009, at the time I was hooked on Robert Monroe and I was reading about anything I could fin about OBE's; needles to say I had amazing experiences for the next few years but then life happened.  kids, and raising kids basically life changed and the experiences just faded away.  I've tried to get back in by meditating, or reading other books but I can't seem to be able to have any more experiences or to just be in a trance state.  I used to practice the Frank Kepple method of noticing and it worked for me several times but now that I try and I just fall asleep.  Any books or meditating methods anyone recommends to be able to get back in?

Thank you.
I haven't had an OBE in a few months now, I haven't been trying much either but I think it's time to get back at experiencing again.  I used to have many episodes of sleep paralysis as a kid but as an adult it was maybe once or twice per month and now once in a while.  Are there any techniques for having sleep paralysis?  I remember I would have them as I laid on my side but I don't know if that would be a factor, anyone knows a good method?


I have read many times that we're here to learn but if I think about it that way it brings a sense of stress where I'm trying to find out what the "learning is" or what was learnt in any experience.

I choose to experience instead of learning because it gives me more freedom to express myself without looking for something specific, I see this life as an experience, I try to consciously just experience without much expectations sometimes and it's awesome that when there are no expectations things just evolve naturally based on my sense of being in the moment.

I think i've been doing this all my life unconsciously, and just a few years back i realized I can do this being aware of the process.  if I had to classify this life as a learning experience I'd be scratching my head looking for the "learning" in it, on the other hand I've experienced so much that I think I could easily say I've had three different lives in one so far, it's just that the experiences have been very different in certain parts of my life, and I think the key is I never had expectations of what I wanted, I just lived and things evolved

so my motto "experience and forget the learning, it's much more fun"

Take care everyone  8-)

So I went to bed a bit tired, I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep and then this scene came up as if I was out holding a videocamera out in the city at night.  At first I thought I was making it up but then I just had no thoughts blank mind and it just continued as if I was watching this city through someone else's eyes.  It only lasted maybe a minute but the way this field of view moved was weird.  This view turned right, left, went straight forward and then it just faded.  Do you think I saw through another of my selves point of view in his world??

I've had AP's, Lucid dreams, but I have never been able to communicate with my spirit guides.  I have gone to bed with the intention of having some sort of communication but after years of trying nothing yet.  Am I blocking this communication in some way? 

Is there any way to communicate with my spirit guides or I just have to wait until the setting is right?

Thank you
I have been struggling with the "ego" issue for sometime.

I was always reading about getting rid of the ego, ignoring the ego, how the ego is evil and bad and so on but then in another thread I read XANTH's explanation on learning to exist with the ego and accept others' egos as well, the ego can be a good companion if treated right

just reading that is like lifting a huge weight off my shoulders because now I see it as something that is part of me but instead of dominating me into arguing, buying, stressing, over things to make me feel good which is only temporary now I just see it as something I need to tame.  instead of arguing I may compromise or even give in because in the end "winning" an argument just gives you a temporary high but the one who gave in and just let go of the argument may be at peace not even thinking about it.  Let the EGO take over in an argument and taht is how families are torn apart, brothers, sisters don't talk for years because they let their egos take over and no one gave in, hey that is how wars are even started.

If I'm walking down the sreet and I see a pair of shoes I like which in my mind will make me think I will stand out in the crowd, people will admire me, put me in a pedestal because of the wonderful shoes; well that is the EGO saying you need to spend that money and buy those unnecessary shoes because social acceptance matters; who cares if you will go into debt, or that you will spend rent money on it.

Yeah there will be that temporary high of having those expensive shoes, feeling important but a couple of days later you realize "Oh crap, now I don't have money for the rent" and even if the money is no issue, I'm sure that the expensive shoes will mae their way into some corner only to be replaced by the next expensive thing.

But if we control this ego and let go of the assumption that I must have "something" to be accepted then that is liberating.

just wanted to write my thoughts, it's like finding a piece for a puzzle you've been looking for

Thanks once again XANTH
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Check out my blog
November 30, 2014, 12:37:02
Just created a blog and added a few articles. 

Still a work in progress, may change the theme and layout, basically I will have a blog on things with my opinion on it and I will also document how I got started on OBE's, I will also talk about the people and books that have influenced me and will give reviews of their books such as Monroe, Moen, Seth speaks, and many more.

