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Topics - Pauli2

I'm quite unskilled in getting LDs, but I've tried to program myself before
bedtime by looking at my hands, my palms mostly.

Then when in a regular dream I may actually be watching "my" hands,
problem is that I don't realize that I'm dreaming. I have even been
able to realize that these hands doesn't look normal, I have had callus
on my dream palms, and been wondering from where I got them. I
even have the idea that this seems very strange, and then I in the
dream conclude that I must have been working hard with my hands.

Result is that I don't go LD even when I see my hands!

And when I become LD I can't prolong the LD by watching my hands,
most of the times I can't even bring my dream-hands into view or
when I do, I wear gloves!

Rubbing my hands together (they feel solid) doesn't prolong my LD either,
when the LD fades and I wake up.

What have you done to go LD in regards of watching your hands and how
do you get to see them in LD?

Does rubbing your dream hands prolong your LD?
Normally we don't think that our bodies can be taken over by spirits while OBE.
But in this video clip Bruce Moen talks about an event, where someone actually
got partly taken over as that person did use an OBE practice which was bad.

Moen is perhaps not talking as clearly as possible, but he is old now and has heart
failure problems, so it's kind of an age and health problem for the man. Also the
sound and light is not so good, but I still think it's an interesting Moen clip, compared
to lengthy clips on youtube where little new info is presented.

What's interesting is also that this is first of all a partnered retrieval and second of
all it's one of those retrievals where Moen uses a method different than sending
PUL, as the discarnate person is rejecting PUL.
(done "Moen" style)


This retrieval I started with doing a session sitting up. Normally
I lie down, but this time I was sitting in my bed.

I could sense a recliner chair at my right side in my apartment. How
strange I thought, I had such a chair in my previous apartment, but
didn't bring it with me.

Was this some kind of scene from a previous apartment owner? I was
a little doubtful as I am pretty sure that I already retrieved the
previous owner who haunted my apartment, and I have not since then felt
his presence. That owner was kind of angry for me being in "his" apartment.

Nevertheless I did my best to sense what it could be. Now I sensed more
furniture beside the recliner chair. There was an oval table in the
typical 1950ies style of dark brown wood. And there was a second chair.
The two chairs were not exactly recliners either, but more a sort of
"comfy" chairs. There was some kind of low furniture to the wall, behind
the table and between the chairs. I wonder what that piece of furniture
was against the wall, perhaps a second low, slim table for keeping a radio?

In the first chair I could now see an old man in his 70ies, I got the
impression that he was retired. He didn't seem to be the person who expected
too much of his world. He was just sitting there. Perhaps he sometimes
read a newspaper in that chair?

I could also notice a small cloth on the table. The cloth only covered the
central area of the oval table and there seemed to be some kind of adornment
object on the middle of the table cloth.

The feeling of the room and the building of the house was of the 1960ies, but
even if the furniture were rather new and nice, they had a simple 1950ies feeling
to them. Perhaps this retired owner had bought his furniture before he moved into
the apartment?

The man was short, mostly bald, with a small head and I didn't feel the he was
too bright or that he expected much of his future. He wore a regular shirt
of the 1950ies era and a simple, pale blue, woollen vest. He had regular
trousers of someone being indoor.

I began to speak to him. He didn't react much to me, like it was normal that
I was in his apartment. I could feel that he was a "slow starter", so things
would probably proceed not that fast.

I asked him if he had thought of moving somewhere else? I then told him that
there were a lot of new houses built for retired workers just like him, these
houses were much nicer than his small apartment.

He seemed a little interested, so I showed him a catalogue with photos of
the newly built houses. "And they are for free", I said. I again told him
that the new houses were intendedly built for a person like him. Perhaps he
was interested in going to see these houses.

The strange thing was that when I showed him the house catalogue, I saw myself
in third person, so I don't know if I split or if there already was a helper
doing the remaining job.

I could sense, or he told me, that he didn't want too much change, and he was
a little worried that he couldn't get his furniture with him or that the new
house would be very different than his apartment.

I send him some PUL in the hope that he will move more easily.

I told him that there was a room exactly identical to the room he had his chairs
and table in, so his current furniture would be placed in an identical position
compared to his current apartment. And then there were more rooms in the house,
rooms which he could use for any purpose.

I was trying to get helpers step in. And I was also a little concerned how
we were going to move his furniture. Perhaps I had taken on the retired
workers feelings?


I don't think I clicked out as I was sitting up, but for some moments I lost
the feeling of the presence of the retired worker. Could he have been working
in a factory, perhaps as a harbour worker or building houses himself. I couldn't
tell. Perhaps he had had many different jobs?

Suddenly I'm in a car in the left part of the passenger seat. To my right is
the retired worker. We are both looking out his car window to his right. I can
see some houses and realizes that those houses are the "new houses" we are
heading for.

The surroundings look like they have been a mixture of fields and some minor forest
or at least there have been trees at the area before. The trees have been taken
down to give place for new houses.

I don't think the area looks to fancy. I in fact think the surroundings look
a little poor, barren and not too tidy. Like a cheap region outside the town
where not too expensive houses have been raised. The ground is covered with
dry yellow grass. I can see a few remaining trees on hills at a distance to
my left. It doesn't look like the ideal place to move to.

We turn right around a corner and up a road. We arrive at a street junction to
various newly built houses.

At some kind of machinery or rubble a lot of house construction workers sit
and drink beer and have a party. They look very happy as they seem to be finished
with the work. When we approach, the house construction workers begin to sing.
I get the feeling of the happy seven dwarfs in Snow White. The workers all look
rather old, around their 50ies.

I get the impression that "my" retired worker comes in better mode when he
sees and hears the construction workers sing. "They have a beer now.", he

Click, there is a short click here, and I'm suddenly behind the retired
worker. At his left side a person is showing him the open entrance door
to one of the houses. I watch as the retried worker enters his house.


Scene fades and I get the feeling that a second retrieval is going to start.

I'm unsure if I got the retired worker to F 27 or just to some BST area,
without a regular Belief System.


This was a much shorter retrieval, if it was a retrieval at all. It kind of
cut short.

I could sense a factory with a lot of machinery. The factory was very dirty
and all machines were running at their fullest. There was a lot of turning
wheels. I got the impression that the era could be the 1940ies or 1950ies.

I also sensed a worker in a dirty blue or grey coverall. He was about 55 years,
and taller than the retired worker I had helped to his new house.

This coverall worker was actively working in this factory. He was more assertive
and perhaps a little commanding. He clearly liked his work.

The factory seemed old in some sense, perhaps too mechanical, and not with
the regular worker safety equipment. Lots of moving parts close to people.
Greasy wheels, moving straps, open transmissions and similar.

I also sense two or three other workers. I can't figure out if they are thoughtforms
or if this area is sort of consensus BST for factory workers.

I try to talk to the coverall worker, and he listens a little to me, but I don't
seem to be too successful in sending him any message. I am a little at a loss,
but goes for the "something new" idea. I tell him the management of the factory
has build a new section, and I wonder if he would like to move inte that new,
more modern part of the factory.

I have great problems both of getting visuals and pick up feelings of this
coverall worker. I try to send some PUL, but my attempts seem feeble at best.

Things eventually fade into darkness, and no matter how much creative visualization
I use, I don't get anything else than my own images.

I have a more relaxed session in silent meditation style, not much happens.

An hour passes and I try to bring back any image of the coverall worker.

I can see a small, shiny metal wheel with a handle. The wheel is part of a
machinery and I can see a worker's hand gripping around it and moving the
wheel around by help of the handle. Then I get to see the rest of the machine.
It's huge. They seem to lower some big object.

I can't figure out if the machinery is working on some piece of a big manufactured
product with a cutting miller, or if the machine is assembling something.

I sense the coverall worker here and at least two other workers, who don't
seem to be thoughtforms.

The factory seems less dirty, there are more shiny machinery, and also seems
more modern & fresh.

Much later I realize that the machine was not working on a product, the machine
was assembled itself by the workers. It was a new, less dirty machine in the
new part of the factory.

If these retrievals weren't fully moves to F 27, they instead showed that people
may move through Focuses in steps, rather than in one go.

Perhaps they were being prepared for re-birth?
This is a question thread. Here is the background:

When I go lucid in a dream, meaning that the dream turns into an LD,
things in my surrounding becomes visually much clearer. As I sometimes
lose it and revert back to a regular dream, my visual impressions decay,
so things again become more unclear/blurred.

If I am lucid in a dream and move close to an object, for example something
on the ground, I am able to see that object in much greater detail compared
to when I was standing up. The object also becomes more visual focused, more
details can be seen.


The object doesn't become as clear and in focus as in physical reality. The
object still seems to look like something viewed through a piece of glass with
minor spots of grease. This means that the object becomes just a tad distorted.

Even considering "dream world fluctuations" (DWF), I still would expect some
objects to become visually, absolutely clear and focus sharp when I use my dream
eye-sight at close range.

In physical reality I'm a bit near sighted, so I have to wear glasses, and in an LD
I don't think anything has been into my focus, my view, as clear as it is in physical
reality, while wearing my glasses.

So my questions to you are, how clear is your nonphysical eye-sight in an LD?

Is you eye-sight in an LD as clear as in real life? If not, how close does it come to RL?

Do you need to do anything to get the best focused and clearest view in an LD?

And do you think any physical eye-sight impairment interfere with your LD eye-sight?
The title of this topic is a little too hard drawn, but I think it better makes my point,
so let me explain:

Campbell says that physical matter reality (PMR) doesn't exist other than as a Software
simulation. The Software is Consciousness (as is the Programmer (AUM) and the
Hardware (The Even Bigger Computer = AUM)) only.

So if the Software is stopped and used for other purposes, our physical world will
stop to exist (other than as Memory in AUM, which is also Consciousness only).

So physical reality according to Campbell is not completely Non-Existent, but it
only exists at long as the Software keeps its existence in place. Sometimes
Campbell uses other words and says that physical reality is virtual, which
in a sense also says that its an illusion or at least not existing in its own

Having re-read Ultimate Journey I noticed some disturbing parts which actually seem
to support Campbell's take on physical reality. I must have ignored them pretty much
before, because those sentences by Monroe are very few and short.

My copy of UJ, Broadway Books, 2000 (orig. 1994), says on page 211:

"Yes, the dream." . . . "the dream is fading quickly . . . something about clouds and curls . . .
and moving along an Interstate . . . and life and death, whatever that means . . . something
called time-space . . . and a blue planet . . .  and a sun

Here Monroe refers to planet Earth as I see it, as being part of "the dream". I'm not sure if
I should take his writings as literal; physical reality _being_ a dream, but there goes more.

Monroe meets an Alien I-There Cluster (?) who says, on page 213:

..."of what you call the dream."

By some reason the Alien Cluster doesn't completely comply with the use of the expression
"the dream", which points in a direction that perhaps physical reality is not purely a dream
or should not be viewed exactly that way.

The Alien I-There Cluster says, on page 215:

..."you can perceive the Emitter for the energy beam that creates what you call the dream."

Notice the word "creates", indicating that perhaps the creation is ongoing. And Monroe himself continues:

"The dream . . . The hologram would be a better term."

On page 218, Monroe states:

". . . yet I am still awake, pulsating with what I am beyond the dream. Can there be
any way to express that wave form in the dream without disturbing the illusion?

And further down on page 218 of UJ:

". . . the Emitter! No, there was no big bang . . . it came from the Emitter . . . the creation
of the hologram . . .

Later on Monroe express him in a way that I get the impression that he thinks the physical
world (and perhaps some part of the nonphysical?) is the result of a Design or some kind
of construction.

In the third part (third book) of My Big TOE, Campbell adds a claim that The Big Computer
runs the Software in simulations, which branches out in all directions of probable future
events, but not using the conscious individuals in those simulations, only using their probable
actions. And than Campbell states that explorers projecting into those more "static"
simulations may mistake them for predictions of the future. And that is perhaps the
best part of book 3 of MBT (which otherwise is quite boring in my opinion).

Anyway, all these pieces lead me to ask one question:

Have any of you found any proof, experience or indications in the nonphysical which points
in any direction of the existence of physical reality?

Does or doesn't physical reality exist on its own?

If Consciousness withdrew or stopped any "involvement" or "maintenance" of physical
reality, will physical reality (atoms, photons, etc) stop to exist? Is physical reality
virtual in the sense Campbell implies? Is it a dream maintained only by an "Emitter"?
Or will the physical world keep existing even if all Consciousness withdrew or reverted
its presence in the physical?

What nonphysical experiences do you have for supporting the idea that there is an existence
of physical reality on its own?
A 4 meters high and 55 meters wide round saucer formation has been found at
87 meters depth of the Baltic Sea. In the middle there is one half a meter big hole.

There is speculation that this formation was made of burnt concrete by the Nazis.

...or by Aliens.

With video

Ocean X Team blog
Non-Earthly Being

This happened 2012-06-12, eleven days ago. I still don't know if it was a retrieval,
but in fact I don't really know for sure on any of my retrievals. Anyway, this
time it was not anyone from our planet, the Earth.

PART 1 - Guide Williams and Cut Image

Somewhere into my session I began to look for guides. Haven't seen them much
lately.  I started to look for the Tom Hanks guide near the dome. I saw someone
faintly, by no real go.

Could that individual be the Williams guide? Williams is taller and slimmer.

It looked like Williams, but I couldn't really see his head. Williams was
dressed in his regular suit which must have been highest fashion during
the mid 1920ies. A black suit with thin vertical white lines, white shirt
and black tie.

Regardless of how I tried to see Williams' head, I couldn't see it. I couldn't
even make out if we were indoors or outdoors as there was some kind of blurred
blend behind Williams in a sort of brownish color.

I just assumed that we were in an outdoor setting as I had tried to reach
for the dome. But as I type this down now, I'm unsure about our location.

I had Williams straight in front of me. He just stood there with his arms at
his sides some meters away. But my impression was strange to say the least.

The image I got was that of two cut-off post cards, or two photos cut in half
and of widely different motives.

The lower part of the picture showed Williams' body and the blurred blended
background behind him. The upper part of my picture was completely different,
like an outdoor view of a mountain wall or perhaps a very strange sunset in
a totally different world.

I really couldn't make out what the upper part of the image was. I didn't see
with my physical eyes, I merely got a non-visual minds eye impression of the
whole image.

[[ -- (more precise description inserted) --
Imagine that you have two photos, one photo of a man in a dark room and another
completely different photo of an outdoor sunset. Then take both photos and cut
them into halves with a scissor. Discard the top half of the man-in-dark-room-photo
and also discard the bottom part of the outdoor-sunset-photo.

Then create a new picture by taking the lower part photo of the man and place
it as a bottom piece, while using the sunset photo's upper half as the top
piece of the combined "new" picture. That's how it looked.

