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Topics - horaciocs

I'm thinking about going for it, any regards anyone?
Hi guys. I first heard of Thomas Campbell a few days ago and couldn't help myself from sharing this with everyone. His work is put together in a book called "My Big TOE" (theory of everything, 800 pages trilogy), available on googlebooks and as a pdf on the internet.

He came up with a theory that unifies physics and metaphysics. The book must be a good read, but will take very long to go through. You can watch a few of his lectures on youtube, though, to quickly decide whether he is your man or not.

Big 2-hour lecture at the TMI with spanish subtitles:

Look for his Hawaii seminar also, it's very nice. I felt his work connected with my way of thinking, more so than all other approaches I've attempted. Hope you enjoy his theory.

Hi there, I've been away for a while and felt like I needed to share this with you guys. I was browsing and stumbled upon this video:

Holophonic sounds are sound files that, when reproduced through earphones, gives us a impressive sensation of immersion. We feel like we're inside a 3d environment, surrounded by all sounds. It's amazing, give it a try. You must use earphones, it's impressive indeed. It's based on the concept that we all build our own realities based on the inputs we receive and on how they interact with our previous knowledge.

The last sample from the file above shows a hair drier going all over us. Listen to it and, while you're at it, try using it as a awareness targeting tool. See if you have good results, I could feel that very specific areas of my body were being targeted because it seemed the hair drier was aimed directly at them.

That would serve as a tool for working our energy flow, wouldn't it? I feel it targets quite well.

Share your thoughts.
A few days ago I watched the movie "Shutter Island". It takes place inside a mental hospital (a rather suspicious one), where FBI agents investigate a missing patient. Actually, the place is a mental institution for violent criminals.

The investigation quickly turns into a journey through the minds of those considered crazy by general population standards and makes you wonder about the true meaning of reality and how individual, personal, it can be.

An amazing movie that gives you plenty of food for thought afterwards. Definitely worth watching.
I was talking to a friend of mine who is a fierce defender of scientific thinking (he declares himself an atheist) and another friend brought up the subject of freewill. My atheist friend promptly said there's no such thing as freewill, he said we're all programmed to respond to stimuli based on our past experiences.

At first, I tried to defend (in my mind) my previous notion that freewill exists and gives us freedom to do whatever we choose to do. However, soon I realized I couldn't deny the fact that his ideas made sense. I mean, our actions are indeed a result of all our past experiences being put face-to-face with all stimuli our current situation presents us.

I think there are tons of variables involved in decision making (not infinite, though, but probably dating back to when we were born), but when looking back into all I've ever done, given the circumstances involved in each of my actions, there was no way the outcome could have been any different in any of them. It's as if it was meant to happen that way.

The thing is, there are soooo many variables involved, it is practically impossible to predict how a person is going to react to a certain set of stimuli, which creates the impression that our actions are unpredictable. However, I can't say it is, theoretically, impossible to. Can you? Doesn't that kind of take away all the joy we get from thinking we're being able to control our lives and make our own decisions?

This is quite disconcerting, for if all there is is determinism, our fates are sealed! I often catch myself wondering what it is that commands my thoughts. Are they commanded only by the external stimuli I'm subject to? What is it that injects these thoughts into my mind? Or aren't they "injected" at all, but a mere product of the environment I'm in?

Exerting real freewill may consist of freeing your mind from the cage that being caught up in the physical loop of "conscience" may represent. Do you see the loop here? We're determined to respond to stimuli based on all we've been exposed to previously. Since our thoughts and actions are a product of previous experiences, we will keep on acquiring new experiences based on our previous ones, but exerting no real control over our actions! Think of the way pidgeons react when you feed them popcorn. We behave just like that, but in a scale thousands of times more complex! Automatically, just like a computer would! (Maybe it's better to think of the loop not as a loop, but rather as a never-ending chain of thoughts)

There is a chance that this might be what the so called "awakening of conscience" is all about. Freeing yourself from this chain of events. Awakening the commander that lies within  each of us and allowing it to take control of our minds. Now how do we do that?

