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Topics - Aileron

Welcome to News and Media! / New Pope
April 19, 2005, 15:09:04
Ratzinger is now the new pope.....
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Apotheosis
April 19, 2005, 15:04:55
Weeks ago my client who is a parapalegic, pointed out the bible code in which talks of Ratzinger becoming the, he is.
Look into this mans eyes.....deeply.

I know I havent been here for some time, but there is no reason to ring a bell without cause I believe.

I am writing a persuasive speech for my class on the topic of the manipulation of intent by the U.S. government to hasten the end of days by taking the actions they have in ordre to bring about these signs.
In other words, whether the prophecies of the bible are true are not, our government is creating a crib in which to hold the rapture.

I urge you all to research this, it is not BS.

Search Topics:

Bill Moyers

Grist (magazine) - Road to Environmental Apocalypse

We are on a true road to an end of days scenario which WE are creating. It didnt have to be this way....we had the choice.

Connect the dots here and see what you come up with.

New governments, new papacy, new world.
BBC news states that researchers may have found atlantis. This is the info on it.
There will come a time in all of our lives, where information is only so important, and then comes a time to act. We must use the information we have in order to grip the reins of the future.

I dont want to stay stagnant anymore. These forums as well as Livejournal are a wonderful place to obtain and disperse information, to gather and congregate, and plan as well.

We here have an advantage most people dont have. Information and the open minds to use it.
I work, I go to school, and I see on the news the constant thrum of activity pacing by the halls of history, but nobody is taking advantage of the fact that with this knowledge, though sometimes scarce, and sometimes unreliable, we hold the penultimate truth between our fingers.

There are no reasons why we shouldnt stand up and take action towards a future we may desire, that we may have the ability to control. People force feed us these news clippings and slurs and constant blather about what we as a society needs. What our government thinks the world needs or what other governments and religions believe in having the answer.

We are all people who can come together and decide our future, not the organizations of political beaurocrats, controlled by sideline governmental shadows and prophetical history deigned by the fervor of religious zealots fleeing from their gods or their prophecies.
Somebody does need to do something, and there is no reason why it shouldnt be you!

Is there anyone who agrees? Anybody at all?
I have conflicting opinions about this, but still, obscured by my own obsessive desire to relegate some indecorous ideal into an expansion of our human depths, I pursue the most complicated and perhaps unrealistic projects in hopes of surfacing some tiny secret of the soul. In reality however I cannot call this a project, more of a pursuit in hypothetical situations or experimental ideas.

I find that the future, for lack of any term, is rather difficult to grasp for control. Our species seems to clutch at hope and faith and at times find circumstances fitting the bars height, leading and leaving us to stew in the possibility of truth in our beliefs and ideas, even if the chance of random events occuring within that security of faith is minimal to great. We are the sparks searching for the right butterfly. That one single point of light that could lead us in the right direction.

What if there was a way to control our direction without the necessity of actually knowing where we head. What if we were to instead of blindly following ancestral folley and figmented stories, myth and legend, we, rather, created our path? My own opinions transform daily of religion and spirituality as I think it should, and one view I have had, is that as we follow our faiths, we seem to be walking backwards down the path, seeing where we were coming from without knowing where it might head or seeing the path we walk now.
Is there a way to turn around and walk forwards? Is there a way to secure inevitability the way we should forsee it? I think so.
We have thrived off of prophetic hope and stories passed from generation to generation, only seeing the journies direction from whence it came, but there must be some point when we decide for ourselves, that the only way our species and our existence should move is by collectively placing the chess pieces where we find suitable. Not by blindly pushing the pawn without seeing a larger picture of what could happen.

I respectfully submit my own incursion of thought into the continuing spirituality and strength of the soul of mankind. It must change in shape, not in course.

If there was perhaps a way to collectively engage the godhood of the future, we could hypothetically see how our world may change by deriving the belief platform.
In other words, if a group of people were to shape a religion, a belief out of one person, one selected being, or to build a god or messiah from a hero in order to cast a specific ideology upon society for a segemented amount of time, they might be able to form certain structures within that society that could frame an entire network of new cultures, new worlds, new mindsets that could lead into so many directions depending on the course we see fit.