Also the two pictures/images/photos were not cut at a horizontal level, but
the border line started higher to the left side of my non-visual field and
descended in a slanted way down to the right side of my view.
-- (end of more precise description) -- ]]

The two picture seemed cut at a straight sliding slope, going from left
down to the right. I guess that the starting point at the left side must
have been above Williams' head, but the lower right side was probably at
level with his stomach or hip.

I also managed to view Williams from his right side, but even if I could see
his body, I couldn't get to see his head as it was covered by the other
image, intersecting at a completely straight line.

When I tried harder to look at Williams I even got the impression that it was
not only Williams' head that was missing but also his shoulders and part of
his chest.


Perhaps I was not supposed to ask Williams questions this time? Maybe I was
expected to figure out what the upper part of my image was supposed to mean?

I tried over and over again to get a clear image of all of guide Williams' body.
I must have tried at least 5 times, intensely using whatever poor non-visual,
non-physical minds-eye view I could muster.

I also tried to figure out what the upper part of my cut-image-view was supposed
resemble. At times it looked like a huge wall of stones, probably from a rugged,
but almost vertical mountain side. At other times it looked like a sort of
artistic or at least abnormal sunset seen through partly blurred clouds.

The sunset image had for me the impression of being made up of several curved
arcs, like the arcs of a full rainbow, staring from the left, going up, reaching
its top at the middle point of my view and then descending in a rainbow-arcish
way to disappear below the cut-border at the right side of the image.

Hmm, hmmm, again...

Maybe the arc or wall was some kind of entrance to another world? Maybe I was
supposed to try to enter it?

I tried to enter.

I imagined myself flying into the upper part of the image, flying into the photo
or image of the sunset/mountain wall.


I failed. I couldn't enter. I tried again and again. It was hard to enter,
but then my attempts proved fruitful. I suddenly managed to enter. I forced
my way into the picture. At the same time, trying to hard was also bad, so
I had to balance my efforts.

Eventually I got the impression that I actually had managed to enter the upper
"photo" image. I was in a different world.

I was flying over some kind of rocky landscape, but I hadn't the slightest
idea where I was. I also felt that I had problems staying in this new alien
world, too the degree that it felt that I was falling out of the image, back
into my starting position.

I couldn't make out much details of the ground, but I don't think there was
vegetation. It all seemed like a dark, rough, rocky ground from my flying

This new world or my ability to stay in that world was unstable to say the least.

Suddenly I was closer to the ground. I could sense someone in front of me.

PART 2 - Non-Earthly Being

I sensed some kind of person below me, slightly in front of me, perhaps at a
45 degree angle. The person must be about 5-6 meters away.

Was it a male person? It was at least someone flexible and with a slim built
body. I think the person was naked, but couldn't make it out clearly.

I also got some doubts about it being a male human, perhaps this creature was
non-human, but had a humanoid form - two arms, two legs, a straight body, one

The creature was standing on all four, both its knees on the ground and palms
on the ground.

The ground itself was not solid, but seemed to consist of mud or water, perhaps
muddy water? The humanoid creature was moving rather quickly on the ground on
all four, like it was searching for something with its hands in the 4 inch
deep mud or water.

Was I indoor? I had been flying outdoor just seconds before, but now..? Maybe
I was inside a cave with this being who hadn't noticed me yet.

I got the impression that the creature was not male. I could now see that
the creature's body had a distinct hour-glass shape.

It was female!

It was a non-human, non-Earthly female. I also senses that this humanoid
being had the intelligence somewhere between a human and a chimpanzee. The
creature didn't have the same full intellectual ability as a regular human.

This female creature moved very smoothly, kind of elegant like a cat. She didn't
have any fur or hair, instead she had a very resilient strong kind of skin,
with some ruggedness. Her skin was smoother than the skin of a Crocodile,
but appeared about as strong and resilient. She had a human looking head, but
without any hair. Her skin was brownish red and when she moved about with
great agility I could see that her skin sometimes appeared transparent like
it was made of glass. The transparent part of her skin was not red but
rather greyish blue.

Her cat like movements and her greyish blue transparent skin made me give her
the name Glass Cat. She had small ears like the first Catwoman in one of the
more modern Batman movies.

Her way of moving and the fact that her skin seemed to be stronger and more
flexible than leather, made me wonder if she was some kind of intelligent
predator animal.

When I moved at a distant from her, her skin again seemed dark red.

I had extreme difficulties picking up any emotions from her through out the
whole retrieval.

At this stage I wasn't even sure what I was supposed to do or if I was in a

I decided to make her company and went down on all four on the soft and muddy
ground. I was close to Glass Cat. The mud now seemed to consist mostly of
water and it got deeper as I moved about.

I saw Glass Cat's face close up. Still no detectable emotions, she threw a
glance at me but apparently decided that I was of little interest to her
and she continued to go about her business at the ground.

I got the impression that I was on her territory but that she by some reason
accepted me there, even if she hissed at me in a catlike manner when I came
a little too close to her.


After all, Glass Cat seemed to be a wild animal, even if she probably had
a partly human level intelligence. I had to figure out what to do.

I sensed that she had some sort of personality different from a regular
animal. Her personality was closer to human than her intelligence was.

I wondered if perhaps she could be an Aspect of me, so I again moved closer
to her. She now turned her face to me and not only hissed but also showed
me her teeth. Maybe she was part of my I-There?

I sent her PUL in several turns.

Not much happened. I was still unsure what to do and couldn't make up my mind,
but perhaps I was supposed to behave like I was one of her species?

So when she hissed at me when I moved too close, I hissed back. When she
searched the muddy water with her hands I too pretended to search the muddy
ground. When I finally did behave like her I suddenly got some of my regular
goose bump feelings, so I guessed that I was on the right track.

Maybe I was in another Universe, or its equivalent of our ELS Focus 23.
A different Universe like Monroe's Locale III?

I probably had to approacher her more closely.

I move close up to her side, but apparently I was too close to her. She suddenly
attacked me, but in a less violent way that I had expected a female predator
would do. She pushed me over on my back. I tried to fight back, but Glass Cat
was at least as strong as me, perhaps stronger.

I don't think she had regular hands, at least not soft human hands. She
had some kind of rather brutal claws.

When we wrestle on the ground, she is over me and bites me in my jaw. Her
bite is quite powerful and can probably hurt me severely, but at the same
time it feels like a primitive kiss.

Somehow I loose the impression that she is holding her teeth against my jaw
but I still am under the impression that she somehow has taken a firm
bite at my mouth so I can't separate my head from her.

This feeling was so strange that I still don't know what to make of it. I think
she keeps me in a bite because my mouth is stuck, but I no longer have any sense
of her teeth.

During our fight I start out as being below her, but somehow I manage to
wrestle her around and eventually end on top of her. The best I can say
is that our fight began to resemble a sort of mating game rather than a
wrestling competition.

When she attacks me, I at times get the impression that she takes careful
looks at me, like she is examining me or approving me, specially when she
is at top of me, but I still can't sense her emotions.

The feeling of being examined was the most obvious emotion I experienced.

I send her PUL, but that doesn't change much. Glass Cat seems to be more
interested in wrestling.

Our wrestling continues for such a long time that I send several requests
to Helpers to step in, as I think that I must be done with whatever I
was supposed to do. I got Glass Cat's attention, so why doesn't we stop
wrestling? And where are the Helpers?

Rather late into our fight I manage to get out of her bite so my mouth/jaw
is no longer stuck.

Glass Cat and I reach a point where we are very close to each other and
we hug, while still "fighting". But now I have managed to place my right
side of my head close to her right side of her head and I then manage to
push my head even closer to her so we end up neck side to neck side (our
right sides), still hugging or wrestling. It feels like a dangerous maneuver
as I make it possible for her to bite me in the right side of my neck.

But she also ends up in dangerous position as I can bite her in the side
of her neck. We both need to keep some trust in each other to be this close
neck against neck. She seems to reduce her fighting and just hang on to me.

Then I do something I can't explain.

I claw Glass Cat on her back. I had huge, terrible claws on my fingers (?)
and I clawed her in a way that a normal human would have been seriously hurt
by my clawing. I must have clawed like I was the Monster from the Lagoon.

I'm not sure, but I think she is somehow hurt but not really seriously hurt
or perhaps not hurt at all (?). She gives up her grip around me and lays on
her back with her arms out to her sides in a T shape. She also changes color
and becomes more yellow in her skin tone.

I don't seem to be holding her any longer and instead is standing on all
four above her.

I get two rounds of goose bump energy waves and then the scene fades away.

PART 3 - After the session

Some hours after I had finished the retrieval I could sense Glass Cat's presence
when I went to bed. She was hovering in the air a meter away, somewhat to my
left and she was thankful and kind of interested in me. That was probably the
first more pronounced emotion I sensed from her. I could also feel her
presence too some degree the next day.

PART 4 - My questions

Four days later I managed to get to a state where I could ask my Stephen Fry
guide or Williams some questions. I think Williams answered most questions.

I was deep into that session and managed to forget some answers I got.

I asked: "What was it I entered first (referring to the upper part of
the mountain-wall-sunset-image)?"

Williams answered: "Focus 17."

I asked: "Why Focus 17?"

Williams: "It was an entry point."

I asked: "Was she (Glass Cat) from the same Universe as I?"

Williams: "Same."

hmm... .. I got a little suspicious, because that answer was unexpected, so
I refined my question:

I asked: "Was she from the same _physical_ universe as I?"

Williams: "Different."

I asked if Glass Cat was part of my I-There. I got the answer: "No."

That puzzled me, why did the Helpers use me for a retrieval in a Locale III
setting, wasn't there anyone closer by?

I asked: "Why did I have to retrieve her, why didn't someone else retrieve her?"

Williams answered: "There was no one else. ... (pause)... Glass Cat was
located in Focus 23."

Her I make the assumption that it was her version of Focus 23, as I got the
impression that she was somewhere completely different than the ELS Focuses.
This may be wrong.

I asked: "For how long had she been there."

Williams: "200 years."

I don't know it that answer should be taken literally, it could be a way of
saying that Glass Cat had been stuck just for a "very long time".

So apparently Glass Cat was from a different physical Universe, but our non-physical
Universe is the same. I wonder if there are several non-physical Universes,
but have so far not gotten any answer.

I also remember feeling very unskilled in what I did at the time, as I got so
few emotional impressions from Glass Cat. Could it be that she is part of a
human I-There, which limits the number of persons being able to retrieve her?

Perhaps my werewolf encounters/retrievals/fear-handlings have been ways of
training me for the retrieval of Glass Cat?

Yesterday (2012-06-22) I did a session and Stephen Fry appeared and very hard
he directed me to write this retrieval down and put it on the Internet as I
had been postponing it for too long. So I began typing this in from my
original notes. :)
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 being the best/highest)

Suddenly Psychic: A skeptic's journey, 2006, Maureen Caudill

Grade: 8.0

M Caudill has a degree in physics and she has been working a lot of years within the
computer industry, with among others artificial intelligence. She had no specific
beliefs in a non-physical reality before she attended an TMI course.

Caudill has written some publications on neural networks and is today a TMI trainer.

Her book is about her experiences related to her TMI courses and events afterward,
she also tries to relate to modern physics in regards of her non-physical experiences.

The parts of her book about modern physics are sadly enough the more weak points,
as her attempts to connect physics with non-physical experiences most of the time are
weak or unclear. I don't think any scientist has managed to find any such relationship
and perhaps Caudill does too much work on something which bears little fruit.

The stronger part of her book is when she describes what she experiences in altered states
of awareness.

Caudill reaches farther into other Focus Levels than what most people can hope of. She
mentions several little known Monroe Focuses such as F 32, F 39, F 46, F 49, F 70, F 112 and
F 253.

She also has a short but seemingly complete list of all Focus Levels between C 1 and F 49,
where she with one-liners describe these levels as they apparently were given by spirit
being Miranon to Monroe many years ago.

At the same time I would have expected a more detailed description of many of the Focus Levels,
which she mentions, certainly as she is a TMI trainer and has attended many TMI courses as a
participant herself.

At some times I think her descriptions of the more far Focus Levels become a little too sketchy.

She also seem to be a deep believer, perhaps too much of a believer for my taste, which I think
made me lower the grade of her book.

She has several interesting specific experiences though.

She makes for example a retrieval of the soul of the BEAGLE Mars lander. The European Space Agency (ESA)
sent out a space rocket with a Mars robot called the BEAGLE Mars rover, which crashed in 2003.

When Caudill enters the site at the planet Mars, she notices that there is a crashed space craft at
the surface of the planet. She eventually detects and talks to the BEAGLE Mars lander and explains
to it that it has crashed and can't complete its mission of sending back its data to Earth, as its
antenna is somehow broken.

She helps the BEAGLE by retrieving it to the Machine equivalent of F 27, which is Focus 13,
where dead and deceased machines and computers go, as they apparently can't develop
any further.

But there is something different with BEAGLE, it is not the average computer. Over some time Caudill
realizes that the BEAGLE has to be helped to F 27 so it can be reborn as an animal, because it has
developed a soul appropriate for such an event to happen. Caudill's dead cat Sammy takes care of
BEAGLE in F 27 and helps the computer to learn where it has arrived.

Eventually Caudill creates a pipeline between F 18 and F 13 to feed the Love starved computers with
Pure Unconditional Love (PUL), which they soak up with great thankfulness.

In all, the book has its highs and its not so highs. I wish Caudill would have paid as much time to describe
the various Focus Levels as she spent time writing about scientific findings, which also are very fuzzy
in nature, often unverified and maybe even completely wrong, such as the String Theory in physics.

It's still a good read and I can think some of you may like at least parts of it, like the section on
how to bend spoons with your mind.
Brazilian Waldo Vieira had his first OBE at age 9.

He has a very dogmatic approach to the astral and his strict interpretation
has caused him some criticism. Nevertheless he is a sharp competitor to
Thomas Campbell, at least when it comes to the length of his beard.

Waldo Vieira (English translated wiki here) was born in 1932 and he has
written several books over the years related to his experiences. Vieira is
big in the Brazilian and Portuguese regions.

Vieira is a scientist and has performed numerous experiments. His followers
mentions Vieira alongside Robert Monroe.

In 1988 Vieira co-founded and was the first chairman of the
International Institute of Projectiology and Conscientiology (IIPC).

Some of the titles (google English translations) Vieira has (co-)authored are:

Spiritist Conduct (1960)
Blessed Are the Simple (1962)
Heart To Heart (1962)
Sun in Souls (1964)
Techniques for Living (1967)
Projectiology: Panorama of Experiences of the Consciousness Outside the Human Body (1986)
Handbook of Evolutionary Double (1997)
Manual of Megapensenes Trivocabulares (2009)

I haven't read any of his books (I have far to many others to read), but anyone,
and specially anyone who has read Vieira's books in his original language,
please give us a review.

