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Topics - Sam

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Bunk websites
November 04, 2004, 10:22:19
Something I've observed, but never really taken much time to think of, is the proliferation of crackpot websites out there full of all sorts of crazy stuff which seems to be taking the mickey out of science and spirituality alike.  While I won't post any examples here, which would be unfair to the webmasters under scrutiny, here is a list of some of the things I have found define crackpot sites...

Mand of the websites go for shock value, characterised by the following:
Italics used to emphasize every second word, so that you can almost hear the amount of stress that was put into writing it.
100 pages of text, all on the front page, in no kind of logical order.
Bright colored text on black or white backgrounds.  Yellow on white seems to be a favorite combination, perhaps it is to test the dedication of the reader who, after scrolling down 100 pages, must surely have sore eyes.
Flashing red text, often entire paragraphs composed of some
Quoteabsolutely vital piece of information
that only stupid people could miss the importance of.
Every paragraph has a different font, font size and color.
Almost every second word contains a link to another page exhibiting similar charateristics.  Sometimes half a page of text if not more could be a link.
Disjointed quotes used as ABSOLUTE PROOF that whatever bs the site is promoting is undoubtedly true, i.e. "George W Bush said today.... that.... the.... fathers and sons in iraq....  are.... the axis of evil" IT MUST BE TRUE!!!

Sites exhibiting the above characteristics are often but not always the work of a crackpot.  Some genuine people just have no idea how to organise a document.  

On the other side of the coin, just because a website looks all polished and schmick, does not mean it is any more credible.  These type of sites are much more devious, as their guestbooks and forums have a following which is worrying.  There are a few things to look out for:
Long quotes from books that are a MUST READ, and if you visit the forums its all anyone ever talks about anyway.
Links to online resellers of holy relics, lucid dragon (8x, 14x, etc), astral projection tapes, etc.  Note that the sites linked to may be genuine, but be aware that the nefarious site doing the linking is merely trying to piggy back off the success of the others, and may even go so far as to take credit for the achievements of others...
...Which brings me to an important point...  NO original content on the site.  The site is all pretty and stuff but every single word is lifted from elsewhere, or a very close approximation.
Finally the crux of the whole matter, what makes these types of sites so evil, is that they then ask people to donate to their cause, a cause which is little more than quoting other people's work, selling other peoples stuff, and letting you hang out in their lobby talking about it.  They may even reward donaters with a special signature line so they can wear it proudly around their forums thus inspiring others to give up some of their earthly cash.  The usual excuse for having a donate button is generally that bandwidth and web space is expensive.  That is a lie, don't believe it.  Maybe for big sites like this one, but for smaller crackpot sites a small server is all that is needed.

Has anyone else made similar observations or would like to dispute some of mine?  This could become the definitive guide, if one doesn't already exist somewhere.
The other day I had an OBE, with no real intent to, but I am happy it occured.

Anyway, I will recount the experience, before I ask my questions of anyone with experience in these matters, since a few answers elude me.

As far as I can remember I went to bed as normal, did a little energy work (I normally do), and went to sleep seeing the hypnagogic images drifting in front of my eyes.  The usual pattern for these images is to impersonate faces of people I know, or people I sometimes don't, but I look into the eyes and they transform into evil looking faces, which usually yanks me out of that state (its the fear element, not quite conquered yet).  Anyway, this time, the faces did the whole evil thing, and I managed to ignore them.  They tryed scaring me with a few tricks, which didn't bother me.  I think I was too tired to react to their shenanigans.  I believe this is a big part of my OBE success, being able to ignore the images.

Next thing I remember after going to sleep is tearing out of my body (no vibrations, funny sounds, etc).  First, I woke up in the astral, lying where my physical body was, and rotated so I was facing down.  There was this black ball that was pulsating and looked like it was sentient, right in front of me.  I registered its presence then ignored it.  I remember feeling a little stuck in the abdomen, I felt as though something was draining me there so I focussed a large (large for me) burst of energy at the area and felt it loosening up then *pop* I was standing vertical above myself on the bed.  This didn't seem to surprise me, I took it all matter-of-factly.  Anyway the room was dark and felt cold, so I willed some light on the area and this took some effort too, but it worked, first it was a dull grey but it slowly got brighter.