Im not saying that by throwing a new religion into the works that it will change everything or should be used as a control mechanism, but that by coursing a new religion through mainstream on a regular time frame, just as new blood pumps through our veins, we integrate new creative outlets for different systematic structures.

Do not imagine this as even close to a perfect idea, nor is it a realistic one, but an imaginative potential.
Yes, something like this could be missused or done for the wrong reasons, evil reasons, but the benefits may also be exponential if followed correctly.

Global Omniesence Development (G.O.D.)

Imagine without harboring any guilt or anger towards the idea, what this could do to a world.
Imagining is always the first step towards incredible changes in the world.

Honestly Im not expecting good responses or even added ideas let alone any comments to this, but I felt that this might be a good place to suggest the idea.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Eonian Splendor
August 19, 2004, 17:35:41
Her beauty held back,
an augury of renewal among the cultured.
The meek staring out into an amarinthyne plenary
of social and erimitical paths.
It was she,
planted back
and back again.
It was she who had wrought the thousand agonies,
for it was she who had broken the heart of a thousand men.
Taken to avenge,
brought to the epoch of pith,
for now it was known,
love is the path that creates the cosmos,
and destroys ground.

Semicircular tears sink beyond the soil
of enriched paradise and ideals.
Some time ago I felt and still do, that every religion and spiritual path have connecting branches and really all delegate acumen beliefs along with either guidelines/rules/laws/pathways which lead the follower to his/her own higher level of consciousness.

I felt though that I personally did not have a specific belief, and really I did not want to give a label to any type of belief that I would decide on later for it limits our cradle of experiences and therefore our humanity taking away what I would believe to be the ability to come closer to the divine or cosmic planes we search for.

Therefore I wanted to consumate my own personal path, which really consumes the ideas illuminating all religions and spiritual beliefs.

I wanted to give some examples of what I call Omecronysm, which is derived from the greek alphabet. It is a combination of two of the alphabet; Omicron and Omega.

I felt Omicron represented well the cycle of things given the upper and lower case is represented as O or o and Omega was the final letter as well as depicting the later symbol for jesuschrist, the beginning and the end, which I find in use of both, an irony, since Omicron to me represents a continuing cycle.


Three point purpose

*Using morals and values pertinent to the individual taken from every piety and applying them to life
*The idea that every devotion have and contain connection in some way or another.
*The study and research of all ideas, beliefs, devotions.

Mine is not a church, it is a whole. It should not be given the label I have deemed, but humanity desires finality in its ideas.
It is not a school to study religions, but to be together in the search for our truths. It does not force belief of any specific structure upon the adherant, but allows that individual to make the decision through available experience.

There was once a time where we felt one religion was right, or that everyone had to be seperate in their belief. No longer. We are all one.

Please if anyone is illuminated with ideas proper surrounding said subject and would like to become involved, let me know.

These are the basic foundations. Pillars must be built from the ground up.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Delphic Curiosity
May 28, 2004, 12:49:58
I want to see if any people can make accurate predictions on overly-discussed topics.

1) Who will win the presidential elections?

2) What shall the elect reap once he is in office?

3) Will terrorists attack on US soil this summer, and where?

4) Will the Haitian poverty stricken population turn on the US occupation and murder the white-wealthy minority?

5) Was the earthquake in Iran that killed over 25000 people and decimated an entire city a glimpse of many more to come in that area?

6) Are the Wildfires in the US this summer going to be a sign and marker of the beginning of the ring of fire?

7) Can any read the signs of the global vicissitude, and by how much yearly its degredation will increase or decrease?

I think seven is a good number to stop on.
I want to see how many people can actually answer these with both logical and spiritual notion.
I will then copy the answers (If anyone is even willing to try their hand)and hold onto them for reference.
time to channel your wisdom people.
Yes. I beleive that psychics who can predict the future accurately really just have upped their skills on rationalizing and projecting an objective overview of potentials based on vibes/feelings and information/truth they have picked up on pertaining to whatever they are predicting..

