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Topics - Arie

Welcome to Book Reviews! / The Urantia Book
April 30, 2007, 20:01:22
Hey Everyone! :-D   I just wanted to introduce the amazing Urantia Book to everyone who has not heard of it.  You can read the massive book completely for free at  There is also a discussion board at

I thought you guys may find this specific passage interesting. :wink:

"As mind pursues reality to its ultimate analysis, matter vanishes to the material senses but may still remain real to mind. When spiritual insight pursues that reality which remains after the disappearance of matter and pursues it to an ultimate analysis, it vanishes to mind, but the insight of spirit can still perceive cosmic realities and supreme values of a spiritual nature. Accordingly does science give way to philosophy, while philosophy must surrender to the conclusions inherent in genuine spiritual experience. Thinking surrenders to wisdom, and wisdom is lost in enlightened and reflective worship."

"In science the human self observes the material world; philosophy is the observation of this observation of the material world; religion, true spiritual experience, is the experiential realization of the cosmic reality of the observation of the observation of all this relative synthesis of the energy materials of time and space. To build a philosophy of the universe on an exclusive materialism is to ignore the fact that all things material are initially conceived as real in the experience of human consciousness. The observer cannot be the thing observed; evaluation demands some degree of transcendence of the thing which is evaluated."

***specifically from Paper 112, Section 2.

It was the fifth of July, the first Sabbath of the month, when Jesus, while strolling through the countryside with his father, first gave expression to feelings and ideas which indicated that he was becoming self-conscious of the unusual nature of his life mission. Joseph listened attentively to the momentous words of his son but made few comments; he volunteered no information. The next day Jesus had a similar but longer talk with his mother. Mary likewise listened to the pronouncements of the lad, but neither did she volunteer any information. It was almost two years before Jesus again spoke to his parents concerning this increasing revelation within his own consciousness regarding the nature of his personality and the character of his mission on earth.

He entered the advanced school of the synagogue in August. At school he was constantly creating trouble by the questions he persisted in asking. Increasingly he kept all Nazareth in more or less of a hubbub. His parents were loath to forbid his asking these disquieting questions, and his chief teacher was greatly intrigued by the lad's curiosity, insight, and hunger for knowledge.

Jesus' playmates saw nothing supernatural in his conduct; in most ways he was altogether like themselves. His interest in study was somewhat above the average but not wholly unusual. He did ask more questions at school than others in his class.

Perhaps his most unusual and outstanding trait was his unwillingness to fight for his rights. Since he was such a well-developed lad for his age, it seemed strange to his playfellows that he was disinclined to defend himself even from injustice or when subjected to personal abuse. As it happened, he did not suffer much on account of this trait because of the friendship of Jacob, a neighbor boy, who was one year older. He was the son of the stone mason, a business associate of Joseph. Jacob was a great admirer of Jesus and made it his business to see that no one was permitted to impose upon Jesus because of his aversion to physical combat. Several times older and uncouth youths attacked Jesus, relying upon his reputed docility, but they always suffered swift and certain retribution at the hands of his self-appointed champion and ever-ready defender, Jacob the stone mason's son.

Jesus was the generally accepted leader of the Nazareth lads who stood for the higher ideals of their day and generation. He was really loved by his youthful associates, not only because he was fair, but also because he possessed a rare and understanding sympathy that betokened love and bordered on discreet compassion.

This year he began to show a marked preference for the company of older persons. He delighted in talking over things cultural, educational, social, economic, political, and religious with older minds, and his depth of reasoning and keenness of observation so charmed his adult associates that they were always more than willing to visit with him. Until he became responsible for the support of the home, his parents were constantly seeking to influence him to associate with those of his own age, or more nearly his age, rather than with older and better-informed individuals for whom he evinced such a preference.

Late this year he had a fishing experience of two months with his uncle on the Sea of Galilee, and he was very successful. Before attaining manhood, he had become an expert fisherman.

His physical development continued; he was an advanced and privileged pupil at school; he got along fairly well at home with his younger brothers and sisters, having the advantage of being three and one-half years older than the oldest of the other children. He was well thought of in Nazareth except by the parents of some of the duller children, who often spoke of Jesus as being too pert, as lacking in proper humility and youthful reserve. He manifested a growing tendency to direct the play activities of his youthful associates into more serious and thoughtful channels. He was a born teacher and simply could not refrain from so functioning, even when supposedly engaged in play.

