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Topics - Psilibus


Anyone read through this "manual" before? Just curious cuz if its not worth the effort you might save me some time. Been awhile since I have thought of remote viewing as opposed to projection.
Couple days ago the youngest of my three, eleven brilliant years old, told me she had just awoke from a "scary dream". I asked if she remembered it. She told me she dreamed that she got out of her bed and went to her bedroom door. She said the door was slightly open and when she reached to open it further it suddenly slammed shut. She said this scared her and she looked back to her bed and saw the covers moving and someone was in her bed that "looked like her". She said it scared her so much she "woke up".

I told her it sounded like she had an out of body experience. She said she didn't want to do it again :-(

Anyone else with children or know of kids who have related similar tales? 
Yesterday, laying in bed, wrapping up sleep and found myself dreaming. Lucidity! Decided to fly a bit but got bored. Felt my body stir and opened my eyes. I was laying on my bed staring at my bedroom door. I could feel that I was still in paralysis so I closed my eyes and thought to project. I used a technique that generally works, I rolled and twisted myself out. Sight did not come immediately so I summoned my vision. It was beautiful to see the sparkling sunlight coming through the shades. I hurried to get away from my body - it was raining on and off and I had hopes to find a rainbow. A daytime projection is a rare thrill for me. While passing through my house my cockatiel chirped and startled me. Suddenly I noticed there was something obscuring my view. I couldn't get this "squared" image from my view. I thought "that's odd" and I tried to swipe it away. This situation caused me to return to my body and I noticed my eyes were open staring at the door again.
It was the door I was seeing with my physical eyes that was superimposed over my etheric vision. So odd. That has never happened before as I can remember. Seems Robert Bruce wrote of this happening. Needless to say I was very disappointed as I was unable to project again at that time.

Anyone else experience an overlay effect like that?
First off, please forgive the grammar - I'm posting this from cell phone while bored at work during the tail end of a night shift.
Anywho, two days ago I decided to pursue an astral experience as opposed to lucid dreaming or "RTZ" projection. I decided to seek the vibrations I used to encounter so often that have been so elusive the last several years. The astral realm is an unfamiliar place for me, i have often found myself wondering if I am not just lucid dreaming.
So - prepared myself physically, meditated to empty thought, found energy source in my chest and fed it with my mind. Bam! it came on like I had hoped but more than I expected. Moved out of body to next to the bed. Felt the pull of my body so decided to quickly move away from it and "ran" down the hall, through the living room and "dove" through the window into my front yard. Grey skies and rain at dusk felt so good. I raised my hands to the sky and shot upward as fast as I could thinking I would break through the clouds into the starry night. Started "yelling" out "take me to the astral realm!" (didn't know what else to say). Suddenly something fiercely grabbed my left hand and I was swept away only to find myself standing in the middle of a beautiful forest. A loud voice yelled "run!". There was a trail in front of me so I ran. What an exhilarating experience. I ran and jumped. Careened around corners and lept over ravines and logs. Eventually I came to a small farm and met a kind man who asked me if I liked to run. I said yes and he said "well don't stop now". I ran for what seemed hours before returning to my body feeling completely energized and awake.
I have run in my "dreams" before. This was something quite different, like a specific exercise I needed. And the grabbing of my arm! nearly startled me back to my body.
Any comments are appreciated. Am I getting closer to astral? oh well, the fun is in the trying!
I first registered with this site yesterday but have perused articles here on and off for several years. I sincerely apologize if this message is too long or wordy. I just felt the need to share.

Two months ago a dear old friend of mine passed away suddenly after a long bout with a tragic illness. He had been my mentor. My only real source for substantive discussion of things metaphysical. He and I both shared countless hours of discussion over the last 25 years of my adult life. His wisdom and intelligence set many in awe but his countenance and mannerisms would set you at ease. He was a teacher who was not afraid to learn. I called him "Pops"; he was my father.

His death was a suicide.

I only relate this short story because it is the cause for my resumption of practicing projection. I have been coping well and have much support. Those who are supportive share many varying views on death and dying, let alone suicide. There are some spiritual friends and some religious friends. I love them dearly for their support but unfortunately none quite share my beliefs. I have decided to pursue my neglected practice because I felt the need to search him out. To see if I couldn't find that soul and directly offer my love and forgiveness, encourage him to love and forgive himself.

My skills of projection have been rusty of late, to say the least. It has been at least six months since my last successful attempt. I have mostly been practicing lucid dreaming which comes easy to me. I have been rereading some of my old astral projection books and literature, visiting a few reputable websites and relearning my best techniques.

