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Topics - NickisDank

So this is something we all apparently have been doing for awhile now. I have a few questions about it

I just finished reading The Secret of the Soul and at the end it states

"reincarnation is a universal reality, it's highly effective method used by soul for the purpose of learning and evolution. We evolve by personal experience, the most effective method to truly know something is to become it, live it, we actually become that which we wish to learn.

So since death is the grand illusion of our reality and once we die we confirm this, we either choose to experience it all over again? Or just choose to stay at the vibrational frequency we are most alike and either advance, or stay.And so really how far does family go, for example my relatives the people I've grown up to love what happens when we all die, sure we can see eachother and help eachother through the passing stage of death but what's It matter if they reincarnate and have a completely different family, AND have no recollection of your past family what so ever.

Someone please clarify with a lot of things lol, why do we not know this while were here in the first place? What makes a person want to do this all over again, do we choose reincarnate at any given moment once we die?

Apparently there are energy beings that never decided to take on the challenges of earth, so they can you know view earth and follow it's span, but what the hell do they do all their "life" as a soul just wondering the universe until they decide to experience earth, or are they free to adjust to whatever frequency?
I'm mind bonked at the moment
Ok so this week has been a great week for me and my nonphysical experiences, dreams and dreams where I became lucid since I'm still practicing a full conscious experience. But all week I've been experiencing the same thing, probably on 4 separate occasions this week I was lucid, so

Whenever I find myself lucid around my house this week I would attempt to walk through any object that was close to me, some occasions it was doors while others would just be solid walls. But there would be times where I'd end up getting through the object and it literally feels like someone picked me up and put me right back on the other side of the object. Then also there were times where I would literally get stuck halfway through a door or wall and it would feel like out of nowhere I would get pulled right back out.

I'm aware your intent has everything to do with it, but i don't know how much intent it takes to fly or walk through a door other than just doing it. Idk what to ever try to expect other then just what's in reality on the other side or just a whole new scene to begin with.

I've also had the same thing happen to me with jumping through mirrors in my home, for example I have w decent sized hallway and at the end of it is a mirror, when I was lucid once i took a running start and jumped into it and experienced a very brief falling motion and could really see anything and then was thrown right out of the mirror to the start of the hallway.

What do you all think?
So ever since I first joined this site I've only had experiences through lucid dreaming, I've had about 20 or so now and I haven't had a weird experience yet, regarding meeting entities and what not. Mainly they consist of me just flying around where I become lucid and I try and visit friends but I usually lose lucidness by that time.

My past 3 or 4 lucid dreams I've noticed when I fly I just can't stay levitated, idk what it is but my next goal all i want to do is stay lifted in the air and just meditate on things going on with my life and see if I can find something cool out I don't know yet. I just want that state of peacefulness and control over my mind. Once I experience this I plan to do other thing like ask to see my past lives or see old family members, and all sorts of other things

But like I said idk I just can't fly very long, my first few lucid dreams I would be flying and flipping all over the place, now I just either slowly float back down, or crash lol what can I do to fix this
How long on average does it take for you all to project after randomly waking up in the middle of your sleep? Because i wake up about 3 times during sleep due to dreams and this morning after I woke from a dream I stayed conscious for about 5 minutes trying to go back to sleep, I felt myself pretty much shutting off and getting close to projecting

So how long do you all lay there for after waking up? And what do you all mainly do to project since it takes such a short while I'm hoping after waking up, just focus on breathing in and out? And boom I should be there lol
Everytime i end up laying down to consciously project, i notice almost ALWAYS little muscle twitches all through out my body. Theres even the occasional jerk all over my body but that only happens like once every 30 minutes of seriously laying down trying to project.

I just wonder and hope, many of you experience the same because it is VERY annoying trying to ignore these things. It also makes me think something could be wrong with me.

Thoughts please  :-)
How many of you all go visit people you actually know? And have the instances been where you were both aware, and remembered it all after you awoke?

After reading and hearing other people's views on this I'm now more confused about it lol. Like some people say when you talk to or visit people you know, it's just their subconscious. I don't fully get that, does that mean every thing you say or ask them, would be the truth and what they really think?
In my book that I'm reading at the moment Astral Projection And The Nature Of Reality, he touches on the subject about bringing things back from the astral to the physical. He doesnt have a story himself, but gives an example of what someone can do, example: create a rose and once you've created it, tell yourself that you WILL bring it back. Pretty much intent to, so does anyone have anything to share?
Well I can say that ever since I first started looking into having OBEs my viewpoint on life has def. Changed and now I'm learning new stuff every day it seems, But at the end of everyday now it seems I'm just confused on what could actually be possible and what isn't. For example after thinking for quite some time on OBEs in general I end up thinking, "how can people be so blind to what the world really is" and then I question what the world really is to me, and it seems I'm just as confused as anyone else could be.