One of my goals is to get back into having OBE's and maybe help anyone along the way on things that have worked for me

here's the link

Thank you
The other day I decided to get music so I could listen to it while running.  I came across the song dust in the wind and as soon as I heard it I felt as if I had been transported to a different place, like the place I was at 20 years ago when I was listening to it a lot, it wasn't anything visual but just the way I felt was just awesome, so now I'm just looking for old songs that take me back to when I was younger.

The interesting part is that while listening to it, if I close my eyes then it feels like i'm in a different place.  Like being in an altered state of mind. 

In my opinion having a projection it's not just about laying down and waiting for the right moment to project it's also about certain things that trigger your state of being to change that state of mind, and it can be as simple as music, solitude, walking in nature.  I know it's not the same as having a full blown OBE but in those moments in my personal view we can detach and have a projection that way, all this while being conscious.
After a long day, being tired I decided to take a shower.  It felt very relaxing with warm water, as the water was falling down I closed my eyes just feeling the water, after about two minutes this pulsating colorful pattern began to form in my field of vision; it was like a donut shaped cloud one after another just retreating away, as time passed this shaped was clearer and clearer every time and then after a few minutes like a small window showed up that began getting bigger and bigger until I could see like a field of falling leaves in the vast prairie, it was awesome, I wasn't there though.  I was just an observer.  All this while I was standing up, feeling the water coming down and seeing this.  It lasted maybe about 20 seconds and it just faded, I felt that if I had stayed in that state of consciousness longer I would've ended up inside this scene.

Can anyone tell me what was the pulsating cloud I saw while having my eyes closed, it had rhythm, and it was colorful.  I will definitely try it again and see if I can get there again.
So this happened a couple of months ago.  I had a very vivid OBE where I found myself shooting up into the sky, I didn't mind it because it felt really good but at the same time I remembered I wanted to ask some things.  The first thing I asked was to see my deceased dog that had been gone for some years already but it was my first dog so I always had him in my mind.  Anyways once I asked and while shooting up in the air the figure began to appear and then a dog figure and finally I saw it was my dog in front of me and again as I was going up in the air.  It was like a reflection, he looked at me with peaceful eyes and the moved his head to the side and faded away. 

Did I just created him because I wanted to see him or do you think it was actually my dog.  Once he was gone I went back to my physical body, I still ask myself was it really him or was it my creation to satisfy a question?

Have you seen your pet when you asked?

Thanks  Ruben
I wonder why is it that when out of body' everything around feels so normal that one forgets to do awesome things.

I have found myself saying; "ok I'm out now" but then I struggle to know what to do next.  I think the most I have done has been flying but sometimes while awake I say to my self " I will visit here, ask to see this, talk to my guide" so many things but once out I just don't do it. 

Has this happened to anyone?  What do you do to pursue things you want to do besides flying?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / True isn't?
April 07, 2014, 02:43:43
"Do not waste the precious moments of this, your present reality, seeking to unveil all of life's secrets. Those secrets are a secret for a reason. Grant your God the benefit of the doubt. Use your NOW moment for the Highest Purpose- the creation and the expression of WHO YOU REALLY ARE. Decide who you are- who you want to be-and then do everything in your power to be that."  ― Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God

I've been reading "Conversations with God" and although I may not agree with everything in it the above quote resonates deeply with me, it is true that at one time or another we asked ourselves questions such as "what is the purpose of my life, where did we come from, where is humanity going, how do i get enlightened? and many more but it seems people try so hard to answer or get an answer for these questions that we lose focus on the fact that we as individuals are the ones who can choose our path our purpose just by experiencing.

I remember when I was doing this experiment where I would start every day with some affirmations just affirming the fact that i am the presence of God, i create my experience, and giving thanks for what I was given; at first it seemd as though I was just saying something with nothing behind it but as time passed, and kept saying these words without expectation then my perspective began to shift to that of having inner peace and actually enjoying the day without thinking of how miserable work would be and it didn't end there.  Things at worke changed where the environment was better, circumstances in my life also changed where I ddin't have to worry about certain things that had to do with money, so in my assesment it seems that god, the source, the all that is, the universe changed things in my life in order to have that inner peace.