Tonight I went to bed with intention. I slept soundly for about four hours with purpose. When I awoke I drank some water, voided, made sure the house was in order and returned back to bed. I positioned myself lying on my back with my head slightly craned back to maintain open airway. With my eyes closed I began to relax and comfort my nerves. My breathing was allowed to become even and slowed. When ready I began shifting my focus and releasing my thoughts. After about an hour of using old familiar techniques I was about to give up. I was in a satisfactory trance state though and decided to try something new. I recalled reading on this forum of "noticing". Was that from "Frank"? Anyway, I proceded to start "noticing" and stirred my imagination.

Here I will now present my brief journal account as I had written when I completed the "projection" -
"The process of noticing.
The focus of the situation.
Drifting in dream.
Bloody furniture falling away.
Government buildings,
bivouac with my boss.
Important documents.
Three in a bed,
empty room - Noticed him!
Stark office,
meditative pose.
My comments,
dawning realization.
It worked."         - I always journal in a brief format to help stimulate memory of the experience. Usually works well.

It may have only been minutes but soon I realized I was dreaming. The images presented as what I imagined, for the most part. They were related to recent memories of my father. I allowed myself to progress through the dreaming as I worked on lucidity (this can be the hard part sometimes). When negative or emotional images presented, ie. "bloody furniture", I cast them away.
I found myself sitting against a cement wall when my consciousness fully awoke. I looked over to my right at what appeared to be several large 5 or 6 story buildings. I could hear voices coming from the buildings, sounding like people were at work. The area had a "military" type feel (my father was ex-military). I continued to examine the scene and focus on my awareness when a lady approached me. It was my current supervisor at work. I have never dreamed of her before (never would have wanted to either!). She stated she had a "job" for me and handed me a large yellow envelope. I remained seated and informed here I was "on a bivouac!", implying I did not want her task. She handed me the envelope anyway and walked away. When I opened the envelope I found myself suddenly swept away, I was off my feet, feeling as if I were flying upward. I struggled here to maintain awareness, focusing hard in front of me. Suddenly I realized I was laying on a large white "mattress" in a room surrounded by darkness. I was in the middle of the mattress and I realized that there were two nondescript beings on either side of me. I thought for a minute I had returned to my own bed, that perhaps my wife and one of my children was there with me. I turned to my right and realized my father was laying next to me! He appeared to be asleep.
It may have been an emotional response but I almost lost focus at this point. My vision blurred and I felt as if I were spinning. The other "person" in the bed took my hand and led me to what appeared to be an office. It was like a patient room in a doctors office. I noticed a bench and two chairs as I regained my focus, using the environment to give me perspective. I looked around further and suddenly saw my father sitting cross legged on the window sill, in a yogi-type pose. His eyes were closed and he did not move.
I said "that's quite the meditative pose!" and his eyes slowly opened. The expression on his face was one of surprise. I asked "are you really here?"
He looked at me as if he were dazed, "yes, I am really here." He began smiling at me and appeared very excited. He exclaimed "It worked!" I did not quite know what he meant.
At this point I felt my emotions were flooding my senses and had to resist the urge to rush to him and hug him. I could have cried. Instead I kept my calm by becoming "serious". "I want to be blunt with you right now" I said.
He also looked somewhat serious, "that will be fine".
At this point I realized there was that "person? being?" standing outside a door to the room. I went to the door to close it for privacy. As I was closing the door I panicked and realized I had dropped the focus from my father. I caught one last glance at him when I felt the pull and surged out of the scene. I knew I was returning to my body. Last I saw was an odd honeycombed, golden "grid" fall away from me and I was back in my bed.
I allowed myself to rouse gently, not fight the paralysis I knew was there. As soon as I was moving I documented the brief note. I will say that the experience is firm in my mind. It was cathartic to say the least. I felt relieved. There was no sadness. It was as if we had exchanged something or shared something despite the brief encounter. As I am writing this I consider what others would think. Just a fanciful dream of a worried mind? A lucid dream of my own construct? Or how about a true projection to my intended destination?

Tell me what YOU think.

I have been a lurker here on and off for several years. I usually browse here as a source of motivation and inspiration. I thought I would break my silence as it is my intention to focus deeply on the astral experience. I have found it can be very difficult to find anyone to discuss or even consider such topics as are found here. I hope that in the coming months and years I may find MORE than what I was looking for.
I have practiced projection and lucid dreaming for over thirty years. I have consciously projected many dozens of times over the years, my first when I was eight years old. I have never projected to the "astral" realm that I am aware of and that is going to be my goal for the remaining years of my life. Lucid dreaming is one of my favorite pastimes and I am most adept at that.
I find the posts here to be supportive and well meaning. I look forward to learning from others and possibly contributing ideas which will be helpful to others as well. Thank you and I look forward to meeting some new friends!