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Had 3 successful OBEs last night!!  :-D The first, and subsequent experiences started when I became lucid in a dream I was having. The moment I realised I was in a dream, I immediately thought, "oh.. I'm dreaming. then that means I can..." and so I found myself in my physical bed, experiencing the sleep paralysis state. I recognised the state immediately and didn't waste anytime measuring or analysing the feelings. I just immediately used my intent to move away from my body.

I was laying on my side, so I was willing myself to move sideways in an upward direction. At first nothing really happened and I felt the same intense lock-jaw feeling I had a few weeks ago when this happened. I didn't get scared or worried, I understood what the feeling was. I just focused on aligning my jaw so it was less uncomfortable. It still felt like my jaws were clenched shut, just that it felt more aligned.

Then I tried to move sideways again and I was out!!! I didn't waste anytime in moving away from my body, just flew/floated out of my bedroom, through the walls and got 2 rooms away before I blacked out. I don't really remember a blacked out state as such, just that I was floating one moment then before I was back in bed there was a brief, indeterminate time before I was consciously aware again.

Still in the sleep paralysis state, I tried again. Went through the same aligning of the jaw because it was clenched so tight. If you can imagine what your jaw would be like if you were being electrocuted then that is what the clenched jaw feels like. So it's not just simply an inability to move my jaw but a clenched, uncomfortable feeling.

Anyway, I relaxed again and willed myself sideways and up again but this time I decided to float up. I could see as I went through the layers in the roof (I live on the top floor of my apartment block) but when I got out into the open I couldn't see anything anymore. I tried the "Awareness 100%" affirmation a couple of times; first just "softly" as if it was just a thought with no meaning or real intent and when that didn't do anything I put more force and intent behind it. Still no change in my ability to see, so after a few seconds I decided to "reset" and return to my body.

Fortunately I was still in the sleep paralysis state (yay!) and went through the same alignment stuff again. During each of these alignments, I did notice a kind of vibration but nothing like described in the literature. It was more like a bubbling feeling within some but not all parts of my body. I also noticed an extra sense of warmth in my body but particularly my hands and feet. The one thing that was a constant each time was the clenched jaw.

This third time I willed myself sideways and up again, then proceeded to fly out the window. I was very aware and while I was over a river, it was not the same river that is outside my window in physical plane. At that point, I remembered the energising techniques of rubbing my hands together at the same time as looking at them in detail. this increased my visual awareness profoundly and I felt stable. I started to fly around the river, just above it. I found it harder than I was expecting to keep myself level or at a specific height of my choice. I thought to myself, "looks like I will need to practice this a bit." and so I continued to fly around a while, trying to go up a little and then down a little etc

After a while, which seemed to be a few minutes, I suddenly had the thought to contact my, or one of my, "guides". First I stated my desire and then I restated it using the "I deeply desire..." wording and put some additional desire and intent behind it. For no apparent reason I chose to stop flying forward and turn around. As I did this, I saw a glowing ball of yellow light flying towards me. As it reached me, I guess I got a bit excited and started to bombard the ball of light with questions. One question I remember asking was "how can I do this again?" because I hadn't been having any.luck until this random occurrence. I must have lost my focus at that point, possibly due to my excitement, and this time I could feel the scene fading rather than it being a sudden black out. As I was fading, I noticed another pale yellow ball of light that must have been there at the same time though I hadn't noticed it till that point.

Once back in my body, I no longer felt the sleep paralysis but tried to induce it manually, unfortunately without success. As I became more aware of my physical surroundings, I noticed that I was holding my fiancée's hand. :) Then I also noticed I need to pay a visit to the toilet and at that point surmised that perhaps the reason I had lost focus was more to do with that than getting too excited.

All in all, three very enjoyable and satisfying experiences. I just wish I could achieve these states more directly and not have to rely on becoming lucid in a dream.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Engaged :)
October 25, 2011, 17:32:36
Just announcing my engagement with my girlfriend :) hehhehhhe

I am so excited (and nervous) that I am telling everyone! :) hahahaha
Hi all,

It's been a while since I've posted anything other than a reply or something but I have been continuing my experiments. I came across a realisation last night as I was settling in for a sleep, so I wasn't actively thinking about AP'ing or anything but of course it's always in the back of mind even when I am not actively thinking about it.

