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Topics - Van-Stolin

First thing I did was fly...  Then I talked to people and asked questions like Where? When?  Then I practiced my will on objects and created some too...  I did some TaiChi and got very nice sensations and some nice special effects... [|)]  But, most of the time, I just react to what's going on around me.
Its not that we cant spell. We just dont give a crap.
Who knows!  But you were close!

Voices, pops, rings, clicks, screams . . . WHATEVER . . . this can happen when you're real close to projection.  The conventional wisdom is to just let them pass . . . don't tense up, just relax and let it all pass, keeping your awareness inside your head, chillin' out, etc.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Muscle spasms?
September 17, 2003, 18:03:38
I don't know. That happens to me sometimes too. Sometimes I'm in class and working while staying still a long time, my leg'll twitch and/or spasm. I think it's just staying still too long.
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Dragons?
September 13, 2003, 05:38:50
Nope, but if you let yourself become one others will see you as one and therefore they will have seen one. [;)]