And of course repitition as well as having a clear understanding of the nature reality: how it works and is working/being worked on and it's cycles would increase the likelihood of being correct.
On another related note, I thought you might find the following an interesting read:

Len Horowitz New Book- DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral

Experts Link Evolution of the Species to Spiritual Renaissance: DNA Called "Antennae to God"

He is on Noory live on the 25th

Sandpoint , ID — More than a map of life, DNA processes spirituality according to the latest research. A lengthy review of scientific achievements in the field of genetics compiled by a team of experts indicates that life evolved from spiritual, more than physical, forces.

Three years of multidisciplinary study by a team of health science, mathematics, genetics, and physics experts, indicates that DNA, traditionally considered the "blueprint of life," appears more like an "antennae to God." Led by internationally known public health authority and award winning author, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the group´s research, to be published in October, shows that DNA´s coiled design, vibrating action, and "electrogenetic" function makes spiritual as well as physical evolution possible.

Life´s genomes are empowered by waves and particles of energized sound and light which, more than chemicals or drugs, switch genes "on" or "off." Likewise, genetic inheritance is energetically transmitted "bioacoustically and electromagnetically" through special water molecules that form the electrogenetic matrix of the "Sacred Spiral." These hydroelectric geometric structures—most shaped like pyramids, hexagons, and pentagons—direct physical as well as spiritual development, according to researchers.

Metaphysically, water molecules shaped like pyramids relay energy messages to and from DNA. These signals are carried from the environment to every cell in your body; far more rapidly than scientists once believed based solely on chemical analyses.

These findings raise important questions concerning theories underlying modern medicine, spirituality, and even reincarnation according to Dr. Horowitz. The realization that energy messages, including ancient ancestral memories, may be relayed electro-genetically can help in healing, lending spiritual meaning to life, and reconciling "past life" experiences.

The science reported in DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral, published by the not-for-profit Tetra hedron Publishing Group ($29.15; 1-888-508-4787), links the genetic revolution to a "spiritual renaissance." After polling nearly 10,000 people internationally for background research, the Harvard-trained Dr. Horowitz concludes "more and more people are experiencing increased synchronicities and even miracles in their lives. . . . Working on special projects, they suddenly and inexplicably manifest everything they need to facilitate their service, purpose, or unique calling. This is a form of genetic expression as much as eye color," he says.

Their soon to be published, meticulously documented, book is written for "intelligent lay readers and above." It argues that quantum energy, often called spirituality, animates evolution of the species, genetic expression, and life. The authors believe such awareness and growing social consciousness bodes well for the entire planet.

*********The Book also***
... thoroughly exposes the global criminal elite that pirated "The Human Genome Project" two weeks prior to its completion and intended benefit to public health and societal enrichment. Instead of blessing university professors that labored tirelessly for decades on this project, or the taxpaying public that largely funded this work, George Soros and a cadre of evil scientists and drug industrialists stole the entire project. They privatized it, patented every potentially lucrative genetic sequence, and are now in the business of altering, possibly forever, the genetics of life—humans, joining myriad other species, in the real risk of likely extinction.
Not too sure about those "Christian Mormons" you speak of, but I dont consider Mormons Christian.  Christianity started out 2000 years ago, and the Mormon beliefs are radically different than Christian beliefs.  They call themselves Christian, but I (not being a Mormon) say they aren't.  They believe God is "flesh and blood" and a lot of other clearly anti-Christian things.  As far as I know, they're the only religion that believes that God is "flesh and blood".

However, the Trinity is a triune God, with Jesus being the second person.  Jesus was all man and all God, a Mystery in itself.  Therefore, He did have "flesh and blood" and shed a lot of it for us.  Thus, one could make an argument...

But anyway, Mormons believe that they will become like God after they die.  This is anti-Christian.  Christians believe (and it's backed up in the Bible, my non-Catholic brothers and sisters) that God is sooo far above us mortal humans.  I mean, geeze, the first sin in the Garden of Eden was Adam and Eve trying to be like God by eating the fruit.
good for you. It is right that you question so much.
I know how you feel, though from a different viewpoint.

I lived in utah for over ten years, so needless to say, I had enough mormon experience to last the rest of my life.
I personally am not mormon, nor are any of my family (wipes brow), but of course I have many friends and have wandered into the temple area often in order for the missionaries to stop and converse with me so that I could question them and hopefully lead them to questioning themselves as well.
It is a pretty area though. I have walked around back to where the circular pool is and sat down and sketched the temple as the sun fell below it. I must say this for the LDS, they have great architectual ingenuity.

