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Topics - ShaMagus

I just want to share a beautiful dream with you that i had two nights ago. It was just before i woke up. My girlfriend and i was in a beautiful space. So pure and pristine. I started to sing to my girlfriend and while i was singing i was connecting my girlfriend with a shiny bright light from all directions. From all around her, over, under and inside. It was such a healing dream and i woke up with a clear and serene mood. Did i give her healing or did i heal a part of me? Maybe both? I dont know and it doesnt matter. The important thing for me is the feeling i am left with. The feeling of something bigger out there working through us and a feeling of connection.

Thanks for letting me share and i wish everyone a beautiful day!
Since stumbling into the world of AP and started fumbling after that special technique, ive come across more teachers or gurus that say they have THE key to make me succesfull. While offering the key, they also tend to discredit a lot of other teachers or gurus work and claim they have the easiest, most reliable system out there. It makes me confused, to say the least. After having been through training with several masters in other spiritual discoplines, i had decided to be my own teacher and master. In my experience is everything i need just an armlength away. I trust my intiuition and my heart will take me where i need to go.

But since started reading up and visiting different sites and forums, i would again like to have a guide so i can bypass a lot of unnesessary mistakes. The problem is, i feel everybody is selling something. I have no problem ith people making a living, but for me it doesnt mix to blend the two things. I feel like im becoming a customer instead of a student. I like the old school way where we exchange energy in other ways than money. Ive also seen that there are techers and guides waiting on the other side to help me, but i first need to get there. So my questions are, which teachers are out there who are genuinly interested in ME and not only my money? Is it nesessary to have a teacher? How much time can i cut down by getting a teacher? And last, how do i know hat program to go for? In advance, thanx!
Yup, to get an idea of what it takes and the ammount of work needed I wonder if some of you could please share how your day looks like. Do you practice each day? Has it changed from when you started out? How much meditation do you do? Also other activities. I realize that we are all individuals and need to find our own disipline, but some guidelines would be nice :wink:
Hi all!
Im in the beginning of discovering AP and want to document my practice here, so thati can get some advice along the way. I also want to start documenting my experiences Like David Warner Does in the thread :
Why, Can't I Project? - InvisibleLight Book Reference - For Beginner to Advance
I realize i have to give this all i got, but with ease and softness, to make this work. Guess my taiji training will come in handy! Will appreciate suggestions on parameters to document as all of this is pretty new to me. Will use the ones David has used for his documentatio, but maybe there also are others i need to take into consideration.

So, without further ado, here is my third day of trying to project:
I wake up at 6:45 to do some meditation. I read some threads in the forums to get into the mood. I lay down on my back in bed and start to relax my body. I start with my feet and end at the top of my head. When i feel relaxed, i turn my awareness to my breath. When thoughts are coming, i recognise them and let go of them. Without judgment. After some time i remember an advice about focusing on an object. I have been given an image of a pearl on a velvet cushion that is a strong symbol for me and i start to hold my awareness on it. I find it hard to keep the i image in my mind and my mind starts to wander. I try changing the image with one of my dream teachers, The Moon and i feel calmer at once. When i regain my calm, i automatically switch back to the breath.

After some minutes i reach what i think is focus 10. I feel very calm and present. No thoughts in my mind. I feel a sensation of expanding. I feel expectation is trying to do something, but i just let go and floatin the darkness. I notice small tingling sensations now and then. After some time i get a sense of light in my vision and places on my body starts to itch. I also snore a bit in this stage, but my mind is fully awake. When not scratching i feel i go deeper into the state. I feel there is some sound coming from far away. I focus on relaxing and not to expect anything. When it feels like its about to happen something, my body jolts from several twitches in my stomach and i feel the practice has come to an end. And i let that go as well.

What im left with i feel is valuable experience to build upon. Like, i think for me its easier just to focus on my breath and relaxing than to hold an image in my mind. I know fromprevious experience that im good with visualization, but not for a prolonged time. Maybe iwill get better, but for the time being i stick with my breath. I also feel im doing a little progress each time. I can see that expectation is the big obstacle right now. I want this and have so for many years. Feel now ive reached a level of maturity and ready to dedicate myself.

Serenity NOW!
Time for my introduction. I had my first experience with LD for almost 20 years ago. It was a spontaneous experience. Since then ive been practicing on and off. This january i was the most stable and could have up to 9 LD's pr night for a couple of months. This was due to me working intensely with myself under the guidence of an amazonian shaman and staying isolated in the rainforest for some months.

When i got home, i got sick and ive been sick for almost a year. That has made me not to prioritize meditation and so ive lost my LD abiliy and dream recall. A couple of weeks ago, i started from scratch...again. Writing my journal and working up my dream recall. Now Im very drawn towards AP also, which i think is same as LD only another approach. So, I look forward to share this adventure with all of you and hope that together we can free our consciousness from the ego, so we can feel free!
