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Topics - wizzle

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Pendulums
October 07, 2003, 14:40:02

Wrong topic, but I'll answer anyways!  I use a necklace that i have worn for years.  It has a medallion on the end of a saint.  It is a little slow to move at first, but works quite well.  It can be anything you want.  Search for pendulum and there should be a GREAT topic, but i forgot the name of the author!  It is very detailed and will help you out!

An interesting experience wizzle. Thank you for sharing it with us.
The way you describe feelings blend into the "vision" is exellent and remind your friend to focus more on feelings and sensations when he's doing these sessions.
What confuses me is that you write that "He then woke up later in cold sweat 15 minutes after". Did he lose consciousness and woke up 15 minutes later? Was there anyone there with him(physically)?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Flying rods?!?!?!?
October 07, 2003, 00:59:44
I'm guessing here: these might be representatives of astral wildlife that happen to vibrate on low frequencies, partly in physical.

And, might I add, the site is uber-neat!
I think you're seeing symbols that arnt there, they're simply chaotic shapes brought about by gaps between trees.
I've heard stuff trying to project but I haven't projected yet either.  I heard a clock noise a weird low pitched buzz noise a high pitched buzz noise.  I even heard voices before.  Once as a child while waking up and once recently trying to project.  If you want you can read my post about the voices and the tick tock I heard last night at
Yes! that would be me, i do that everytime i AP, i just keep saying mind awake body asleep in my mind. this cause fast vibes too. Whats happening is you are becoming an astral prop and what i mean is your astral body is beginnning to kick in. make sure to be relaxed and very passive. ignore everything else. and dont get too excited.
so keep it up and good luck with your next AP [;)]
Just incase some people don't know what A.D.D. stands for, it's Attention Deficit Disorder.
While possible, it is very difficult to affect solid matter when you're projecting without exerting a tremendous amount of energy and effort.

Think of everything in terms of vibrations.  The more dense an object is, the slower it vibrates.  Everything in our everyday waking lives vibrates at a low rate.  This includes your car, your computer, even your body.

So how are we able to astral project/phase/OBE?  In simple terms, you're raising the rate of your vibrational frequency to a higher, less sense form.  This is why, when projecting, you're able to pass through solid objects, simply because your less dense than they are.

Imagine a cup filled with rocks.  If you place another rock of the same size on top of the other rocks, it will remain on top...unable to penetrate.  However, if you place some small pebbles (or better yet, SAND) on top of the rocks, it will pass through.  Same concept.

So in order to manipulate and move a solid object, you would have to lower your vibrational frequency when projecting while at the same time, somehow not end up losing control of the experience.

Of course, that is also assuming that you're projecting into the Real Time Zone and not some astral counterpart.
Originally posted by wizzle

 I heard from someone that if you ask someone who they are, they HAVE to reply.

Ive heard that too, and I laugh every time I hear that rubbish.

Personally im not sure to the 'extent' of what can and cannot be done, I would imagine the best way to find that out would be the experiment yourself - that way you can be certain of truth. [:)]

First off-  You should practice meditation.  This is the most effective way to AP.  Also start where you want to start.  Don't jump into something too quick because you get impatient.  

Second-  There is nothing to be fearing in AP.  It is a very safe place to be, no matter what others have told you.  As with all things, rules apply to AP.  Different rules, but rules for sure.  You should not be frightened, it is a calm and relaxed enviroment.  If you do fear something, try to think of something that makes you comfortable.  Say a prayer if it helps :)

Good luck and have fun [:)]

Originally posted by wizzle

I'm very new to this kind of stuff, i recently just heard of Astral Projection. I knew of lucid dreams and OOBE's though. I was wondering if anyone has Astral Projection naturally, and how long it took other people to acheive their first one.



Most, if not all of us, don't find OBE's/AP's a piece of cake.  In my case, I experienced my first conscious projection when I least expected it.  It happened in the middle of night after I was reading a book on OBE's.  I didn't consciously do anything to make it happen.  It just did because I BELIEVED they were real, and I BELIEVED that even I could experience one.

After my first, I started to practice perfecting them.  Sometimes, I am really good and have 3+ projections a week.  Other times, I go MONTHS without nothing!  My goal is to have these at will, whenever I want.  But so far, it's been almost 5 years since my first projection and I'm still working at it (which all of us here are doing).

Even those who can have them at will, I would venture to say, did not achieve this skill without a lot of hard work, dedication, and patience.  Just continue to read and be a part of this forum, and you'll find your inner spiritual man becomes more fulfilled (and your progress with OBE's/AP's will move forward).

For me, there is a very subtle transistion that I "feel."  It's almost as if you wake up and your body is completely numb.  When this happens, I imagine rolling out of my body, just like a person would roll out of bed when he gets up in the morning.  

When I do this, I start to feel myself astrally roll out of my body.  I then feel the ground beneath me, the walls around me, and anything else just like normal.  I usually have to thrust my hand through something solid to convince myself that I am not really doing this in my physical body!

So to answer your question, you just "know" when you are out.  I would say that you should read about OBE's before going to bed, and after you set your book down, begin some exercises to prepare your mind for one.  Keep reciting to yourself that when you wake up in the middle of the night, you WILL have an OBE.  Then, when you do wake up, don't move, but stay relaxed and imagine your body all numb and passive.  You may start to feel a vibration when you do this.  Just mentally imagine rolling out (or sitting up) in bed, and observe any sensations that you feel.

Then let us know how it goes!