Besides his books, Vieira has written hundreds of articles on projections of
the consciousness.
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest) on the books and documents.

Frank DeMarco was one of the founders and managers of Hampton Road Publishing.
His books are mostly centered around channeling the non-physical entities
which he most often calls The Guy Upstairs (TGU).

It's unclear to me if DeMarco ever describes an OBE/AP in his books. He is
the kind of channeler who is aware of himself and his channeled entities
while they speak through him in the physical. DeMarco is influenced by
the Monroe school.

At some places DeMarco uses abbreviations for US (?) states/counties/regions,
of which I have little knowledge, which could have been avoided.

One awful flaw in DeMarco's books is that he makes references to various
American politicians, religious or what not, of which I know almost nothing.
A few times he mentions Jung, which I know of, but still, I think it would have
been better if DeMarco put his various references to all those "well-known"
persons like Hemingway, etc, into a context which people in other parts
of the world could relate to. Europe is not the US, it's not even the UK.

And there are more parts of the world than the US or the EU.

Muddy Tracks, 2001, Frank DeMarco, (foreword by Colin Wilson)

GRADE: 8.0

This book is probably DeMarco's best. It describes his development over
the years into the 21th century. He gradually improves his channeling skill
as he talks more and more to the non-physical entities, he calls TGU.

The first part of DeMarco's book describes his time before he enters TMI.
He gives numerous examples of how he communicates with TGU.

In the beginning TGU is more like individuals, sometimes "past lives",
but as time progresses, DeMarco gets more info that reincarnation is
not what he expects and TGU may be different from what he originally thinks.

DeMarco also writes about his experiences from courses at TMI. To some
extent his stories have a slight Moen-style touch, specially when DeMarco
writes about his retrieval experiences. But except for GateWay Voyage,
DeMarco's path is still quite different from other TMI writers, so if you
want to follow all tracks of Monroe, this book should be read.

DeMarco brings up Guidance and dreams and how to use them to improve your
life and personal development and some short info on remote viewing.

DeMarco also gives his own view on the Monroe Focuses, which is slightly
different from what Moen/Monroe have written and could be an opportunity
to get a fresh eye opener to the possibility that anyone's first
interpretations may not be what they seem.

DeMarco mentions some of the lesser known Focus Levels like F 18, but doesn't
go into any depth.

The strength of DeMarco's book is also that it covers a fairly wide variety
of phenomena. And the style in which the book is written makes it entertaining
and easy to read, perhaps because DeMarco repeatedly re-wrote the book
several times before it arrived at its final form.

There are a lot of people mentioned in the book, and there is a reference
at the end so you can find the place where the person is first mentioned.

There are some weaknesses of the book, which brings down the grade.

DeMarco states several times that he missed to take notes on several important
occasions, for example when he went through TMI programs and got lectures by
Monroe himself. Perhaps DeMarco could have improved the book if he had just
included a little more content from those Monroe meetings/lectures?

At some times the book also lacks some structure in a way which is a little
difficult for me to put the finger on. My problem may be that I can't see
as clear a path of DeMarco's personal development in the book as I can
see from for example Monroe's or Moen's writings.

I also think that DeMarco's book would have benefited from more clear
references, for example to Monroe's books, as all may not remember or
know what DeMarco is writing about.

I also think DeMarco could have done a much better job of describing how
the TMI methods work, like how the Focus Levels (reached by Hemi-Sync) are
related to brain wave patterns.

Sometimes DeMarco can write in a way which confuses the reader, for example
when he wants to describe the layout of the TMI facilities. He starts using
directions like east/west but then switches to left/right, without relating
the left/right to what is east/south, which gets me lost.

At times it almost seems that DeMarco lacks concentration when at TMI. I
would have liked DeMarco writing a little more how TMI view their own
programs, like purpose, ideas and symmetry.

The Sphere and the Hologram, 2009, Frank DeMarco & Rita Q Warren

GRADE: 7.0

This book is the result of Rita Warren wanting to get some answers to
questions she never got answers to while active at operating the lab
room at TMI while she was head of the channeling experiments while
Monroe was still active.

The book is based on several sessions where DeMarco enters an altered
state to contact TGU and Rita Warren asks questions. At the time Rita
Warren is quite old, past her 80th birthday. Before the book was finished
Rita Warren had passed away. All sessions were performed 2001 - 2002.

The book offers a lot for the buck, over 400 pages.

The sessions bring up such a variety of subjects, that I'm not going to
go into too much details. If you are interested in this kind of subjects
you should read this book.

A few sessions are made at TMI, operated by Skip Atwater.

TGU mentions some info on the Focus Levels, and I would have like Rita
Warren to go more into depth on that subject. TGU even urges Rita Warren
to write down in text some of the info she got during her much earlier
Monroe time, as TGU seem to know that it has not completely been put on
paper, and the info is starting to get lost. DeMarco writes that such
a writing-down, never occurred (!).

One problem with anything channeled is that it at times sounds a little
unclear, perhaps to open to interpretations or not specific enough.

TMI have some free, downloadable taped sessions from the 1970ies & 1980ies,
which may give the reader some feeling for the difficulties of getting
anything of interest from channeled sessions. Go to TMI's homepage and
listen if you are interested.

What is clear from the DeMarco sessions, is that the Monroe I-There concept
may be even more extended, as the TGU almost always responds as a group mind,
picking up information or influences beyond their local group, sometimes
pointing out that there exists no individuals from their point of view.

All is one.

There are some strange things though.

At one point fairly early, TGU say that they haven't experienced emotions.
I would really have liked Rita Warren to find out how that could be possible.

From that moment on in the book, TGU starts to resemble Moen's 2ndGathGroup
(non-physical?) aliens.

At some other point TGU is made aware by Rita Warrens questions that TGU in
turn had some, to them, unknown guidance.

Further, at some point during one of DeMarcos's own sessions, his non-physical
body is touch by someone, to prevent him from falling asleep. TGU realizes
that none of them have been the originator of that touch. I would have like
Rita Warren to follow up on that issue, too.

At Several times TGU repeats that they doesn't have the focus of mind, which
we have in the physical, so their answers will improve much the more specific
the questions are which Rita Warren asks.

At times I get the feeling that Rita Warren may not be asking questions
having enough quality and not being specific enough. At several times
during the sessions, she doesn't even ask any questions at all, which
leaves TGU to find anything important to say on their own.

And again, TGU points out that the quality of the question improves the
quality of their answers.

It's almost like TGU knows that they are not giving good enough answers, but
at the same time, due to their lack of individual focus, TGU are unable
to figure out what the problem is or even what is the right or specific
enough question. I get the feeling that Rita Warren wasn't completely aware
about this problem during the sessions.

To some part the book also lacks structure, but it may be difficult to give
it more structure without having to cut out parts of TGU's answers.

On several occasions in the book I'm left with a feeling of incompleteness,
as the question or the answer lacks some substance.

There are some small language issues, too. Sometimes DeMarco has chosen
to double a word, like in "that that", instead of the more appropriate
"that it", "that the". At other occasions he uses the word "unsuspected"
a little odd, where I would have wanted the word "unexpected".

Still, it a good book, despite some unclear parts.

The Cosmic Internet, 2011, Frank DeMarco

GRADE: 5.5

As this is DeMarco's last book I had quite high expectations on it. Also,
on amazon the book has gotten quite high grades.

But I'm a little disappointed. It's not bad but not excellent either.

Much of the content is somehow mentioned by DeMarco (or Monroe) in other
books. I expected something more or deeper in this book.

Well, there are some parts that are good and worth reading, but there
are also parts where I read 10 pages in a row and didn't understand much
as the content was so unclearly written/channeled.

There are some radio interviews on youtube on the subject of this book,
which gives some additional info and may be worth listening to.

This book resembles The Sphere and the Hologram, but this book is
slimmed down (only 200 pages), and is still burdened by unclearnesses.

Again DeMArco is a little poor at putting together something which needs
a good structure. He writes about the person-group, which I think is about
the same as an individual/person. Then his TGU extends on the subject of
us having abilities from more than one discarnate.

DeMarco has provided some drawings which improves the understanding
of the book's content.

TGU point out the need for isolation to create individuals, and the purpose
of making choices, choosing anything, and the need for delayed consequences,
which are only possible in the physical.

At times I feel that TGU comes with somewhat unsubstantiated claims. I also
am of the opinion that in this book, DeMarco doesn't questions TGU's claims
to a deep enough degree. It's almost as if TGU are testing DeMarco.

On page 120, TGU state:

"You must think about what has been received, and - in your case,
Frank - reshape it so that it teach others."

On page 153, TGU want DeMarco to summarize some sessions, to sharpen his mind,
which in turn sharpens TGU's mind, as they are part of him and he is part
of TGU.

Somehow I feel that DeMarco hasn't reshaped his channeled message enough.
It's not structured and clear to a degree I want it to be.

Maybe others find this a better book than I do?

Babe in the Woods, 2008, Frank DeMarco

GRADE: 4.5

This book is fictional. It's about TMI, but the place is called something
else. There is not any Monroe in this book, instead a fictional character
has taken his place.

I wonder why DeMarco wrote this book as it is kind of poor in terms of
teaching people more about the non-physical part of our world.

The book is about a fictional, one week, kind of Gateway Voyage program
story, and those persons participating in that particular course.

There is nothing exciting about the story, nothing special. It's a novel,
but it's content is kind of disappointing, and a little boring at times.

I've read Gateway Voyage stories (real life) before. This book adds
very little new info. Strangely enough this book has received high
ratings at amazon, but I can only perceive the book as mediocre.

And also, DeMarco has already written about the important highlights
of TMI's Gateway Voyage, in his book Muddy Tracks, in a more
interesting way.

Perhaps this book is mostly important to DeMarco himself?

Chasing Smallwood, 2008, Frank DeMarco

Unread & unordered by me. This book is about a channeled "past life" of

Messenger, 1994, Frank DeMarco

This book is unread & unordered by me, as I never managed to place an order
on this book through DeMarco's book site ->
possible because my FireFox browser couldn't handle the javascripting.

The book is purely fictional. Due to copyright issues it will not be
re-printed soon, once the existing copies have been sold.

Upshifting, 2003, Frank DeMarco & Rita Warren

Despite this title having a cover, a publishing date & an ISBN number, this
title may never have become a real book. Instead it seems that this title
turned into the book Sphere and Hologram.
I thought Raduga was teaching how-to-OBE and used his own label;
"The Phase" on OBEs, but apparently he is teaching some kind of LD
technique, which is NOT an OBE technique.

To Raduga, the Phase is all in the mind, and NOT related to physical reality,
not even a bad copy of reality.

From Raduga's book School of Out-of-Body Travel, page 159:

"For example, in the phase, it is not possible to fly around to locations in physical world,
although it may seem so, the locations that are experienced are produced within the mind.

Nor is it possible to pinch someone in the phase and then to find a bruise on the person
while in reality.

I find this very interesting, as I thought Raduga was teaching something else,
but to find that his method is more a kind of LD, unrelated to the RTZ, was an
eyeopener to me.

Raduga goes as far as invalidating Monroe's pinch!

The Phase - it is ONLY in the mind!

Makes me laugh. :)
I found this old article from TMI about visiting aliens species, some destroyed by war,
at this link. From the text:

"With the aid of F42 Hemi-Sync frequencies, we traveled to the Alpha Centauri
and Sirius star systems. Alpha Centauri had lots of planets circling in a doughnut
shaped belt around two suns. The beings there (angular, short limbed) were very
friendly (their energy felt like part of my I-There cluster), and they showed me
around. They seemed to have a "pair" consciousness, though they can also function
alone with some difficulty. Sirius felt empty and desolate. The custodian energy-being
there told me that Sirius's many planets were destroyed by war and natural disasters.
Many Sirians left and settled/incarnated in the neighboring star systems, including
Earth and Alpha Centauri. I felt deep compassion, love, and a desire to heal the
entire area. On another trip, we visited Arcturus, which felt heavy/low in energy
and old. The Pleiades was a very familiar energy. There seemed to be several
civilizations able to "teleport" themselves and their large ships from one planet
to another via laser telescope–type equipment. The beings there were golden/orange,
very thin, with triangular faces and slanted eyes, and resembled one of my guides.
Orion felt like a sort of United Nations—the government of our galactic neighborhood—with
ambassadors from many star systems, including ours. We were introduced to an energetic
multidimensional space station, called "Alpha Squared," that symbolized our I-There cluster
in the Sea of I-There Clusters. It appeared as a cylinder full of energy swirls (I-Theres)
bonded to each other, transferring and homogenizing their energy, and thus bonding with
more I-Theres. Eventually, they all click into one piece and become a fully formed I-There
cluster. The process is similar when I-There clusters eventually form a sea of clusters.

I wonder how close to us, those aliens are? Have any of you tried to communicate with them?

They seem to be part of our I-Theres, but so far I think I've only managed to communicate with
one member who was turtle-like.
Sometimes I encounter the expression, that "duality is an illusion".
But is that true? Does duality go away if we ascend to higher
astral "planes"?

What if duality is created in the physical and then is brought to
the astral and maintain there?

Buhlman says that one of the reasons we are in the physical is
to develop our individuation.

Frank DeMarco says our physical existence is for us to mold our
personalities as it takes forever in the astral (and is perhaps also
impossible to finish there).

So, if we are here to become individuals, could it be possible for
duality to exist in the astral?

Duality as a fact?

Oneness becomes an illusion?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Future predictable?
June 14, 2011, 19:29:27
In this youtube radio interview Frank DeMarco states that discarnates,
who he calls "the guys up there", can't predict the future.

Listen to the minute around 43:25 - 44:20:

This is in sharp contrast to Frank statement on F 4 oC, that (my bold):

"To grasp the notion of Simultaneous Time, in your thinking you have to get
a good grasp of the idea of Infinity. You see, everything that ever will be,
has already been. Because in infinity, everything happens an infinite
number of times.

"Which means everything that has or will come about, has already happened."

There are some of you out there, more skilled than us other. Do you think that
everything has already happened an infinite number of times?

Do you believe there is a Focus oC where it is possible to perceive that infinity?
Monroe said it's to develop our I-There.

Buhlman says it's to develop our individuation.

Moen says it's to express and experience PUL.


What do you think?

Moen also has the idea that it's curiosity that have driven us here where we are.
Buhlman says most people descend to the astral (F 24 - F 27), and don't go to
C1 as it is considered too extreme. It's only we incarnates that have gone C1,
as it gives the most development due to highest friction.

Someone said it was the feeling of being lonely, which gave rise to the travel
to C1 and dualism.

Are there other astral perspectives?
Are these symbolic images of rockets going to a planet? Greys on two feet with big heads?