Trying to get there again
I was doing some school work around 2 in the morning, I decided to sit on the couch and close my eyes; at that point I was already in that stage of wanting to go to sleep but I was still awake.  All of a sudden I started seeing these faces forming in front of me, they'd be like mist forming into faces of a man with mouth open or man with serious face or woman just staring back.  I don't get creeped out easily since I have never had a bad experience but this did give me the chills, first time ever that happened to me.  I just opened my eyes and that was it.

I've heard that when you are in sleep paralysis you may hear sounds and see images that are not there and this is just a creation of the mind the hipnagogic stage but I have had sleep paralysis since I was a kid not as frequent anymore but other than the vibrations and buzzing I have never heard or seen anything and these images I saw started just a few seconds after I closed my eyes.

What do you think it was?  My creation?  Something else?

I've had very amazing experiences from seeing my hands, arms melt to flying, going to space, feeling the sensation of going back to my physical body, flying through doors, and just reading about everyone's experiences.  Amazing how powerful we are, such creators and yet I feel at the moment that I can't get back to it with the same intensity I was once able to.

It's true that I have kids now, more responsibilities, more things to keep my focus on this plane but just about everyday I try to lay down and try to experience an OBE, I don't get frustrated but I don't pursue any more than that.

Basically my drive to read this forum, read books, try to OBE has diminished significantly over the past couple of years and from time to time I get this rush of how amazing all this is basically a hint of who I really am but it only lasts a couple of seconds and that's it, back to being fully immersed in this physical world.

is there anything i can do, should i meditate more, be with nature more, do affirmations, what do you think could help me get back on the path i once was.

I really miss the excitement of feeling the vibrations because I knew something was about to happen, sometimes I didn't even need them anymore, once I was even on dual locality i actually felt I was in two places at once, and all of a sudden everything just stopped, is this part of the plan or what?

I need to get back.

Some help please

Welcome to Dreams! / End of the world dream
April 22, 2013, 15:50:54
I had a very vivid dream last night that it was the end of the world, or at least my end of the world.  It was very short but again it was very vivid.  I was driving down this road, down a bumpy hill and I remember there was a woman riding with me and there were houses on the side of the road, old houses; it seemed like a different country.  Hilly dirt road and all of a sudden I looked into the horizon and there were three volcanoes that just erupted, all of a sudden I could the mushroom shape filled with smoke on all three volcanoes and as I was watching that the earth started trembling.  Oddly enough I wasn't scared but more amazed than anything else, I saw this huge cloud of smoke coming from all three volcanoes coming our way and I guess at that point I said good bye to this earth.  I remember getting out of the car with the woman and just leaning against a house by the road just waiting for the smoke to swallow us.  I remember in a split second I wondered if it was going to hurt and what would happen next, and just like that I remember no more but it was a very interesting dream.

I wonder if it has any meaning at all or if it just happened because of all the weird news going on around the world.

Just wanted to share
This morning I was laying down in bed.  It had been probably about 20 minutes after I woke up, I remember being fully awake, in full control of my body and I was just being lazy.  Anyways I started rubbing my eyes with my hands and obviously as I was doing that with my hands over my eyes it was pitch black; well somehow I was able to see a speck of color in the darkness so I thought let me focus on it and I did.  As I focused on that dot of color it became bigger and bigger until I could see light through it.  It was big enough that all of a sudden the light started taking shape, it started to turn green then it transformed in a bed of green leaves, the color was very vivid and I was kind of shocked because I was fully awake, so the image went away.  I thought let me try it again, I actually took my hands off my eyes for a couple of seconds and put them back on, again in the darkness I saw the dot, I focused on it and again it grew more and more.  It looked as though it was a passage to another dimension.  This time it transformed into an scene of a house in the distance in a what it looked like a prairie, it looked like it was almost sunset and somehow I lost focus and it vanished.  I tried it the third time and this time the image was that of a silhouette of a man laying down, the background was brown with no recognizable structures, just brown; the man was glowing and was just laying down.  It was a very weird experience, I was awake.

Where did the images come from?  I will try it again tonight maybe I can see more than this morning.

