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Topics - volcomstone

Hello all,

   I am an experienced lucid dreamer.  Since I have moved to a new place 8 years ago I have had a dream that re-occurs at least once a month.

   Years after the first  dream occured I had stumbled upon old "ghost stories" of previous Spanish occupation. The subject of my dream closely relates to these stories. First nations oral history also backs these ideas.

I believe the people wronged by the spaniards and the priests, have restless spirits (slavery/genocide). 

The current government does not want anyone digging into the previous spanish occupation.  To the extreme, a majority of historians will not even touch the concept. The fact that this area was occupied by the spanish for 40-70 years is not contested. The extent of their influence is.

My desire is to locate the source of these psychic emanations (mass graves/mines) for archeological reasons.

I have many directions for staring this research and gathering evidence.

If anyone is interested in hearing more/helping I would be grateful.


  I followed the instructions and it changed my life!

  Ii have now become one with the universe!
       Howdy Folks!

     I've been a member of Astral-pulse for awhile, and have revisited it to check out the posts. 

      It seems that this forum has had it's ups and downs, back when Robert Bruce and N.E.W energy ways was heavily recommended.

   From the Dragon Ball Z'ers to the black magicians.   

   Looking back on my posts, they don't seem so spiritual and free-thinking as I remembered.  It looks like I also clouded some of the threads with nonsense, arguments that where " reducio ad absurdium", and flame wars.

    In the years since, I've become a "productive" member of society, and I actually work in the Forest Industry (Canada is just lumberjacks and igloo's) .

    The biggest Delusion I moved away from was the whole 2012 10th planet Sitchin end of world BS.

   However, there is ALLOT of stuff in the occult and this forum that deserves attention and development.
I've had Great success with Lucid dreaming (all my life), astral projection, energy-body development (N.E.W energy ways), Pre-cog, telekinesis (psiwheel), Aura-vision/third eye, telepathy and general energy manipulations.

  Jury is still out on Orgone, and Orgonite products, crystals and pendulum dowsing.  However some, interesting things did come out of that research. 

   There is a bigger picture where all of this fits together.  I can feel the connections, but cannot put the puzzle together. Perhaps I just have to wait for the pieces to fall together themselves.

  I'm pretty rusty now, since I've neglected some of my PK training and my chakras are all out of wack.  Any tips on how to get back into it would be nice.

   There are also some posts by certain members that concern me.  If I am concerned about these people, than you can be SURE some authority watchdog is also concerned.  Be very careful of what you post on the internet. 

             I hope in the future If I post on topics, I will try and be productive.

Here's My deviant art page.

I'm passionate about photography and all artistic endeavors.  With a link to my youtube channel.




       One more step closer to synthetic humanoids
Welcome to the Healing place! / Back Problem
December 18, 2008, 14:33:31
I've got a major blockage. Huge energy buildup in my root and splenic chakra. It isn't going up, or even leaving, far as I can tell it's just cycling between the two chakras.

     I know exactly why too. Stress related to work is a major cause, however, the fact I somehow managed to completely isolate my heart chakra (for "practical" reasons) in some way has seriously caused me major harm. I know I need to express myself, but it is completely useless to do so. I've already tried many exercises to get the energy out, both physical and mental and Practical (writing letters I'll never send etc), short of actually calling up the people I need to express myself with (again "practically useless") I have done everything.

    Before you actually say "blah blah blah you need to let your heart free, tell those that need to be told etc etc" could someone just send me a little bit of reiki?  I need to reopen the heart pathway, but it is impossible for me to do so. Every little bit helps.

     I know I'm being stubborn. But it's a useless situation. Both are going to resist it until it we're both "over it" , it's been a while now already and this is the worst it's been.  My imagination isn't helping either.  I've already tried to "move-on" but because of this day and age (and all pervasive "game-playing") it is only further closing off my heart.

  Soooo reiki please. It'll help, a bit.      I have to end this relationship, this is the only way to do it. I've already said my last words, and I will not be the one who collapses under the pressure. It wasn't a healthy relationship anyway, it was all just a fantasy, a micro cosm, a fishbowl.      Not real life, but a fanciful image of what could of been.


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Love is for the Ugly
December 11, 2008, 19:43:04

          Hey all

     I've been away (lurking).  I've been having some rather lame thoughts about the nature of the emotion we collectively call love.  New research has shed some insight into the brain chemicals and neuro-transmitters that produce the euphoric feeling of being in love.  I don't claim to know what love really is, however, in a simple biological context it seems to be a survival strategy.

     An idea I had was that Love is a survival strategy for people of whom their outward genetic characteristics (or phenotypes) are what many would superficially see as being a flaw or weakness.  Ugliness is understood on a primal level and so is beauty. Something in the human mind processes a pretty face/good body as being signatures for good genetic stock. This makes us want to mate with them, without even knowing anything about them (for instance hidden genetic triggers for cancer, and mental illness).  Yet studies are showing that the Ken and Barbie outward appearance can be linked to good genetic health and virility.