I've only had a few OBEs and theyve been mainly through the form of LD(id say about 10-15 now) but I've had a few instances where I would notice im dreaming then after I'll naturally yell out " I want to experience the healing power or god" or "help me understand god" and even "experience the power of god". The only explanation I can find for me to shout out these things subconsciously and pretty much not in my control is I guess the desire to find out what god actually is, and the world itself actually. On all those occasions ive had, right after I shouted those out i would get a feeling of intense rumbling, and wake up.

I feel like I have a lot to learn, and I just wanted to share that with everyone hoping some people feel the same way
Welcome to Dreams! / Punching people in dreams?
March 11, 2011, 03:10:54
Ive had so many dreams when i get into fights with people, or acting in self defense; when i try to punch them it feels as if im trying to swing my arm through water. every time i hit somebody i dont feel the impact of a solid blow(feels like i hit basically nothing). This has happend to be all my life and im just curious, it seems when i try to act violante or even have to, i cant?

Has anyone else had this happen, im trying to not have this happen anymore and be able to actually win fights and help myself more so. It doesnt feel to good waking up from a dream which you lost a fight in due to the fact when you tried to fight, nothing works.
I've now had a decent amount of nonphysical experiences and some of them being very long, the next thing on my list is to ask to see my guardian.

Is there a preferred way by anyone on this forum for when you all want to see your guardian? Do I refer to it as a guardian? guide?

I imagine it goes like "may I see my guardian?"

it seems to be really good, ive been on his email list where he usually sends an email every other day about something pertaining to projection

just curious  :-D
Welcome to Book Reviews! / The best book.
January 26, 2011, 19:52:13
Now I know it's hard to say whats best, but I've read Lucid Dreaming: A Gateway To The Inner Self, and Adventures Beyond The body and I'm now reading Astral Dynamics

Are the any other books I should check out that people think are better then these above?
I need some things to test out while I'm out of my body, can anyone name some interesting things? :lol:

I've already flown, and walked through some walls and now I'm working on visiting a specific location, I just wanted to see if anyone says anything I couldn't think of
Ok so one thing I'm going to ask about that has been happening to me my last few non physical experiences, is I'll ask for clarity right when I become lucid and it obviously is clear when I say it, but I'll continue to say it through out the experience, and nothing will seem more clear at all from when I first said it(I've tested this in like 4 differnt lucid experiences I've had)

The next thing is that, I'll ask to be taken places out loud and won't go anywhere, I've tried this the past 2 times in my lucid experiences and this is how it went last night

I was walking around in my local mall and for some reason it just clicked that I was dreaming. Once I noticed I asked for clarity and rubbed my hands, also checking my surroundings. So I fly to the doors that lead outside and once I'm out there I say " can I be taken to the park please " I sat down and closed my eyes and nothing happend. After what I think Is a minute I open my eyes and notice mornings changed and didn't feel a nudge of movement at all

Am I not being specific enough or what?

Just curious to see if anyone out there has tried this yet? I have it downloaded and im probably going to start using it tomorrow.  tryn to get some feedback
Well today i had a great nonphysical lucid experience, in which it was the only one so far where i just "thought" to where i wanted to fly and went! every time i usually fly i either act like im swimming in the air or doing a superman type thing, but just thinking about where i wanted to go was much easier and felt so great!

just thought id share with everyone  :wink:
Forgive me if i spelled Hypnagogic wrong

Ok so heres been my schedule literally the past 2-3 weeks of my life, I work 6-11 every other day, stay up and hang out with my friends and do whatever till about 3 or so, still dont feel tired so i game till about 5 or 6 in the morning. I sleep everyday until about 3 or 4 PM(not a good schedule but i plan to change it after the christmas break)

From 5AM until whenever i decide to start my day, i will wake up from sleep about 2-3 times every day unintentionally. At those times when i wake up i decide to try and practice projecting. Theres never been a time yet where ive woken up about 2-3 hours after falling asleep, only really later hours.

EVERY TIME ive practiced i will get deep into the hypnagogic state, ill begin to see swirls of colors going in my vision, flashing lights, and all sorts of other things. i can begin to feel my body either start to sink or get energy going. Once i feel this i start saying "im out of my body 1" and exhale and keep doing that until about 100 or more.

But for some reason, it seems like at least, ill ALWAYS slip into a dream. And the dream ALWAYS seems to to be just trying to get my attention every time for me to realize that im just actually "dreaming". For instance this is just what happened moments ago before i woke up to start my day. I dreamed that i was laying on my bed trying to project and i started to float up, but for some reason it didnt register that i was dreaming.

This is really annoying because like i said, ill have about 2-3 dreams a day of me either trying to project in the "dream" or im doing something completely out of the ordinary to where i should realize "hey im dreaming!" and ive had about 1 lucid dream a week now, so why cant i keep having them when ive been practicing to actually induce one.
After i had my very first few non physical experiences(with them being pretty short) i wanted to create a goal to sustain my lucid experience, and that was when i became lucid in a scenario, i would fly to my towns football stadium. Because every one of my lucid experiences were about a minute long if that. Well that happend to me last night!