Joseph early began to instruct Jesus in the diverse means of gaining a livelihood, explaining the advantages of agriculture over industry and trade. Galilee was a more beautiful and prosperous district than Judea, and it cost only about one fourth as much to live there as in Jerusalem and Judea. It was a province of agricultural villages and thriving industrial cities, containing more than two hundred towns of over five thousand population and thirty of over fifteen thousand.

When on his first trip with his father to observe the fishing industry on the lake of Galilee, Jesus had just about made up his mind to become a fisherman; but close association with his father's vocation later on influenced him to become a carpenter, while still later a combination of influences led him to the final choice of becoming a religious teacher of a new order.

***Excerpt from the Urantia Book, paper 124
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream Journal
January 16, 2007, 18:44:27
Comments, questions welcome.

Last night I had quite an odd dream.  I dreamed I was in the backseat of my parents car, with both of them in the front seats.  I was with this girl who I liked a little bit a while ago, and I had to break this limitation of not showing public affection in front of my parents.  So I held her hand.  Right there, I should of definitely questioned whether I was dreaming. I hadn't seen this girl like in two years, and I was suddenly there in the back seat of my parents car with her. lol

I had this other dream the night before where I was in this big store, and I think I was looking for some type of medicinal herb, in paste form, which should of hinted I was dreaming also. I don't think there are many herbs in paste form, like in the bottle of toothpaste. lol  Anyways, I was looking down the aisle, I noticed something that really excited me. It was this energy product, I'm not sure if it was a drink, but it was in this cool looking cylindrical shape thing, but I think I thought it was too big or something and I was going to get a smaller version.  But I definitely thought it would be cool to drink like while running or something to up my energy.

Oh yeah, in the same store, I was cooking with that italian lady on the food network, I think her name is Giada.  Anyways I was cooking prosciutto and she said I put it on too soon. lol Of course, seeing Giada should of made me question if I was dreaming.

I decided to go for a state of relaxation without any special techniques... breathing, visualization, body awareness... nothing....  
whatever happened... I just let it be and feel natural.  In fact... that was the furthest I have been to the obe/lucid dream state in a long time... all by throwing away the form of how to do it and just willing myself to relax as far as possible.  Have Fun.
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream Ramblings
November 21, 2005, 22:04:09
I seem to have alot of escapee dreams... like I'm in some type of prison... and theres a breakout.  lol  Even in real life... I'm always drawn to movies with those kinds of themes... for example... Shawshank Redemption.   Perhaps it mirrors my life... because I'm always looking for ways to crack certain codes... like making alot of cash in real estate.

Maybe... just maybe... if I realize that the next time I'm escaping or fleeing from something in a dream... I'm probably dreaming... and become lucid.

What are some of your lucid dream triggers?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Humorous Bobangle
January 15, 2005, 23:57:54
There once was a man from Nantucket... and he yanked a post out of the bucket... but what he didn't know... he found in the snow... and it said... you don't' know what you don't know.
Just to share some things I've learned.

When Jesus walked the earth...  after he healed a good number,  the common people wanted to make him King... a material king.  The concept of a coming Messiah or Savior was deep-rooted in Jewish culture.

Of course this is normal and natural considering the Roman oppression that was going on at the time.  Jesus's mission was spiritual in nature... so most of the Jews simply did not comprehend it... they were material-minded.

It is sad to say...  that this very concept of the King of the Jews having a material significance... is what caused the destruction of Jerusulem by the Romans.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / anchoring
November 12, 2003, 05:29:06
there is a term in nlp called anchoring.  Basically...anything can be an anchor.  When you have to go to the bathroom and you hear running water you have to go more.  That sound of running water is an anchor.

Do you have some topic of conversation that when its talked about you get upset etc etc.

Well that topic is an anchor.

Smells can be anchors.

Smell a certain fragrance and you start thinking about a long lost loved one etc.

Basically...ANYTHING can be an anchor.

THe thing about that people can actually implant anchors onto people or thing and set off or fire the anchor.

I probably lost you there but i'll explain.