     So basically my question is an opinion one:   Do you think that love is an evolutionary mechanism to help us disreguard physical appearance and create a partnership with people that have "less than desirable" genetic traits?  Do you think that the feeling of connection between two average looking individuals is stronger than Brad pitt and Angelina? You know the saying "a face only a mother can love".

    My arguement is simply that pretty people don't need to love because their outward appearance will guarantee them a comfortable life full of mating opportunities.   

   Please go on any tangents you have about the subject.

   Read about the effects of ocytocin. 
Welcome to News and Media! / Momentum and angles
January 20, 2007, 15:36:45
  Hey People,

    I've recently become obsessed with martial arts tricking, and have been nearly incapacitating myself attempting the aerial manouvers.

  you should view this vid

    no strings attached, its rather hypnotic, and I'd pity the foo' who'd pick a fight with a group of these individuals......

anyhow, if you've seen it before forgive me, I'm just amazed by it. It's like the "freestyle" epidemic has hit gymnastics/martial arts.
Welcome to News and Media! / fringe benefits
May 20, 2004, 15:19:31
well first off boeing released a statement that "Anti-gravity propulsion comes 'out of the closet'
sounds like hover cars aren't too far off.

call it alien intervention or fringe science but  this controversial scientist's webpage has simple kitchen material "Lifters"
plus a whole bunch of others who reproduced his designs

is it just simple physics? or a whole bunch of crack-pots?
I haven't built one , yet. [8]

and if a whole bunch of nerds have these cool designs, you can only imagine what boeing would have.
They might be made out of something MUCH heavier; like any other type of wood besides balsa. and maybe they double wrap the aluminum

and If you're clever enough to find his main page, you might be-able to discover how cold-fusion works. (no , I'M SERIOUS:)))))

well not more than an hour ago I had what could be considered my first "true" astral projection, Ive had on many occasions lucid dreams but this one was different.

having little sleep the previous night I decided to go take a nap in the library, I was also doing energy raising on the long bus ride to my school.

anyhow, I wanted to really go home and sleep there, so all of a sudden I was in my room, except, the room wasn't exactly the same, I went to go see if my brother was around,

I think I had about 3 different projections in the same one,
however I never saw my "body" and it was all very dream like,

whats the difference between a WILD (wake induced lucid dream) and Astral projection?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / chemtrails
February 19, 2004, 19:42:51
Ive recently started researching "chemtrails" and I stumbled upon these sites

its sorta scary the stuff the american government will do, I suggest every body make orgonite devices and bust those clouds

this site is cool too
Welcome to Metaphysics! / channeling.....
February 09, 2004, 12:40:48
the dragon talks in truth but your lies cloud the wisdom

hey peeps, i want everybody to start talking to themselves more often, instead of "contacting" some being (PLEASE TALK TO ME ANNUNAKI)

why not just ask the questions? Ive found that they get answered for you even when your not channelling, why?

your dragon (dark subconscious) will chat all day long if you like, and personal growth will be achieved, I have answered my own questions instantly,


this post should be for people to post the jist of their internal conversations, and the enlgithement /knowledge wisdom that you acquired

so go ahead and post your internal monolog Ill start:

"I am rather hungry" "why are you hungry?"
"because Im bored"
Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / elongation
January 20, 2004, 10:07:34
well I was freaking myself out last night right before sleep

how was I doing it?
after a long stretching/light exercise/energy raising techniques I was starting to get tired. so I layed down in my bed

and  I placed a lighter on a stable table (if you are able,If not watch cable)  and pointed my finger at it a couple of inches away (3-5)

anyhow I was visualizing and feeling my finger stretch out and touch it, and then, my finger looked like it was growing it was all weird freaky looking, like freaking mr fantastic (fantastic four)

well I kept doing this for a little while and I almost got to the lighter

perhaps it was just hallucinating, but it was very interesting, my finger almost looked alien or  boney it was quite odd,

has anyone else had any experience trying to elongate stuff (non-phallic please) ?

hi folks, i was trying to remove some energy blockages along my lung, ear, eye and face meridians, last nite (removing remnants of flu)

I was able to clearly discern the more obvious energy points in my face and neck, but I also noticed much finer, net like meridians that where all over my face and what not,

I was just wondering if anyone has any good diagrams on the meridians they'd like to share with me,

click on john-k samson in session

then click on One great city
anyhow, I was thinking if we could get people to relieve "geopathic stress"

or meditate on these lines at the same time, or even create their own leylines  (via feng shui or geomancy)

perhaps we could eliminate the need for airplanes <------ for those with vivid imaginations (or those who've seen star gate)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / sky scrying
April 21, 2004, 16:32:36
i thought you told me you hated pointless stuff......
Im sure you have, if you dream
I am not sure that accepting someone else's bad karma is a good idea. If they did something to attract bad karma, then it is best to let them have the bad karma teach them their lesson. At the same time, if you know someone who is going through a bad experience, then it is a good idea to help them out. The worst that can happen is that you attract good karma to yourself for trying to help someone in need.[:)]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / strike anywhere
April 06, 2004, 21:21:53
well, they aint purrty...or cute...or hott...they ugly! but yeah, theyre awesome!!! they fricken rock! i never heard of them until just now, though[:D]

peter piper picked a pack of pickled peppers....