Anyone ever experienced this?
The link is about an interview to a Harvard Neurosurgeon who had an NDE and changed his view on the subject, in my opinion the best one I have read without religious dogma and open minded.]
So in my 35 years of being on this earth I have always wanted to see a ghost, or hear or experience something paranormal; now I will say that I have achieved OBE's and phasings in the last four years but that has been not while i have my eyes open and after being in a trance, well something just happened about 10 minutes ago here in my house that might be considered like nothing by some but I was a bit sacred and on edge a bit.

so it is almost midnight here in Aurora CO, my newborn son was crying so my wife says please go downstairs and get me a bottle for the baby.  I turned the light switch on to walk downstairs as I was midway down I hear this gust of wind and all of a sudden I hear this distinctive whispering as if somebody was whispering in my ear; I tried to make sense of it by thinking it was my wife but she was all the way upstais.  It kind of sounded like "where are you" or something like that but it just stopped me in my tracks for a couple of minutes.  By the way I was reading "way of the weirdo" which is about energy and conspiracy theories so I don't know if that had anything to do with it but again it made me stop for a couple of minutes.

Anyone experienced something like this wide awake?

take care
I went to bed and after a while I realized I would get an OBE.  I began to raise out of my body and I said to myself " wow I am finally in the RTZ, I will be able to look at myself"  I went up and turned around and saw a shadow where my body was supposed to be leaning against a wall, then I started floating downstairs and went outside, I was very surprised at how vivd everything looked thinking it was the RTZ, everything seemed familiar and then I woke up, but then I realized hey I'm not leaning against no wall I was on my bed lying down and then what i remembered from the experience was totally not my house or neighborhood so where was I?  Everything seemed so familiar during the OBE but once I came back to my body I realized I didn't know where I was, makes sense? 

was it a dream maybe?
I decided I would try to have a phasing this morning even though I was taking care of my 9 month old daughter.  She was laying on my stomach and oddly enough I after a few minutes I started feeling vibrations, maybe one or two every few seconds, then after about five minutes this rush of vibrations came over for about 20 seconds; it was very intense and the weird thing is that y daughter immediately got up and looked around as if someone woke her up, too bad can't ask her what she felt.

After a while my daughter fell asleep and I closed my eyes, I had a lot of awareness of the outside but I just figured I would try to will myself to go outside my body and suddenly I felt floating outside my body and I looked down and i saw what appeared to be a baby's body but then I soon realized I had created that entire environment because I decided to go outside the house and explore.  The weather here in Colorado is currently cold but the environment seemed like it was a hot day with kids playing around and I even floated by a house and saw people inside that I had never seen and I actually said to myself it wasn't the RTZ, I felt disappointed but then I decided to play a little so I looked at where my arms would be and didn't see anything but then they appeared very blurry and melted, then I said to myself I would try to walk and I would describe the experience awkward as if an astronaut is walking on the moon just bouncing, it didn't feel right.

It's weird because the entire time I didn't feel like I had a body at all just awareness floating, I could also hear myself breathing and it sounded as if I had a stuffy nose.  The last thing I tried as to will myself to the Eiffel tower in Paris but what I tried was to speak it and it sounded like one of those voices recorded in ghost hunters, I said "to Eiffel tower" but then I woke up.

A couple of things i noticed:  I never thought I would be able to project having my daughter next to me and yet in my opinion it was done effortlessly, first time I didn't sense I had a body but just awareness floating around.

Just wanted to share
I have had dual awareness probably twice already, laying in bed still feeling my body, listening to the dogs, my wife, the wind and at the same time flying up in space and feeling being in a phasing, feeling as splitting in two and havng no problems with it, I think one of the best experiences ever.

Is there a way to practice this or do they just happen once in a while?

So this morning I attempted to have a phasing, I felt the vibrations and I was out.  I thought I was in the RTZ because I was in the house so I flew down the stairs and I saw two females in the living room, I thought I knew them as I saw them, everything seemed as if I was in my own house but when I came back to the physical I have no idea who they were.  I was in the living room and decided to go into the bathroom to see myself in the mirror and when I looked at myself I saw myself dressed in military fatigues but my face and hands or were a blur so I decided to go into the yard and see what my dogs would do so I flew outside and I remember that as I thought about it I was instantly outside, I looked at the dogs just hovering above them and they would just run in circles.