Hell, there are many percieved notions of this topic. We could be discussing such a thing for years and still not get anywhere.
My own belief is still being built as well, so I have no real belief in it nor heaven, but I do have many notions and ideas.
The LDS hell is similar to the zealot christian hell in that if you dont do what the church tells you, off onto satans lap you go.
The FLDS, or fundamentalist mormons, are frightening, in that if one does not live by the book word by word, those FLDS will send them there! I have had personal experiences with these people, and I tell you there is nothing good or heavenly about them.
I dont bash any religion, but any group of people who gather arms and weapons, forbid anyone but those part of there belief structure into their homes, and cast curses in the name of god towards anyone not like them, and who hurt and sexually abuse their wives and children, should be physically bashed!!

The polygamist LDS are similar to the FLDS but dont have a militia gathering except perhaps if they are creating an army of wives and children.

Personally, I think if there is a hell, there is a place especially reserved for those two groups.

Here is something to think about though.
With all the concepts of God and Satan, not many religious beliefs really tends to direct anyone to the notion that God is neither good nor evil.
For example.
If God created that which became lucifer or satan, that means that God created the so called darkness or "Evil" that so many apply to the term. This would mean that God is both good and evil or that God is inherantly the hierarchy of evil since he made satan right?
Of course, many would say that Jesus is the antithesis of evil, thus he is the concept of pure "Good," so, that being said, he created both good and evil, yet resides over heaven, the so called "Good" place to go to when you die, and hell being the "bad" place to go to.

If God then, creating both good and evil, resides in heaven and not above it nor below it, how is the concept accurate?
If God, which in all meanings of the term, is basically the harmony of existence, the balance between good and evil, is at odds with evil; ie satan, then why?

I understand the stories and legends and mythos that go along with this all too well. I just cant see why people dont redefine their concept of God when this Deity, this all powerful all knowing God is basically everything, both good and bad and everything in between.

Of course this is semantics and this topic could be branched in so many ways.

The easiest way Ive dealt with this topic, is just by living the best I can, and doing what I can. We are human, so we are fallible, thus we were made so by "God" the creature of all.
Perhaps we are supposed to do all the things we do, so that God can know mortality and the beauty of imperfection.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / End of the world ???
August 20, 2004, 16:56:20
(does a jig)

Yeah I could use a beach near my home in arizona...its basically one without the ocean anyways. I say bring it on![:P]

(Drinks a beer)
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Current Kharma
August 12, 2004, 16:34:40
One Karmic school might argue that you are burning through lives worth of good Karma to maintain this one.  Yes your Karma guage is pointing positive, but that doesn't mean the flow isn't negative.

You don't state anything positive in your life to offset 10 years of addiction and who knows how many years of drug dealing.  Sorry, that's the way I read your post.  Making friends easily isn't a positive, in fact it can come from many things, some quite negative.  

Sexual addiction is a whole seperate issue, with all kinds of reprocussions if taken to excess.  It can lead to a very deep dark emptyness and sex is replaced for love in your life.

To be quite candid, you have classic symptoms of NEG involvement. Whether the NEG is a construct or Astral native remains to be seen.  You may have some talent, but it is used to further the NEG's aims.  I think you could use a few weeks in some quiet mountains, and a very thorough reading?  I get the impression the post was an attempt to self rationalize your state as "good" when deep down you know it,s bad?

Interesting, that's the most I've ever unloaded on someone on this board...
Welcome to Dreams! / Increased deja-vu activity
August 10, 2004, 23:32:55
That is the funny thing, people seem to get fate and destiny mixed up.  Fate is really the events that will lead up to destiny, it doesn't matter what path you choice as they will still have the same result in general at the end, but little things will be different when chosing a different path.  

I would say that this is strange, most people don't seem to have alot of deja-vu and alot of times just brush it off, but you being able to recall exactly everything and it being as detailed as you make it.  Well I would have to say that maybe Fate herself is trying to give you a sign to pay more attention to your dreams and what they really mean, she doesn't really care what path you take in life, but she will try to help you along the best path if you cooperate, that is why I just take things as they come and go with my gut on things.

