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Topics - Huwie


This morning, before going to bed, I tried Robert Bruce's rope method for the first time, and I was astounded at how easy it was!  In fact, I got to the stage just prior to separation so quickly and easily that my nerves got the better of me, and just before the moment of separation I had to quit (with some effort, I might add).

There's something I would love to ask experienced projectors before I take it any further.  Now that I know almost for sure that I can do it, I'm suddenly nervous.  How disorientating is it?  Is it scary when you finally separate?  Is the actual separation process scary or uncomfortable at all?

I hate this.  I want nothing more than to project, but I'm scared that I'll panic.  How easy is it to remain close to the body and get back inside after a quick look around?  How easy is it to panic and get lost?  During my first projection I intend to just have a quick look around to make sure I've done it, then return to the physical straight away.  Can this be done if I'm nervous?

Thanks very much in advance.
I just wanna congradulate you. I think the NEW system is great. I've just recently embraced it and my body is started to feel more energized and my mind is working in ways I never thought it would.
Keeping on in dream

No worries, that's normal.  So start working higher up, since it sounds like you have no blockages in your legs.

One thing with new, don't be afraid to 'go all the way' from time to time to see how your doing.  That is, if you try for a full body powerup, and you feel you heart, head, and left arm aren't doing much, you know you have blockages there, or you simpley haven't stretched your mutaphysical muscles yet.  2 weeks on toes is sometimes 13 days too much [;)]
that's deep alright, very facinating, thank you.
I have moved my physical body a little into the real time zone, so any part of you made of energy must be able to go farther. I am not sure which part of my energy "energy body" is, but some part of it can go to other planes.
Hi Huwie

Have you looked at

I was thinking about the gateway experience just before Christmas when I come across this site. I must admit I don't know anything about the company and was a little nervous of ordering from them. So I ended up making my own CDs using sbagen (free and comes with presets for f3 - f27)

If you decide to order I would be interested to know how you get on.


I don't think you necessarilly shifted your awareness to your projected double.

It almost sounds like the experience was over and done with, and only AFTER you woke up did you remember that you were having an unconscious projection.

Who knows what we do while we're unconscious, but you've just proven to yourself that your astral body does indeed walk around and do things.  It's just that our conscious mind usually has no memory of this when it returns and we wake up.

In this instance, however, you retained a part of that conscious memory.  Good job.
Heya Huwie!
I would answer your question if I could project too!  But, I have read a couple of his books and he is pretty adventurous in a big way.  There were times his books started drifting off in to something really crazy that I couldn't begin to understand.  Perhaps to the experienced projectors out there, they understand the books better.

When I first read the books, I was actually pretty skeptical about his claims.  I still have my reservations, but i'm slowly opening up to more possibilities now that I have been reading more about this.  But with all the reading I have done, I really haven't seen anybody talk about experiences the same way Monroe did.  But then again, like Robert Bruce has said, everybody experiences things completely different from the others.  

Too bad Monroe isn't around anymore.  But the Monroe Institue will live on in his memory.  It's a pretty cool idea!

Just thought I would chime in.  How are your exercises going Huwie?  [:)]
Congratulations!  I'm not sure I would consider that a failure if I were in your shoes.  That's called "Progress" and you got closer than you ever got before.  As you know, (from my own thread) the closest I have gotten is feeling very intense vibrations and loud humming, and feeling like my body was heavy and then weightless.

But for me, it has only happened once.  I'm having difficulties getting back to that point.  I would be interested to hear your personal experiences using Robert Bruce's techniques in detail.

Wow!  What a great experience.  I enjoyed reading it!
could you explain how you came to  breathing 2 or 3 times a minute ...I would like to know how you can do it so I can try it.