I lost interest in them and noticed that the day was overcast, many clouds above so I decided to fly upward and I instantly went flying through the clouds and then I was back in my physical body.

So was this just a lucid dream where I created a replica of my house with dogs and everything, the only aspect different was the females that at the moment I tought I knew them but now i have no clue who they were.

it was cool though, I will try again today.
I was lying in bed and with my eyes closed I started seeing light patterns and then the ringing started.  As the ringing intensified the light which was purple turned into like a purple sphere in front of me, the sphere pulsated as the ringing got stronger to the point that I went through it but it was still dark on the other side; then I saw a tiny dot of light and it seemed getting bigger and bigger and again I crossed it but this time I saw the sky above me.  I waved my arm in front of me and it was blurry.  I thought about sitting up but then I thought I would wake up because in my mind I was still bound to my physical body but I sat up anyways and I found myself still within the phasing, I started flying but everything around me seemed like the sky, nothing to recognize.  I then thought about having an OBE within the RTZ, I wanted to see my physical surroundings but in an OBE awareness and immediately I found myself outside a hotel, I say a hotel because that is what I thought it was, and here's where I am confused, why didn't I think of going into my bedroom in my house, instead I saw myself outside a hotel, I was on a trip last week so I spent five days at a hotel and that is the only connection I see, did my mind think I was still at the hotel?  That was weird, I heard the dog and came back to the physical.

Just wanted to share
I finally had another phasing after many months, it was very interesting as well.  I went to bed like everyday hoping to get a phasing or OBE, right when I was in the threshold of falling asleep my wife says "it's getting cold" that alone made my mind awake but kept my body falling asleep, t was weird because I closed my eyes and I started seeing images immediately while also being very much aware of the outside listening to my wife's breathing.  All of a sudden I felt myself floating but everything was black then I willed myself to go up and I sensed as I was going through the roof up into space at a very high speed and all of a sudden I stopped but again everything was black, now while all this was happening I could still hear my wife's breathing and I could actually sense my surroundings but at the same time floating within this black space.

At that point I thought about going to the moon and I started feeling like started flying again at high speed and all of a sudden I see the moon in front of me, this huge white planet in front of me filled with craters and suddenly these two cylinder like objects appeared on my left just slightly ahead of me, I was going at their speed approaching the moon.  Once very closed the objects slowed down and actually landed at what looked like a platform.  I was watching well above them and I saw these figures come out and go into a building I immediately followed them inside just going through the walls, the inside looked like a huge room with futuristic machinery with lights and big screens and I don't know why but just like that my curiosity faded as if saying "enough I want to see something else", as if it was normal, very weird.  I wanted to go to other galaxies but I opened my eyes at that moment.

Hopefully I can start again getting more experiences.

Interesting though, I could feel, sense, hear my physical surroundings while I was having this experience with no problem at all, it's happened before but not this long.

Take care
I have had phasings and OBE's in the past.  they were amazing, and then I even practiced techniques about manifesting our thougts into reality and they worked as well, but lately it's as if i don't care much about it anymore.  I guess I've been wrapped up in physical matters too much in the past, a new daughter, sleepless nights, money came in, very busy.  Now I am ttrying to get back by trying to meditate or doing affirmations and practicing phasing techniques but so far I fall asleep or i just drift away.

Any meditation techniques anyone recommends?

Thank you
I've been doing affirmations for a couple of months now, the other day I was thinking about the Monroe Institute and the gateway voyage program in VA. I saw that it was $1900 to attend so I said to myself (would I go if I had that much money available, would I tell my wife I'm on military assignment just to go?, nah forget it).  I applied for a loan to pay for a medical bill and the weird thing is that I was offered three times what I asked for.  I know it sounds crazy but hey I could have money to go to VA now and maybe have one of the best experiences of my life and learn really good techniques.

I actually contacted the bank and asked why are you offering more than I asked for, they just said to go online and reduce the amount.

I have to say the last couple of months have been really good as far as affirmations go.  Got car paid off when I still had a year left (money source came up), work environment is really good compared to three, four months ago, newborn is just perfect after a high risk pregnancy and overall I have the belief that I have created everything good that has happened with my affirmations thus my mindset is just good no matter what happens.