If your friend is watching his favorite t.v. program...and his really happy.....and you at that moment spray some cologne or perfume while your friend is watching television.  Your friend might associate that smell with that good feeling.

So you can have your friend smell that scent like a week or a year from now...and he should re-experience that good feeling he had before.

get it?

You can even use anchors for yourself.

If you always get in a bad mood when you wake up in the can scramble that pattern by setting off an anchor right when you wake up.

For can set up your stereo to play your most favorite song right when you wake up.

Or if you associate the smell of roses with some good feeling...right when you wake up you could burn some incense with that smell.

These are just examples.

Or...if your afraid of could start playing that song you really like and then go look at the spider.

You'll associate that good feeling with the image of the spider.

Some people even create anchors with specific words.

Like get in a really good whatever it takes to feel really good....then say some word to yourself.  You can even make up a word like wowooah...and you'll associate that feeling with that word.

So...the next day you say that should re-experience that feeling.

But anchors can also be overused and become sterile.

Like if you constantly smell roses 24hours a'll soon grow sick of the smell.

Moderation is the key.

Have fun.
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / linguistic truths
November 11, 2003, 07:59:36
I felt like sharing some more linguistic truths with you all. Hope you enjoy.

The phrase "have you ever" in the beginning of a question can actually get someone to re-experience some mind-state they have experienced before.

For example...Have you ever felt an incredible connection with someone?

If the person truly answers that question and has experienced an "incredible connection with someone before" they will in fact re-experience that state.

If you were to...  <----  that phrase is interesting.  What it actually does is make you step back from the question.

If you were to feel incredible right now with me...would it last for a few minutes or a few hours?

I remember reading Robert Greene's book "the 48 laws of power" and he was saying one law of power is giving the other person a choice when in fact either choice is where you want them to go.

For example...If your a mother who wants her child to do her homework , you could give the child a choice..."you can either go do your homework now or in 15 minutes...there is no third choice"


Now...  <----thats also an interesting word....Now can refer to in "Do it now!"  or it can mean an expression to go to the next what I mean?

It's called an ambiguity.

You can actually influence someone unconsciously by using language in a certain way.

For example.....   I was walking up the street and suddenly there was a cat who was scratching his nose and I heard a voice in my mind that said "Scratch your nose"....Now...I think it was kind of funny. might be scratching your nose now or you might do it later....but that really doesn't matter.

Did you see the now in the example?


Do you see that command?

In that example I was suggesting your unconscious mind to scratch your nose.

We use commands in language all the time.

Just in that sentence...USE COMMANDS....ALL THE TIME.

You see someone might give you a command and you do it later unconsciously.

Of course...even if you DO do something later because of a suggestion someone gave to your unconscious mind....if you were aware enough you would of noticed it in the first place.

Have you ever read a book and were really into it and suddenly you started talking like the author or doing things the author said?

The entire time he was giving you suggestions.

Now...this is interesting.

Okay....another thing about language are questions.

When will you feel good?

Let's imagine someone says tomorrow in answer to that question.

Look at all the presuppositions in that question though.

I'm presupposing you will feel good and that you are a you and not an it...and that you will feel good in the future...and that you have the capability to feel good...and that you can answer that question. Dad wants to use the I gotta go.


Comments? Insights?  Questions?
Welcome to Book Reviews! / The Power of Now
September 16, 2004, 04:54:53
I don't think the point of his book is about time traveling but being mindful of the now and not worrying about the past or future. Too much of our energy is spent thinking about the past or possible futures when all action and life is taking place right here right now. Now is where we should be concentrating on for it is where we really are. The past and future are merely illusion produced by our out of control thinking. When you stop to smell the roses, are you really experiecing the moment or are you thinking about experiencing it?
Welcome to Book Reviews! / The Urantia Book
August 22, 2004, 04:21:24
Hello Members,
I am new to this board but have read much of the stuff that is discussed here. I am 61 years old and hail from Tasmania, the small Island situated at the bottom of Australia.

