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I think I'll have to sacrifice a bit of personal information for the sake of interest [:D]

I've been in a long distance relationship on and off for some 3 odd years or so, and I'd say me and this person have formed an undeniably strong emotional bond. However, our relationship had been up in the air for the last several months, and in that time I've had what I would call some more than coincidental dreams which clearly tie into intense emotional events which were about to occur.

Personally I've been interested in astral projection and general metaphysics and occultism for about a year, though my progress has been depressingly minimal, with only myself to blame.

I guess the closest to a prophetic dream I've ever gotten would be this. One night, I dreamt (without warning or provocation) that I was trying to talk to this girl, and all she said to me was "I can't do this anymore, I need a real relationship." By that of course she was referring to our long distance relationship. Throughout the rest of the dream she just ignored me as I tried to talk to her. Of course, this led me to believe she was really some thought form or conjured up fear which was playing out. Lo an behold, a few days later I found out that she had been seeing someone else for about a month.

Not much later, I had another dream about her. This time, she was confessing to me that she had played innocent during the time we were together, while she had really been out sleeping around with other guys.
The next day I was told that she cheated on me back then (about a year ago), and coincidentally, that he had pressured her for sex several times (though apparently, she never accepted).
Oh dear :/

Of course after that we cut each other off for good, for good being about a month :P
One of those nights, I had a vague dream about her, where she wanted to be together again. Oh cruel dreams :O
However, after we started talking again, she confessed that she had regretted breaking up and wanted to get back together. :/ well

Since then, I've had two dreams with her that I can recall, however, in them the only emotion I managed to feel from her was apathy toward my presence. A possible sign of a thought form, yes, especially since in the one dream I was expecting to see her at a specific place, but I can never be too sure.

Long before any cheating or breaking up or not talking occurred, I did have one dream with her that was really wonderful...

So I wonder, when is a dream merely a dream, and when is it much more?

Oh em, the relationship probably seems pretty screwed up from that post, don't worry too much about the mechanics of it :/

But in situations like that, how would you guys decide whether what you've dreamt is true or if it's just an invention of your mind?
yay!  it sounds to me like it was most likely an actual OBE.  don't worry, i'm sure that this is just the first step toward more exciting adventures!  [8D]
Giant asteroids are no longer a major threat. If an asteroid is going to hit us, we'll know years in advance and have plenty of time to land a rocket on it that will boost an engine and guide the asteroid in another direction. In a year or two, even a 1 or 2 degree difference will be enough to guide the asteroid completely out of Earth's way.

Don't look for Nibiru around 2012, either. I'm sure enough that Nibiru is a bit farther off than that. Adrian's ideas on shifts in consciousness suit me just for the 2012 dates, if anything is to happen at all.
Hello Mr. Tab

All I can write is from personal experience.
I have been to 5 diffrent shrinks who could diagnose and perscribe pills as well as listen to your story. 4 diffrent counclers and a number of church/psychic/shawman/buddhist/wiccan and sad to say conspiricy theory junkies to find out what I've known for years.
I had been under psychic attack for a long time.

The pills made the attacks, "voice's", brusies yes brusies on my face and depression worse. I was more suicidal in fact that is the only time I have been suicidal in my life, was on all the pills. At one point I was on 5 diffrent pills every day trying to make it all stop.
schizophrenia is a mental illness. OCD-MPD are signitures of PPSD-Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and even some forms of schizophrenia are PPSD with psychotic features to it that hide if you will in the form of schizophrenia.
Yes, I do think that mental illness can be a part of attack and vice versa. I also think that brain chemistry and brain energy overlap. that is why eeg's and ekg's exist.
I also think that pure psychic attack exist and if untreated will lead to PPSD as well as other things.
I am glad I have tried modern medicin first. I could after 4 year honestly rule that out. I have tried just anti-depressants, just tranquilizers, and none of them helped.
Treatment of any illness or hurt is healing and if you have not been hurt in life you have not truly lived. The science is important only if healing is the goal otherwise why study a lab rat whene it would rather be free.

Buddhist quntum physichs from what i understand might interest you. It seems every thing we think we know has already been discovered only put in too simple of terms for us to understand, kinda like we need complications to be happy.

Great Question