What would you do?  Would it be worth going?
I got the Gateway experience recordings, I listened to the first one on orientation and I have to say it was very useful for me because I always have trouble visualizing; the directions and the sound really helped me visualize and  even though my newborn would cry at times, I was able to get into a nice trance where I would feel waves of energy through my body.

Then I listened to it again now without anyone around and again I was able to get into a very good trance but got out of it after a while.

That same night I felt the vibrations and I remember I had my eyes semi-closed where I could see some light through my eyes, the vibrations became very intense and I willed my astral body to lift off the bed, I felt my astral body lifting but I could not see anything, at that point I could see through my eyes and I thought that if I opened them then everything would stop, I finally opened them as a reflex I guess but I still felt as I was lifting up, then something weird happened where I felt as if something or someone's hand was preventing me from going up, I felt frustration and after a few seconds I instantly returned to my physical body.

A couple of interesting things, when I opened my eyes the light was the same as when the room is lit up, so I don't know if it was a very good lucid dream even though I remember maintaining awareness or if it was in fact my room and not a construct of my mind.

This is the first time I feel the presence of someone with me, I didn't feel afraid, I did feel frustrated.

I will say I think the Gateway recordings will help me get to a different level, I have listened to them a couple of days now and I see the difference in progression, it's like I have a map now of what I am doing.  I am pretty certain I got to Focus 10 as described by Monroe already and hopefully I get further soon.
my phasing experiences have decreased a lot probably because I ahve a newborn, government shutdown. focusing on affirmations now, blah blah blah.  Anyways I have tried once in a while to have a phasing but I always fell alseep, and my desire was not that strong either.  So yesterday I pumped myself up thinking about how great the experience, what I wanted to do so I laid down, noticed the black, started counting, almost fell asleep but regained focus.  one thing I've noticed is that I have more success laying on my side, i have no clue why.  After about five minutes I laid on my side, five minutes later i think I started seeing the images of the cloud like vortex and started to feel extremely relaxed, it's a very good feeling.  Then the vibrations came, some time since I felt those.  I let them get stronger and once they were very loud and strong I willed myself up, i felt as my astral body went up going from 6 o'clock to 12 o'clock in an arch, i was not seeing anything so i said clarity now and my astral vision cleared up.  I saw the window like scene and saw that there was some sort of forrest on the other side, i willed myself to get to the other side and I instantly found myself in what looked like a scene from the medieval times, I was in the middle of the forrest; the colors were bright.  i was standing there just observing my surroundings and I don't know why i didn't do something else like flying or going through something, next thing I know I woke up.

I think I'm rusty, I hope to make the effort and maybe i will have more, if my newborn lets me lol

What do you guys make of this?

I personally do not believe in everything the bible says but watching this gives me the creeps for some reason, somehow I want this to be true and another part of me says nah it's just a camera affect, anyways you can see on this video at the tenth second mark and the second video is the original video.

Again I don't really believe in this revelation stuff but watching how the Middle East is going into turmoil and now this, it just gives me the creeps.
So one of the teacher's at my niece school suggested that she may have autism because of some signs, I started researching and I found out I may have a mild form of Autism called Asperger, I always felt kind of odd, disassociated with those around me to the point that I would make it my goal to not talk to anyone in school, but at the same time I was very good at very specific things that I would just get obsessive about them like soccer, geography, reading.  Anyways I have read that having these kind of disorders can actually make it easy to get in touch with the non-physical world, when I first found out about SP I became sort of obsessive about reading and knowing more about the subject but not to actually experience it because of fear, it turned out that I did have experiences after about four months, so far they've all been very good but I wonder if my willingness to disassociate from the world has helped me achieve some success. Now let me clarify that I do lead a sort of a normal life, I'm military, with a wife, kid on the way but with these experiences in my life.

Any thoughts?


So the other night I was laying down and something weird happened, I closed my eyes and a few seconds later I could sense the blackness like in 3D and I could see this sort of portal or window coming towards me, it was very clear inside the window and lightly dim but I never got in so it was like a phasing experience but the weird thing is that I was not even relaxed I could still feel my body and even the noise going around me like the wind and just random noises.

I could literally feel like I was in two places, and both felt unique like I was split in two but at the same everything was one. It's really hard to explain and I guess even comprehend.

First, I hope everyone had a good 2010 and good wishes for a happy new year.