I noticed several questions were asked of the Zeta R about the Urantia Book, each time it was ignored. Taom1234 wanted know if they wrote it. Being a student of the book myself I wonder how many of you have read it. The UB was a (claimed) communication from celestials, chock full of information about everything the normal earthling needed to know on a need to to know basis. The UB was first printed in book form in 1955 as a huge tome of 2097 pages eclipsing the book "War and Peace" at least three times.
It was never advertised or promoted commercially simply because the revelators wanted the book to become known by a slow and natural dissemination from readers to friends and neighbors. Even today the book is not very well known and has few readers; I believe not yet reaching a million throughout the whole world.
The book is very well presented and seems to scan harmoniously all the way through from beginning to end. It claims to be the fifth epochal revelation to mankind and warns against sordid spiritual practices such as clairvoyance, channelings and voices from spirits as being the uprisings of the subconscious mind. It also promotes the practice of using what it calls the Super-conscious mind. There is much about what happens to mortals at death of the body and how we go from sphere to sphere schools in new bodies towards a destiny not yet fully defined. The culmination of all this education over many thousands of years is to graduate into the Corps of Finality. This group of ascended earthlings and personalities from other planets are believed to be the future explorers of Gods vast new creations in the far reaches of space.
I recommend this book as a good read and an insight into the universe government administration of our universe. The descriptions of angels and deities, their activites and duties are astonishing. This, our local sector of the universe, is said to be under the jurisdiction of Michael who was once embodied as Jesus on Earth. There is a great deal of information about him in the Jesus papers at the end of the book including much of his life that was never mentioned in the Bible.
The messages on this board purported to have come from Michael the archangel seem to be eroneous when compared to the ones in the UB.
However it remains for students to form their opinions of it just as I have and I do not want to state them here at this time. There are many Urantia Book forums on the internet and I myself am a moderator on Charlie Fox's Urantia Book readers board. We are discussing exopolitics as well as visitors from other worlds and the teaching mission of the Melchizedeks. As I have not seen much in the way of Urantia on this board I would like to know if any of you have read it through and what you think of it. It could become a great topic of discussion under communications. I was directed to re-post this here and was surprised to find that an overview of the Urantia Book was already here but I will add one more link:

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Truth
June 16, 2004, 20:27:03
[xx(] Is that the truth? [:P]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / How to mess up your life
February 05, 2004, 07:08:18
Heres a thought. Your name is ALOT like mine, people will get us confused.. therefor you should change it!
Thoughts about the list: Alot of people do atleast half the things on that list... including me.

1) Watch T.V. all day everyday - I am at work 40 hours a week in front of a computer. Then I go home and watch TV or play computer.
3) Never do any physical activities - Pretty much nothin...
5) Never eat any fruits or vegetables - I used to never eat any of them... but I am trying to like them more.
9) Indulge in your sexual desires freely - Everynight with my GF who I live with, although I dont see why this has to do with anything. Its about the only physical thing I do.
13)Always speak your mind freely - I dont think I should have to hold back what I am feeling.

Do you have any reasons why all of this is so bad? I mean sure most of it makes a person fat and lazy... but other than that?

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Charisma
November 26, 2003, 17:46:11
Are you saying that charisma comes from having a sense of humor?
That's very interesting, i've never heard of it before. It reminds me of that thing where you can tell people are lying by where they look. It also kind of collides with that unless there is one area where you can't put information, which seems a little strange.
So you can consciously move these information banks about, or is it subconcious... or both?
Thanks for this information.

PS - Who's Jeff?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / humor
November 12, 2003, 18:25:11
But serously George,

What are you on and is it legal?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / seduction
November 12, 2003, 13:59:38
Yeah but why do we need to seduce women?

If the bolth of you are in love, this is not needed.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / life
November 12, 2003, 13:54:22

Taking yourself seriously is a bad thing.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / state control
November 12, 2003, 01:25:16
I fail to see what this has to do with control.
"Science deals with things observed in the material world...philosophy deals with the obervation of the observation of the material world."
I like that one but religion should be added some where.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Taboo
November 11, 2003, 09:20:16

I disagree with the whole idea of sin, there is just choice, and natural consequences (good or bad). I do not think that anything is 'WRONG'. It would all depend on what you are aiming for. Certain activities can be against the purpose of the universe, but ultimately freedom of choice and learning from the consequences is the most important thing.

Masturbation is just another activity producing a short-term high. All things that do this: alcohol, drugs, certain foods, have a potential for addiction. These activities naturally discourage people from seeking the lasting, perpetual happiness that spiritual development and love can bring.