*Maybe this belongs to the Integral Philosophy forum, I don't know.
Hi all. We've been over this subject a number of times already, and the main concept here is that negs are the product of our own unconscious. Right? Barriers made up of our own fears.

But why can't they be actual entities, life forms just like us? I believe we all agree to the concept that we astral-project and, when we do so, we can go around in the physical (rtz) doing whatever we please and often interact with physical living beings.

If we can do that, what about people who lack ethics and enjoy harrassin other people? When they die, wouldn't they wander around the rtz, doing whatever they pleased just like we do, except that they wouldn't have a physical body to return to? Wouldn't that make up what we think of as negs?

I mean, if I enjoy harrassing people, I could do that while out of body. Wouldn't I, then, be considered a neg?
Someone posted a picture on the forums that related to this series (after I dug it up to see where the picture came from, this series came up)

It's some sort of new age / intergalactic series that has lots, lots to do with new age / other magic teachings. Check out the website and read through it. Also, watch the teaser video on that page. I felt nostalgic all the way.

Funny the way it just popped up in my computer, I saw a picture and then found out all of this. Never saw it coming.
Hi all! Lately I've been experiencing some progress with my metaphysical studies. I've been doing some energetic works, some mantras, I don't know which has caused my progress (probably both), but there is some, definitely.

I had two experiences, both during my night-time sleep and not directly related to my espontaneous attempts to leave the body.

One took place about a month ago. I was asleep and then suddenly found myself fallen on the side of my bed. My sight was blurry, but I could tell the objects around me. I was conscious and immediately noticed I was not in my physical body. I was either outside my body or having a lucid dream. I tried to get up once, but failed. Tried again, and managed to stand. I thought to myself "Since I'm outside my body, I should be able to go through my closet". I tried to, but once I went through its door, I was disoriented and, being afraid to get lost, I thought about standing by my bed again, and there I was. I was a bit more careful now, and tried going through my bedroom door (less likely to get me lost). I procedded through the door and headed to my mother's room. There, I saw my brother laying beside her (in reality, he was sleeping on a bed in the same room I was). He was awake, noticed me and seemed as scared as one could be. I though about going back to my body in order to tell whether all of that was true. I was back in my body, got up, talked to him and clarified all that had happened. He asked why I didn't tel him the ghost he had seen was me, I told him I had tried to, but he wouldn't listen. Then, I suddenly wake up again, now in my actual physical body. I try to memorize the situation as hard as I can and go back to sleep. The end.

The other experience took place yesterday. I had just got a flu, and woke up in the middle of the night with the sorest throat one can have. I was feeling horrible. I got up, took some medicine for the pain (local anesthesics, nothing that could induce an altered state of consciousness) and tried to go back to sleep. After some time, I woke up to find myself floating above my body. I knew I was not in my physical, I had clear perception of floating above my body. I tried rolling to the right, failed my first attempt, and then succeded. I fell to the ground. I tried to go through the floor to the floor beneath mine (I live in an apartment). I felt a light buzzing sensation as I went downwards thorugh the floor. I landed then on a room that had the exact same layout as mine (two beds, a wall with some shelves, two people, one on each bed).
As I landed, I saw two boys, one on each bed, and they were scared to death to see me. I looked at them, they weren't me and my brother (the other person who sleeps on the bed on my side), but they were some sort of look-alikes. They had about the same appearance as we did when we were very small kids (5-8 years old), but they weren't us.
Both of them were really scared, I tried to calm them down, to no avail. Then, I stood in the center of the room and tried to direct some energy onto them. I felt really strong energy sensations on my hands, and they calmed down almost instantly. One of them talked to me, addressing me as "Doctor" (I'll graduate on Medicine in 2011) and told me all was ok now. He seemed really friendly towards me. Then, the experience ended and I woke up. Again, I found it amazing I had achieved a OBE, only to wake up again in some seconds (this time on my real physical body).

How often does this double-wake up happen to you guys? I think the second experience might have been an OBE that turned into a lucid dream when I thought about going back into my body, but I can't be sure of anything at all.

Hi there.