So i was reading "Seth, Speaks, The Eternal Validity of the Soul" I read a lot and went to bed.  I immediately noticed and felt after closing my eyes that  something would happen, just a feeling.  I laid down on my side and started hearing the buzz on my ears, then I just felt like floating up and just thinking "just let whatever happen, happen" then I remember being in the middle of the living room and seeing my niece who is visiting from California, she seemed a lot younger and I floated down to her and asked her "do you see me?" " do you know who I am?" and she just nodded her head as if saying yes but didn't say a word, then I said to her I will go check on mom and decided to leave out of a window and it was as if some sort of wind was preventing me from going out but finally I floated out of that room and I was what it seemed like 100 stories up in the air right next to a tall building and I could see the lights of the city down below.  I thought I'll just let myself drop and see how long it takes me to get down and I did, I didn't feel any sensations of wind or anything else, just the lights below began to get bigger and bigger and then I returned to the physical.

The weird thing is that from the moment I saw myself in that room everything seemed as if I belonged there, everything seemed familiar and from the moment I closed my eyes until I returned to the physical I did not lose awareness at all but when I returned I said to myself, where was I? waht was that place?

Something I read from the book Seth is that we actually live all our experiences or lives or reincarnations simultaneously and that when we enter other realities that we may be able to peek into those lives so I wonder if that is what I did because the little girl seemed as real as I see my niece right now.

Very interesting experience.

Any thoughts,

So the last time I had an OBE was a couple of weeks ago and I thought "cool i might be having OBE's more frequently now" but nothing since then.  I usually don't get any vibrations or practice any complex technique, I just focus on the blackness when I close my eyes and when it does happen it starts very quick but it seems now it is very random.  Its like someone saying "ok you'll have one today'.

In the last OBE my awareness seemed to be very good, It's like it's getting better every time but the frequency it seems is not as often as I would like it to be.

Is your progress gradual or ups and downs.

So last night I was drifting off to sleep and I knew right away that I would be able to have an OBE or lucid dream.  I felt as I was lifting off from my body and I was looking down at my body and wife on bed.  I even heard my wife saying that it was cold.  Then I floated out to the hall going through the wall and I remember looking at myself in a mirror and saying so that is how I look while out of body which was not different fom the physical.  Next I floated going downstairs and decided to go out so I went through the wall again and the weird thing this time is that I saw myself in the backyard of my childhood house just staring at the scenery and a few seconds after that I returned to my physical and woke up.

So here is where I am confused.  We do not have a mirror in the hallway so how come there was one.  We have two dogs that were sleeping on the hallway but did not see them.  When I got out of the house I thought I would see the darkness and whatever is outside the house but instead the scenery changed to my house when I was a kid, so basically I am not sure if this was a lucid dream or OBE or something else.

One more interesting thing I did was when I was getting very relaxed I thought of the word evil just to see if anything would manifest and the only thing that happened was that I started having a devilish laugh but nothing else.

So please help me understand what I had.

Thank you
So everyday going to work I feel like crap having to deal with BS and other stuff so I remind myself hey it's an experience I will just try to enjoy and my mood usually changes to a better one, well this morning I did the same process and something weird happened, as soon as I finished everything driving down the road everything in front of seemed like I was in a movie like I was watching from a different perspective, like watching from outside, it's hard to describe sort of seemed like slow motion, I even noticed the sun shining down and it felt good.  I felt like a kid going to a field trip that I was waiting for so long to go, I was enjoying every moment of it and so far at work everything is going great, and believe me being in a US Marine unit brings a lot of stress but it doesn't feel like it today, hey it's not about everyone being nice and hugs here and there, being in my unit is about being yelled at, wanting this and that yesterday but with this state of mind it doesn't matter, I mean I see everything in a different light.

Xanth commented on another thread is about mindfulness and I didn't even know about it but I found this link and it kind of resonates with what I am trying to do without the meditation part but I strongly believe practice makes perfect because I am starting to see results.

Just wanted to share

edit by mod: fixed link
Cool video I found in youtube about the meaning of life
I feel so motivated to share this because I have never felt this way until today, it's like a switch kind of thing.  I have been searching for so long for the truth, my truth and I think I am finally in the path of getting my puzzle together, let me tell you how it all started please.