Let's get one thing perfectly clear, when I shut my eyes it's anything but "black".. I've never, ever, experienced "blackness" when I close my eyes. It's more like a foggy, cloudy greyness. It's basically like seeing clouds or swirling fog/mist where the only detail is whether it is lighter or darker than another part. There's a generaly shade of greenish-yellow and sometimes a little yellow-orange depending on the time of day etc but it's certainly never "black".

Often when I first close my eyes, I get flashes of light appear immediately. Usually it's more like a spark rather than an overall, diffused flash.. so there is a definite point in my consciousness where the flash originates followed by the diffused light of the flash. So I like to think of these as "Sparks of Thought". I don't generally think much of these as they are just distractions and my brain making sense of the "greyness" in front of me due to the lack of visual stimuli.

Now to my realisation: The astral is "beyond the clouds". When I think of that fog/mist/cloud of greyness that I see in front of me, it is generally perceived as a "wall" of clouds or fog. That wall is usually anywhere from a few inches away from my eyes, or up to a foot away. It's a perceivable distance and the cloud-wall is a perceivable object that is separate from me. As I go deeper into my consciousness, this distance becomes less objective and more subjective.  The concept of the distance becomes more towards infinity.. but essentially, it becomes less meaningful.. less tangible in terms of time and space.

Beyond the cloud-wall is where I generally perceive the flashes of light, so it's like looking at the moon through the clouds or when you see lightning flash within the clouds. You can see there is light there but the clouds are diffusing the light and partially blocking the object. If you were to fly up, as you get closer to the clouds then the effect starts to become like when you have your eyes closed; you can just see a mass of swirling clouds across your entire vision. As you begin to move through the clouds, they begin to thin and the moon (or whatever) becomes more and more clear to you.

The way I perceive all of this is that the astral is just beyond the grey cloud-wall in front of me and what I am starting to try to do is reach forward with my consciousness to move through and beyond that cloud-wall. It's very similar to the way Frank Kepple describes a room starting off dark and then the light starts to build up and when you get to full brilliance, you are in Focus 21 or beyond. It's essentially the same idea but something that can be perceived from the beginning of closing the eyes and then visualising through all the stages of change.

I've only just come up with this idea/realisation, so I've not fully explored it.. but it seemed so profound to me last night that I had the idea to come and share it.. it doesn't seem so profound now.. and I am having difficulty explaining it how I perceive it.. but I've done the best I can.

I've been reading a lot of Frank's stuff, as well as other's like Tom Campbell, and I am wanting to get some ideas for short 5 to 10 minute "excercises" or sessions that I can do while I am on my tea break at work, or on the train or anywhere, which I can use to promote my Astral experiences. Just plonking down on the sofa or bed at night (or in the morning) and trying to Astral stuff without any other thought of it during the rest of the day is apparently not as helpful to the promotion of Astral experiences.. but I don't have the time to do a full TMI tape throughout the day.. I might have only 10mins here and 10mins there throughout a day but rather than wasting that free time because I can't do a full tape, I was wondering if there's something I "can" do?

Ideas and suggestions please.
Uhmmm.. how do you people, who have OoBE's et al, cope with saliva build up in the mouth?? One of the greatest distractions I have is that every 5 to 10mins I need to swallow, otherwise I feel like I will choke on my own saliva... as soon as I swallow of course, I am reminded again of my physical body and I am pulled up back to physical a little way, then I need to refocus again.. it's like 2 steps forward 1 step back.. so very slow going.. though there is progress.. just wondering if other people have noticed this and how they overcame it?

So I have been experimenting withn Binaural beats for the last few days and I have to say that I never really expected them to be so profoundly "active" and "effective". The 4Hz thing is good and I have experienced good results in terms of deep meditation with that but it's when you start to explore more of the frquencies that interesting things begin to appear.

For instance, listening to a 35Hz is more like a deep droning sound than a perceivable beat. However if you modulate the "pitch" of the tone, which is also another frequency you start to get "resonances" occuring within the beat.. a beat within the beat, so to speak. So today I was listen to 35Hz to experiment with heightened mental awareness as I travelled to work. I had the pitch set to 100Hz, which is my favourite pitch and after my brain had "tuned in" (or tuned out might be a better way to explain it) to the droning of the 35Hz, I started to notice the resonant beat, which was about as slow as the 4Hz beat is.. or perhaps slower.. in any case it was interesting.