Paintings are in tunnels too small for humans!
Welcome to Dreams! / LDs are not OBEs
May 28, 2011, 11:29:26
Robert Waggoner, author of Lucid Dreaming on the subject of LD is not OBE:

Somewhere around 1:25, Waggoner even makes a reference to Monroe on this issue.

Interesting that one more of the big authors, beside Buhlman, makes this reflection.
Buhlman has given many interviews. Many about the same basic topics, but...

This is probably the best Radio Interview(s) I've heard of Buhlman. He gives
some deeper info, not given in his books or in other interviews I've listened to:

Interesting, he hypnotizes his course participants for three hours, before he
let them do OBEs. He is a certified hypnotherapist.

See also:
One minute answer from W Buhlman on the expected Major Events of 2012:
This is a post from another forum.

It shows that Pure Unconditional Love (PUL) can help in retrieving Aspects of Self.

It also shows that "Negs" can be parts of yourself and have to be allowed back in.
I post this in response to people with these problems.



These retrievals were probably prepared at least 2 months in advance
by my I-There. First, several other things happened at a much earlier
time, which also involved some sort of Aspect of Self retrievals.

The reason that I at all wrote this down to the forum is the
encouragement I got from someone, as I've had a lot of
disbelief in my own experiences.

--- Part 1 - Preparatory sessions (Aspect retrievals) ---

More than 2 months ago I did some kind of retrievals in a way,
which I haven't read about anywhere else on the net or in any
books. I'd read more than 150 retrieval stories of various kinds,
and as I couldn't find anything that resembled these Aspect
retrievals I doubted them to be real.

At the time, my view of retrievals of Aspect of Self, was that you
meet someone, who is afraid and feel abandoned, usually in the form
of a child. You talk to the child (?) Aspect, send PUL and perhaps
offer the child a toy. Then you pick the Aspect up and merge/melt
together with your Aspect of Self. Well, this was not what happened
to me.

These retrievals of mine didn't fit in anywhere.

Perhaps they were just my vivid fantasy playing tricks on me?

My unusual series of retrievals all started with me finding someone
incarnate, who I knew from real life and who seemed to be happy to
see me. To make long stories short, things developed and I just
shouted out:

"I call all Aspects to <PERSON'S NAME>!"

In a few cases I also called out "myself" as "<PERSON'S NAME>".


At some occasions I managed to see something that looked like
several "ghost" fly into the incarnate person, and immediately
after, I got very heavy physical chills and goose bumps all over
my physical body in several "energy" waves the started at the legs
or back and spread out all over my physical body to my head. At some
times nothing was seen entering the incarnate, but I still got the
chills running up or down my physical body after having shouted
out my request. This could last for minutes with short pauses in
between, as I repeated my non-physical shoutings with request for
Aspect to arrive. When no more chills or goose bumps were felt, or
I got the feeling I had reached a stop, I also stopped my mental
shouting for Aspects.

I was very puzzled, as this meeting-incarnate-friends-calling-for-Aspects
happened over a sequence of several days. I was wondering what on Earth I
did wrong as I couldn't get normal retrievals of Aspects of Self as I did
in the beginning when I started with retrievals. I even put out some
questions on other forums to see if someone could explain to me what
I had experienced.

These retrievals occurred over a week, about 6 times.

The next peculiar thing that happened was a retrieval of an Aspect of Self,
of my own self. I figured out that I was in an astral Sevastopol,
the town at Krim in Ukraine.

To make the long story short:

I entered a basement and pulled out some Black Tar that completely
covered all the walls of the room. It was clear to me that it wasn't
anything I could remove by Seeing-It-Not-There. The Black Tar moved,
scared and "attacked" me. It was clearly a living entity. I absorbed
everything of the Black Tar into me as I guessed it was an Aspect of Self.

The Sevastopol retrieval was probably my most scary retrieval of all
I've done. I felt fear for several days after, a fear which slowly

The only nice thing with the Sevastopol retrieval was at the end when
I got a big hug from a figure that looked exactly like Frankenstein's
Monster, complete with its metal rod through its head. It was a very
kind Frankenstein's Monster, either a thought form or a guide in


The scene was set.

But 2 months would pass.

My retrievals of incarnates' Aspects of Selves and the Sevastopol
retrieval may have been some kind of preparation for things to

--- Part 2 - Adjustment session ---

After having retrieved Jesiah I got to see a guide with name Markill.
I tried twice (two different sessions) to figure out what he wanted
me to do, but had no go.

The third day I went to the dome where "Tom Hanks" used to stand.
I couldn't find him. Instead I got to the lawn where Markill was
standing. Good! Now I would get some answers, I thought.

But no.

This sessions was kind of confusing and I was disappointed at my
poor perception the whole time. I made very few notes afterwards
as I both forgot the sequence of events and assumed that noting
important had happened.

Most of what happened was that I seemed to shift to various places,
rooms, outdoor scenes, where I spun around. Sometimes guides or even
incarnates (or their Total Selves/subconsciousness (?)) spun around me.
A short while I even seemed to revisit TMI-There and was inside the
crystal, there were other people there, but the only reason I was there
was because someone could do a minor adjustment to me at the place.

Finally I was back at the lawn with Markill.

He put his hand in my chest. I've been there before. I just have to
stand still as something happens to a non-physical part of myself.

I started to spin on the lawn and Markill started spinning even faster
around me. Then the french theatre woman, with her black hair and red
lips emerged. She also spun around me and put her hand in my head,
at the back of my head.

Eventually Markill put the length of his arm into me, vertically and
spun around. I could only conclude that it was some kind of adjustment,
unknown purpose or function to me.

I felt some energy rushes and some chills going up or down my back.

Then the session ended. I had a little headache.

--- Part 3 - The Werewolf session (long) ---

This session I decided to go to Markill, and perhaps get some answers
and an explanation to his presence. Markill usually stands on a lawn
in a British setting, sometimes in front of a small fence and I've been
able to spot a large Manor in the background. The lawn Markill stands on
is located at a totally different place then the lawn in front of the
dome where I usually find Tom Hanks.

I didn't find Markill, and the lawn I was standing on was Tom H's lawn,
as I saw Tom H and the huge dome behind him.

Nevertheless, I could ask Tom Hanks my question. I asked him if he could
take me to my Total Self. I didn't get a yes or no as I remember it.

Tom Hanks took me into the dome. It was a gray light inside and I saw
the brown marble floor, which I've seen on other occasions. In the far
distance of the interior I could spot a few marble columns.

Then strangely enough I was standing in front of a drapery. The dome's
huge hall seemed gone. We were in a smaller room. Tom Hanks wanted me
to enter the drapery as he moved some part of it away for me. I tried
to go past the drapery, but I saw nothing beyond the drapery. I guessed
that it was en entry for me to travel somewhere and I tried to throw
myself into whatever void there was before me. I could see nothing and
failed to travel anything but a short distance.

I decided to go back. I left the dome and went outside to the lawn. I
asked Tom Hanks what the dome was, and he said it was an entrance to
various places, which he knew I already had guessed.

I was pretty sure I had failed with something as I didn't manage to
perceive what was behind the curtain/drapery.

Something urged me to take a good look at Tom Hanks as he was standing
in front of me. He looked even more of an evil CIA agent, or rather
like the men-in-black agents of the Matrix movies.

Tom Hanks face twisted into a brutal grimace. He grabbed my chest with
both his hands, and very brutally pulled my skin and various internal
parts of me out of my body. It was done with raw brute force. Some part
of my body was left behind me, and I quickly lost connection to that
part of myself. If you've seen Silent Hill, where the demon first rips
the clothes of a woman and then rips her skin off her body, you get the
impression of what it felt to me. It was quite a shock.

For several seconds Tom Hanks pulled and pulled in what was left of me
as he flew higher and higher into space (?).

He looked like a scary brute. And I was a little scared too, but
decided that this was something I should just accept and follow
along with. Being ripped apart by Tom Hanks, was not what I liked.

It was clear as we moved and as I could see his face, that he used his
utmost force to get me moving. It was probably close to what he mustered.

After 10-15 seconds he stopped pulling me and we arrived through some
door (?) into a very long building, which felt like a Transit Hall,
at a very big and modern air port.

The building had the shape of a triangle with its walls bent outwards.
And the "triangle" shape was kind of elongated, so I in fact stood in
a very long building, where the farther end disappeared in the distance.

The left side of the building had an opaque white wall and on the floor
of the left side I felt some kind of small formations, like small houses.

To the right, the roof was mostly made of glass and a lot of light
entered the glass keeping the building well lit, like filled with
sun light.

There were lots of people in the Transit Hall. But I couldn't see any
of them clearly. All the people seemed to be of some kind of higher
spirits and rather neutral with minor leakage of love from random

I was disturbed that my impression was so poor and that I couldn't
see anyone clearly. Some time ago a tall guy with the name William
had taken me for a walk in a park. I remembered that I had made a full
turn in the park and been able to see bushes, trees, lawns, pathways
and a big low building behind us (but no humans).

I tried to do the same turn in this Transit Hall.

I turned a full 360 degrees, to figure out what I could perceive.
I noticed that Tom Hanks was standing behind me, waiting. My view
didn't improve much, even if I managed to get the feeling that the
small indoor buildings to my left could be some kind of simple libraries?
For a moment I wondered if the Transit Hall was some kind of impression
I got of my Total Self, but doubted the idea as it seemed so many
people just was passing through.

I again faced the depth of the Transit Hall.


A Dark Being was standing 20 feet away, facing me. It didn't seem to belong
here. The Dark Being was scary as hell. I kept my calm, but didn't like
the situation. The Dark Being had black fur, claws and predator teeth,
and the air of hostility and its presence was just bad and wrong, wrong.
Totally wrong.

The Dark Being didn't belong in the Transit Hall among all the higher
beings. I could feel it was out of place. How on earth could such a
foul creature enter here?!?

The Dark being was much bigger than me, it started to move around me
in circles. I would have difficulties avoiding it. Could it be an
Aspect of Self, that I needed to integrate into me? Tom Hanks didn't
interfere. I had to cope with the situation myself. I could see the
door behind Tom Hanks, but at the same time got a tiny feeling that
he wouldn't allow me to exit.

The Dark Being now was moving around me as it grew, and looked even
more disgusting. The strange thing was that it didn't feel particular
threatning anymore. It was just big, foul and hairy like a werwolf.

As the Dark Being moved around me, I offered it to enter me. After all
it could be an Aspect that had gone lost in F 27.

The Dark Being started to transform into something much scarier and
terrible. Lots of claws, needles, sharp points, jaws, fangs and unnatural
forms not belonging to any earthly being. I was intensely affected by
the monster Dark Being. I let go of my fear and I immediately felt
that it was not evil or against me.
The Dark Being flooded into me. I got tons of chills and energy surges
up and down my back, legs and body. The amount of chills was enormous,
something I've only felt a few times before (once at the TMI-There
crystal). I realized the Dark Being wasn't anything evil, it was just...
a monster.

And then I started to transform. It happened very quickly.

I became a werewolf, complete with ears, teeth, paws and fur, lots of
fur. I didn't at all look like my childhoods nice cartoon werewolfs, who
looked much more like decent humans. I looked like a wolf standing on its
back legs. I had no fingers, just dog feet!

I moved my werewolf head side-to-side. There still were people around me,
but they seemed to ignore me and keep some distance to me.

Oh my, if the purpose of this travel was to meet my Total Self, I didn't
want to look like a werewolf. How should I explain my appearence?
"I just meet a foul creature in your Transit Hall and I offered it to
enter me. You see, this was what happened..."

Did I feel afraid before or during the Dark Being entered me? Yes, a little,
but nothing compared to my Sevastopol retrieval of the Black Tar Aspect.

Most of my fear had gone. Instead I felt silly.

I tried hard to turn back into my human shape, but failed several times.
Could this be right? I've never heard about anyone go to F 27 and then
turn into another animal, and certainly not a monster. Will anyone
believe me? Maybe I will seem stupid if I tell others about this

I'm a werewolf!

Where does a werewolf belong?

Oh... I'm in a forest, a green forest. Yes, a werewolf belongs in a forest!

I can run like a wolf. I run over the ground, past trees and over rocks,
past bushes. I can even jump over small ones. But do I want to be a

Can I change back..? No.

What can I change into then? Anything?

I'm a bird. Yes, now I'm a bird. Didn't I read about someone being a
bird? Was it in Waggoner's book? A woman turned into a bird in an LD!
I've read it, so it must apparently be possible to become a bird!

I can move back and forth on a twig. I chirp! "Chirp-Chirp!"

I quickly move my small tail feathers up and down. I'm a small brown
bird who blends well into the forest. "Chirp!" My small bird feet
move back and forth along a branch with great quickness. "Chirp!"

But wait, I'm not a bird.

Suddenly I'm back into being a werewolf. I realize that I can't change
my appearence anymore. Being a bird for a short while, somehow made me
feel more at ease with being a werewolf. I concentrate on figuring out
why I'm a werewolf.

What am I supposed to do?

The forest seems darker. Yes, I'm supposed to move into the darker parts
of the forest. The dark and scary parts. I'm a werewolf in body but the
dark forest still scares me. I'm not really confident moving into this
kind of surroundings.

I jump around in the black forest. It became denser, but I had no
problems moving around. Now the darkness was also part of my mind.
It was a heavy, bad darkness.

Again I have to make a long story short, or at least shorter:

In front of me was a monster. It was a huge Werewolf-Smoke-Monster. The
best metaphor is if you can imagine a werewolf about 20 feet high combined
with the smoke monster from TV series "Lost". That's the impression I got.

The Werewolf-Smoke-Monster was scary initially, but as time passed,
during the retrieval, I didn't perceive it as scary.

It was just monstrous.

Also, the Werewolf-Smoke-Monster wasn't human either, perhaps not even
an animal in the usual sense? The Werewolf-Smoke-Monster moved around
me like a whirl wind, just being monstrous and terrible.

I tried to figure out what to do in the situation. Having a huge monster
running around me in circles didn't make sense. I could now also feel
Tom Hanks somewhere behind me. I asked Tom what the Smoke-Monster was,
but Tom didn't answer. I then asked the Smoke-Monster: "What are you?"

No answer.

I decided to do as I had done before, but this time the Aspect seemed
to be much bigger than anything I've encountered before. I asked it
to enter me. I sent it PUL. I put myself in an emotional state where
I fully accepted the Werewolf-Smoke-Monster. I shouted out:

"I call my Aspects to me! All Aspects, come to me! You are accepted!
Enter me!"

I got tons and tons of chills and surges down and up my back and
front. But somehow it didn't seem to end. I got a little exhausted
after a while.

I had to rest.

