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Topics - tides2dust

As consciousness-explorers, astral travelers- I feel this is quite fitting
"From one astronaut to another"
Chris Hadfield talks to us about Fear.

Hope you enjoy the show.
What are some practices you do to help increase your ability to concentrate or strengthen your memory?
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / test
March 09, 2024, 17:48:12
i am attempting to post an OBE in my journal and am getting this error below:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator at to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
I've been meaning to ask these questions to anyone who would like to participate. Please answer line by line.

1. How do you prefer to sleep?
a) on your back
b) on your belly
c) on your left side
d) on your right side
Other: please explain in a few sentences or less.

2. What is the fastest way for you to fall asleep?
a) on your back
b) on your belly
c) on your left side
d) on your right side
Other: please explain in a few sentences or less.

3. Which sleeping position allows you a higher success rate for astral phenomenon? (OBE's, hypnagogia, sleep paralysis)
a) on your back
b) on your belly
c) on your left side
d) on your right side
Other: please explain in a few sentences or less.

I hope my last question makes sense. Thanks to anyone who wishes to provide their answers.
Dream and Projection Journals / The Four Agreements
February 21, 2024, 09:04:11

"What you are seeing and hearing right now is nothing but a dream. You are dreaming right now in this moment. You're dreaming with the brain awake. Dreaming is the main function of the mind, and the mind dreams twenty-four hours a day. It dreams when the brain is awake, and it also dreams when the brain is asleep. The difference is that when the brain is awake, there is a material frame that makes us perceive things in a linear way. When we go to sleep we do not have the frame, and the dream has the tendency to change constantly. Humans are dreaming all the time."
Hi guys. This interview with Harrison Smith and Ashton Forbes is astounding. I find myself sharing this on all the platforms I am active on.

Basically it confirms everything Dr. Steven Greer has been trying to tell us. We've reverse engineered alien technology, free energy is on the table, and that this kind of stuff renders everything else- like war, obsolete.


What do you think?

"On May 19, about nine weeks later, a leaked video was published to YouTube by a third party who claimed to have received it on March 12th. The video shows what appears to be a jet airliner on fire being trailed by three spiraling orbs. Eventually, the three orbs change to a vertical pattern and disappear in a flash with the airliner, leaving a dead-end trail of smoke in the sky. A month later on June 12th, a second video was published to the same channel that showed the exact same event taken from a different viewpoint. These videos have been deleted from YouTube but can still be found on archive-dot-org.

Ashton Forbes and his team have been researching these videos extensively, and have provided exhaustive evidence that these videos are legitimate. Including digital forensics verified by CGI professionals, eyewitnesses, and government data, Forbes and his team have successfully addressed all de-bunker claims and have listed them for all to see on X-dot-com @JustXAshton. So far, nobody has been able to de-bunk this research."
"Ashton Forbes joins Harrison Smith and Alex Jones to reveal new information on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 which disappeared on March 8th, 2014."
"Citizen Journalist
Seeker of Truth
Organizer of MH370x
Solver of MH370
I only know about Halloween thanks to corporatism. LOL. In other words, I don't take this holiday too seriously, but recognize it as a time to enjoy spooky and surreal. I'll be watching Dark Crystal and enjoying some dried watermelon and dark chocolates as a way to celebrate. I'm on the PG side of things this holiday.

Hope you guys enjoy it... I have a great episode of the Why Files to share for this festive occasion:
The Horrors of Plum Island | Hybrids, Human Experiments and Weaponized Killer Insects

Spooky!  :-o

Happy 2022 everybody.  :-) Kind wishes.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / My Bedroom
February 12, 2021, 23:13:06
The most experiences I've had can be totaled from my childhood bedroom. I am back at home, in-between, as I try to gather my self back to an Independent life-style. This phase is near ending, I believe. My Sister is here too, due to COVID and other concern's. It's a unique experience to say the least. Well, ever since moving back I've made a very small nest for my self in what used to be our guest bedroom. I've turned my old bedroom into the new guest room. My parents let their friends stay in the new guest room if need be. It would also seem my Sister has taken refuge in my childhood room. Tonight she said something interesting to me. "I like this room because it's quiet. But the Spirits are real here. Let me tell you."