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / worship
November 01, 2002, 14:22:59
swiss cheese, kindly though.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / phasing
October 29, 2002, 12:59:20
I just read Franks earlier post about focusing on the middle of your forehead (brow chakra).   What will happen when I do this?  The vibrations will come....then what?  How will I reach the astral?  I don't understand.  Could someone please enlighten me?  Thanks

Welcome to Healing discussions! / insomnia
October 26, 2002, 06:18:31
ahhhh....I CAN"T SLEEP!!!

Welcome to Dreams! / sick subconscious
October 25, 2002, 20:52:44
Hey, Arie.

There is probably a lot of ideas about the subconcious and what it is/is not. Two things come to mind with what you mention, though. One negs, or negative people can use your sub to influence you, or implant things ("fake" core images for example). Dreams can be used the same way. And maybe they are not dreams, but the memories of the astral.

I think the sub is just a state of mind that allows access to both our higher selves, and all of the spiritual states, whether up or down. It is a seperate part of your mind, but not your higher self alone. It is also the real you, sort of, in that it has nothing to hide from itself. Most people do not/will not admit aspects of themselves they are not comfortable with.

If it was me, I would start looking for issues of being manipulted in some form. Convince yourself to take control in the dreams, and put a stop to what is going on. Some good "soul searching" would be a good idea, also. Look for things that you know are not you, and things that are questionable. Try and chase them down.

Best of luck

Originally posted by Arie:
Do all of you who have had obe' you believe they have helped you to grow spiritually?  Just curious.  

I personally believe they have helped me grow spiritually.  No doubt about it.


How do all of you believe spiritual development takes place?  I already cast doubt on most of my beliefs....I've only kept a couple as you see in my other post.   I still feel like the same old me though.  I don't feel like I'm growing spiritually.

I think we all take from the experience what we want.  For example, even before having any OBE's, I was always a 'helpful'  person.  I didn't know much about the spiritual side of things, persay, but I had a good heart.  Now that I'm able to have OBE's/AP's, these give me more experiences which have opened my eyes to a whole new world out there.  What happeend was that it took this good hearted guy, and made him look at everything with a spiritual filter over his eyes.

Now everything I do revolves around my knowledge of the astral realm.  For example, I'm going to a Halloween party tomorrow night.  I have the option to get wasted and pass out if I want to.....but the first thing that goes through my head is, "Jeff, you know that if you drink too much, you're going to have your head spinning, and there would be no way in hell that you could project tonight."  You see, for me now, everything revolves around my projections.

Because of this outlook, I not only look at life differently but my hunger for learning and controlling these experiences has become a huge desire in my life.


I would like to hear from people....who feel like they are growing spiritually.   I would like to know what you are doing specifically that I'm not.

I don't know how to tell you what I may be doing that you're not.  However, I know that many people who OBE/AP smoke cigarettes....and this is an example of how I could never do that....since knowing that smoking causes cancer and an unbelievably horrible death, I don't understand why one would do that when there is so much more out there to experience.  If I wasn't an OBE'er, I probably wouldn't think like that and I could care less what the effects of smoking were.

That isn't to say that smokers are less spiritual than others, so don't misunderstand me.  But to use an anology, if fish knew they could breathe underwater, why would they use scuba gear?

Just my two cents.

Keep smiling,

Jeff Mash - Jokes and Humor
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / vibrations
October 21, 2002, 23:46:15
Oh yeah....I could feel a little electric vibrations in my hands.....but when I tried to make them stronger they went away.  Also when I was beginning to get REALLY deep into trance....I felt this heavy knot in my heart area....the first thought that came into my mind was that its a neg.  But....I don't know.

So do I induce the vibrations?

