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Topics - Ellis91

Welcome to Book Reviews! / Looking for a good time.
September 28, 2013, 15:40:00
 :-D Hi

Just finished the Monroe trilogy and I'm now looking for more of the same kind of astral literature that's easy going and talks more about the adventures of the author as oppose to 'how to OBE' and 'this is how the universe works'.
Trying to avoid heavy reading like My big TOE for eg despite how could those books are.

Currently browsing this Book Reviews forum to death but if anyone has anything they've read that I could look into that'd be cool  8-)

Hey  :-D
I've been re-reading the 'Bedeekins method' post over on Xanths site for a couple of weeks and despite past success I've decided to not Method-hop until I get this one down. I have a couple of questions if that's cool:

1. You mention sleeping in the evening, sadly I can't fit a nap into my day until 1.30am onwards how good would you say the following set up is for getting in that 'groggy state' that's perfect for sp induction: Sleep at 3.30 till 4.30am--awake for 30min--lay down to induce at 5 (I find it easy to practice SP when its day light, keeps the creepy demon folk away  :wink: )

2. Would it be unwise for one to hit up some Skyrim during the post nap wake up? On the one hand I've heard staring at a monitor hampers LD/AP chances during WBTB and on the other hand I feel so crappy when I wake up after 1 hour of sleep that reading or meditation seem like a bit of bummer  :/

3. Are there any specific mental practices I could take up in the day time in relation to this method that might increase my chances?

Greetings members of the Pulse  :-D Not logged in for a while, very busy atm.

I've been OBEing consistently with the following method this week and have a quick question:

1. Used Audacity to create a 4 second alarm sound for my mobile. (does not require me to turn it off)
2. Wait for the alarm to wake me up in the early hours of the morning.
3. Remain still and calm immediately on waking.
4. Separate from body after 10+ seconds. 

Bearing in mind the above method, how important are sleep cycles?
The reason I ask is because sometimes the alarms wake me up and I get the desired results, sometimes I simply sleep through them.
My initial thoughts were that the alarms that go off when I'm in REM work perfectly and the NREM don't.

However, I don't particularly want to believe this, it seems limiting.
If some folks here at the pulse can close their eyes and project on a whim, shouldn't it be possible to wake up at any point in the night and project?

Any thoughts/input would be much appreciated.
Hey folks, just a quick question if ya don't mind 
One of the things I'm doing at the moment is the whole alarm clock method kinda thing:
Wake up, don't move, focus, await vibrations. For the most part it takes around 5-15 seconds for them to hit.

However, most mornings I'm waking up and accidentally moving my arms or legs to get comfy without really wanting to.
Thinking the vibrations will now take minutes to arrive (most likely not true), as oppose to the normal 10 seconds, I decide
to give up and fall back asleep (I'm weak willed at 6am tbh, Mr Hyde just wants to sleep :-D).

Can anyone shed some light on how this kind of repositioning of the body could effect the wait for the vibrations/sp?
Thinking that my chances are shot because I've moved may be robbing me of funtimes.
For the past year every time I sit to meditate or try to practice phasing (body relaxation being irrelevant,
I could probably do this standing up), I find that within the first 30-60 seconds of being totally focused
my consciousness drops down a level into a fairly-stable-not-so-vivid-vision...
The problem is, this happens so quickly it feels like I have little to no chance of keeping awareness.
I almost feel like I have the driving force to alter my state quickly but absolutely no staying power
as a result of how fast I've altered it.  :|
This makes phase attempts seem fruitless, 5-10min body relaxation, 2-3 min focusing and then someone
walks into my bedroom and knocks me out cold for the following 30min. (sometimes)

On the rare occasion, I've been able to sustain a strand of consciousness and watch the scene but it always
seems incredibly difficult and even tiring to do this and keep focus. When someone mentions staying
totally present and thoughtless for 20min I feel like I'm looking up at Mount Everest.

Hopefully this topic reads better than.. "HELP I CANT KEEP FOCUS IN MEDITATION! DERP!"
It seems a little more than that, since I've been at the same impasse for over a year now.
Has no one else experienced this when they were in their first couple of years of meditation
practice and/or phasing?

I hold any advice anyone can give in high value,
so thanks for your time,

I'm not sure if this is a crazy idea or not but I was wondering if any of the more advanced
"project at will" members of the forum have ever gotten together at a specific time
and projected to Astral Pulse Island together?

Reece Johns had a Mass Astral Projection (MAPS) thing going on at one point.

Has anything like this ever happened at the Pulse?
My names Ellis, I'm a musician from England looking to translate the wonders of the NPR back here in the form of
chords and lyrics and maybe even one day aspire to be as genuine and 'egoless' as the very awesome Tom Campbell.
I'm currently many many years away from a grey beard so I'm kind of punching above my weight.  :-P

7 Obes so far which all came from spontaneously waking into vibrations. This lead me to meditating a lot more and
now I'm working three 1-hour phase sessions into my day for the next 6 months in hope of getting some relaxing
beach time I often see LionHeart talking about, lol.

Finally, thanks to the Members/people who's posts/books have helped and inspired me along the path (I'm barely off
the front porch) A few who stand out: Robert Monroe, Thomas Campbell, Gandalf, LionHeart, Xanth, Frank Kepple,
Szaxx, Bedeekin Summerlander, Lightbeam.

The least I could do is list a few people but there's many more,
Thanks and Hello,