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(times of the following A.P are wrong since the delay of the account activation).

Hello to everyone,

I'm literally writing this at 5am and i have work at 9am. I couldn't find sleep after what happened and i'm here seeking the knowledge, time and kindness of anyone who reads this post. I just want you to tell me what you think, i don't mind if it's a "no you were just dreaming" as i'll continue practicing anyway. It got me hooked and i found myself smiling while thinking about it and writing this post.

To briefly sum what happened before tonight : I started reading about and practicing AP exactly 2 weeks ago. The third day of practice (first time with Theta binaural beats), after relaxing for about 1h30m, i was conscious that i was walking on the thin line between sleep and awakeness. I felt vibrations traversing my body horizontally from right to left, the amplitude and the frequency were gradually accelerating then they slowed. I was able to predict how they will behave as they were consistent. It was a pleasant sensation. After that, my hearing became numb and i started to hear a loud pitch noise which was going louder and louder, and i felt myself going upwards accelerating at high speed and i saw some sort of tunnel. I mean it's what i 'remember', as it was the first time i voluntarily went into the boundary between consciousness and unconsciousness.

I suddenly woke up, little bit shaken, i decided to stop and moved my body which was really numb. I removed the headphones and went to sleep. I tried since then almost every night but never was able to reach the same state.

By the way, i smoke weed regularly and i tend to not remember my dreams if i'm stone.

Tonight i decided to practice again but without smoking anything past 7pm. I drank a glass of hot coffee at 10:30pm and went to bed at exactly 12:30am. I started like usual, binaural beats, relaxing, this time i focused only in my breathing without any environment visualization. After the same amount of time as the last experience, i sensed that my hearing was going numb. I then had some tinglings on my feet, but the vibrations were very different this time. They were coming from my feet towards my head, covering about 70% of my body at once and they were much more violent but with much more less amplitude. It was like if i was electrocuted: TAC TAC TAC TAC rapidly in my whole body. It didn't scare me at all, i was even 'dancing' with them and kind of absorbing them. I was trying to imaging myself climbing a rope but the problem is that as soon as i felt those symptoms, instead of keeping a very dim flame in my mind, i regained almost full concentration and lost them. After 3 tries, i decided to stop practicing for tonight, put my headphones away and went to sleep.

Maybe it's nothing worth mentioning, but i stopped the practice at exactly the same amount of time as the previous pseudo experience. I programmed the binaural app to play for 4 hours, and i read exactly 2h03m remaining in both the experiences.

The time was 02:38am.

I honestly don't remember falling or not falling asleep at all. All i remember is that suddenly out of nowhere i found myself floating and going slowly upwards just above the exact spot my head was on the pillow. I didn't understand at all what was happening at the very beginning. I was kinda only seeing the geometry of my room and furniture (TV, Desk etc). It was hard to see anything. Everything had no textures (like void black) but i was seeing dim lines of blue 'silverish' light running all over the edges of the walls, the desk, the furniture. After 1 second of floating and about halfway the height of my room, i got overexcited and was shouting in my mind "IT IS HAPPENING ! IT IS HAPPENING!", and after another second as i approached the ceiling, i wanted to open my eyes to see better and i literally felt my physical eyelids opening. All of this lasted 2 or 3 seconds before i woke up. It was 03:18am.

Also i had the sensation that i had sleep paralysis on awakening and was scared but there was no malevolent presence whatsoever. But i don't have the certitude if it was on the awakening of before. The timeline of that sp is really blurry.

I'm 35 years old and never dreamt of an OBE or felt that kind of thing. Could it be just a coincidental dream because i thought about it a lot of the time ? I felt it was very real, more than a dream, but i did nothing voluntarily to trigger it. I just went to sleep after a presumably failed attempt.

I thank you for reading all those messy words (as english is my third language), and i just want to have your opinions and takes about what happened tonight, based on your experience.