Testing my re-discovered astral body, for some reason I flew straight at the wall, to see if I could go through it.  The wall was spongy, and I kept bouncing back out because my intellectual mind kept on trying to say "you can't really do this".  Stoopid brain, thinks it knows everything.

So, then, for some other strange reason, I then flew to the bed and tried to dive INTO the blankets, as if I could fly to the atomic level and look at the molecules and stuff all flying around.  Again my mind wouldn't let me, but I was very determined and kept on trying.  Eventually I could see this black vortex forming in the sheets, which began to look like a hyperspace tunnel, and fell into this blackness.  

While in this blackness things got very weird.  There were these other creatures there who didn't exactly seem friendly.  There was also these two pipes.  One of them seemed like a "way out", the other was spitting bombs out at me if I got too close.  For a while I tried to approach the bomb-spitting pipe to check it out, but decided it was safer to head down the other pipe, which I kind of got stuck in since I dove in head first.  I could feel the other creatures taunting me, and this is when the OBE ended.  What was weird about this segment of the OBE was that I could sense these things but couldn't actually "see" them, if I try to remember what things looked like, its like saying it was invisible, but at the same time it was a couple of pipes, one of which was spitting bombs.

The weird thing about this experience, and perhaps someone could shed some light, is why was I so determined to get "inside" my bed sheets???  Also, that bit about being in the space with the pipe and the bombs spins me out.  Has anyone ever attempted to fly into a solid object at a molecular level, and if so what have you seen?  Is it possible?

Im new to this site, so I'll introduce myself a little bit before continuing.  I've been under atack for quite some time, and (thanks to this site and others) I've learned quite a lot in the last few years which has helped me through some of the tough times, like when I was being systematically raped by aboriginal spirits (who were themselves tortured, abused then murdered in the area I used to live in - part of the reason I moved but some of them followed me.)

Anyway, one technique I used to cut off a lot of attachments I haven't seen documented anywhere so I'll share it with you.  You don't need to project to do this, but being able to visualise what I'm doing helps me a lot.  Imagine, or will into your vision, all of the beings that are attacking you and could have a negative effect on your life.  What I see when I do this is a dark humanoid shape.  Next you will see that they have a cord (which is dark grey or black) connecting them.  I've read in places that cords are impossible to break but I've broken them.  You have to create a spherical, impenetrable sheild of white energy around the cord first.  Then using as much willpower as you can imagine the part of the cord on the outside of the sheild breaking away.  Quickly expand the sheild so the cord ending on the inside is nowhere near the perimeter of the sheild.  The cord trys to reconnect itself and if you break concentration it will do so almost immediately.  The other end of the cord will curl up and wrap around itself, sort of like a noose.  To seal it off once and for all, create another sheild around the loose end and try to hold it for as long as possible.  It doesn't work fully until you do it a few times and I think the attacker gives up in the end.  I'm unable to verify this technique myself, but since I used it I feel less threatened.  I'd like someone to try it out to see if it really works.  I'm not sure if this would work to sever the cord attaching a spirit to a living creature but I'm not going to try.
Welcome to Astral Pulse Island! / Some ideas for API
February 29, 2004, 11:19:57
yeah those are great ideas-- i'll help out in any way i can..altho im still working on getting there but once i do i'll gladly help :) i really like the training center idea cause i know i really need some flying tips...
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Balance in PSD
February 17, 2004, 06:10:56
I believe what Sam is trying to say with the martial arts is that you need to move around attacks to uncover a weakness and then attack. That or throw an attack as a counter, like in kung fu. Also you need to be balanced or you will tip over[;)]
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Astral Mozzies
February 09, 2004, 11:08:32
Hm, i think you are right that these were some sort of astral parasites; but don't worry, cause i think your mother in the dream represents your higher self, your higher being; also, obviously as a result you learned how to raise the energy in the astral; the physical injure is weird - once i had a dream, that there is a wasp nest into my palm; when i got up, there was pain in my palm; but dont think it was coincidence.
Not long ago, i had an OBE and when i realized where i was i saw a fat worm feeding with my right hand!! Nasty feeling, no doubt; I used a conjuration on it and the worm dissapeared.
Parasites are always there i think; Basicly this is their way to 'live'; To get rid of them you have to fight with the egos.
I'd say that's pretty dang mystical, an instance of cosmic consciousness. Congratulations!
the fact that you listen to the advice of a guide who is trying to
decieve you at one point or another, examplifies that your common
sense may be missing?
no offense.