Also, while listening to 4Hz-beat at 100Hz-pitch.. after you "tune in/out" from the 4Hz beat.. there's a another, very subtle, wind-like beat hidden away in there. It's a very slow beat.. about 1Hz or less.. I'm not entirely sure if these beats exist as a resonance of the 2 factors (beat and pitch).. or whether they are fabricated by the brain like the binaural beat is being fabricated.. or if it's being fabricated entirely from another source.

In any case, the Binaural beat stuff is very fascinating. The cyclic Headache-cure beat program included in BWGen really does work.. it doesn't get rid of the cause of course but it does help to minimise and/or eridicate the pain. My favourite beats to listen to are the very low ones.. 2Hz to 4Hz.. they just give me a deep sense of "being" on another level than I would normally be able to comprehend and experience.

I'm just not really sure, beyond the presets/programs installed in to BWGen and other sources, what beat frequencies and pitch frequencies can provide the most benefit for different situations. I now have an Android app that allows me to create Binaural beats on the go but it doesn't have the ability to create "moving" or "cyclic" beats like in BWGen. BWGen's ability to make "moving" beats (cycling from 5 through to 10 Hz and then back again over the course of, for example, 10 seconds) is really awesome because it adds an extremely low beat structure to the program.. :)
So I have been listening to "The Monroe Institute" (TMI) tapes for a week or so now and over that time some interesting and not so interesting things have been happening, not just during the time the tapes are playing but at other times as well. So I figured the best thing to do, rather than post in numerous different threads on the forums, is to start writing about the little events and realisations here in one consolidated thread with a view of later conslidating or distilling it further into a set of ideas, methods, concepts and other things to aid both myself and others on their path.

Rather than trying to remember all the little details about the other events and stuff that's happened, today I'll just concetrate on what has happened yesterday and last night. I've listened to each of the tapes, 1 per day with a day or two where I didn't listen at all because I was either too busy or too tired to do so. Yesterday, my girlfriend (who lives with me) was working the evening shift and so that allowed me to be completely alone in the apartment at a time when I was still not too tired and sleepy. I got everything all setup, dimmed the lights and all that and put on the tape.

14 September 2011
The guided experience went pretty much how it had in the other instances, except that this time I was really focused and clear. As I was walking myself towards the Focus-10 state, I could really feel my awareness growing like a bubble of nothingness around me. It's like, for most of the time, we are limited in our awareness to the extend of our physical bodies. Yes, we can sense things off in the distance, hear distant sounds, see distant objects, maybe even smell or taste things in the air (like when someone up the street is baking a cake).. but still all of those senses have the focal point of your body and/or head. Like a radar display, the centre is where we are and all the little blips are shown in relation to the centre. That is the physical awareness. However, now I was starting to perceive that my "centre" was growing larger. So instead of being a dot in the middle of the radar, it was now an increasing sphere of awareness.

Just as I was about to say "10" to myself to get myself from Focus 9 to 10, the voice of Monroe comes on and says "You are now in the 10 state".. totally scared me with the suddenness of his voice. Jolted me a bit and I did lose a bit of my focus from that. In any case, the tapes was still rolling and I followed the instructions on "rolling like a log in the water" and separating from my body. I couldn't really feel any separation or any feeling of motion when I was trying to turn without moving my physical body. However, I went along with it as a patterning exercise to train my mind that this is what I am wanting to do.

The tape tried to get me to fall asleep but I didn't, however what I did do was move into a deeper level of awareness, so after the tape had assumed I was sleeping I just lay there and enjoyed the feeling without any expectations or desires beyond enjoying the peace and calm. I began "noticing" little things.. sounds, sensations, visual stuff. In one instance I actually could see and almost feel a scene but it was like looking through a window and being stuck on one side of it, unable to get there. At one point I noticed that the blackness had become more 3D than normal and remembered my phasing so I tried to visualise the Astral Pulse Island as a target. I noticed it was a little dark and I "wished" there was more light. Suddenly a very visual orangey/yellow light came on in the upper left of my awareness, shining down on myself and the "room" around me.

I "noticed" the light and how real it seemed. It was more real than the imagined room around me, which was like a airport waiting lounge now that I think about it. I could "choose" to look out the windows but couldn't really see much outside. I chose to sit down and try to really feel the vinyl of the chair. The coolness of it, the smoothness of it, the texture of the red vinyl and so on. Again, nothing really happened.. but looking at the experience now, I can see that my awareness was definitely heightened and I could more easily perceive these things.