I left the dark forest and moved out onto the much lighter and greener
forest. Eventually I moved out to the clearing of the green forest and
found a meadow. I lay down in my werewolf shape and rested on the thick
grass. I realized that it wasn't really comfortable to lay on back in
a wolf/dog body. I moved to my side and looked at my paws. I still only
had tiny nails, fur paws and nothing that resembled human hands.

I was a werewolf, but somehow I more felt like being a silly dog.

Perhaps I was too kind, to much dog, when I should be more raw animal,
more wolf?

I raise up on all four and entered into the dark forest again. This time
when I saw the whirl wind of the huge Smoke-Monster, I acted out like
a very angry wolf. I put up rage, my fur was standing, I snarled, showed
my teeth. I looked really mean. Like a big bad wolf. I growled and roared.

And roared more again.

In between my roaring I called my Aspects to me. I put out feelings of
acceptance. I sent the feeling to the Werewolf-Smoke-Monster that I was
as much a monster as it felt it was, so it would be just fine for the
Smoke-Monster to enter me. It would feel at home.

One part of me didn't feel like a terrible monster werewolf, and I was
unsure if my approach would be accepted. Each time I roared, the
Smoke-Monster roared back even more monstrous and terrible.

But at some point I leveled with the Werewolf-Smoke-Monster. I wasn't
as bad as the Smoke-Monster but I managed to give off the impression
that I at least deserved to play in the same league.

At this time I've also had the ride of my life with chills and energy
surges going up and down my physical body.

Then the Smoke-Monster little by little diminished in size, it shrank
as it raced around me in its whirl wind style.

In front of me something emerged. It seemed to be a huge pile that
emerged out of the remnants of the Smoke-Monster. The pile looked
almost human. I could spot an eye and a few human teeth in a disfigured
mouth, which seemed so severely deformed that it couldn't be closed.
The rest of the body looked like an extremely, dysfunctional
and shapeless human who had gone trough a lot of burn damage,
combined with Elephantiasis.

As I called more and more of my Aspects to me, the deformed human
"pile" shrank and shrank. Swollen body parts became smaller.

The disfigured body now was in the size of half a human. I could feel
how I drifted backwards, ending on my back suspended in mid air.

Two feet long worms with the thickness of my wrist, crawled into my
stomach and into my head. At least three worms entered. I got scared and
remembered a story I've read, that I should avoid astral worms. But then
I change my mind, let go of the fear and accepted the worms. They only
had low animal intelligence. As my resistance to the worms disappeared,
my fear for the worms also went away.

Worms entered me more than once. I got tons of chills.

I started to turn back into my human shape. I had hands and a completely
normal human body now. Some parts of the Smoke-Monster still circled me
but most of it was gone. The total interaction with the Werewolf-Smoke-Monster
must have taken more than 20 minutes in real time.

The pile of burnt human fat flesh shrank until only a deformed head and
a small stump below the neck remained.

The Smoke-Monster was gone.

I lifted up the repulsive head and told it that I accepted it and
sent it PUL. The head didn't seem to want to enter me. I said I needed
it, that we were the same. I needed that Aspect. It should not be alone.

I was kind of exhausted now and was not completely clear about what to do.
I may not have clicked out, but somehow I lost it, or at least lost the
last part of what to do. So perhaps it was a click out?


I could perceive the shell of an animal. I wasn't in the forest anymore.
Perhaps this was a very barren land. I saw almost no plants.

Then I saw the shell again and realized it was a shell of an Almost-Turtle.

It didn't really look like any turtle I've seen on picture or real life.
The Almost-Turtle had too flat a turtle house to be a real turtle, the
turtle shell was also too smooth and the legs of the Almost-Turtle were
too big. The head had the beak of a bird, like an eagle's beak.

I got the feeling that the Almost-Turtle was a being of its own. It had
wisdom and some kind of simple intelligence. It was between humans and
animals, but closer in intelligence to animals than to humans.

The Almost-Turtle was 1.5 meters long and about 1 meter wide.

I wondered if I was on another planet, because I didn't get the feeling
of Earth. Or was it Earth in another time? The Almost-Turtle seemed old.

Then I got it.

The Almost-Turtle was a part of my I-There. So I got to see part of my
Total Self after all!

I got more chills, lots of chills!

I also felt some inner turmoil, which eventually calmed down.

I looked at the Almost-Turtle. It looked cute. I did as we humans do
sometimes with pet animals. Standing on its right side. I petted the
Almost-Turtle on its head as it looked at me with eyes of wisdom.

Then the Almost-Turtle started moving. It walked past me with a speed
somewhat faster than a human walking. I looked after it as it disappeared
in the distance. When it was almost gone, it turned in an odd way and waved
at me with it right front leg. I could feel that this waving was the work
of Tom Hanks, and that it was a kind of joke too. I waved back in a similar
manner and felt happy.

--- Part 4 - end session, wrapping it up ---

The next day I did a simple session. Nothing much happened. I sensed a
woman for a few moments, but that seemed to be all.

Then I rested on my bed and thought of the day before. I realized that
I couldn't remember what I did with the disfigured head once I had picked
it up.

I decided to go to the dome. A man was there. I thought it was Tom Hanks,
but he looked different to me. A few days later I would find out that it
probably wasn't Tom Hanks, but some other Helper, which I have failed
to get the correct name for. Anyway, this new guy looked like James May
from the TV series Top Gear, so let's call him "James May" for the time

The person I thought was Tom Hanks with long hair, was in fact this
James May Helper. I asked James May about the retrieval and got very
unclear answers. I decided to go back to where I had picked up the head.

But no forest appeared.

Instead I was standing indoors, in a huge room, like an office space or
storage area. The room had white walls, some light gray floor and big
whitish squares in the ceiling. The room had the feeling of a government
installation, now being closed down and abandoned.

I moved around in the empty office space and found the disfigured head
from the day before. Its body looked like a burn damaged and amputated
stump of an arm.

I lifted up the head. And put it to my chest and sent it PUL. I could
feel how the head integrated with me. I again got lots of chills.

Most of the head ended up somewhere inside me. A blob the size of my
fist, still poked out from the upper part of my chest. I pushed the
blob into my body and sent it acceptance.

Some days after, as a mental after construction, which may be wrong,
I could feel that the room was like a cold government building that had
been used for some kind of biological experiment. This was an astral
feeling and probably not connected with any real physical experiment.
The place felt closed down and abandoned, its equipment removed and
any traces of the experiment had been taken away. Only the head was
left at the place. If this was the feeling of the disfigure head or
the after image of some kind of F 23 setting, I don't know. It could
also be my general distrust for government that created the feeling.


Later I added:

I've got a little more info now. The Dark Being at the Transit Hall was not an Aspect.

In total there were 5 Aspects of Self who merged with me. I think at least one of the dark ones,
was from a time when I couldn't "fight" for myself. Instead an Aspect of me was created and
helped me, but when things were over, my Aspect was lost and alone. I'm happy they are back,
as I feel more at peace.
Recently I've seen a Guide who looks like Stephen Fry. I wonder how Guides appear to you? How do they behave? What do they wear? Do they change appearance from time to time?

This is a picture of Fry, but to me he gives the impression to be 20 years older and wears a black suit, white shirt and black butterfly in the style of the Jeeves character. i think he wants me to ask questions, the _right_ questions. :)

This retrieval is from another forum. PUL is used a lot.


Retrieval - White Collar Business Man

--- Part 1 - Initial sessions ---

First I had two initial sessions, several days in advance. Both were short.

The first session involved me meeting James May outside the dome, where
Tom Hanks usually stands. James May transported me to a town. Then he ran
away and I had to follow him. He ran down the streets, fast.

I saw pavements, houses, trams, shops, cars and a few people. Then James
May stopped and rested. He looked at me. Nothing more happened. I just
guess that he wanted to check that I managed to keep up with him running
around in a busy town.

A few days passed and on my next meeting with James May he gave me
visions of tall buildings in a town. I also saw one very tall tower
in the middle of a traffic circulation. The tower was very slim and
could be 50 meters high.

The tower was shown to me in crisp clear, 1970ies cop TV series
style. Nothing else of importance happened.

--- Part 2 - Retrieval (long) ---

Then some days passed, and it was time for a session. I hoped it
wouldn't take too long or lead me into something too strained.

I had had a pressure in my head most of the day.

I hoped for a simple session.

Sitting up, I tried to do NEW with full body circulation, but had great
difficulties getting the energy down to my base energy center, once it
had been moved up into my head. All energy got stuck in the top of my
head once I had moved it up, and I failed to move it down again.

It felt taxing.

Eventually I lay down to have the session. I prepared me for anything and
nothing, and circulated energy from above/below and PUL.

I peeled an clementine (easier to peel than an orange) and walked along
my favorite beach, to "prime the pumps" of imagination.

After a while my neck energy center starts to throb and I get a slight
breathing problem, but ignores it until it goes away.

During much of this retrieval I get lots of energy waves over my physical
body, and lots of waves of physically felt goose bumps.

Relax. Start...

I sense that I'm on the lawn where I usually meet Markhill. He stands in front
of me and he does some adjustment to my body chakras. I can also feel Simone
behind me as she has her hand inside my head and does adjustments, too.

After a few seconds I seem to be done. I think to myself, that was quick!


What should I do?

Perhaps I should try to view that tower in the middle of the traffic?
I get the tower into view, but the image is not so clear. Then my
view shifts.


I'm at a skyscraper or at least in front of a very tall building. At close
range, I can look directly into one of the windows at a floor mighty high up.

From my outside position I look through the window and I see a man in a white
shirt. He stands with his left side to the window, and he seems to be working
in an office.

I move closer and pass through the wall. I'm inside the building. I've
entered the man's office room. He is standing with his back to me,
so he can't see me.

I concentrate on getting as much impressions from the white shirt man's
office room as possible. He has a huge room, so he must be some kind
of high ranked manager or important boss, a White-Collar-Manager.

I can also sense that the office at this floor, and the total building,
is in fact without any people, except for the White-Collar-Manager. He
works for some kind of big corporate company. The company's office has
a deep and thick air of commitment, cleanness, effectiveness, hard work
and upholds a trustworthy exterior.

This is clearly a company with a sick amount of money!

I'm probably in the White-Collar-Man's F 23, but it seems so big that I
get the feeling that it at some level also could be a BST. I shrug the
BST feeling off me.

The White-Collar-Man is standing up, in front of his office desk. I sense
more tables, desks, sofas, wall paintings and bookcases. I also get the
impression that the room continues beyond my viewing ability, and part of
the White-Collar-Man's office makes a turn to the right. I can't quite make
out if I'm in a corner room, or if there is a gray glass wall far ahead of me.

At my back there is a wall with a door to my back-right.

Now that I've absorbed the feeling and taste of the White-Collar-Man's
office, I must say that it's the most clean and perfect office I've
ever visited. It's not too much and not too coldly decorated. Everything
looks meticulously at place. The Perfect Office.

It's a place which means business.

I inspect the manager in front of me.

The White-Collar-Man wears a crisp white shirt, beige office trousers and
a black tie. He seems to be about 30 years old. He has some good looks,
almost like a male model. The White-Collar-Man also seems to be tall and
in excellent physical shape. Ha has short dark hair.

I watch him from behind as he seems to be caught in deep thoughts. My
impression is that he is one of the company's successful young bosses.

I now begin taking in my own appearance. It's clear to me that I won't fit in
as an office worker. I think I look like the private driver belonging to some
wealthy CEO. I wear sort of a driver's dark blue uniform and a driver's hat.

As I can be taken for the private driver of a very wealthy customer, I think
the young Manager would pay me some neutral or perhaps even friendly attention.

I walk up to the White-Collar-Man, rounding his office desk at his right
side, and I ask him:

"You are working here?"

"Yes", he answers.

I hesitate a little and we look at each other for a moment. He still mostly
seems to be pre-occupied by his own thoughts. I say:

"And you are..?"

"Matt. ...?", he answers.

I look around his office. He now seems to observe me with a little more
attention. Then I say very casually and almost matter of fact:

"This is not real."

I then put my right palm on the outer wall of his office, and I push a
section of the wall out into the empty air. The piece of wall I push off
the building has the shape of a square at the size of 4 x 4 meters. At
least one window follows the thick piece of wall as it breaks off and
falls towards the ground many floors below.

Matt crouches and clashes his open hands on to his desk, trying to grab
whatever solid object he can hold on to, to keep his balance. He looks
in fearful disbelief at what just happened and Matt's teeth are clenched.
In fact he is scared stiff.

I can almost hear his thoughts: "This is not true!"

I'm surprised at my own behavior. I had no intention to such a thing and
certainly not to scare him. At the same time I get the feeling that I'm
shielded from the worst of his emotions, which keeps me calm. I just

"There is a friend of yours I want you to meet."

Uhh... A friend? Did I really mean _one_ friend? I used singular. Why?

Now Matt breaks out of his frozen state. He turns around and runs out of
his office, through the door I initially saw when I entered his office.
I follow after him. He runs through a maze-like corridor and shouts something.
I can see doors to other much smaller office rooms as we pass by. All rooms
are empty.

Far ahead I get a glimpse of a conference room with some people.

Through the clear glass wall to the conference room, I can see a fat man with
a short stick in his hand.

Matt runs into the conference room. An old, fat and bald man, who looks
like a typical CEO, wearing a white shirt and a black tie, is standing in
front of a canvas. On the canvas a mid 1980ies projector is showing
some kind of image. The fat CEO is holding a short stick, which he
has been using to point at something interesting on the image projected
on the white canvas. About 10 rather ordinary looking office workers are
sitting around the conference table. They all wear white shirts.

Matt is agitated. He shouts and says something in a very upset way to the
office CEO. I send Matt PUL, a lot of PUL. Matt repeatedly points at me while
shouting. The CEO ignores me and gives Matt some kind of completely pointless
answer, almost like a politician.

At some point I realize that the others are all Matt's thought forms.

Behind Matt there is a wall partly covered with some brown, exotic wooden
tiles. Matt spins around on his feet and doesn't know what to do. As he cries
out against me, the wall behind him fades away and gives place to a beautiful
vista of a landscape covered by light green meadows and a few sparse trees.

I'm a little surprised to the change of scene. Could the landscape be a
variation of The Park, but with a rural setting?

I say to Matt: "Look behind you!"

I get my first wave in a long series of physically felt goose bumps.
Matt looks behind him and stops his body movements as he transfixed views
the landscape. I send him some more PUL, just in case.

Now he will step into that landscape and I will be done. Great! It's so simple!
I feel that I'm impressed by those Helpers' smooth ways of doing things.

I look at Matt. Now he will step into that landscape all by himself and
I will be done..?


Not at all

Matt refuses.

I'm also a little puzzled as I can see no people on the grass moors of
the wonderful landscape. Friend(s)?

The CEO doesn't move. Only some part of the conference room has faded away
and the 10 office workers still sit around the long table. They look at
Matt in strangely a disconnected way, showing little interest to the vista.


