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Topics - Rudolph

A paragraph in Adrian's book,  "The Truth About 2012" caught my eye.

When the Spanish invaded, the Roman Catholic Church ordered that all of these codices, which the church held to be the "work of the devil", be placed in piles and burned before the Mayan people as an example, when they were forced to submit to the Roman Catholic Church.

a. I do not think the Church ordered that all of the codices be burned (otherwise the ones we still have would not exist).
{The author also failed to mention the "Codex Yoalli Ehecatl" preserved in the Vatican Library}

One Bishop Landa is known to have burned 40 codices describing diabolical practices, while no other reports on any significant scale are recorded on this burning of codices being some sort of pervasive practice. Bishop Landa was bent on destroying these books when he came upon a ritual where a young boy was about to be sacrificed. (Even today, recorded ~c1965,  Mayan elders will toss a young boy off a cliff to appease the gods when there is a sizable earthquake).

b. "the work of the devil" referred to the routine ritual sacrifice of thousands of men from sunup to sundown on High Holy Days. (The burning of some codices began shortly after the Conquistadors witnessed the horrendous slaughter of countless human sacrifice victims and the soldiers were intent upon eliminating anything that ordered or instructed anyone in such demonic behavior. This opinion was not merely something which the church held to be the "work of the devil").

c. The Mayan people were not forced to submit to the Roman Catholic Church.

Their society was in headlong decline and what we know as 'ancient Maya' were nearly extinct when the Spaniards arrived.
The native people of the Americas were NOT some brilliant, advanced culture. They were barely developed beyond the Stone Age. They basically had no domesticated animals. They had no real agriculture beyond pushing a sharp stick in the ground and dropping a seed in. That may be because the plow had not been invented because they had no metallurgy (gold was not mined but simply picked up off the ground near certain creeks and rivers and then melted down by dropping it into a really hot fire. Silver and iron can be smelted at similar temperatures but no European observers ever saw this happening. Archeological digs show that "maybe" some sort of smelting was going on around 2000 BC but that art was completely lost over time. Their knowledge of chemistry was nearly zero. They never even figured out how to attach a sail to their canoes.

When will people stop pretending that these were advanced cultures?
This is unusual for me. I normally have maybe one per year.

Two nights ago an Alien humanoid woman (completely naked, shiny copper skin, sexy as heck in a vampire sorta way) came floating up to me and I think she was trying to seduce me, but I usually do not cozy up to alien creatures. I kept my distance.

Last night I saw a Pyramid shaped UFO floating around in the sky. It had blinking electronic lights that were the only way to keep track of it since the rest of it was alternating on/off some sort of cloaking device.
Then a giant UFO shaped like the Star Trek Enterprise came out of one of those UFO clouds and semi-crash landed across the street and a normal human man and a woman came out and walked over and started talking to me about a project I have been working on in the dream state, lately. They said nothing useful as far as I can tell at this point but I will see in future dreams where this goes.

My overall Goal is 5 but when I get out I often pursue 4. When initial attempts end quickly for whatever reason, I will often just start flying around - which is a lot of fun.

Sometimes exploring the unknown will involve magick but this is spontaneous and not part of the original intent.

I think that those who pursue the lower number options as a primary goal often fail but those who pursue 5 will often find things like 2,3 & 4 just falls in their lap.

The Boy Who Saw True: The Time-Honoured Classic of the Paranormal  by Anonymous  (Jun 22, 2010) 

Has anyone else here read this one? It is the daily journal of a young boy with second sight growing up in a world that was not so sensitive. Hilarious, thought provoking... well worth the read.