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Topics - Under_the_Midnight_Sun

Hey everybody!
I just finally finished completing my site today. I thought I'd share with you my techniques page. Hopefully you might find something here than can be of use. I've been developing a set of techniques that use the physical senses to project out of the body. It's what we relate best to while in the physical dimension, and by simulating our senses to occur in another environment we can focus our consciousness outside the physical body and achieve an OOB state.

On this page I list the 4 steps that can be used to induce an OBE. Please look it over and enjoy  :-).

Hello fellow astral projection enthusiasts. Well, I'm sure you're thinking that this post is INCREDIBLY long, but nevertheless you may find it interesting as it stems between the years 1960 and 2100. Maybe somebody has seen something similar as well?  :-D

I couldn't sleep well tonight because of pain in lower back. This could have caused me to obtain an appropriate level of awareness while drifting to sleep.
During the exit of this projection I said to my higher self, "Take me to the golden age of our planet Earth."
Upon the arrival in the (seemingly Real Time Zone) I noticed that my surroundings were not of my own room, but of the back bedroom at our house on Lake Kiwassa in Saranac Lake, NY. But the thing is, I had the false memory that my physical body was sleeping in this room, and had the intuition that it was around the year 1960. It was almost as if my memories coincided with my fathers memories at the time. He would have been growing up during the time period and for some reason (as crazy as it sounds) it was like our astral bodies meshed together during this beginning of the experience (which caused why I thought MY physical body was in the room).

I (or we) walk over to the cabinet and open a wooden box, with some very Adirondack-like bark design around it. Inside is another small wooden box. This, I take out and set on the bed behind me so it can easily be looked through. Inside are some sorts of shaving supplies. I have the false memory of them being mine, and that I had recently begun using them. On the bottom of the box are little cubistic shapes, which have some sort of material on them. Another false memory (possibly of my fathers) claims that these are another method for shaving. The material on the cubes supposedly sheds the skin and cuts the hair as well. Reaching up with my hand I feel some stubs on my chin, and use the cubes to test the astral environment. I swipe down my chin with it, but realize the stubs have not been removed in any manner whatsoever.
(Note: It is very possible either I didn't understand the usage of the "cubes" or that the memories coming in were distorted by mixing with my present memories and thoughts.)

Now, realizing it's about time to go exploring I glance out the small rectangular window. At this moment it seems that any previous false memories that were stemming in from wherever (fathers memories, or something else?) vanish and I'm left with my own personal memories from the present. (DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE LAKE HOUSE HAS BEEN RAZED AND NEW HOME IS CURRENTLY BEING BUILT –yes, I assume I should have said that before. Maybe I did not remember this because another memory from a parallel reality was stemming across?)

Anyway, looking outside I notice an inordinate amount of trees and pine trees. The driveway is much more crowded, with trees hovering over it, than it is in present day. It is still nighttime, and seemingly RTZ (for 1960's).

I turn and walk down the corridor. At some point along this walk I move along the path of TIME as well. It is no longer 1960, but further in the future. There is no exact date, but it seems to be after present day, probably around 2025. Our house is still there on this timeline (or I perceive it to be, because I do not know any better—having not visited the new house yet). Looking through the kitchen window onto the neighbor's property the grass is completely overgrown. Near the edge of the water is some white tubular structure approximately 3 ft. high seemingly purifying water from the lake for drinking use. However, the structure seems old and has not been used in a while. As for the neighbors house I do not look far enough to the right to see if it still exists. Their dock, boat, and usual lawn chair equipment are non-existence though.

Opening the sliding glass door I walk onto the porch. Out in front of me the beautiful lake sparkles under the magnificent and powerful sun. The sky above is an absolute baby blue with white puffs of vanilla ice cream colored clouds. Going left I head to the door, which is different. The handle has been changed. I have a false memory and I think to myself, "Finally, in the future they will change this crappy handle . . ." The current handle (before it was knocked down) was the original from 1910 and didn't always behave properly.

So, in this parallel reality where some of these memories stem from the only renovation that had been done on the house was a new shiny gold handle. Or, alternatively my mind could not accept the reality of being in a house in 1960, traveling through time and being in the exact same position, yet in a different home, so I was perceiving it as similar, although it had changed. This could be why the outside views were different, as opposed to current reality. -hope that's not too difficult to understand (reading it over it seems to be)

The moment I open the door once again I move through time to a year yet further into the future. It wasn't a voluntary movement made by my willpower, but seemingly guided by a higher force above.