Why doesn't Matt step into the wonderful landscape?

Matt turns his attention to the CEO. Matt seems to be even more upset now,
shouting incoherently. I send him more PUL and get more goose bumps all
over me, some more on my back and head than on my front.

It seems to me that Matt doesn't want to believe what he has seen, and
that he wants the CEO or _someone_, to do _something_ about the absurd

Matt cries out against me with some kind of accusations. I send him more
PUL. Tons of waves of energy now goes through me and I'm having a severe
case of physically felt goose bumps. So far the goose bumps feels okay,
but I also feel a little concerned as I watch how the landscape scenery
starts to fade away to be replaced with the former solid wall of the
conference room.

The landscape is gone!

Matt becomes even more upset. He has somehow managed to restore his F 23
environment. His company's office space!

Matt shrieks at me!

Then he throws his head around and looks at the solid wooden wall. I send
PUL and move close to Matt. I send a good portion of PUL and tells him to
take my hands. More goose bumps. I tell him I'm a Helper. He takes my hands
with much trepidation. Nice, I've got his trust. I send more PUL. I seem to
be brilliant in sending PUL during this retrieval! I can sense Helpers nearby.

They don't step in.

Again the conference room's wall turns into a landscape, but this time
the light green grass meadows look more dark. I get a bad feeling.

Matt drops my hands. Matt projects his fear on the vista of the landscape.
The moor turns darker and more frightening. The vista transforms into a
terrible landscape of nightmares. Matt cries out!

He has lost it!

Matt screams in terror!

He is completely struck with panic!

I seem to fail with this retrieval.

Matt's small world has completely crackled, crumbled and fallen apart. He
is crawling on the walls shrieking and screaming.

Perhaps I should just call it a day, abort and return at some other time?
Or maybe I could just leave the mess and let my Guides sort it out?

I now feel some heavy physical waves of goose bumps run through me. I thought
to myself that I had sent more PUL than ever before and it hadn't worked.
I also wondered if the presence of goose bumps helped me send PUL? Perhaps
the waves of energy were some kind of PUL, but they clearly felt more like
some kind of astral rocket fuel feed through my physical body.

For a moment I was so engulfed in goose bump waves that I lost the sense
of where Matt was standing. I searched for him and sent more PUL, sending
more good feelings that things were okay, that he had noting to worry about,
that he would be fine.

I got back my vision. I could see how Matt looked into a landscape of
Hell. It looked really frightening. Things totally felt crap. I could
feel Matt's panic. I didn't know what to do. Should I grab him around
his waist and throw him into the landscape? Push him or force him into
the landscape? Perhaps once he was inside the landscape he would figure
out that F 27 is a nice place?

Everything in the landscape now looked dark, black, hostile, frightening
and terrible. The landscape had turned into a world of insanity, torture
and punishment.

More goose bump waves. The energy waves now started to feel just a little
too much.

I sent Matt more PUL, buck-loads of PUL. I could watch how a fear struck
Matt was being swallowed by a black cloud of Fear and Hell. Holy cow...
I feel the concern from Helpers. They didn't want to loose Matt to a BST Hell.
Oh, what a crappy situation. Was that my fault?

I could feel Matt drowning in his worst horrors.

The amount of goose bump energy increased to a level I've never experienced
before. This wasn't a normal amount of physically felt goose bump waves anymore.
I could feel the energy waves were now sent and fed through me from several
different sources. It felt unpleasant to say the least.

I Sent PUL, PUL and PUL to Matt. I again lost sense of the office building
and I could hardly sense Matt any longer. I accepted whatever was fed
into me as I only relayed it onwards.

I reached a peak of energy being transmitted through me, and I felt like a
leaking garden hose put over the tower top of a free-flowing Texas oil well.
98% of the PUL went to waste, and only 2% of the PUL reached Matt.

I was a small antenna sending whatever I could, as fast as I could.

Truckloads of PUL, PUL and PUL sent to Matt.

I could feel some of the stuff sprouting out of my head and I got a small
spot at my crown of my physical head, which felt like it had a minor leak
of something.

Those guides seemed determined not to loose Matt to any kind of Hell.

Slowly the office room came into view again, and my goose bumps were reduced
in intensity. The original conference room wall was back into place.

The CEO looked pale in appearance. The number of office workers around
the table was reduced to maybe 5 persons.

To make a long story short, the dark green landscape re-appears a third
an last time. But Matt didn't go into the same fearful panic and I didn't
have to send waves of PUL as intensely the third time.

Then the CEO and the office workers around the conference table completely
disappears. Matt and I am standing in a well lit conference room suitable
for about 30 persons.

To my surprise, Matt walks to the other side of the conference room's
long table and sits down.

He would now do what he was doing best.


He would try to get the best deal possible for his poor Soul. He used
no paper, no pen and had no briefcase. But he is also dazed and confused.

He looks at me.
My call now.

I start to talk to him, asking him what he wants to do now. Does he
remember his last work task? How long has he been working on that
task? Has he wondered where all the other office people are?

Matt seems to know that he is alone. I ask:

"You realize that you are dead?"

Matt answers: "Yes."

Me: "I'm a Helper. I help people move on, so they don't get stuck.
And you will meet some other Helpers."

I could sense two Helpers at the sides of Matt. They took him and moved
him upwards, not forward (not towards the conference room's wall).

We move up and arrive into some kind of landscape, which is not as bright
as the first landscape I saw, just a little darker like a darkgreen moor.

There is a shift of my impression. I wonder if it is some kind of image,
which my Guides are showing me.

I can see a person.

It seems to be Matt sitting somewhere on a darkgreen moor, looking out
over the landscape. Matt wears a thick outdoor jacket. He doesn't
notice me.

At his side is a big, calm dog.

I thank my Guides & Helpers for allowing me experience this retrieval and
for all the physical goose bumps. It was big. My-oh-my.

--- Part 3 - stuff ---

I felt like I had had too much coffee.

Usually I stay a little longer in session to sense if there are more
retrievals to do, but this time I exited within a two minutes and
had to take a walk. I found a tree and put my hand on it.

Afterwards I saw James May, who fancied turning into someone who looked
like the actor Stephen Fry. I asked S Fry some questions.

I got the message that Matt had passed over in a car accident. His whole
life was his work. He was busy with making money. And he was quite high a
Manager, so he didn't make a lot of friends.


(My other retrieval given on this forum is -> here)
Several years ago stories of retrievals seemed more common on this
forum. I have one story of my own which I've posted on a completely
different forum. But I think it's interesting as it shows that PUL can
be rejected and that you have to do some "left-brain" talking to
convince your target to move on.



This was an unusual retrieval for me, by several reasons:

(*) Action took place over three different sessions, over two days.
(*) I was swapped out of the area temporarily.

--- Session one - Preparation ---

During the session I felt a lot of vibrations at my stomach area.
Not much happened and I finished my regular session, but I didn't
get up at once. Instead I rested for some minutes and just put my
head in my pillow. Suddenly I got the impression that I was at the
backstage of a theatre. There was a lot theatre equipment to be used
at stage and ropes were hanging down at various places.

I saw the face of a woman in her 30ies. She looked like a french theatre
woman, an actress with black hair, red lips and an unusual wide mouth.
Strangely enough she was between sort-of-ugly-and-beautiful. She appeared
several times, and some times her face was close to mine. I got a good look
at her but no special message. Afterwards I wonder if it was some kind of
test, to observe how well my perception was. The theatre-woman was most
likely a Helper and I think she also had a strong personality.

--- Session two - Initial contact ---

During this session I listened to JOOB D, and it was the same day, a few
hours later. Suddenly I saw a dome building. The dome looked a little
like the top of the White House, but this dome was darker and the dome
started closer to the ground and was not surrounded by any other building.
In front of the dome there was a huge green lawn. The dome was impressive.

I assume I was 50-80 meters or more from the dome. Between me and the dome,
perhaps 10-20 meters from me, a man in a black suit was standing. He was
well buildt, somewhat shorter than me and in his 30ies. He seemed to be
a few years younger than the theatre-actress-woman.

The suit man gave me an impression of an American security agent. Now I
think I clicked out or lost parts of what happened. I think I got this
brilliant idea, and asked if he could adjust my chest energy centre. I then
remember that the suit man put his hand into my chest and made some
"adjustments". I now got a series of chills, pretty neat ones, running
up and down my body and back, and giving me the goose bumps.

I also think he joked with me, because I asked what his name was and he
answered "Tom Hanks" with a smile. He didn't look a bit like the actor
Tom Hanks at all. The suit man more reminded me of one of the "evil"
CIA agents from the TV series The X Files.

Somehow the theatre-actress also appeared, perhaps the surroundings was
altered for a moment. Perhaps I was back at the actress theatre and
jumped between the dome lawn and the theatre, but anyway, the actress
put her hand into my head and it hurt a little physically in my forehead
and I remember saying that she and the suit man were allowed to do any
adjustments to me that they wanted to do. The head ache lasted until
after my session was finished and then faded away.

I may have clicked out for a short while, but I think I was on a boat
out on the ocean for a while. At first I thought I was back to one
of my guides, who had a small sailing boat at the coast of Greece,
where I once saw the sea being grey and stormy. But this seemed to be a
different, much bigger boat, made of steel. You could say it was too
big to be called "boat" and the word "ship" would be more appropriate.
I also saw no one on the deck of the ship. The ship was in a big storm,
water was dark, sky was grey and the waves were big. This ship would
prove important the next day.

Click, click! I moved around. At some point I think I was either back
outside the dome or at the theatre I saw the day before.

I asked the actress her name and first got one French name and then
she said she was the same woman as the one I several weeks ago saw
during a session somewhere in Norway (non-physically). I was a little
startled as the Norwegian woman had been much more of a teacher, having
a totally different personality and appearence, so maybe the two women
were two different incarnations. I'm not sure there names are valid,
so I'll keep them for myself.

The suit man then lead me into the dome building. Inside the dome
there was a brown marble floor and the surroundings felt cool. The dome
outside and inside had so far felt like 1960s - 1970s or maybe up
to present time. But once I was lead to the right into the dome, the
era seemed to change. I was then lead forward in the building, but I'm
not sure I was in the dome anymore as I saw a strange big room with
a religious feeling to it.

My impression of the "religious room" was not perfect. I saw some kind
of altar area which was raised. To the right of the altar area an old
man was kneeling and praying. He had long grey hair and a beard. I think
he was thin and reminded me a little of the Gandalf character in the LOTR
movie. The old man wore a kind of "nightgown", I don't know if that is
the right name. The dress looked like a beige long chemise with long
sleeves in a robe style, but with a closed front like an anorak. The
"nightgown" went all the way down to his feet.

The altar and the old man was in some kind of "frozen" setting, like
time had stood still and the old man had not moved for a very long time.

I'm not sure the area was covered with frost, it could have been any
kind of dust too.

I tried to get the old man's attention, but didn't succeed. I now started
to think that this was some kind of retrieval, so I sent the old man some
PUL, but still didn't get his attention. I wondered if this old man was
an Aspect of Self, so I entered into him, but I still didn't got any
success. I think I got him to fly with me or I hoped that I managed to
get him to fly, but the old man was somehow pale. I think a Helper went
in and the old man faded out of my sight.

--- Session three - Retrieval ---

Apparently I had failed to do the retrieval, which the events of the
next day would prove.

I started the next day with a simple meditation session, and fell asleep.

A little later I made a second session, and used JOOB D, because it gave
me such a success the day before.

I went back to the guy who had claimed his name was Tom Hanks. He was still
standing in the same position in front of the huge dome building on
the green well-maintained lawn. He seemed to be waiting for me. He must
be a very patient person I thought.

I asked him where we were. I saw some kind of map or high-altitude view
of the U.S. I then saw a small red area somewhere close to the east coast
of the U.S. Some days later, this dome building became an entry point for
my one and only visit to TMI-There, but I'll skip that story for now as
there was no retrieval involved in that later event.

Instead I was suddenly back in the altar room where the old man was still
kneeling and praying. Everything seemed to be covered in ice, including
the old man.

I tried to contact the old man several times, but was without success.

Then I touched him with my hand. The old man and most of the alter
area and interior of the room slowly pulverized!

I was surely puzzled. I again tried to feel if the old man was an Aspect
of myself, and tried to absorb whatever was left out of me, but got no go.

It seemed like I've done the wrong thing.

I went out of the room and out of the dome and met "Tom Hanks" on the
lawn. He took me for a walk and from the lawn, which was on high ground,
we could view some kind of town. I even think we went down to the town
and walked some streets.

Suddenly it was raining! I don't think I clicked out, but instead I think
I was moved! Again I was on the steel ship on the ocean, from the day

The ship was big, at least 50 meters long and a heavy construction. I
never figured out what purpose the ship had, but it seemed to have strong
engines. I got the impression that it was cold weather, stormy, high waves,
and the ship rolled about.
I put out a request to get to know where this ship was. I then saw a map
or similar of the north of Europe and a red dot in the Atlantic Ocean
just outside the north part of Norway.

I felt clueless. What was I doing on that ship?

Immediately I was back in a room with the old man I had met before. But
the scene was different.

The room had no snow, frost or dust within. The lighting of the room was
brilliant, like these too light indoor TV-scenes of late 1970s British
dramas, where the director has flooded the rooms with spotlights. It was
brilliantly lit. The altar setting was gone. Instead I was in a room where
I could not perceive the walls, as they were too far away, hidden in the dark.

In the middle of the room there was a very heavy wooden table of an age
unknown to me. A few extremely heavy wooden chairs was around the table.
The table had a length of about 5 meters and 1.5 meters across. On the
table I could clearly sense a small chalice, probably to be used by one
person only to drink during a meal. The chalice had the straight handle
of a rummer, and the chalice seemed to be very old, of excellent rough
quality, perhaps made of metal, wood (the handle?) , and perhaps glas or

The old man was brightly lit up be some kind of light source from above.
The scene was in my non-visual eye, but had the quality of good quality
TV show. The old man now seemed much more human and less like a statue.

He held his hands together like he was praying, but I don't know if he
actually was praying. I could get very few feelings from him and I
guesses that he might be 60 - 70 years old. His face was slim and he
had a ling slim nose, which was a little thicker on the middle.

I asked for time and first sensed the 15th century, then got the year
to be around 830. I asked for a name and got Jesiah (spelled that way).
I thought the name sounded Biblic. I also got to see a second map, showing
England with a red dot somewhere between current location of London and Wales.

I tried to make the old man leave, and spoke to him and sent PUL. I sensed
that he was partly ready to leave, but hesitated. Usually I tell the
discarnates that there are people wanting to met them, but by some reason
I didn't tell this old man that there were people wanting to meet him.