I've been around for a while, read a lot, but never had a OBE. That never kept me from think a lot about how OBEs work, though.

I've read quite an amount of OBE reports that mentioned non-physical entities staring in awe at how some could got out of their bodies while still alive. They usually go: "there are not many who can do what you do", but the projector is doing nothing but having an OBE.

Many say that, whenever we go to sleep, we have an OBE. If that's true, then why are the non-physical entities so surprised to see us? Don't we go out every night? (After giving that some thought, they could be refering to RTZ projections. Perhaps nap-time projections usually drops us inside astral planes, making RTZ projections quite an event) What's the difference between a conscious and an unconscious projection to an outside spectator's point-of-view?

Another argument that goes against the "we all project while sleeping" argument is that if we actually projected whenever we slept, it would be incredibly boring for non-physical entities to welcome us whenever we had a nap.

What do you think about that?

Hi there. Has anyone given it a try? Any inputs on it? Since it's been annouced here, I find it hard to believe it's a scam. However, if it really does what it's meant to do, then it's just fantastic and deserves more recognition!

If it really has all those special properties, then I'll try to look into it a bit further and seek ways to buy one.

Has anyone had any sort of communication with mentors, guardians and other non-physical beings about the 2012 revelations etc? Have they given any input on it?
Hello to all! This is my first post here. I've been working with Robert Bruce's energy work techniques for about 3-4 months by now and, although I've gotten some nice results, some questions emerged. Here is my story:

Since I was a kid (About 10 years old, I'm 21 now) I was able to trigger a sort of tingling sensation up and down my spine at will (sort of goosebumps). I never gave it much attention (I was a kid with no family background on energy manipulation) and ended up forgetting about it.

About a year ago I began reading about OBEs and all that sorrounds it. Eventually, I stumbled upon energy works and those tingling experiences as a kid came to mind. Initially, my efforts were focused on increasing those sensations. Nowadays, I have much greater control over those sensations and they can get quite intense and spread throughout my body (I can control their intensity). Also, I have been doing Robert's awareness point exercises and I do get some results, but they differ from my experiences with the goosebumps.

The two are different kinds of feelings. Robert's are just as described on his book (pulsing, tingling, vibrating). "Mine" are more of a generalized sort of goosebump, my body hair goes erect all over my body, I feel some "ballooning", I feel some pressure on my crown and frontal chacras (I mean in their locations, I don't know if it's acutally them). I can feel energy run all over my body (If that's what running energy feels like).

I've been doing, also, some energy healing exercises (with some success on head and back aches) and I can feel energy in the form of a field in both my hands (kind of like opposing magnets), and its definitely got something to do with my way of running the energy. Roberts' way never gives me this sensation. I try to direct it to my hands, feel it go through my arms, rub my hand together and then the field gets stronger (I get that "opposing magnets" feel even when my hands are 30cm apart, so there is definitely something going on).

When I run energy using that goosebump technique, although I can feel it throughout my body, it is much more intense on my limbs (specially my forearms and thighs). I can feel it acting on my head (crown/frontal chacras?), but in no other specific main-chacra-related region. I've tried imagining some colours to see if I could get a response from other chacras, but there was none. It has definitely got someting to do with my breathing, it gets a tremendous boost during my inspirations (in opposition to ALL energy healing books that say you feel the energy on the out-breaths, which just makes me more confused).

My main concern is whether I'm doing it right or wrong and what I should do next. The sensations are pleasant, but can only achieve them with my eyes closed and kind of staring at my nose** (I had been doing that instinctively, but after reading about the nose thing on a qi-gong ebook -real chinese stuff, not the regular web literature, it seems- I gave it more importance). It is much harder to get the goosebumps with eyes open, I only get significant results that way while listening to some nice classical or jazz music (it's related to inpiration/beauty/a more general kind of love).

Do you guys think I'm in the right path to exercising energy? What's to do next?

Thank you all in advance, the community is great! :)

**That staring-at-the-nose thing is really annoying when trying to project, it gets me quite tense and I can't relax, so I don't believe that's the best way to go. I do it because it's the only way I get satisfying results. (I've never AP'ed)