I run out to the dock in the new scene that now presents itself. The lawn and rest of waterfront property seems similar but out in the lake never seen before structures are emerged in water. A series of pipes, many different colors is not far offshore, and another similar structure is out to my left. I don't know what it is used for, but it seems to be for water purification. I leap off the wooden dock (which was fixed from it's previous broken and present day self) and dive into the gleaming water. Underneath I open my eyes and find myself in a transcendental underwater world. The sun shines down from above highlighting the dirt and sand on the lake floor. Bits of shell and other pieces sparkle from the sunlight above. I take in a large breath of cool lake water and breath it back out. I think to myself that when I go from water back into air it will be jarring switching between the two mediums and could potentially lose my awareness and wake up in the physical. To prepare for the change I get ready and fly upwards, at high speeds, out of the water into the air.

Here, the entire scene changes. I momentarily lose consciousness as I am transported both through time and space. Coming conscious I find myself located in an area I've never seen before. Standing on top of a hill I look out in the distance over a valley onto yet another hill where a small town is located. Suburban houses liter the right side of the hill across, while the left side seems to be more of a town center, where one might find stores and diners. The world is green and happy. Many trees are growing along the hills and valleys as far as the eye can see. It's the Golden Age.

It seems that during my period of unconsciousness and changing of time and location I have created a thought-form along with me. The person I have created seems to be a close friend at the time, but looking back at the image of this guy I realize have never seen him before. He's Caucasian, has dirty blonde hair, a few freckles, and a friendly smile.

What I am about to tell you now will probably sound horrendous, but it had to be done to test the reality of the Astral environment and to successfully continue my experience without any unwanted distractions. 

I began to punch the guy in his face and body to break down the manifestation from my own mind. I attempt it to see what it takes to disconnect the link from the subconscious mind and it's own manifestation. As I began hurling fists at the poor guy, he covers his hands over his face, and has absolutely no idea what's happening. But then his face momentarily glitches as if he were an animation on a computer screen. Then suddenly without a warning the creation explodes like a nuclear bomb. I am thrown back meters and land on my back, completely unconscious from the shock. Right before I lose consciousness I think that this is the end of the projection, and that soon I'll be waking up in bed . . . But some part of me holds on, some fiber of my awareness remains, almost as if I were meant to see the next scene.

Upon waking I find myself in the exact location, except now intuition tells me that it is approximately the year 2100. I stand up and the glaring sun is absolutely beating down upon me. Wondering what temperature it is- a thermometer manifests in my hand. 90 degrees Fahrenheit, but I don't know what my location is. Then, I look out into the valley and hillside. The once beautiful thriving trees and leaves were no longer. That time had passed on long ago. Now, every deciduous tree in sight was sick. It was as if a terrible blight had come along and plagued every tree in sight. It was summer time, but each small leaf that presented itself was brown, crinkled, and rotten. The leaves that were, were sparse. Where there once was a thriving forest and environment was now a wasteland. At the time I wasn't thinking about what caused this terrible disaster, but pondering on if my mind was creating the scenario for itself. I tried as hard as I could to make the leaves grow back on the trees, but could not. The truth is inescapable. What I was perceiving was the reality of wherever and whenever I was. Even sitting here now typing this I can't help but get choked up on how our beautiful Earth had spiraled downwards into such disaster. Was it a manmade problem? Or even a natural phenomenon?

I jumped up into the air to investigate my surroundings on top of my hill. Low and Behold an abundance of Pine or Confer trees were thriving. It was as if whatever blight affected deciduous trees had no effect whatsoever to these remarkable plants! Up on this hill, and on other hills as well (I'm sure!) they were either being bred or growing naturally! Where I was people had even come up to decorate them. The people of the time period had an absolute love and admiration for these species for surviving. Yes, it was strange, almost like a worshipping, but I can see society responding like this in such a pandemic. The Pine trees were decorating akin to Christmas trees. One large tree I specifically checked out had many reds and white trinkets on it (as did many of them around this one). There were notes and bells and whistles and little boxes basically looking exactly like Christmas.

(On a side note that I really feel like including here. Why is the Coniferous tree even used during Christmas and celebrated around? What if an even this large somehow stemmed back in time, or is a predominant event in history that it's effects and possible thoughts could be felt hundreds of years before? I've read that in the Akashic Records the greatest events in history are always "near the top" so to say. That's why Nostradamus and other great prophets always spoke of horrendous wars, famines, and people dying.
Or of course the pine trees might just be used because they remain green in the winter and are imperceptible to losing their needles.)

