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Topics - dkj400

yes, it can happen. that happens a lot, when you least expect it. but dont JUST trance all the time...try to trance then project
All that is great
I'll just hope that one day I'll see all that instead of the thin white light I see around every person's head[:D]

May shadows reach the light,
I think it could have just about now.  It has a hypnotic effect.  I had to turn away from it.  It's not convenient for me at this very moment to go off obeing. [;)]
So far I've ONLY been able to project from sleep paralysis.

Negs are easily dealt with, I wrote how you can do it in this thread
Telekinesis: Moving of objects
Pyrokinesis: Fire
Electrokinesis: Electricity
Aerokinesis: Wind
Biokinesis: Rearrangement of DNA
Hydrokinesis: Water
Cryokinesis: Ice

Don't ask me how to do any of them, I have only done electrokinesis like once and I'm sure everybody has, they just think it is static, and I can only do Telekinesis a little bit.
define chakra dkj400.

Warping space usually helps me. But why do the colors matter?
I can't help but wonder, why is it that these days tapping into the far reaches of human conciousness costs money?
I think it depends on who you ask. I think in general OBEs refer to etheric projection, or projecting into the Real Time Zone, and Astral Projection is projecting to the Astral Plane. Though I do see them substituted for each other so really you have to take them in context with what the poster is talking about.
Originally posted by dkj400

I read that sometimes you get this thing which is like a watcher. It just stays there and looks at you. Its an entity that cannot hurt you. Its there to test your fear. If anyone has seen it or other demonic creatures, what do they look like?

These must have been pretty scary for you...

Ever watched Jeepers Creepers? well the watcher is the astral version - its stands watching you because its scanning you and deciding what part of you it wants to feed on. It will never leave you alone until it gets what it wants.

Just kidding.[:o)]
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Was I close?
September 11, 2003, 12:45:51
Originally posted by dkj400

First I entered the hypnagogic state. Then I tried to use the "staring at objects" method. Failed. I went to sleep.
When I woke up, my whole body was vibrating quite hard. In fact, it caused my bunk bed to vibrate as well. At first I thought it was my mum trying to wake me up. I turned to look at her. No one was there. Then the vibrations stopped, probably because I moved.
Were these THE vibrations? Was I close to an OBE? Why did I vibrate?

yes u were very cclose, your moving made it stop, and yes you virated,