The next thing of significance was when I asked for assistance/guidance without trying to use any expectation of how the guidance should come. This is the instance of the scene I mentioned above. It was like I was laying in a bed with several people surrounding the bed. I can recall at least 2 of the people very clearly and recall that there was several, maybe even 5 or 6 people all around the bed. They were all happy and laughing but it was a good natured laugh like everyone was having a great time.

The bed was a raised, wooden frame with a single-size mattress covered with loose fitting burgundy sheets. I could see my legs and feet from my perspective but as I said before, it was like I couldn't quite get in to the vision as if it was shrouded by frosted glass. It was like they were all my friends, people I had known for a long time but I did not know them. Never seen their faces before in the physical world but there was a familiarity between us. It felt like they were all very happy that I had finally "come around" as if I had been in a long coma and was just now starting to wake up. As if they had been waiting for this moment and now it was happening, so everyone was happy and laughing.

Anyway, the scene faded away eventually and was left back in the state of complete relaxation. I tried the "rolling log" thing a couple more times. Nothing much happened and then I gently eased myself out of the Focus 10 state and back to Focus 1. I know that the tapes allow you to learn how to quickly switch between F1 and F10, then back again but I like coming out of these things slowly.

Recent Realisations
Just something general I have been noticing is that the more I am focusing on these subjects, the more I am meditating, the more I am trying for an OBE and to look within myself; the more I am starting to notice messages and ideas that are coming through to guide me. My abstract awareness of noticing the deeper meanings of events are starting to become more and more frequent. I also realise that while a F20+ (or F oC 2-3) experience (ie. an OBE) is certainly a holy grail experience.. it's not the only experience that is important. Learning to enjoy these states for what they are is just as important. Like when I was just laying there in a deep state of relaxation; nothing really was happening in the sense of OBE but it didn't matter because something WAS happening. I was in another state of awareness, my awareness had expanded to around a 3 metre (9ft) radius sphere and it felt both a little scary and good at the same time. That is just as valid an experience as having an OBE.

Welcome to Dreams! / Troubling Dream
September 12, 2011, 23:27:24
Last night I actually ended up sleeping for 11 hours.. not sure why but I must have been extra tired. Anyway, during my very brief moments of recalled dream state there was one particular dream that I woke up from because it took me by surprise and scared the **** out of me. Putting into objective words, like writing it out now, makes it seem trivial compared to the fear I actually felt and I have rolled the idea around in my head for the whole day and still it is there.

Basically, I was observing some person in the dream who looked nothing at all like me, so I know it wasn't just a direct representation of myself. Just before I woke up, the person was basically looking at themself in the mirror and repeating, over and over, "Show yourself to me".. it seemed as if he was trying to attract the attention of his God to come and either take him away or to converse with him. I was standing behind the guy, seeing him from behind but also could see his front in the mirror.

Anyway, after a little while of him saying that there was a voice that whispered from right next to me, though I couldn't see where the voice came from because the entity did not show in the mirror and it was just slightly behind and to the right of my perceived location. It was a "sinister" sounding whisper that simply said "It's too late for you."

I am trying to work out if this message was for me, for the guy in the dream or just a irrelevant thing. It seems to be quite relevant because even now as I think about it, I get a physical tingling sensation running down my body. I woke up from the fear yes.. but what does it mean. The best I can think of is that my fear is manifesting itself in the dream. This fear relates to the things I have done and thought over the years making me impure and that now I have done "too many" bad things, it is "too late" for me to find redemption.

I'm not a bad person, I think my posts here show that.. but of course we all have subjective ways we perceive our actions as "sinful" or "bad". I won't go into specifics about those things are as they are personal to me but like I say.. it's the fear that I am some how "too far gone" and that nothing I can do now will allow me to transcend that state of sinfulness. The voice seems to suggest that I may have had a chance to do so at some previous time but now "It's too late for me".

Now, I know this is of course an irrational fear but I need help with this because it is something that is obviously very close to my heart and will be a barrier to prevent me from AP'ing. So I am wondering how I can "label" this fear so I can work on removing the fear. Is it a fear of damnation? Is that the best way to objectively describe it? That's what I am hoping someone here can help me to establish.. a label for the fear, that I can lock on to whenmeditating.. and explore it further before knocking it out.
Hey there

just wondering if you would consider adding a module to the forum called Tapatalk to make it easier to use android phones to access the forum. if not, can you create a dark coloured theme for the forum instead? Dark colours chew up less of mh battery.