I flew back to the edge of the hill and looked out into the distance. On the opposing hill it was obvious that more houses littered the hillside. It looked like there was some over-population, which was causing a problem. Over the valley some sort of gondola carrying like structure stretched left to right, as far as I could see. On these great metal wires gondola cars were moving. There were 1-person gondolas, 2 person gondolas, or 4 person gondolas. It was seemingly the method of transportation for the era. Now, each gondola was highlighted in different fluorescent color of either red and orange (the two most common), blue, and green. I decided to take a short flight over to them. At a base station I noticed 4 individuals getting onto one specific 4-person gondola that lined them up single-file.

At a base station were people were boarding the gondolas each person was wearing a helmet over his or her heads with the same 4 fluorescent colors. I can infer from this, that this is their only means of oxygen. The trees were deceased which means that around the world all the carbon dioxide was not being converted into oxygen for us to breath by the natural process of each of the dying trees, which further leads to believe that is why people absolutely loved the Coniferous trees, as they produce oxygen as well. The fluorescent colors are symbols that inside whatever it is, is oxygen. Inside each gondola the people would be able to take off their helmets. I began to follow the set of 2 and 1 person gondolas. (the 4-set was directly parallel, but I flew between the 1's and 2's.) Below me I noticed a highway, with a single car riding along it. The car didn't seem to be OVERLY futuristic and was some sort of Lincoln. It did not have the similar fluorescent colors. Following along the red and orange gondolas took me into some above ground tunnel. Here red and orange triangles stuck down from the ceiling in between the two sets of gondolas. It was at this time I realized I've been out for an EXTREMELY long time, and must think about returning to my physical body. On my first attempt to return I found it unsuccessful. Looking up at the ceiling of the tunnel I used all my willpower and rammed my head into the ceiling, while simultaneously feeling for my physical body. Success.

But not quite, I woke up in bed, but once again out in the astral.  I reached over with my astral arms and pet my cat who lay beside me on the bed. Then I rolled out of bed onto the ground. Here I lay, still in the Astral pondering the mystifying experience that had just occurred. Manifested a paper and pencil I began to write down portions of the projection to ensure as many memories remain with me as possible. Finally, after several other exits I was able to wake up in the physical. It was 5:15AM and I was feeling great after one of the most awe-inspiring experiences of my life.

Notes: Only after re-entering the physical did I realize that in a previous projection over a year ago in the year 2200 that some woman told me about how the leaves would fall off the trees and there would be absolute disaster and a horrendous drought on the planet. This particular experience is at and is #1 on 12/21/2010
Also, many entities in numerous different experiences I've met have always proclaimed some immense sadness when speaking about the Earth, and about something terrible that was to happen in my future. Perhaps now I've had a glance at this.

Wow, now I'm exhausted and need to go to bed. . . will probably be editing this tomorrow.

Good night everybody, and happy traveling... full moon soon and great time for projections,

Went to bed unusually early for myself, at 10:30PM
Slept until 1:50AM when I awoke to get a drink of water.
At 2AM I return to bed and attempt a projection.

I don't know when I became conscious, but found myself in a very futuristic looking recreation room. There was a kitchen, an elliptical table, and large doors and windows on the walls. Everything had multiple colors on it. For instance, every cabinet was a different color. There was a person who looked like a familiar acquaintance at school.  Asked where I know him from. Telepathically I understood his name was brian. I asked him if his name was Brian and he seemed very unresponsive. At this point, focusing on all fluctuations from the truth to fall away, I watched the figure of Brian transform into his true self. I figured he was an unintelligible astral being, either a thought-form or asleep. Some other guy and him started laughing at me for some reason (guess they thought i was acting unusually, and in retrospect I probably was) I turned around away from them and back, and still saw them looking at me strangely.  This verified the reality of the experience which at the time pleased me. (it verified it because when I turned away and back, the same scenario was presented) Sat down with him (brian) and someone else. At first I told them I'm from 2000BC. Which was wrong (and i didn't notice it). They seemed very interested at first that I was from the earth. Then I told them I meant to say AD, 2011. They treated the earth with some sadness for some reason.

"Where are you from?", I asked.

"All of us here are from the Alpha Centauri System," an unknown person replied.

