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Topics - Soulfire

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Pendulum course, part 2?
September 09, 2003, 16:48:59

I was just wondering in light of all the recent conflict regarding the pendulum threads, whether part 2 of the pendulum course has been cancelled?  I sincerely hope it is still released.  :)

Nice post Soulfire. I do agree that each of us can make a difference, although it may not seem that way at times. In my view, the hard part is to try and live a spiritually sound life. That doesn't come easy in this crazy world.

However, what we can do for others is important. Things like listening, being patient, taking out an elderly neighbor's trash, and so on. These are the little things that come up every day. They are, imho, important (at least for me) to remember to do and keep doing.

So thanks for the topic and the post. Also, if you'd rather I move it to the Spiritual Development forum, just pm me. It might be a good place for this type of thread.

All the best,
OMG how freakin' strange is that?  And i was thinking Broccoli, but said carrot! LOL Nice one!

Nah, it's all you in this one [:P]

View -> Text Size -> Medium.

If that doesn't fix it, then I don't know [:)]

Welcome to Astral Chat! / CAN WE PLEASE BAN Xvirus?
September 13, 2003, 19:22:18
I think some form of action has been taken, as the posts just all of the sudden stopped at 102.  We'd have to ask a moderator to verify, but I'm sure something has taken place.


PS - POST #900!!  [8D]
haha ![:D]a good one !!!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Copyright Question.
September 01, 2003, 13:30:45
Sounds perfectly legal based on what I've been taught about plagiarism at school.
The only thing that I can think of is to continue to pray for him, and when you visit him again in the astral try to recall and delve further into what is truly bothering him.  Perhaps after a few more times speaking with him you will understand what is making him feel that way and maybe begin to help him through it.
Hello Soulfire,

A story may be True, even if the facts aren't quite right.  This is especially True when a sorcerer gets to the higher levels, and so-called "reality" starts to get . . . shall we say, shifty.

I've been in altered states when I've stood still,looked down at the ground, looked up again, and found myself in a different place.  Granted, it was only a 45 degree shift in my vantage point but it sure freaked me out.  Taking out the garbage was never again the same . . .

So go the Casteneda stories.  In a way, his books are retellings of the same stories, as he developed and re-membered (the opposite of dis-membered) what actually happened.  A part of the job of a sorcerer, he says, is remembering the training one receives while in the Otherworld.  I, too, find this to be very True.  In fact, much of what he says actually happened may have happened in other Realms.  But who really cares, right?  Did it have to happen in ordinary time for it to be real or true?  I think not . . .

So I say read his stuff!  You could try to read them in the order that they were published, if you like to read (there are a lot). If you want to read only one book, pick one of the later ones, as he remembers more at this point, and things seem much more magical.

I give different advice to women.  Sure they should read a Casteneda or two, but women are better off reading the stories written by his female students, Taisha Abelar being one of them.  
There are Many different beliefs that people have on sexual activity...Just take these as possible outcomes, applications, processes, etc...

*Having sex abundantely (meaning, for non-procreational reasons [:D]) is wasting Your Energy...For procreational reasons, it is a culmination of 2 people's Energies...In that case, it is a culmination to induce "Creative Energies" (babies)...

One saying is, "Don't waste Your Jing"...Jing has different meanings as well, but some believe it to mean Your Sexual/Creative Ability (one in the same type of Energy)...

Some see it as if You are too sexually active, You are wasting too much Energy (even if You are Cultivating Energy other times)...

*Becoming sexually stimulated has alternating and overlapping views...Some say that sexual stimulation is just the body reacting by Concentrating Energy (or rather, chemicals Concentrating Energy) into particular ways to create changes in the body (thus Active Imaginations, with Focus, can also create sexual stimulation)...

Now, there is also a belief that stimulating the sexual organs (patting or cupping the sexual organs) with the tensing of the perineum stimulates the Base Chakra, thus cultivating Energy there...Some practices just Focus on tensing the perineum during Focused Breathing for Energy Cultivation...

These 2 views kind of overlap, but they can also Both be True or Both hold some Truth within them...

*Sex is many times seen as a conjuction of 2 people's Energies...That can mean many things: (1) Your Energy is being sent to Your partner, (2) Your Energy is sent to a type of "Idea" (a baby, pleasure, etc), or (3) both, with whatever emphasis You put Your Attention on...

However, there are also views that say that the climax, also involving chemicals, will automatically send Energy due to the "direction" the chemical reactions create...It is, though, widely agreed that a Focus of prolonging time before climax or just Focusing on the Climax itself can incorporate Your own "direction" to how You want to send that Energy...

For example, using the perineum (from Training it), has been known to make a climax feel more intense, increase the amount of semen being expelled (it is said, though, that increased semen levels come from Training the perineum), elongate the time of the climax, increase sexual stamina, make erections last longer (even when You're old), and more...

*One last thing, some believe that BUILDING UP/CULTIVATING "sexual energy" through Training with the perineum Helps Increase Energy Levels, but a Climaxing does not, but rather wastes it...

I Hope this Helped...Good Luck Training...Until we meet again...