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Topics - TLMcCallan


I posted once before. *shuffle feet*  Uh, posting once again...*shuffle feet*


I am writing a novel and am looking for people experienced in the A.P. world.  Like I said in my last post, I know just enough to make me dangerous.  I would love some help so I can make the A.P. side of this work as realistic as possible.  (I reserve artistic liberty. :)

Anyway, I'd like to send anyone interested a list of 10, very basic questions.  Based on your answers, I might send another list for clarification. 

Several people have either contacted me via this site, through my email or through my website at  I welcome any of these forms of communication and look forward to hearing from you.

I have a deadline of late winter to finish this novel, so if you guys could get a move on, I would be forever in your debt for, one....dollar.  *pinky in corner of mouth* 

Seriously, would love some input.

Thanks so much.

Tamara L. McCallan

I am writing a novel wherein astral projection plays an integral role in the story arc.  I know enough about the topic to make me dangerous.  I'd like to interview someone familiar and experienced with this fascinating form of out of body experience.  Remember, I am writing a novel, a work of fiction, but I'd sure as hell like the metaphysical parts to be as locked on as possible.  (Which means, I will have TONS of questions, so make time.)  One also must know that I reserve the right to take artistic liberty.  :)

Any legitimate help one can give, would be greatly appreciated.  I can be reached through the contact page at my website.

Looking forward to talking with you.

Oh, and I gotta say this.  Writing is my living.  If you're not serious about the interview, please do not waste my time, or yours. 


T.L. McCallan, Author