Now at this point I was getting choked up myself (it seemed everyone's melancholiness about the subject of our Earth seemed to be affected me too) I had to start writing it down on paper what I was trying to say about 2011AD (because it was too difficult to speak in normal terms). I wrote it down (with terrible handwriting) and they could understand the language up to a point for some reason, where it would stop, but my writing kept going.

"We can read your writing up until a point, where it stops." One of them said to me.

From my perspective the writing kept going for two lines from where their perceived stop in mid sentence was.
When I look at my writing now in my memory it was in a different language. I remember triangles.  I said to the two guys at some point that i may just disappear when it comes to return to my physical body, and my apologies if this happens (i was thinking it would happen right then when i thought of my body, but thankfully it didn't) A man with gray hair at the end of the oval table pulled out a little ticket which read 2011 ad (blue ticket ad was red) so the two people to his left could read it. Now I believe there were 5 total at the table. We were in some sort of kitchen area (very futuristic)  Now more people are joining in. They seem to be coming from nowhere. At no time can I see them appear, but I just find more when just glancing around the room. I found myself sitting next to a black man on my left. A black man was in place of the man with gray hair, and another black man on the right side of the table. (In between these black men were Caucasians, and every seat was now taken at the elliptical table)  I thought of how amazing this will be when I get home and know I experienced this interesting projection. But for some reason right there at the table it wasn't as amazing as it is right now. It was almost. . . usual.  I was telling them about 2011, which they were fascinated in. I told them we were having some problems on our planet (pollution, etc... i can't quite recall the problems i mentioned). I told them about how we just got our first black president. Then I said that helped racial problems, which got them all talking. (I do not know why I said this- I've never even thought it before)

Now, I notice Grammie Y (my grandma, who is currently still alive, but time isn't linear so I guess it could be her) is sitting next to me on the left (in place of the black man). She touches my right cheek and comments on the scar my father put there, saying it was from a good action of mine, which had to do with me saving somebody's life( it has writing on it, but I can't remember what it said). Something to do with playing basketball with lenny and someone else. Obviously that got a little misconstrued out there. Then I said that it's not from a good action, but trouble. That I got in a fight with Lenny (or somebody while playing basketball). I believe I got mental picture of the scar. It was almost like a scratch with a tattoo in script written along it.
Interesting fms (false memories) as well. I'm not friends with anybody named Lenny, and have never gotten into trouble, or did a good deed while playing basketball.

Here, I met another man named Brian. He took on the appearance of an Indian (from India). I couldn't get a clear image of him because my mind kept changing him into a character from a TV show. We were over in the kitchen area, and I'm not sure what he was doing there.
I asked him, "When was your last life?" (in the physical)
He was VERY reluctant to answer. I think it was the other Brian from the beginning who persuaded him to answer.
The Indian Brian replied, "My last life was 4400BC."
At first I was astounded because that is exactly what dr. Bruce Goldberg said the time when most will ascend is (around 5000AD).
Then after asking the other Brian, "When was your last life?"
He became very shy and  walked away from (indian) Brian and I. Then I figured it out. He has not ascended yet. (looking back that was why he was so unresponsive and strange and rude at the beginning. He was confused, and not totally with it) then I realized it, BC!  (indian) Brian said he was from BC, 4400.
"How is that possible that you ascended in BC, 4400?"
He seemed very honest and modest, and replied (something along the lines of), "It was just luck and good fortune."
I said, "I thought everyone ascends around AD, 5000"
"Ohhh no," Brian replied, "the human will pick around on the earth plane for a million more years."
Now finding myself in another part of the strange recreation room (a closet of some sort), I thanked Brian and told him it's time for me to leave.
Back In the kitchen people were getting ready to go by the door. I have never seen any of these people before which also verified the experience for me.
Before I left, (indian) Brian held up this small metal piece with three rectangular pieces of food, which looked like olives,  and offered me one of his "potatoes". I took a bite and it was delicious and juicy.
I told Brian and Brian I'd come looking for them in the future.

Grammie Y was with them and she spoke with me again. I told her she looks better (more conscious) than the last time I saw her. She seemed surprised to hear that. (This is the second time I have had the fm (false memory) that she had already passed away. In the first experience with her, months ago, I asked her to verify the experience for me by telling me a fact I did not know. She told me about the Imperial war of 1912, which turned out to be some sort of German council-
Now, back to the present projection- Her pupils were shaped like diamonds and I asked her about the imperial war and she seemed surprised and didn't really know what I was talking about. Maybe I just planted the seed? Maybe not. I don't know when or where I was.
I said goodbye and immediately disapparated and opened my eyes in bed.