Best of luck with trying to fiqure everything out.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / sevenyears <O>
June 08, 2004, 02:19:39
Hi Aileron,

Oh dear, that's a bit of a heavy portent of doom!!! Who broke the big mirror then?

S [;)]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / raise of hands
June 06, 2004, 16:17:42
The death of Reagan signifies that there will be a funeral.

Why would it signify anything more special as if that in itself wasn't significant to those among his loved ones?

2cents & L&L
Hi there,

Perhaps if you will allow me, may I add a few observations re: parts of your post. I can only come from a position of personal experience!

I think a lot of people when opening up spiritually go through various phases in terms of shifting their perspective of internal and external worlds and their moving landscape of belief and old need for rational answers to the big questions (ha ha). I am not a metaphysician, but some of what you have said I think I can appreciate, having had similar types of feeling occur in the past.

One feeling I think many of us go through is the classic blues bro 'I have seen the light experience in some form or another!!!

The 'Am I on a mission from god' feeling, or 'I am something extra special', and Have I been chosen? I do not deserve this as I am not good enough etc...

The answer is really well Yes and No to each and all of these for various reasons... Yes you do and will make a difference. Even if it is to go to the assistance of only one soul! This goes in hand with the expression 'many are called but few are chosen' – perhaps one explanation might be: you can choose how you act and interrelate on what ever level suits your spiritual capacity and development at any particular time!

Sometimes people might say something like 'you are going to be a significantly player on the world or whatever stage' (blah etc). You choose to if you wish, but add to that - you take your chances with that one! It seems however the really significant players – keep mum!

I appreciate that some apparent spiritual insight – like having premonitions and can be very unsettling to put it mildly. Whether it be personal or something on a exponential scale in terms of apparent significance. Although some moments of synchronicity can be so very precious don't you feel?

To be honest some experiences used to bother me a whole lot, but over the last few years I have learnt to live with these sort of things – and treat them with respect that may be due or not, but release and see them as part of the scheme of things. I personally value the experiences had and move on to enjoying the now as much as circumstances allow. Doesn't mean that I live like some state of bliss all the time, still have to do the 3 S's – excrement, shower, shave every day, deal wih job issues, relationships and so on, and have the occasional wo betide me moment (ho hum)!

The thing here is you are not alone and if you always put your best foot forward, no matter how dirty things get – tomorrow IS a different day! Appreciate that sound a bit naf, but honestly you are not delusional – just normal. What is it everyone coins: 'You are a spiritual being having a human experience'. I think it is good to remember and value both together sometimes and not neglect one in preference for the other.

Take care and many blessing,

Stephen [:)]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Heart of 11
May 13, 2004, 14:38:55
"Sometimes dissapointment is expectations best friends."

I suppose I didnt expect help, just hoped for it.
Answers shouldnt come from a computer, even if the words translated onto the page are typed thoughts from people from all over the is still a machine that translates what we think (and often in a very distilled and cold manner)and will never give us what we want, just perhaps maybe it points us in the right direction like any other device on this planet held in a persons palm.

Like the metal sun of delphic ruin,
we are the reign of our own sum bitten by the menace
of our folly.
We are the fault lit by skies forgotten,
and dipped in the crumbling stone of palad remark.
Love by the light,
hate by the dark.

Remember, the day enlightens us to what surrounds,
but it is the night that is truly hidden from us by
the daylight.
Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring, let alone years into the future.  I don't know where this 2012 thing got started, probably someone posting something about a demon war.  In any case, when 2012 rolls around and the world is still in tact, or not, I know it won't be because of the year.  For all we know someone might get obsessed with this year and then MAKE something happen because of it, then everyone will go off on THAT being prophetic or something.  Just another year that will come and go just as all the rest have since the beginning of man.  Maybe something monumental will happen, but what qualifies as monumental anyways?  One thing is for certain, we are in 2004 right now, and whatever 2012 will bring, lets cross that bridge when we come to it.  Worry about now!
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 11 parameters
January 21, 2004, 08:41:53
Huh? Im confused...
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Marked
December 28, 2003, 01:17:33
the reincarnation of jesus?  tell him to practice unlocking his unconscious mind and find out past lives.  Also get someone to astral project to him and see what his astral self looks like.