The old man then rose into the air, and I thought "Ohh.. now he leaves to
Focus 27, or some higher plane..."

But the old man stopped in mid air, a few meters above ground, with his
arms loosely hovering above shoulder height, and with face
partly looking up in the air. I also sensed that he was lit up from
above, with some kind of strong light.

He didn't seem to want to leave.
I looked at his heavy wooden table and noticed two or three red apples,
which I hadn't seen before. The apples looked fresh and had a dark red
color. I got the impression that the old man didn't want to leave because
he didn't believe that there was such good apples in "Heaven" or whatever
place he thought he was going.

I manifested a huge bunch of red apples on his table and said he could
take them with him. I also said there were lots of those apples in Heaven.

He moved down to the table and pick up a lot of apples in his dress, using
it as an "apron apple bag" in front of his stomach.

Then he rose into the air, but again stopped a few meters above the floor.

To make a long story short. There was some arguing between me and him, and
I claimed that there were lots of apple trees in heaven and that he could
become an apple tree gardener if he wanted to. I also said there was lots
of apple tree gardeners in Heaven already and he could join them.

At some point in our discussion, the old man was surrounded what to me looked
like apple tree gardeners.

I then got tons of chills down my back and for a short moment I think I
sensed him moving forward in air with his arms stretched in front of him.

I was not completely sure that I managed to succeed with that retrieval,
but since the scenery hasn't returned, I think the old man isn't in F 23

I was a little surprised that PUL didn't work as I thought this time. Maybe
I'm poor at sending PUL or PUL wasn't as effective as I thought it to be?

This old man was very connected to Earthly red apples.

I wonder what the frost or snow was. If it served the purpose to show me
that a lot of time had passed or if it was a result of my inability to
pick up emotionally on the old man, Jesiah.

I also think that when I touched the frost and everything crumbled and
turned into dust, the Helpers temporarily moved me to the steel ship,
in order to reset the Jesiah surroundings in a way so I could better
sense Jesiah and his surroundings.


There was now a short change of scene and I saw a person I helped retrieve
some time ago. It was the fat bicycle guy. His depression seemed gone and
he seemed happy. I also got his name, like a nick name.

--- Session five - steel ship ---

What would become "Session four" the next day was uneventful.

Instead, two days after the retrieval of Jesiah, I wanted to go back
to the room with the heavy wooden table. The room was empty. I only
saw the table and the three heavy wooden chairs. i realized that this
was a room with furniture for someone rich or prominent. I sensed at least
one chalice on the table, too.

I got the impression from Tom Hanks that I was done and Jesiah was retrieved.

Then I was transferred back to the steel ship outside Norway. I can make
this story a little shorter as it was not so unusual. On the ship, below
deck there was a Finish engineer with a name that ended in "-Mäki", which
also could be the place where he originated from. He was working alone,
repairing some part of the ships engine or interior.

The part he showed to me could be part of a transmission. We talked about
that engine part and he seemed to think I also worked with ship engines.

I somehow got the feeling that the ship could have been some kind of war
ship, as lot of it was made of gray steel plates, with perhaps minor
areas containing light blue painting.

I talked with the Finish engineer just to transfer some energy and make
Helpers able to step in and take over. I finally sensed someone behind me
and that person stepped in and started talking to the engineer from Finland.


My response to some feedback:

Yes the Tom Hanks name was perhaps to help me know that even if the man in suit meant "serious business" I should see it as not overly serious too and keep a fun attitude.

I looked up wikipedia and the story about Johnny Appleseed, it was interesting. Anything is possible. The numbers could be other things than years, perhaps acres of land even. I remember that it looked a little funny when "Jesiah" used his chemise/nightgown as an apron and he floated a bit up in air, holding his hands like he was carrying a tray in front of his stomach to keep the apples in place. So apples were important to him. (Edit: )

I somehow felt a little guilty as well, as it wasn't 'real' physical apples I managed to make him pick with him to 'Heaven'. The manifestation of the apples may have been prepared by Helpers, and I most likely did very little to 'create' them on the wooden table.

And yes, some time afterwards I got the feeling that Jesiah might have been an important contribution to his Disk or perhaps just very difficult to convince to leave his F 23 place.

What is disturbing to me is that some of these 'retrieval' experiences I've had, are not like other people's retrievals, which make me doubt how much I make up and how much is real. For example, in the Jesiah case, he was hovering in the air at the first instant, I would have expected to see some Helper trying to make him leave. It puzzled me that I saw no one else than Jesiah himself, just hanging in mid air. It almost looked like he was under water, just floating vertically with his arms above his shoulders and hands at level with the top of his head.

I'm also a little puzzled that my sending of PUL seemed to do so little for Jesiah.

Maybe Jesiah didn't want to go to 'Heaven' as he suspected that apples there were not real in a sense; not being physical apples?

And some time later:

I tried hard to focus in on the Tom Hanks person yesterday. After some attempts I got the following:

There were in fact Helpers present, trying to move Jesiah from F 23. Tom H showed me the view where Jesiah was suspended in mid air, with his arms somewhat up at the sides of his head. I could vaguely spot two Helpers pulling in vain at his arms to get Jesiah from his place.

I also asked why my PUL didn't work, and first I got no answer that I could interpret. But after some repeated asking from my side, Tom H showed me Jesiah while he was praying. And then I saw a big bird's cage over Jesiah. It looked like he was locked in, inside the bird's cage.

The "door" in the bird's cage was too small for Jesiah to exit through, but the there was no bottom in the cage, so he could easily have lifted the cage and exited if he wanted.

You are probably as good as I am to interpret the last view. :)
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest) on the books.

Stephen LaBerge became Ph.D. in psychophysiology 1980. Rheingold is a writer among others.

Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Being Awake & Aware in Your Dreams, 1985, Stephen LaBerge

GRADE: 7.0

This is the first of LaBerge's books. Here he describes how he managed to be
the second researcher in the world who managed to get a dream sign from a
person in a lucid dream (LD).

The first person who succeeded with getting a dreaming person giving a dream
sign from a lucid dream was the British scientist Keith Hearne in 1975. Hearne
registered the LDer Alan Worsley moving his eyes 8 times in a pre-decided way,
while sleeping (see Waggoner's book).

LaBerge managed to convince the scientific community that LDs are in fact possible,
something many scientists at the time objected to. LaBerge had difficulties getting
his findings published in a scientific paper until 1981.

LaBerge writes in his book about the history of LDs and makes reference to several
authors and scientists on the matter of LDs.

LaBerge also describes REM and NREM sleep and some other factors which were
important for scientifically detecting LDs. The book contains a lot of stories from
people in LDs and how they perceive their LDs. LaBerge also describes some things
about various sleep patterns like alpha and delta sleep.

I would have like LaBerge tell us a little more details about the various dream stages,
and their connection to REM/NREM sleep but perhaps there a better books for that?

LaBerge also describes his MILD and WILD methods in this book.

The last part of the book touches on NDEs and OBEs. LaBerge doesn't believe in OBEs
and think they should be regarded as LDs and called Out-of-Body-Sensation (OBS).

Surprisingly LaBerge believes in something he calls 'dream telepathy', but also states
that there is a need for more research before it can be established as a fact. LaBerge
even refines his concept of 'dream telepathy' and states that the telepathy between
dreamers may only be sharing of the 'dream plot' and not a full dream telepathy and
not a full presence in the other person's dream.

The book is a heavy and sometimes boring read, and also at some times a little unstructured,
which lowers my grade. But I still think it is important and if you're interested in LDs, and
certainly if you're interested in LDs from scientific perspective this could be the book for you.

The books contains a very short section on nightmares and how to overcome them by facing
your fear or by sending something which resembles PUL.

Somehow I think the book is just a little too fuzzy at some sections and I would have wanted
something more from a scientist.

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, 1990, Stephen LaBerge & Howard Rheingold

GRADE: 7.5

This book was written by LaBerge and Rheingold together. It is a similar heavy and somewhat
boring read as LaBerge's first book was. But, the big advantage is that the book contains a
lot of methods for inducing LDs.

The methods are put inside small boxes so they can clearly be read. LaBerge's MILD method
is re-stated here in a slightly different and perhaps improved form.

The book contains numerous experiences from LDers and from other authors on the subject
of LDs.

What's interesting is that some of the methods cited for inducing LDs are in fact methods for
inducing OBEs. But LaBerge states clearly that there doesn't exist anything like an OBE, it's
all various forms of LDs. And he 'proves' that OBEs are LDs by various arguments which mostly
are related to Alice-in-Wonderland-Effect or reality-fluctuations, which invalidates the OBE:er
any possibility to perform the look-at-the-hidden-playing-card experiment.

The books contains various sections on nightmares and how to overcome them by facing
your fear or by sending something which resembles PUL.

The book also contains some methods for physical healing and improving skills in sports through
the use of LDs.

A little surprising is that there is no mentioning about 'dream telepathy' in this book.

Again there is a section about NDEs and some small other subjects. Some small parts of
the book are exact repetitions of sections from LaBerge's first book.

I've seen that some readers think this book is worse than the previous by LaBerge, but from my
point of view this is a slightly better book and more clearly helps the reader with various exercises,
perhaps the book became this good because Rheingold was one of the authors?

Maybe someone very interested into LDs will give this book a higher grade?

Lucid Dreaming: A Concise Guide to Awaken in Your Dreams and in Your Life, CD included, 2004, Stephen LaBerge

GRADE: 5.0

This is a poor book of only 70 pages, and I am not clear why LaBerge wrote it. I would
also say that more than 40 of those pages are directly copied from LaBerge's previous

This book claims to help you induce LDs, but I'm not sure it will help me. There is a CD
included with the book but I'm unsure what's the purpose of the CD, after having
listened to it. I compare it to the HumanPlus (H+) Hemi-Sync CDs I have and must say
that LaBerge's CD is poor in comparison.

The most important question on the CD is "Who is aware?", but I got little clue why
LaBerge repeated that question. Maybe I get the answer if I LD a lot of times? I started
a thread on this subject here ->

I would only recommend this book if you give very high grades to the other LaBerge
books and you love his style of writing.
Welcome to Dreams! / Who is aware?
April 26, 2011, 16:23:27
LaBerge has written two different books called Lucid Dreaming. The later (and poorer) book contains an audio CD of dubious quality.


LaBerge asks one question on the CD, which he wants the LDer to ask to the Dream:

"Who is Aware?"


This has made me start thinking. Waggoner states that to get to know our inner self, we should ask the Dream Creator questions directly while LD.

If we rephrase LaBerges question and targets the Dream Creator, I think we can get questions like:

"Dream Creator, who is Aware?"
"Dream Creator, what is Aware within my dream?"
"Dream Creator, what is my Awareness now?"

"Dream Creator, show me everyone who is Aware within my Dream!"

Other possibilities exists. If anyone more skilled at LDs get the opportunity to ask any of these, or a variation on these questions, I would like to read the answer. :)
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest).

Persephone's Journey, 2010, Vicky M Short

GRADE: 9.0

Short's book is somewhat different from other books on astral matters. The book
is not only attributed to the astral, but also describing paranormal happenings in
the physical.

The book is also different in the sense that it doesn't describe experiences mostly
from a technical view.

The book contains a lot of Short's life, her upbringings, marriage, raising children,
love stories, deteriorating husband relation, layoffs & work, friends, connections
to the band Barenaked Ladies and eventually her meeting with Bruce Moen.

At the end of the book, Short becomes kind of Frankish, when she states that we
are not IN our bodies. *cringe*

Short brings up some eerie paranormal phenomena, one which is a sort of "Neg"
related problem, altered physical reality states, mind-split effects and predictions
of future events.

It is a different book with some unusual OBE experiences. Short is able to convey
the Moen method of experiencing the astral in her alternative way. She has a deeper
and broader style of writing than I think is common for this kind of books. The book
has so many new aspects to me that I give it a high rating.
Welcome to Dreams! / Recording dreams - journal
April 01, 2011, 18:21:47
I bought an Olympus voice recorder with sound-activated recording, so I can just start talking and it will record. It's a model VN-8600PC. I think it fits my needs, but I had expected a little better speaker. There was no external microphone with cord, only one on the recorder. The sensitivity of the voice activated recorder can be tuned in 15 steps. At low sound levels, I will have to use the most sensitive level.

Waking up and writing down when I'm tired is hopeless, I just want to sleep. :)
I also intend to use it during meditation as I sometimes forget the start of what I experience.

I wonder if anyone has any other voice activated recorders and what is better? Specially the speaker.
The topic of Pure Unconditional Love (PUL) can be found on different places
in books or on the net, for example this description on Adrian P Cooper's site:

But I want to address the subject on PUL out of a perspective of retrievals.
In my impression the concept of PUL is used by TMI in retrievals, during their
Lifeline program and perhaps also in some other programs like Heartline
and Exploration 27.

How is PUL used in retrievals of discarnates?

1. Before starting your retrieval you gather some PUL. I do this for about one minute,
but apparently the recommendation is to gather PUL for about 3 minutes, while still
in C-1. Here is how you gather PUL:

You think of someone you love. When the feeling fades, you think of
the next person you love. If you have few persons you feel love to,
you shall think of some kind of surrounding where you feel at peace
and feel fine. You could think of a forest walk, the beach or somewhere
else where you are filled with good emotions.

2. You use PUL in two different ways:

2A. Whenever you encounter scary entities. Send them PUL and watch
them transform as they become non-scary.

Whenever you feel a dull a scary emotion. Cover the whole area with PUL,
until it brightens up.

2B. When someone doesn't want to exit their emotional loop which keeps
hem stuck, for example in F 23. Or when you can't convince someone to
follow you to exit the afterlife area where they are stuck.

When a discarnate feels hostile (against you), or afraid for something.

You send love to the discarnate without requesting anything in return,
that's PUL.

PUL may not always work, and in that case the best to do is to call for
help from guides and helpers, so they are able to move in and try solve
the situation.
From the Explorer files.

8 % of Humans have never been Human before.
Monroe at 37:00 - 38:00 ->

I thought it was more people after having read Leland's Astral Log. :)
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest) on the books and documents.

Lucid Dreaming, 2009, Robert Waggoner

GRADE: 10.0

Wow-oh-wow, this was not what I expected! A book about lucid dreaming that
reached such depths from an OBE perspective. In the light of giants such
as Robert Bruce and Monroe, I would not have expected that Waggoner's book
would be able to reach a grade of 10.0!

Waggoner has managed to do so many observations on the subject of lucid
dreaming that the book covers areas deep into minute details of OBEs and the

Just for the first 50 pages I had to over and over again put down Waggoner's
book just to think of the implications of his research. Had this been the
first book of mine on this matter, I would never have been able to discover
just how much it contained. I would probably have done the same mistake
with this book as I did on Moen's first book, giving it too low a grade,
due to my lack of knowledge.