Notes, retrospection, and thoughts:
-Before the projection I was not familiar with Alpha Centauri being a system of stars. After searching it on the internet I found that It is indeed a system of 3 stars, Alpha Centauri A,B, and C. It is also the closest system to our star. Alpha Centauri A is the same star type as our Sun, which causes much speculation that it harbors planets with life. (here is an article if you're interested,

-Brian and (indian) Brian could have been the same entity, just at different point in their development.
Hello everybody,
I've been reading about projectors experiencing foreign colors, off our known visible spectrum, in the astral. For this to happen they must be in a somewhat objective environment, so their subconscious mind and physical influences don't affect their perception.

Has anyone ever experienced this phenomenon? If so, where you able to bring back the memory of the color seen?

Do you guys think it's possible to bring back the memory of a non-physical color into the awareness of one's physical mind?
Try to imagine a new primary color -It's impossible! The new color/s seen would be absolutely indescribable to anyone but yourself.
Hi everyone, on the morning of april the 18th I had a set of interesting projections I'd like to share.
It's the latest posting on 4/18/11.


(hmm just realized this topic should have gone into astral consciousness, my mistake :-))

Hey everyone,
The other day i was thinking about the vibrations theory, where we expect to feel the vibrations and experience them because of our expectations. (of course this is probably not the case, because some people commented saying they felt the vibrations and had no idea what they were).

Well, on many occasions in the rtz (it seems to only happen there) I have seen my hands melt like candle wax. To begin with my hands and arms appear transparent and ghostly. When observed they seem to melt away, like they did not even exist in the first place! -Like it was just a figment of the powerful mind. Then, when the focus leaves the hands, and returns to them seconds later the same process proceeds again from the beginning. It truly is a unique phenomenon to behold.

Now, in Astral Dynamics RB says
"The hands are the easiest body parts to see. They vary in appearance from normal to distorted. When looked at, the real-time double's hands will start melting rapidly, like white ice under a blowtorch, reducing to wrist stumps in seconds. This effect appears to be caused by the act of self-observation causing a conflict that interferes with the projected double. The melting hands phenomenon is one of the few constant factors of real-time OBE. This can help ascertain the projector's level, whether in real time, astral plane, or lucid dream states."

Could this "phenomenon" be ONLY a subjective experience of RB? He experienced it and thus wrote about it in his book. Now everyone else will EXPECT to experience the same.
The question is has anybody, who has not read AD or heard of this, observed the rtz astral hands melt?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Web Domain
February 20, 2011, 09:40:27
Hi guys,
I'm currently developing a domain to host my techniques, tips, and experiences. The domain is but i got to thinking. It's Robert Bruce's term and not my own. Do you think i should change the name?
ps: the webpage is under-development so there are only rudimentary plans and ideas up now.
Lately I've been experiencing EXTREMELY low powered projections. I can get out of bed, and move around. The only problem is my vision remains in the same position, moving VERY slowly along with where my astral body would be. Now the strange thing is I can feel the carpet under my feet and actually move around the room, but with the original frame of sight right from where i started. It all starts out with astral sight. Looking out from wherever i am the room is clearly seen in the RTZ. I can feel my astral arms moving in front of my vision, but cannot see them. It gets very frustrating, anybody have any ideas on converting the low powered projections into more high powered ones?
Another interesting detail, when i have one low powered projection and return to my body to try again the same thing happens. For instance just this morning i experienced over 15 of these unpleasant experiences. I tried to make energy rush to my astral double from the physical and felt a very powerful energy sensation in the brow chakra, but it didn't seem to raise the energy level. The low-powered projections seem to happen when my physical body is fully completely asleep, and happen more occasionally during afternoon or late morning sessions. Is this the reason, or do you guys think other factors could contribute?
hey everyone,
When oob lots of details and events can get lost upon re-entry. I thought of this a couple years ago bc I'd always find myself in false awakenings writing down an experience from earlier. So, what you can do while out is find (or manifest) a pen and paper and jot down any key events. It might help to know exactly how many events there were. This way all the details are consolidated into one frame to easily remember.
I was trying to get back to my body to write down an interesting experience that just happened, but upon reentering each time i was projected back out. I started to get frustrated, but soon just went with the flow. So. . .
Astral Side: I floated up out of my body into my room. My astral body was now moving by itself. Through the walls i went, suddenly moving at, or faster than the speed of light. My head whipped back and i had no control whatsoever.
Physical Side: I was in my body experiencing sleep paralysis. I decided not to move in case my astral self was out exploring.
Note: I believe both the last three lines may have been happening simultaneously.