I was on the way to work and I got into the elevator to take me to the floor I needed to go on, I work in a office building just to let everyone know. For some reason it struck me that i was dreaming so I instantly started saying "awareness now" and "clarity now" back and forth for the moments I was on the elevator. It didnt strike me until i said those, that there was a person on the elevator with me. I said "I want to go to the top floor"(I actually work on the 2nd floor) and in response the guy pressed the button and said "what you see is what you get"" and kind of laughed? which I laughed for a second to. I remember having problems sustaining my dreams so I recalled that rubbing your hands helps a lot and looking at your hands(thanks Xanth) which i did that for several seconds. I got to the top floor and walked out to see 2 big doors in the distance that led directly to the roof of the building, (this is where my other test happened and worked to!) In my past experiences ive tried to walk through walls about 2 times and failed, well this time i was running to the doors and instantly went through them. It felt so good that i actually walked through a door this time, I ended up being outside on this roof, and directly across about a block away was the football stadium (my work and the football stadium are about 7 blocks away)

Once I realized I achieved my goal during this experience I felt I was on the right track finally, I flew around the stadium for several minutes in happiness.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Gotta Question
December 14, 2010, 02:12:21
A lot of my friends have took interest in lucid dreaming(OBE) and the concept of it all, Point being is theyve been asking me all about it and i was curious, whats the best way to explain to someone exactly what their getting themselves into? for example explaining how its more than just "you can control your dreams!", pretty much saying its more than just a dream. Reason im asking this is because i feel what their doing right now in their real lives will have a major-negative affect on them when their trying to do so, for example a few of them do a lot of mind-altering drugs frequently and thats automatically probably not a good decision

I think their just caught up in the whole idea of "I CAN CONTROL MY DREAM!" and how it can relate to not being in the normal mind state.

I dont know where to start?
what are your best ways the vibration stage? im curious because my way i just always end up falling asleep and entering a normal dream.

the past weeks ive just been counting to about 100-200 and with every exhale i say "now im out of my body". once i start to feel any sort of vibrations and try to wheel myself to floating, i can literally feel myself almost getting out during floating but it will just stop.. and then i try to get back to this stage and i fall asleep :(
What do you you all normally do when your tired of where your at and want to go
somewhere else, and what seems to work the best?
I was walking around downstairs in my house for some reason, and i stopped and said "im dreaming" and became lucid. Being so excited this being my first time i got that whole ecstasy feeling of when you realize your dreaming, you know the rush of excitement. The first thing i wanted to do was to fly so i walked through my door and jumped off my porch and definitely flew into the air. I can recall trying the superman technique and swimming, i was getting a lot better at controlling it but still coming to a rest on a ground before trying again. One of the things i can remember i was looking at the moon and i had intentions to try and make it sunny outside, so i closed my eyes and tried to picture it being sunny, i opened my eyes and nothing happened. I figured it was lack of focus, so mindlessly i flew to the bottom of my street where there is a 3 way intersection. I was still flying and having  great time just laughing at the fact that im actually aware in this state, but as i was practicing i noticed 3 figures appeared below me. At first I didnt say anything to them but they were talking quite loudly and i was able to overhear them, they were commenting on my flying skills. As they continued to talk i came to a rest on the ground and asked them "what are you all talking about" one of the girl figures responded with "are you having fun?, its a lot more fun on state 3". after she had that i had a state of confusion and woke up.

Some of you that are reading this may have been to my last thread, this experience happend before i even made an account on this site. having another lucid experience like this one above is what made me have to figure out what is going on thus leading me to here!
Hello everyone! ive recently began looking into astral projection the past 2 months pretty hard, and ive tried on several occasions to do so. But on the other note, the time i picked up astral projecting, i was looking into lucid dreaming as well. After reading a book for lucid dreaming; and researched the astral body  ive gotten myself very confused.

In the book Lucid Dreaming A Gateway To The Inner Self, the author has a section comparing and dis-comparing lucid and OBE experiences. But then he goes into saying he to has had a few OBE experiences where he was flying around his neighborhood and saw actual people, thus leading me to think he is on the RTZ(Real Time Zone) field?

In conclusion ive had about 5 lucid dreams the past month, or maybe astral projections. Because everytime i think im lucid dreaming im only in my area of where i fell asleep at the night before. So am i astral projecting and just forgetting about it and thats why im there everytime? So the question is, if you astral project and get out of your body, is it the same concept of lucid dreaming and doing what you want. On nights ive specifically practiced trying to astral project, ive fallen asleep but to find myself in a lucid dream?

Whoever helps, or reads this it would be GREATLY appreciated.

thank you