I've seen you change quite a bit since you first got here. It seems you're learning quickly, but as we all know, we all have a long way to go.

By the way, you don't have to suck up to stay here! Just kidding, but I find it quite soothing that you pay homage to the site like this. It's almost like a prayer of good fortune, and in a lot of ways it is. As for things looking different, I ask you: How have things changed so drastically in your eyes (aka - elaborate!) ?  Plus if you were to start over, how would you shorten the path you used to get to here?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Carpet Scrying
February 25, 2004, 07:30:16
[:D][:D][:D] I think that is great!  Carpet Scrying..hehehe..I did see a lady in the tiles of my bathroom floor once.[:P]

Have you ever tried a ceiling, with the swirling or popcorn texture? I have seen some cool stuff looking at those.  

Before I paint anything, I just sit there and stare at the blank canvas and soon enough I can see what I am going to paint. [:D] You mentioned drawing, do you think being a artist has anything to do with being able to Scry?

Interesting topic volcomstone!

Welcome to Metaphysics! / pre-cog or coincidence?
February 23, 2004, 17:55:54
If you have to ask, its probably precog.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Humour
February 13, 2004, 16:11:24
Heh heh.  I like my rather dry and twisted sense of humor... and irony[}:)]
or not...
Welcome to Metaphysics! / blessings
February 12, 2004, 12:05:42
Bless you.  [:)]
Well Iv never had that happen but im NOT CRAZY!! lol j/k
Nah Im not sure.. I think tagging is cool and some of it is cool looking but whenever I scribble it just looks like scribbling to me...
Scan some of it!
Welcome to Metaphysics! / philosophers stone
February 10, 2004, 17:49:50
This is some kind of a joke right? please tell me you were being sarcastic.
Insert, still a hard task for me.
I can not find a certain way to destroy Him yet.
But i know, this is a question of time.
It will happen.
Thats crazy, sounds like fire or somebody eating crackers while walking on gravel.
"Ive also found a way to increase muscle mass, toning, simply by working on the energy body, I have yet to perfect it, but Im seeing results already,"

And how is that exactly??
I know there are a lot of sources that disagree with me, but I'm of the opinion that it doesn't really matter which way your chakras spin.  I'm able to spin mine in either direction - sometimes it's easier one way, and sometimes it's easier the other way.  As long as they're activated, I've never seen a difference of results depending on which way they're spinning.

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / siddhi
January 20, 2004, 10:18:11
Welcome to Astral Chat! / YOU MUST CLICK
January 09, 2004, 04:12:49
That was nice =)
$1000 bucks for a glowstick that sounds like a lightsaber? hahaha, that's just priceless.

and the "minirocket" (under "space-age technology"  no less [:P]) is little more than a roman candle, i'm betting.

man, you could make better things than those using the anarchist's cookbook and looking through the "poor man's james bond" section [:P]. now THAT tells you how to make some cool excrement. [:D]

Everything is a free-energy-machine until we learn where the energy comes from.
ever hear the saying observe but don't act?

That wasnt meant on a quantum size or to be exact. It means (for example) if somebody asks a straight male "whats your boyfriend's name?" then you can observe the question but choose not to respond because any answer will probably result in more gay insults.

if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it, does it make a sound?

It makes a sound. The tree is there to feel the sound vibrations.

Welcome to Quantum Physics! / extended mind theories
December 27, 2003, 13:10:15
Most of what you said does not imply the scientists are wrong. Senses can see past our bodies because the information comes to us (light, sound waves, etc). The learning ability of animals does not require that any part of their minds be outside their bodies.

you can pick up a phone, knowing who is on the other line (without caller Id) even before the phone rings.

That is the only useful thing you wrote against the scientists' ideas.

A few days ago, I hadnt had a call in hours. I picked up the phone and put it down. 5 seconds later it rang.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / speaking in tongues
December 17, 2003, 09:15:17
I speak in tongues.  Being from a Born Again Christian background, it was taught in my church that only those who were FILLED with the Holy Spirit could do it, but once it happened to you, it is something that will never go away.

Well, believe me, I tried to do this myself.  I tried to fake it.  I tried to learn it.  Nothing worked.  Then one day, during prayer, I was just in my own little world, talking to God, when the next thing I realized, I was talking in tongues!

Everything that came out of my mouth was gibberish (unintelligible to my ears), but it wasn't any kind of gibberish that I could make up....again, because I tried to do that before and it wasn't natural.  This, on the other hand, was very natural.

Since I have long stopped going to church (mainly due to dogmatic preachings and hypocrisies within the church body), I still am able to speak in tongues at will.  Although I usually never do though, simply because it brings back a guilt complex (since I was taught that speaking in tongues is the sign of the Holy Ghost being in you....and since I don't go to church or follow that line of teaching anymore, then I must be betraying something within me....things like that).
If the law of entropy is universally really correct, then it means that at the beginning of big bang is is very very ordered compared to now. But, look at the sky, galaxies, stars and complex life form. If there is no order in the galaxies, if there is no oder in the biochemmistry of your body, there will be no life. It seems that intelligence is required to make something ordered.

Life in itself is anti-entropy.