Physical Side: I was looking up with astral sight at my clock projector on the ceiling. The numbers began to waver and suddenly the ceiling disappeared.
Directly above my house was a UFO. . .

Now I am looking at a computer screen that took up my entire field of vision. Don't know how I got there. On the computer somebody or something is going through the animal kingdom, making changes to the way i will view them. It seemed that the animals we view here in the physical universe actually do not look like that in truth, it's just the way we perceive them. For each animal there were five possible variations. For instance the owl, There were five check boxes next to each other variation that we usually perceive as an owl. They had strange names, none that i can recall though. I don't think they were written in English. Every time a check box was checked i saw a glimpse of what the animal actually was. I remember a strange creature that walked along the ground (and had wings) with large yellow eyes bulging out of the forehead as one. Every checkbox was always checked, and whoever was controlling it kept on going through all the animals. At a point i tried to control it myself, just to kind of test whether i was dreaming or not. I could never control it. The different animals just kept going on and on, speeding up as it went. Eventually i lost consciousness (after a very long time) and woke up (6:45 AM)

This experience was extremely difficult to describe. Sorry if it gets confusing at parts. Thanks for reading guys! If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate  :-D 
Hi, I'd like to share some of my methods at viewing past or future lives.
This is for more experienced projectors (so please do not try this on a first OBE).

Method 1
This method has worked wonders for me before. It seems this method brings one to the actual area that was inhabited. I have yet to see my actual incarnated body using this before.
1. fly at a very high speed with intent to visit past or future life in mind
2. ahead of you imagine a door materializing in the air. know that this door is the passage to another time you lived in
3. The door should be within sight now. slow down and stand next to it
4. open the door with full intent to visit another incarnation
5. when you open the door you will immediately be transported to another time and place (I can never recall actually stepping through the threshold)
6. Explore the area making mental notes of objects and whatever
EX: I was flying at a very high speed through a forest near my house. I imagined the door over the next hill. I stopped next to it and was immediately transported into a living room never seen before, but oddly familiar. There were brick walls inside. I noted that there were light switches (so it obviously wasn't a time frame too far from our own). The house on a whole looked like it belonged in 1930 or 1940. Outside was very peculiar. I was in some sort of HUGE tree farm. From what i could tell all the trees were peach trees. I picked one peach and took a gigantic bite. probably the most juiciest delicious peach ever.  :-D well anyway. i flew up into the sky and called for my physical body..

Method 2
1. Enter astral
2. move far enough away from the body so vision becomes normal
3. call to higher self saying you wish to visit another life and another time
4. your body should start moving by itself.
5. the change to another time will be very subtle, it's hard to describe. but there is not any big sudden change in the environment as in the first method. the change happens slowly as your body moves through the air with the help of your higher self.
6. you will probably be settled down the ground viewing an event in another life.
7. If the area you are in is very crowded it may be difficult to know which one you are. Ask your higher self to give you a minds eye glimpse of your body.
EX: I was outside floating above the backyard. I called to my higher self to take me to another life. My body started moving by itself over the forest. I had an intuition that i was now somewhere near Texas. I came down into some sort of cross country race (yes i know it sounds funny). I saw runners going by wearing very strange shoes and clothing. Everything was futuristic. The runners kept going by, but i didnt know which one was me. I asked my higher self to show me which one was me. In my minds eye i had the vision of a kid, probably around 14 or 15. He had reddish-brown hair and freckles (nothing like what i look like now). Then i saw him come around the bend, almost in last place. He ran by going very slowly.
Now it is important to tell you I'm a cross country runner/track in this life as well, probably even obsessed with the sport. Today I cannot take it when anybody beats me.

Well guys i hope somebody will try the methods and give feedback.. Any addition or thoughts to the steps would be great

see you in the astral  :-)
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello Everybody!
December 31, 2010, 14:26:21
Hi, I have never posted on a forum before, so this is quite new to me. Astral Projection however is not. My first out of body experience was at the age of 11, a half year after reading my fathers books, and becoming very interested in the subject. Now at the age of 17 I have had hundreds of experiences. I usually project on average five times a week, but have switched between bodies up to ten times in one night. I have come here because the information spoken about is quite interesting. It will be fun to join in your conversations. I would also like to share some of my own projection techniques with others. I find the simplistic approach to be much easier and rewarding than advanced techniques.