Welcome to Dreams! / Multi-Tiered Dream Experience
September 05, 2011, 18:42:19
This isn't the first time I've woken from a dream to find myself in another dream but what is different about this particular experience is the amount of tiers (or layers) of dream that I found myself waking up from.

1st tier: In the first dream, I can't really remember much of, I woke to find myself in bed watching TV. Everything about the room was identical to the real bedroom except for the TV. In this dream, the TV was one of those small, black&white TVs on a little trolley from 50 years ago. On the TV was a show about alien abductions but other than that it was very average/normal. I was just watching TV. After a while I felt "odd", I can't put in to words the full extent of my feelings but it was odd enough that I was forced to "wake up".

2nd tier: I found myself laying in the same bed, but this time everything about the room was identical to the physical room. Nothing at all was different. I found that I was still listening to the Binaural track that Ryan_ has provided, which I started playing before I fell asleep. I was trying for an OBE but had fallen asleep. Anyway, I decided that I would turn off the iPod and just sleep instead of continuing to try but when I attempted to stop it, the sound kept playing. I pulled the earbud headphones out of my ears but of course the binaural track continued to play. At that point I realised I was still sleeping.

3rd Tier: So I "woke up" again and found myself in bed with the headphones still on, the binaural track still playing. So I removed the earbuds and the sound stopped, I found the iPod (under my pillow where I always put it) and pressed stop as well. Thinking to myself that I was now awake I allowed myself to drift off to sleep.. hehe.. Of coruse I wasn't actually awake, still dreaming..

4th tier: The next time I "woke up" I was in a state of "sleep paralysis" and I was feeling the vibrations. I also had an experience that I think was a communication from my higher self or something like that. Basically it was the delivery of a method of inward-focusing. I was basically focusing on an infinitely small grain of "blackness".. like a grain of black sand at the exact centre of my consciousness. I found that if I concentrated on this with a passive awareness of the grain, that it cleared away all other thoughts and left me with an inner peace and an increased feeling of weightlessness and general kind of BodyAsleep/MindAwake type awareness. I tried for an OBE but I think my awareness became too "active" and I lost the feelings of weightlessness etc. I felt that this had been more of a lesson than an actual experience for OBE. That my inner/higher self was suggesting that this method of focusing inward may assist in OBE'ing in the future.

5th tier: Of course I still hadn't woken up and found myself dreaming randomly for a while, I can't remember the specifics of this layer of dream. The other layers were so lucid and memorable but this layer was just like a standard dream. I have vague memories of being in bed with my girlfriend at least once.. but it wasn't as lucid as the other times.

Awaken: I'm not sure if I had any other tiers of dream but the next time I woke I was actually awake, I found that my iPod was still on and my earbud headphones still in my ears. The binaural beat had stopped by that point because it was only 1 hour long and was not set to repeat.

So I think that there is definitely some changes ocurring in my subconscious and that "message" about the method of inward-focussing is clear evidence, to me, that my inner self is responding to my requests for assistance. Just need to keep on trying and find a method, with the inclusion of this "suggested" technique, to get OoB.
Well.. partial success is a positive way of saying failed attempt.. haha.. :D

I set aside some time, when I was still alert and put on the Iso-tones for Astral Projection. It wasn't until about the 15 to 20 minute point that I had a bit of "daydream" and then work from that, so I'd reached a hypnogogic state at that point. After regaining my awareness I had a lot of trouble fully immersing myself despite my body being asleep with my mind awake. At one point I tried to move my hands only to find my physical hands moving. I set them back on my thighs and looked within again.

A little while after this I felt a full body tingle.. just a tingle, not electrical vibrations or anything.. and also a "fluttery" sensation through my body that began to increase in sensation until I "noticed" it and then it subdued and was gone. I'm not sure if that was the beginning of the "vibrations" spoken about or not. I tried to "recall" this fluttery sensation but I couldn't get it again. I relaxed myself again and felt "warmth" through my whole body and a slightly "tingly" and "buzzy" sensation through my body.

At this point I decided to start to "wobble" myself.. as in, move my legs up a fraction off an inch and then drop back to original position, back and forth.. over and over.. to build up a wobbly motion. It felt a lot like I was on a water bed, even after I stopped the conscious effort to move, the wobbling remained. I felt like I was "close" and had some kind of small astral awareness but I couldn't do much more than feel that wobbling sensation. I just wonder what is truly holding me back.