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Aliens
October 19, 2002, 08:32:59
I have a strong belief i got abducted once with my 2 of my friends, your lucky you arent me, cus i woulda been dead, i kinda watched too much TLC and Discovery channel when i was about 12-14. I still watch if i can. Back on December 29th, me and 2 friends went to a wooded area at night, it was about 645 pm when we got there, when we were there, my 2 friends were breaking the ice to get a bike out of the water, i just laid down and looked at the stars because i was trying to see if Sagitarious and the little dipper was around, i was also looking at the stars seeing if they were triangles. I laid down for like 5 minutes, i didnt even close my eyes, then i heard footsteps walking away from me. I jumped up and went to my friend. I asked him what time it was and it was 8:15pm. We just got there at 645, i laid down for 5 minutes, heard footsteps walking away and it was 845. I dont think this is related, but we also saw a green comet fly across the sky, it was a bright one, it lit up the whole place we were in. We also looked at this one star, this star was moving somehow, it wasnt staying in place, but when i saw it moving, my friends saw the same thing, it was as if it was a star moving back in place. I also saw a red blue and green 2d triangle in the woods when i looked in. I got a fever and im sorta sick, so some/most of my words are mispelled.

Every man has their fear of dieing, whether it be of pain or not knowing where you are going, however, mine is the family, memories, and good times i leave behind.
Welcome to Dreams! / vividness
October 19, 2002, 00:06:36
Ok....I read the other post and one technique is to say "aware now."   Does anyone know any more techniques?

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / hola
October 18, 2002, 10:09:12
The astral planes are convenient to think of as having seven layers. These layers would be distinct because of "like attracts like" in operation to condense regions into distinct layers. It is the same with the physical. There are different environments in the physical and some are more pleasant than others. Just as there is individual karma, there is group karma. The people living in a region on the planet or a plane of the astral are similar enough to be able to see each other because of shared karma. If people could just die and not reincarnate then they could escape their karma through death. Reincarnation goes both forward and backward, in that in addition to future lives we have had past lives. Exactly how far back do we go? In Buddhism there is no limit going back and no definite beginning. What we see here and now is a result of consciousness. We are connected by group karma as well as karma on an individual level. A single Creator or God is only needed if there must be a definite beginning and if we are willing to avoid asking too many questions about that Creator or God.

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / condoms
October 17, 2002, 09:14:25
Gee Wiz, you are full of questions." border=0>    Are orgies wrong? Is having sex with more than one person wrong? Yes and no. If you do not feel such things are wrong then who is to say that they are wrong? I think the wrong comes about when it hurts someone else. Like if you are with a partner or are married and your partner wants a monogomous (spelling??) relationship. I think it would be wrong to engage in such acts, but truthly it would probably be even more wrong to be with someone who has such conflicting views and desires as yourself.

Is it wrong to use condoms and birth control? Is it wrong to bring a child into the world that you will not be able to take care of, don't want, will abuse, or bring into a bad situation? Condoms and birth control may not be natural but they do provide an solution to potential bad or difficult situation. One could say, "Just don't have sex if you do not want a child," but how realistic is this? We are all human, unless you are a very special animal or some other species that is reading this, and we all have desires, wants, and yes needs. Sex is pleasurable, people have sex for pleasure, bonding, and love (and sometimes other things but lets remain positive). But one function of sex is to reproduce. And lets face it, most of the time when people have sex they do not wish to reproduce. So what does one do?

We all seek pleasure, but in doing so we need to use our minds and think about how this pleasure will effect us as well as others.

I think the real problem here is right and wrong. Is everything assigned a right or wrong value? Is everything so black and white? I think we live in a world that is mostly grey and not black or white.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / One
October 13, 2002, 18:47:05
If you're having a lucid dream, you're already "out".  The thing is you're very high up on the astral planes, so everything is very down-the-rabbit-holish.  You need to will yourself onto lower astral planes (or higher, depending on where you're going), a task which I've discovered to be rather difficult.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Prayer
October 12, 2002, 16:24:11
Prayer is not easy for me because I do not believe in God. If you start with no one to pray to it makes less sense to pray. Then someone explained to me that prayer could be considered like a mantra meditation, and that the words are supposed to sink in and affect the thinking habits of daily life. As to praying for specific things, that it is best to pray for things for other people. Attachment to results is just as harmful with prayer as it is with meditation. The "silva mind control esp" system or something like that has a good method. They claim to be able to get results, although they also say it is easier to get results for other people because there is less attachment to results. They then add that when you pray for other people without consideration for your own wants and needs you are more likely to get the things you want and need anyway.

