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Topics - Avalon

Welcome to Dreams! / HIgher Self or coincidence?
August 04, 2003, 07:53:04
An odd but interesting and hilarious dream. I think at one point, I became lucid, toward the end.

I awoke early, about 0430 and decided to practice AP.  I got up and moved around a bit, fearing I would give into sleep during practice if I didn't.  When I laid back down to begin practice, I realized I forgot to set the alarm last night, but hoped that my husband did.  I practiced until 0540, when the prospect of sleep became overwhelming.  Still realizing that I needed to wake up at 0600, I decided to chance it.  I fell asleep.  Typically, this is a bad thing for me.  I sleep hard when I wake up early and return to sleep.

I started dreaming that I was at a party, my daughters were there.  It was time for me to leave, so I kissed my kids goodbye.  My oldest got really angry and started giving me a wedgie! Hahahaha!  It was irritating me that she was doing this and refused to stop.  I tried to move but found that I could not (sleep paralysis?).  The pressure was becoming very uncomfortable so I tried to open my eyes but everything looked "funny", so I closed them.  I was literally fighting to wake myself up at this point, so I opened them again and finally looked at the clock.  It was 5:58.  

So, I ask, does my Higher Self have an outstanding sense of humor when trying to make me aware during sleep?  Or was it just coincidence that I felt like my underwear were creeping up my nether regions at the same time I needed to wake up?

Only recently did the Group say that now the Crystal kids are starting to enter.

That's dated from 2002...  So, if they started to enter in 2002, the oldest one should be 1 year and a few months old...
While in trance I have also heard voices, but none of them have talked to me, before I talk to them.  How ever there is a spirit that I have listened and talked to in my spare time, she is real nice, to bad she doesn't seem to be around right now.[:(]  But I am sure she will be back, she always goes away on wednesday and returns the next.[:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Any bookworms out there?
September 07, 2003, 20:32:55
May I offer up a link to the author's website?

I think if you move your physical significantly, it recalls the energy body back instantly to itself.  I would GUESS that if you felt you moved and felt at the same time seperated from your energy body, that you might have had it backwards: you actually moved your astral body and only thought you were still controlling your physical body.  This type of thing happens to me sometimes where I have seperated but don't realize that I did, and so I still think I am in the physical.  I also screw up my projections sometimes trying to figure out if I have seperated yet.  

One time I just laid there in bed for what seemed a long time waiting for the seperation to finish, then finally gave up and rolled over to go to sleep...and could feel part of my body moving through the mattress (I had sunk down into the mattress).  In retrospect, I think I had seperated long ago and just did not know it, so I wasted most of my projection waiting to project. Insert

Hello! I never had an AP, but i had (i don´t speak english i always forget if it´s had, has, have, etc) something similar to your experience once.

I was in my bed, not sleeping yet. The room was dark but i was so tired that i thought that the light was on (i couldn´t know it, even with the eyes closed, because i had may pillow in my head, because of mosquitos). After a while, my brother enter on the room, and all the light s in my house were of (but i didn´t knew that). I open my eyes and look to my brother; i could see him walking aroun, i could see everything in the room, and i was convinced that the lights were on (but not). After a while, i realise that my vision when looking to my brother, was somewhat strange, then i noticed that they were off!! When noticed that i became very suprised and my astral(?) vision suddenly finished. This has happen 2 times with me.

About the my vision: i could see the things relatively normal. They had a strange yellow (if like illuminated by a yellow light) and the perifery of my vision was dark. It was like looking to an eliptic window: throw the window i saw the things, but around it, it was dark.


What was that?

You can do anything you believe you can.  Or you can do anything you believe you cant..