Even after I opened my eyes, I could still hold on to that awareness of my lower body in that state. Like I was only passively viewing with my physical eyes.

Anyway.. I'll just keep on trying and see what happens.

Hi All,

Had a cold over the weekend and along with the cold a headache on the first morning. Getting almost over the cold now but something, which is not new, came to mind when I was sitting the shower to help with my headache. I like to sit in the bottom of my shower and let the hot water spray down on to the back of my head/neck. This sensory effect immediately removes the pain from my headache and allows me to completely relax. I get so relaxed and focused "within" that I begin to have astral awarenesses. I can "easily" sense everything around me but mainly behind me. I can "see" it with my mind's eye almost as clearly as if I was looking at it with my physical eyes. At this point I tend to get the feeling that someone is watching me.. that whole "other presence" thing that always seems to come when you're doing astral sensing while fully conscious.

While in this state, with the water spraying on me, I can easily reach these states of awareness and visualisation of other things, such as the Astral Pulse Island image, is simple. Of course the hot water eventually runs out and I am left with a quickly fading sensation and back to physical sensing within a few short minutes. I'm wondering if there was a way I could intiate this same effect using an "imagined" sense of the water spraying down on me. Focusing my awareness on the back of my head/neck and trying to feel the water and the massage-like feeling it gives.

I did try a little but with my cold, I've been unable to do much. So I am wondering if anyone has had any luck using imagined sensory experiences to invoke AP or astral awareness. Or whether concetrating on physical sensory experiences will actually make it harder because I am concentrating on the physical?
(For my background, please see my introduction post: )

OBE #1: 25 August, 2011 (Time: Unknown but in early hours of morning)
I can't remember the specifics of the dream I found myself in other than the fact that I was confused to have found myself in a house that seemed to be my home from a feelings point of view but logically I knew that it wasn't the same physical house/apartment I lived in. I began to try working out how I got there and who I was, wondering whether I was suffering from some kind of memory loss. I could remember my full name, date of birth and my address (though the address I thought of was an old address where I lived 10 or so years previous). It didn't make sense to the logical part of my brain and as I stood up, in my dream, to study the area in more detail I had the realization that I was dreaming. "Of course!" I thought to myself, "It's so obvious now. I am dreaming. How could I have not noticed that before? How silly of me." My consciousness and awareness grew and the thought, "I should be fully conscious for this." entered my mind. I felt I should be able to be fully conscious and remain in the dream state.

Instead of remaining in the dream, I found myself back in my bedroom after a few moments but instead of being fully aware of my physical body, I still felt the same kind of awareness as I had just moments ago. I felt sure that I was simply in a heightened state of awareness but in my physical body all the same. As I lay there for a few moments, I noticed a sound very similar to that of heavy rain on a tin roof building up in my ears. I somehow recognized at this point that I was about to have an OBE. What I didn't realize was that I was already having one. The whole experience up to this point, not including the subjective dream state, had lasted only a matter of 10 or 15 seconds.

As my awareness and understanding of what was happening increased, I also noticed a couple of other things that were happening along with the sound in my ears, which I somehow knew was a sound inside my head and not coming from an external, physical, source. The first thing I became aware of was that my head and neck but more specifically my jaw was completely paralyzed but more than that, they felt held in place by some unknown force. Even when I didn't try to move, it felt like there was some force surrounding them to keep them rigid. The second thing i slowly became aware of was that my perception, in relation to my body, was displaced. My physical body was laying on my side facing south but it felt like I was about 6 inches north of that position in the same bodily position. I could clearly see the room in front of me, that is facing south toward my bedroom wall and bedside table. I can't recall how clear the sight was but I knew what I was seeing and at the same time I instinctively knew that my physical eyes were still shut.

At this point I was a little wary of the situation and the rigidity of my jaw was concerning me to an even greater degree but without consciously thinking it, I wanted to try and see what would happen if I went with the flow of things. I began to focus on the sound in my ears but from a feeling point of view rather than audio, I could feel the strong fizzing almost electric feeling of the "sound". I started to attempt pushing this feeling from my head down through my body but quickly grew fearful of the unknown and unfamiliar feelings and situation that was happening so fast. Without much effort I tried to open my physical eyes just like i had done many times when  I had a bad dream. I was immediately back in my physical body opening my eyes, looking at the same wall I was just a moment ago but with my physical eyes. There was no sense of movement or loss of consciousness; I was just astral one moment and physical the next. I made the connection more real by moving my body and my right arm to reach over and touch my partner laying in bed beside me.