Excess energy should be placed in the sub-navel storage center. Chi kung can help you balance and transform your energy. Grounding sounds like it might be very helpful. Exposure to nature if you can get it is always good.

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / NEW
October 11, 2002, 09:10:27
If you don't want to do NEW, you don't have to. Working with energy won't guarantee spontaneous OBEs or any other specific result. The way you phrased the question makes it sound like you have made up your mind about it already. Maybe you would be better off picking a meditation technique of some sort.

NEW is an example of a method for working with energy. It will allow you to increase the quantity and quality of energy available to you. It will also be helpful in slowing down the flow of unwanted thoughts. If you want to increase the length of your astral projection experiences or improve the quality of your experiences then NEW will help. If you want to go beyond the astral planes to the mental planes and beyond, NEW can help. NEW is not the only way of doing these things. It just happens to be easy to learn and easy to teach. It also tends to get results more quickly than most systems.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / help
October 08, 2002, 16:13:10
Hi Arie. You're not the only one who hasn't had an obe yet. I've been trying for about 7 months now, and  it doesn't feel like I've made much progress. I know though, that it can take a long time though for some people, and it will happen  whten you are ready. Just keep wanting and trying and you'll get there soon.

Good luck,

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Newbie
September 28, 2002, 12:47:06
NEW will help a lot with physical relaxation. No one talks about it much, even here, but mental and emotional relaxation actually precede physical relaxation. We just say that you have to find a place to practice where you know you will not be disturbed and where you feel comfortable and safe. If you start by slowing your thinking, regulate your breathing, and use NEW to raise some energy then your physical relaxation should be deeper. When you get stuck with your physical relaxation, going back to slowing the thinking and regulating the breathing (to help with emotional relaxation) will help unstick your progress. After your body is relaxed deeply, the next step is a light trance state. If you can cause yourself to feel like you are moving down (falling, floating, climbing, etc.) for a few minutes you should have your light trance state. Counting backward from 10, 25, 50, 100, or so is also helpful for deepening your trance. Then you apply "rope" or do some sort of projection technique. Working with your chakras tends to be most helpful in separate sessions, such as when you are meditating, or before you want to try an unusually high level projection requiring more energy. As to how it feels and if it is safe, this coming from someone who has not arrived at the goal yet, there is some discussion about the differences between astral projection and lucid dreaming. Astral projection is a lot like going to sleep. There are risks peculiar to astral projection, but the book PPSD and the tutorials here on the astral pulse web site can help you be ready for them.

Welcome to Dreams! / this forum sucks
April 22, 2002, 21:22:34
This is one of the slower fourms no doubt.I however like it as well as the whole format in general.If it were not for classified subjects other fourms would most probably get clogged up.
It can be tough at times to cover all the fourms excpescialy with some having so much to read through.Making matters only worse is having a prehistoric computer like mine.  ;)

Welcome to Dreams! / lucid dreams
April 22, 2002, 21:10:27
O.B.Es induced via l/d is my most succesful method to date.

Upon becoming lucid I immeditly begin an a/p affirmation and  I will immeditly appear back in bed with one of many different o.b energy sensations.This may or may not lead into a o.b.e.

As for lucid inducing,start with morning recall notes as well as look at your hands through out the day while asking yourself if you are dreaming.Recall dreams through out the day as well and note any reoccouring dream themes that you can turn into cues.
Your cues will lead to simi concious thinking and at some point followed up by a check of the hands.At that point I need say no more!

WILD,first work on everthing else above and as you progress in my opinion WILDs will come naturaly provided your somewhat rested before sleep time.This is key and not always easy to do for various reasons but if possible try heading off to bed say 1/2 an hour earlyer than normal to contemplate your soon to be dream state.If all thee above issuses are at work through the nights you'll soon catch your dreams coming on before you truly drift off and you'll have had a hand in the direction your dreams will go.


You need to read the treatise on projection which mentions why energy is so damned inportant - which it is.  Honestly, most people need to energise like crazy before they can have a chance at getting there - especially consciously.  Energy raising is mentioned in Part 4.

NEW is the best and safest system I've ever come across which you can do free or charge and on your own.  Of course if you lie down and get the vibrations come over you after a while once you lose your bodily sensations you might not need it, but chances are you're like many other peopel who need a boost in this area.

Richard" border=0>