I found this video in youtube about reality being an illusion, I even posted a topic here, I think it is still being discussed.  By the way the video is no longer available in youtube, who knows why but it has been my base to find amazing things and weird things you could say.

So watched this video and there were many speakers talking how reality is just an illusion and we are the ones who create our own reality.  All these speakers pretty much share the same concept but there was one that really resonated with me, I just kept going back to hear this guy even though he spoke maybe less than most of them I will venture to say my expanded self said "hey that's the one" kind of thing.  Anyways I even went to the site and researched all the speakers bios and they all had intensive training but I kept going back to this guy whose name is Robert Scheinfeld.  he has a couple of books out there and transformational multimedia dvd's.  I bought his book "busting loose from the money game" and I started reading it and everything just made sense to me.  According to his book, we are infinite beings with infinite joy that we can not even comprehend and that we decide to play the human game to experience limits and restrictions, basically we want to experience being opposite of who we really are by imposing limits, restrictions from the day we are born.  Feeling miserable, and feeling happy for our expanded self has no difference, they are both an experience and the way we get more directly connected to our expanded self is by knocking down these limits and restrictions not because this physical part of me wants to but because my expanded self decided to play a different game, by giving me hints and it is amazing how I recognize these hints like feelings saying question this question that.

Now here's why I feel so good, in Robert's book there is a process to start knocking down these limitations. Basically instead of running away from discomfort you welcome it the most because discomfort is what creates limitations.  So for example when I feel discomfort I welcome it and try to intensify it as much as I can when it reaches a peak I just say that I am pure consciousness, or presence of God and that the situation that gave me discomfort is only an illusion that I created and I want the power back, then I appreciate the fact that I created such an experience. Believe me I have felt this surge of energy going through my body instantly and such joy afterwards.  I have practiced meditation, energy works and nothing has ever worked as good as this for me, basically the more I apply this process the more I will feel joy for everything that happens to me no matter what the experience is, and this leads to live a life of no worries because I know my expanded self will take care of whatever needs to happen since everything is an experience anyways.

This has led me to the feeling of just living the moment without worrying about tomorrow or the days ahead because I know i will be taken care of and I have a couple of experiences that have reinforced this new understanding in my case.

I had to go to North Carolina from LAX so I showed up at the airport about two hours before my flight was scheduled to leave. I then realized my ID was missing, I felt very frustrated and a lot of discomfort. I applied the process at that moment and I felt peace so I decided to go back home and get my ID, I didn't feel bad that I would lose my flight I just felt oh whatever happens happens thinking everything will be fine. I arrived at the airport which by the way was packed, made it to the counter, the lady told me I might not make it because of security and they were about to start boarding, I just said ok I'll try anyways.  I got to security and you will not believe that being so packed there were barely anyone in front of me, I still didn't care, I thought this is cool, I walked to the gate and by the way I didn't have tickets yet so I got to the gate and this guy hands me my ticket and I was the last one to get on the plane, coincidence maybe but security not being crowded, not having tickets and barely making it I just thanked myself for taking care of myself at that moment.

Another example just happened this morning which I truly believe is no coincidence.  My wife got a call from her doctor to see if she could make it to hear our baby's heartbeat but it was short notice.  She asked me if my boss would let me go and I said probably not because it is short notice.  I applied the process because I felt frustrated that I had to wait longer and work all day, after I applied the process I felt relieved and went to work, at around 8 in the morning, my boss receives a call that the First Lady is on her way to base and that the base will shut down, at 8:20 he says go home we can't risk being here and not able to go home because of security.  It was amazing, never has something like that happened, I was able to hear my baby's heartbeat.  I just feel it that I am truly in a more direct connection with my expanded self than ever before, without words or asking directly just by appreciating my life no matter what brings me.

I used to ask for my expanded self to show himself so I would believe but I now realize that my expanded self and me are the same, it's wild. I still have a lot of layers to work out but I want to get to the point where joy rules my life and having a hint of it just makes me feel powerful, even astral projecting, OBE's are not a major issue now because I realize I am here to experience and when this ride is done I will go back to being who I really am, very simple, not complicated at all.

I just thought I share this because it's an overflowing feeling, it's awesome.  I used to be a very analytical person but now it's like why try to explain it and just enjoy it just let go.