One interesting thing I realize as I write this, is that while I was fully astral at the time I had woken from the dream, I still had full awareness of my physical body as well. It was like there were two applications running on the computer but only one had my full focus but both were still running at the same time without any interruption.

EDIT: As per what I said in my "Intro" post in the other forum, I have been making use of "affirmation" and "prayer" techniques to convince my subconscious that I am wanting to have OBEs. One other thing, which may have led to this experience, was another technique I had read about where you spend the day asking yourself "Am I dreaming? If not, how can I tell?". I didn't do this all that regularly at specific intervals as the author of the technique recommends but I would have done it at least 10 times during the day leading up to this experience. So it's possible that while I was dreaming and at that point when things started to not make sense logically that my "Am I dreaming?" question came to the front of my awareness and triggered me to realise I was infact dreaming. As this is just the first, of what I hope to be many, experiences; I can't say for sure.
Heyas All,

I am posting here to introduce myself and give a bit of background before I start posting about my experiences in the other sections of this forum.

When I was young (like 5 years old, or there abouts) I had many "strange" experiences. Unfortunately a lot of the details of those experiences have been lost over time. There are definitely some out of body and other "deep mind" memories I have but as I say.. the details are lost to me at this time. I remember one dream-like experience when I was very young that had me floating around my room; other experiences of being awake and seeing but without actually opening my eyes and experiences of being in "other" places and dimensions but rather than "seeing" those things, it was more of a "sensing" thing. For example, there is this memory of not so much "Falling" as moving downward through a tunnel of strobing lights where the space around me would continually get smaller and smaller but I would never reach the end; this is my mind is what I consider a "deep mind" experience.. not sure how else to describe it. I know that it sounds like a dream but these days I know the difference between dreams, lucid dreams, OBE's and "deep mind" experiences.

I had a pretty standard childhood from my perspective. I had friends in the neighbourhood; fought with my siblings; got in trouble for doing things I wasn't supposed to do and all the normal and regular things that happen. All of the "childhood" experiences I had were not by choice and just happened on their own. Once I reached the ripe old age of 13 (haha) I started to explore spirituality and the occult in general. Starting with mainstream Wicca and Shamanism I couldn't get enough information to satisfy my curiousity and intelligence. I read a lot of books including ones on topic of many well established religions not just ones that pertained to the esoteric.

It was during these few years that I read a book called "Journeys Out of the Body" by Robert A Monroe. By that time I had already a reasonable understanding of different layers of perception and the "astral plane" had come up, in many different forms and names, in many of the books I had read. Reading his book made me feel that it was possible that I too might be able to experience these things for myself. Even then, I remembered my childhood experiences and made the connection to them at that point also. I tried to have OBEs at around that time and had multiple partial successes but I could never truly let go of my fears and insecurities about the weirdness and disorientation of the experiences.

I discussed the experiences and topic with other people around me at the time who were into the same kinds of things I was and the one thing that really stood out as to why I should not be doing it was that I was using recreational drugs regularly. On one hand, how could I trust that the experiences were really happening or not just a drug related experience and on the other hand, I felt impure and guilty about the drug use and felt that it put me in the wrong frame of mind to have "positive" OB experiences rather than guilt ridden, impure experiences.

It's been almost 20 years since that time, and over a decade since I stopped using recreational drugs, and I have just now started to reading about OBEs again. I am of a completely different mindset these days and more grounded than I was back then. It's less about the "magick" and more about the experience now. I want to explore the greater truth and gain insights into the omniverse that I exist in, on all levels.

Last night I had my first genuine experience since trying again, which I will go into detail about in another post, and so I decided that I should find an active forum to share my experiences and get assistance with my journey. I've written out the experience, including the dream state that it began from, on my iPod to make sure I remember all the details as a dream diary kind of thing and will continue to record my experiences as they happen.

I have been using "affirmations" to convince my subconscious of my desire to have OBEs as well as "prayer" techniquies to my higher and inner selves for the same reason. I have only been doing that for a few days and already I have had my "first" experience. Even though I've had experiences in the past, during early childhood and teenage years, I am recording this one as my first.