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Topics - Windwalker.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Frank Kepple Monroe CD
February 15, 2019, 15:12:56
I remember reading how Frank Kepple claimed he used one of Monroes cds which ultimately helped him tremendously to go ob. I cant remember the cd. It was only one and Frank harped on that you must be patient and use it every day. I believe it cost $99 for the one cd. Can anyone remember what that cd is? I figure Xanth would probably remember. Im gonna bite the bullet and purchase the cd. Anyone else have reviews of their experiences with the cd? Thanks!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Ouija board
December 27, 2018, 17:59:17
Im curious if any members have used a ouija board and had any "success" and what their technique and experience was. Anyone? Thanks!
When people experience NDEs it seems as if they experience the physical as if remote viewing themselves ie, "I heard what the Drs. said to each other and them pronouncing me dead" etc. which i believe is refered to as the real time zone. None of my OBEs have occured it the rtz- although many are very similar, i clearly realize the experience is within me vs. me floating out of my body in the physical. Even Monroe spoke about "pinching" a woman friend of his to prove he was OBEing in the rtz-but again, my experiences are clearly not the rtz. . Although most of Monroes experiences were clearly not in the rtz. So I am curious if NDEs actually occur in the rtz or if they simply appear to because of the similarities just as OBEs do? At times i have wondered if obes and ndes were one in the same given many people label ndes as actually happening in the rtz and label obes as "only lucid dreaming" and not the same as an nde in the rtz. Im curious if there is literature on people who have experienced an nde and also experienced obes for their opinions. I only ask this because i spoke with a person who said NDE'ers actually float out of their body ala a ghost and OBEers are simply having lucid dreams. I couldnt guide this person to any literature of people who have experienced both who state they are one in the same.
I had consecutive obes after a relative dry spell i found strange. The first night i was hovering at the sleep/wake border and just before i fell asleep vibrations came on strong. I ended up in a couples home that seemed slightly in the future and they had these old worn ancient looking books on a shelf. I was analysing best i could and the writting in the books was tiny and i had a brief thought "damn-i wish i had my reading glasses" then i moved along to other things in the obe. The next night as i hovered close to the sleep wake line i fell asleep for five minutes before vibrations seized me and as my head was coming out and the ob scene was revealing itself i noticed half my vision was blurred and half was clear. The reason being is because i entered the obe with my damn reading gladses on at the tip of my nose! The only thing i can surmise is because the previous nights obe i briefly wished i had my reading glasses so -poof-i had them without even asking the next night. Has anybody else had an intent during one obe manifest during a different obe? Weird.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Astralpulse is a cult?
August 02, 2018, 04:35:50
I tried to get on the site earlier and a message said "astralpulse has been blocked by the server" or whatever because AP was a "cult." Wtf was that Xanth!??
Ive had vibrations since 1978 that i only learned of their obe aspect this past year in which ive learned much. My problem is this: I hardly ever have an obe without the vibrations. A few times hypnagogia turned into an obe/lucid dream but even then i had vibrations. Im really curious how yall go ob without vibrations and what your go to technique(s) is. Also.....exactly what ARE these vibrations in your opinion? Thanks!
My experiences happen 99% of the times through vibrations. My exit technique is this: once i have achieved astral vision during vibrations or it "feels right" i will move my astral arm towards my head and pull my hair which gets my head out so then the body easily follows. My body has always easily projected but not so for my head. This new technique of pulling my hair to project my head has worked every time since trying it. Anyway-i was laying on my left side and felt a "shift" which i relaxed into and the shift turned into vibes. I slowly moved my right arm and grabbed my hair and suddenly someone else grabbed my elbow while im pulling my hair. I said "pull-pull-pull" which he indeed did so and suddenly im on my feet face to face with a "real" friend i have although he looked slightly different. What i found odd is the environment seemed as though i really lived at the abode where my friend pulled me into ie i didnt think "wow-this is just a lucid dream and these surroundings are foreign." It seemed as if my friend simply let himself into my astral abode and awoke me from sleep with something he urgently needed. It didnt seem strange. It felt like i was actually living a life in that environment as if it were literally "me" but in a different dimension. Many of my other obes,  the environment seems foreign and i explore the foreign environment. This time it all felt natural as if i really did live in that abode and my friend came over to visit early in the morning. If it were "only" a lucid dream it would seem like i would say "ok-this is a dream and i am going to do this or that." Also-the manner i projected was a first. Having a friend pull my arm as im pulling my hair, assisting me in projecting. I believe we exist with multi dimensional personalities. Do yall think i "walked into" one of my multi dimensional personalities or am i over thinking this. Or.........? Thank you in advance and have a great day!
To those who have successfully accessed a guide could you expand on precisely how you did so while ob.  etc. Thank you.
Ive emailed admins without reply. How can i change my forum name? Thank you.
Ive noticed a difference between having vibrations and peeling yourself away from the physical body and phasing as in stepping into hypnagogic imagery where the scene is already in progress. When i peel away from the body during vibrations the environment is very similar to the physicals environment with minor differences. Are these the same focus levels as in Kepples focus 2?  Thank you.
I have about a zillion questions which i will stretch out vs. posting all at once. Many times my vibrations will occur within an actual dream which then instantly brings me to awarenesss. If i project from within the dream would it then be focus 3 of Frank Kepples model? Where the deceased are focused? Also-if i am having vibrations normally is there a technique to bypass focus 2 and go directly to focus 3? Thank you.
Ive had vibrations for decades and have recently become aware of their AP aspect. My biggest issue thus far is my girlfriend moves thru out the night interuppting my vibes. My vibes happen with "shifts" that start singularly then get closer and closer together until full blown vibrations. The shifts seem to be the edge of awake and rem sleep. It feels like my head swells momentarily which i can easily relax and turn into vibes. Anyway-i continue to have a difficult time exiting. I have easily rolled out before but many times my body will mostly come out but my cheek or whatever will still be glued to the physical. The past week ive been simply trying to "sit up" and that seems promising. Im starting to learn that if i first get my head out the body easily follows. Although i do remember my brief AP forrays my memory seems skewed as if dream memory. I need to engrain in my mind to remember the experience somehow. If anyone has vibrations with an excellent projection technique i would much appreciate it. Thank you.
Ive experienced sleep paralysis- vibrations since 1978 and it has only recently come to my attention that i can experience obes during these vibrations. I still experience vibrations minus the paralysis to this day. Im anxious to learn more about this phenomenon thru this forum and explore non physical reality. Ive read most of the notable books and also Frank Kepples posts from this forum. I also read Xanths book/pamphlet (thanks!) I plan on buying a float tank this summer with hopes of inducing the ob state easier. Ive always believed the essence of existance is spelled out in the book "Seth Speaks." I wish i had read Monroes books back in 1978 instead of essentially avoiding these weekly vibrations i experience. My goal is to explore the NP at will which im confidant is everybodys goal on this forum. I look forward to guidance from some of the more accomplished obe'ers on this forum. Thanks for reading!