Waggoner book repeatedly forced me to re-evaluate my beliefs on astral
standpoints. I felt my feet being swept away for every few pages the first
quarter of the book.

As a side note, Waggoner describes early in the book a retrieval of an
Aspect of Self, in a way that made my eyes widen and my head span a full
turn. The retrieval fitted into the classic scenarios, but the details
stunned me and Waggoner's analysis contained more than met the eye at
first sight. I wouldn't have expected to this kind of retrieval from
F 22 and not in that way. I had catch my breath, put down the book for
a moment and re-evaluate what Aspect of Self are.

Waggoner is excellent at focusing on what's important in dream experiences,
his language is highly entertaining and the content is Brilliant, Brilliant,

A word of advice to the random reader, the book does at some points contain
heavy material, which can need some effort to work through because of the
many depth Waggoner present, but the knowledge you acquire will become a
huge asset if you are a skilled OBE:er, lucid dreamer or astral projector,
and seek a deeper meaning from your own experiences other than just having fun.

While LaBerge is the Big Data Collector - finding patterns in his huge
collection of scientifical data, Robert Waggoner is the Big Thinker - drawing
conclusions out of very coherent events in his lucid dreamings. Point by
point Waggoner works through the reality of lucid dreaming.

Waggoner book contains lots of descriptive experiences by himself and
others from lucid dreams, upon which Waggoner builds a framework covering
and improving areas (and inconsistencies) from Siegmund Freud and Jung to
modern OBE authorities and LD scientists like LaBerge.

He even does some things which are very close to sending PUL and experiencing
bi-location that may be the 'mind-split' effect in a lucid dream overlayed
into C-1. I also think that Monroe's I-There concept has become even more
important having read Waggoner's book.

Waggoner's travel to understand the consciousness is like Monroe's quest to
find the Missing Basic.

One section of the book is dedicated to healing and how healing is done in LD.
Waggoner has several important insights on the subject of healing and he gives
examples from other experienced LDers. Waggoner also mentions how to cope with
problems and pitfalls when doing LD healing.

Healing is much more effective and much stronger done during an LD than
in waking reality.

Waggoner also points out how important it is to formulate your question to
the dream _before_ you go lucid.

I only have a few objections to the book. I would have liked if it had
been more deeply describing the dream creator. At some places Waggoner
uses a little difficult language and long sentences.

The book loses some speed during its second half but still contain very
important issues.

At the end, the book contains some very useful methods for inducing LDs.
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest) on the books and documents.

Newsletter Archive, Dec 2002 - Jan 2011, William Buhlman

GRADE: 5.0 - 7.5

W Buhlman has been very productive over the years. His Newsletters can
be read by anyone on the net. It seems to me that there doesn't exist
any Newsletter from the years 2005 - 2008, or perhaps they have not been
made public? Buhlman also lived in China between 2004 - 2008.

Some of his Newsletters are PR for his workshops, books or CDs. Because
Buhlman mixes high and low in his Newsletters I have a hard time setting
a fixed grade. The older Newsletters are the better ones.

Buhlman also has a lot of other material and information on his site ->

Buhlman doesn't mention a lot of his own experiences. He is more into
describing the nature of OBEs. His texts contains a little too many words
a some places.

Buhlman starts his first Newsletter by answering questions about Castaneda,
who claimed that there exists beings that feed on non-physical parts of
humans. Buhlman states that he has never encountered any such beings, and
that he has more than 30 years of experience. So OBEs seem fairly safe out
of that aspect.

Buhlman also states that he has no knowledge about anyone having such
experiences of beings feeding on humans. It would have been good if Buhlman
had mentioned something about his stands on Robert Bruce's PSD book.

Nevertheless, Buhlman mentions that he presents spiritual protection methods
in The Secret of the Soul, but those methods seem mostly to do with not
letting other people drain you of energy. (I haven't read, only ordered, this
book, so I can't comment on it in this moment of writing.)

Buhlman says that fear based beliefs restrict us, and we should avoid such
restricting beliefs.

He also believes that we can communicate with some subconscious part of
other awake people while we are OBE, as people only remember his OBE
interactions if they have been dreaming in sleep.

Buhlman doesn't give much for LDs, as he considers LDs to be partial awareness,
but he says that LDs can be upgraded to become fully conscious OBEs by some
techniques, for example repeating "Awareness now!". Buhlman considers this
statement to be a very important power phrase to improve OBE experiences.
It is important to repeat the phrase until your get an improvement of your
non-physical perceptions.

It seems to me that the phrase "Awareness now!", may break the Alice-in-Wonderland
effect and perhaps keep you steadily in the RTZ. The reason for some OBEs
to be perceived as dreams is mostly due to low non-physical power. Requesting
Awareness raises the non-physical energy flowing through your chakras.

By requesting Awareness now, you are shifting your awareness inward, within
yourself, within the universe that is you. Your surroundings will fade for a
moment as they are rebuilt. Then your surroundings will become sharper until
a new non-physical reality will become manifest around you, and you have
shifted to a so called "higher or finer vibrational state".

Buhlman mentions interesting details from his OBE workshops. He has also
done a survey over a lot of people in an almost scientific way. During
his OBE workshops he conducts a shamanic style fire ceremony.

Buhlman notices that a lot of his pupils get into the vibrational state
before or even after an OBE, and many are shocked or even terrified by
the intensity of the vibrations. The vibrations can be accompanied by
humming or buzzing sounds.

If the vibrations become too disturbing, you can practice to do LDs so you
reach F 22, but then you have go over into an OBE by other means.

He also states that the human chakra development is a major element of our
evolution to become a fully conscious multidimensional being. The vibrational
state in the body is the result of chakra development.

Buhlman takes a good bash against religions, priests and belief systems, which
he thinks limits people in their non-physical development. Buhlman's attack
on religions takes almost Frank-like proportions.

Instead of clinging to religion, Buhlman encourages people to seek spiritual
experience, as religion answers nothing and only contains unsubstansiated

Buhlman gives some example of how-to-OBE. For example if you hear train sounds
during the vibrational stage, imagine yourself as the engineer riding the
train out of your body.

He also mentions something which are named "soul groups", small groups of
people we are connected to non-physically. (The soul groups are not the same
as the Monroe/Moen I-There/Disk. The soul group more seems to be related to
the Moen shrimps in F 27, connected by strings at the Reentry Station.)

Buhlman states that to go OBE, Out-Of-Body, you actually have to move inwardly
within yourself. Mentally reject all concepts of space. Time does not exist
beyond the body. The single most important key is the focus of your awareness
during your OBE!

The reason to the melting-hand phenomena is due to the increase of non-physical
energy received, which challenges your mind's creation. This is my interpretation
of Buhlman's writings: You look at your hands which increases your awareness of
yourself, and at the same time raises something called your "personal vibration
", which puts you in a state where the temporary creation of your
non-physical hands are not needed.

The Newsletter from May 2003 contains some detailed instructions for having
OBEs, and for using the 4 CDs to achieve OBE, by use of Chakra & Targeting

Buhlman writes about how setting goals on paper will help you manifest unseen
energies to help you reach your goals. Focused intention creates a subtle
energy mold, which will help you achieve your goals when you take action.

Then Buhlman talks about the "Training Ground". First imagine that you live
in a perfect world where all your thoughts manifest themselves as you wish.
Then imagine undisciplined or immature souls wreak havoc, create disastrous
conflicts and devastation, destroying the reality for everyone.

So there is a need for a Training Ground.

So... Welcome to your physical life.

The Ultimate Training Ground.
I use a grade from 0 - 10 (10 is the best/highest) on the books and documents.

The Multidimensional Human, 2010, Kurt Leland

Unordered by me so far.

Note: This book shall not be mixed up with a book, by Jürgen Ziewe, with
almost the same title.

Music and the Soul, 2004, Kurt Leland

Unordered by me so far.

The Unanswered Question, 2002, Kurt Leland

Unordered by me so far.

Otherwhere, 2001, Kurt Leland

GRADE: 8.5

This book is mostly about Leland's travels into the non-physical world. Much like
Monroe, Leland describes what he call different Zones. I think Leland's descriptions
could be seen as an alternative to the Monroe Focus Levels. I was not able to
map Leland's experiences to the various Focus Levels. Leland's non-physical world
was somehow different.

Much of the book goes about describing the Shadow Worlds: Alternate Was, Alternate Is
and Alternate Will-Be.

To my surprise Leland's experiences how an individuals personality is completely
burnt away. Only a small gold figurine is left!

I have to ponder over exactly what that could mean.

The non-physical world Leland describes is his own representation. Anyone else seeing
the same things will most likely perceive it differently. Leland uses his own words to
describe several things. He has more than one guide type and discarnates are called Shades.
Leland also introduces the concept of astral Gateways with Gatekeepers, preventing
immature individuals to enter.

The book is much about personal growth and following the higher self's master plan. At
some parts I would say that reading Leland's Astral Log was better.

Leland brings up various views on religion, specially Christianity, and how it has become twisted
over time. Leland also takes a short tour into the Afterdeath Zone of ancient Egypt which is
no longer inhabited by any discarnates.

Some criticism on the book is that it at some places uses very long sentences. At other
places Leland uses difficult wordings, so I had to re-read sentences several times.

Maybe I wanted a little more structure in the book. As it is now, Leland has tried to
make it become a travel guide. I still give it a fairly high grade because of the insights
and questions it provoked in me.

Menus for Impulsive Living, 1989, Kurt Leland

Unordered by me so far.

Astral Projection Log, 2002 - 2010, Kurt Leland

GRADE: 8.5

The Astral Projection Log can be found at no particular cost at Leland's

The Astral Projection Log is a collection of selected (?) astral experiences
that Leland has had over the years 2002 - 2009. Leland has managed to get
quite some lengthy answers from astral entites. He also gives numerous
and detailed descriptions of astral environments.

Several of Leland's Log entries have quite some depth focusing on personal
growth, dream symbols and afterlife matters. Leland meets guides and
discarnates (called Shades) on his journeys.

I'm amazed at the quality and volume of his experiences. Leland's approach
is slightly different than the Monroe school. He is influenced by
theosophical principles.

The Logs are not describing a complete astral structure in the same way as
for example Moen's books. My guess is that to get the full structure from
a Leland point of view, you'll have to read some of his books.
To aid the reader, I've picked and commented some of Leland's Log entries
in the links below:

Leland gets two important questions from a guide. I don't know where to put this
environment in terms of the Monroe Focus Levels. Could it be either F 26 or F 27?

A guide teaches Leland about BST zones and the growth of the soul.

Leland enters an Afterlife area of reflection and life evaluation. A guide
enhances Leland perceptions for the time of the experience.

Leland meets an alien (non-human) guide who deals with discarnate humans.
She explains that the high number of births on Earth gives cause to a great
inflow of incarnates from other reality systems.

Leland follows some discarnates on their Afterlife review.

Leland explains how energy healing with a crystal is done in his psychic
development classes. An astral being (a brownie) inhabits Leland's

Leland gives a great run-through of the Dream Zone's three types of dreams
and how we can learn things in dream teachings, so called Simulations.

Leland undergoes astral hospital treatment to achieve further personal growth.

A non-human guide teaches Leland about how discarnates plan and choose their
next incarnation.

Leland writes about his experience of Focus 10.

Leland listens as a guide teaches musicians in a Dream Class to aid personal growth.

A guide informs Leland that he is an oddball. Leland gets more advanced lessons
in Dreams, get to know sharing of discarnate lives, and "BST" in Dream land.
These are two important Log entries:

Leland visits the Akashic and gets a tour by a guide:

Non-physical bodies:

Happy reading. :)
In this video series R Bruce teaches some new techniques for clearing energy blockages related to healing. I think part 1, 6, 7 and 8 are the most important. A few non-healing issues are also brought up by RB, for example in part 7, the last 10 seconds.

The whole clip series are available at
Quote from: Xanth on January 04, 2011, 22:43:17
I wanted to bring a post I found here, which has seemingly been lost to the ages, back into the focus.  :)
It was written by Jeff_Mash.  I'll just link my writeup on it.

Quote from: Jeff_Mash on January 13, 2004, 10:15:30

What do I mean?  In a nutshell, your eyes play a BIG role in the ability to consciously have an OBE.  They themselves must be asleep.  Here is what I mean by that.

Close your eyes right now and leave them closed . . .

Eyes must be "asleep"? Closed?

Perhaps, perhaps not. I've had 1 - 3 OBEs (all turned into dreams) from SP, and I am now sure to 90 % that you can OBE with your eyes open if you are in SP, at least if the SP is so deep you don't feel your body.

A short time ago I woke up in SP, opened my eyes, then closed and opened my eyes a few times. With eyes open, in SP, and after some seconds of though I just was think-myself-move-forward. My eye sight (my head?) started moving forward without me using any muscles. I saw the wall, which was lit up by daylight, move closer and closer to my "eyes". Eventually my "head" moved into the wall and I "opened" my mouth, because I intended to experience how the wall tasted when I was in OBE. The inner of the wall tasted something like dry saw dust with a rough structure. The interior of the wall was very dark, almost completely black.

I had no exit sensations whatsoever, no vibrations.

My OBE soon turned into a dream stage and I lost lucidity and some remembrance, but the first part; moving forward towards the wall, was done with eyes open and being awake & aware of myself. My bedroom wall was indirectly lit up by very bright daylight from the outside sun through the bedroom window.

I wonder if anyone else have OBEd with eyes open?

At the request of Pauli, I split these out into their own thread ~Xanth
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / OBE by TCMS
December 26, 2010, 18:40:34
I parted from our new chat room and went somewhere else. Someone then showed me this link:

Trans cranial electromagnetic stimulation
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Coffee and OBE
December 02, 2010, 22:13:04
In Monroe's second book, Monroe states that no drugs have any effect on him, his body rejects drugs one way or another. He threw up anything that remotely could be a drug like coffee.

Problem is that I drink some amount of coffee, even if I try to cut down on it. I wonder if the coffee/caffeine has anything to do with my inability to succeed with OBEs.

I wonder if anyone successful with OBE/APing has noticed any problems with drinking coffee or if you have experienced bigger sensitivity towards coffee or perhaps has been throwing it up?
In Adventures Beyond the Body, by William Buhlman, he asks some questions on pages 144 - 146.

Some time ago I answered and wrote down my answers to my best ability. My answers didn't seem to make it easier for me to OBE, as I still only have had a few LDs. Perhaps I became more relaxed. But my answers made me ask some further questions, which I don't even know if I have any answers to, like; what do I _really_ want to do? How will I be better at experiencing and sending love? How should I do to become better at keeping a keen attention in all parts of life?

Have you answered and written down your answers on those questions of Buhlman? Have your answers affected your ability to OBE or AP? In what way? Have those questions given any other results?