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Topics - Lickerish

I recently posted an articile on pyschic vampirism that there seems to be some confusion over.
Although I gave a detailed description of the practice and wrote about its similarites to empathy I am in no way a psi vamp but an empath and strongly look down upon anything another would do to harm another.
People on the contrary should be wary of pyschic vampirism because they could be easily confused by some of its similarities to empathy.
I believe that I wrote at the end of the topic of Pyschic Vampirism that anyone could learn how to do empathy and not vampirism which is something that either a person has or doesn't have and can't learn how to do.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Psychic Vampirism
January 10, 2005, 16:07:45
Occasionally the underdeveloped aura system with deficient energy resources will develop a habit of invading the aura system of others and drawing energy from them.
This results in an immediate surge in new energy for the vampire and a severe reduction in the energy level of the host victim.
Even though the attack can last for only a short while the effects upon the victim can last for days and can include dizziness, loss of energy, and even nausea.
Repeated attacks can lead to chronic fatigue depressed mood and even possibly physical illness in the host victim.
This happens on either a subconscious or conscious level when the vampire feels a drop in their own energy supply thus resulting in the desire for the basic need to feed.
How does this occur?
The psi vamp can spread out their energy field in such a way that it can be compared to spreading out a set of dark tentacles reaching out and enveloping the host victim's aura and slowly draining the energy directly from it.
As the host's aura dims and fades in intensity the vampire's aura grows brighter, expanding with the new found energy source.
The most important factor in feeding is this transference, which is performed when the psi vamp opens up certain channels or bonds in which the energy current passes through from one body to the other.
These results in an energy exchange between the two persons that is usually mostly one sided with the vampire receiving the most energy.
But sometimes can be a mutual exchange with both persons (the host and victim) receiving energy in a way that neither person has any less or any more energy than the other.
However this requires that both parties make a conscious effort to maintain a sense of balance to support this by the persons participating. In this case both parties involved without either the host or the vampire experiencing any energy loss can receive the benefits of the energy exchange.
This exchange / link can be achieved by the joining of the palms of the hands with one palm facing upwards and the other downwards. The down turned palm enables the energy from the sender to flow into the receiver and the upturned palm enables it to past from the receiver into the sender. Also, intense eye contact combined with deep focus and concentration can contribute to the link as well.
This can be most pleasurable experience due to the intense nature of this procedure.
I find that one can feel the very essence, the very core, the very being of another person's nature in this process.
Except unlike the psi vamp I am an empath and can also recieve the same signals but don't use it in a destructive fashion.
The sexuality, personality, and emotional state can all be received and given in this manner with both persons forming a deep sort of spiritual union, a bond, with both of their auras intertwined.
This can feel as intensely pleasurable if not even more so than an actual sexual union of the bodies which can also be immeasurably heightened if both parties are fully engrossed into each other's being.
Although this practice is commonly thought of only as practiced by vampires the part about both parties coming together in a union can be achieved by persons ( Empaths) with empathic ability as well in a totally non vampire way that will harm neither person.
I feel that with practice and patience almost anyone could learn how to do this and benefit from it in a deeply spiritual way.
Last week I had an intense empathic experience with another person( a male aqaintance of mine) who possesses similiar abilities to my own.
We were in a quiet dim lit place and we pressed hands together and meditated.
Almost immediately I could sense his presence and that he was completely aware of me as well something that I don't find in non empathic people often.
I could feel his aura, energy, and person all right down to the very core and fiber of his being and he could feel mine as well.
At 1st I felt he was holding back with me so I asked him to let go because I sensed dark places where I could not go to.
Then he agreed to and all of a sudden coming from his hands I felt like this great warmth this rising heat similiar to that of a radiator and I was just simply flooded and overwhelmed by the tremendous intensity of the sensation.
Then I felt his pain ( he had mentioned that people, friends he knew had died and he grieved for them)
The pain was awful and almost brought tears to my eyes and and even a feeling of nausea to my stomach.
I surrounded him with feelings of my heart felt sympathy and compassion as he accepted them into his being as we bonded together deeper and deeper almost as if merging into one being, mind, heart and soul.
It was only my 2nd. such experience with a empathic person and far more intense and amazing.
Well, ok....Hmmm, regarding auras a good book recommended to me by a member a while back is: "How Read The Aura" by W.E. Butler .
If you tried to stare me in the eyes and hold my hand I would punch you then call the cops.


But as far as empathy goes, you don't have to touch someone to be effective.  Unless you're at a club.  With that many people spreading their energy around how do you know who you are reading?

Plus, who wants to talk about their personal life at a club?

If you want to have "emapthic experiences" or do what I call reading people, I suggest you do the following:

Meet in a private but comfortable place and use tarot cards or crystal balls or tea leaves or some medium.  Even if you don't use the cards or tea leaves you will make him more comfortable (he/she will feel invaded if they think you can read their mind).  

Focus on your subject using whatever skills you have, and focus on any imagery or messages you get from them.  

If you are having a hard time getting messages, stall by asking them a generic question like "Do you remember being treated unfairly by your parents/siblings/spouse/friends/pets/etc.

While they jabber about whatever and do the stalling for you, ask your higher self to ask their higher self to convey a message to you.  Then display your mad skills and charge them for your time.
Coming there nxt summer
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Empathy
November 15, 2003, 18:56:38
Empathy and telepathy are fun.  Although at times it can be a burden.

So were you born with this or did you have to work at it? Did you know what it was when it started?  How long did it take you to realize that not everyone functions at that level?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / New Here
November 15, 2003, 17:37:57
Hey Lickerish,

Welcome to the Astral Pulse! Hope you like it here. [|)]

Have you always had these empathic abilities? Or did you have to work up to them?

Don't mind me I'm just a curious kid. [:D]