I kind of smiled and told her, you don't need to tell me anything. I've always known this to be true. I tried then to share some of my crazier experiences with her, she was astounded- and in a more agreeable nature since her occupying my old space. I'm only a few feet away from the old bedroom. But I wonder... Could that make all the difference in the non-physical activity levels???
I didn't want to start a separate journal but I did really want to share these dreams. The journal I am sharing was written in 2010, I'm just going to copy and paste. I will add to this thread a little later because I had a dream later in life that goes with this and I am really excited to show you the connection to Al'Khidr aka the green man and how my material reality would be manipulated in order to lead me to discover this connection 10 years later. The color green and the picture of Al'Khidr really brought it all together. I am also curious if anyone has an interpretation of their own they'd be willing to share. Lastly, I believe during this "initiation" I had some unregulated access to manipulate and move about in the astral realm that I don't have today. It was kind of like a glimpse of things I'd be experiencing in smaller dosages later in life and I think the giant hand ripping me out from my experience had something to do with this.

So here they are, slightly altered over the years as an attempt to correct my poor grammar and other inconsistencies  :-D

3 dreams that have lead down a spiritual path
« on: Feb 21, 2010 07:30 am »
in 2008 i've had three dreams that have really caused me to look within- i will never forget them and felt like sharing
they happened back to back- 1 dream and then 2 dreams the next night
i will save the 1 dream for last

the first dream(of the 2 dreams) takes place in africa, somewhere amongst a shoreline. i remember, "floating" from one set of eyes to another- watching through other people- having an awareness that i am not this person. it starts with someone who is trying to teach the group a tribal dance. we were told that the dance was very important and must do as he does. once i began to dance- i warp to another set of eyes.
i am now standing on the shoreline with a group of, "watchers." we were told to keep a look out for any intruders. i spotted someone- in the distance, slowly it came from out of the waters. i say it because i could not see who it was- there was no definite detail, only a person covered in seaweed. after this i warp yet again to a different location, this time i am alone. a women is in the distance walking towards me. she is cut and bleeding- she fell into my arms and began speaking. i do not speak any other language but i am sure we spoke french to one another. i began asking her questions in french- as soon as she started responding- something very hard to explain happened. this feeling of- being pulled out from the middle of what i was doing. i am no longer in africa. it was as if i was being stared down upon- i could hear faint chanting. after regaining full awareness from being, "pulled" i noticed what looked like natives circled around me. once i made eye contact the chanting stopped. they were masked- either with the skull of an animal- or shadow covering their face- but i could still feel their eyes on me. there was a long moment of silence- and then, they were gone. nothing was left but the silhouette of a dead tree(many branches and no leaf's) a few crows, and an orange sky. behind the tree was a rainbow with colors ranging from purple, blue, and green. the orange was glowing- giving an ambient feeling- after this i woke up.(so its a bit choppy... but this is what i recall after 2 years heh)

in the next dream... i don't know where i was- or how i got there, but i was sitting down. there were people around me- making me feel as comfortable as possible- the thing is, i had no idea who anyone was. one of the men in the group came over and pulled me aside to talk. after wrapping his arm around me he says, "isn't it obvious eric? you're dead."
i didn't know what to think- but for a minute, i was shown my family- they were still alive and mourning. it was a very sad, heavy feeling- but the person with me helped me get through this- helped me understand. i do not remember how, but after some time had passed the scenery changed and the feeling of being sad was gone. now, the same man was teaching me things that might seem impossible while back on the material world. he was explaining to me, somehow- i wish i could remember the description- how physical objects have little meaning that i'd come to understand. for example, he had me turn something into a green towel. after this he tells me we can go anywhere as long as one focuses hard enough.
in an instant, i am in japan- i am in a building. i am in an elevator and hit 46- after going up all the way to my destination- i remember the elevator doors opening and walking out to a glass window. i took a glance out only to see everything covered in a massive, powerful green ocean. the building i was on was the only thing visible within the ocean- after this, i woke up.

during this time i'd been experiencing some sleep paralysis and tried to use that to induce out of bodies... in this last dream i think i had a mixture of lucid dream/sleep paralysis

it starts with being on stage- but, with the snap of a finger- i am pulled out and am somewhere else. i am in a small wooden boat in the middle of an ocean. there is a person sitting across from me and an old man in the back with his arm wrapped around a cannon. the man tells us to look for it... to look in the sky and point it out. i remember looking up and pointing at a star- the old man smiled and fired the cannon- next thing i know, i am being shot out of the cannon- no longer do i see myself as a human being but a geometrical shape. i am a green arrow- the person whom sat across from me was also fired out of the cannon- i don't remember his/her shape... but i remember the color, red. it was almost like a race at first- we were racing higher and higher in the sky- shooting through clouds. who i was- mentally, was contained within the object- my thoughts, my being- i remember communicating with the other object despite not having lips to talk. we were talking about energy... i don't remember what we said- but something said accelerated the rate i was going. i started moving faster and faster- going past the clouds and into space. at this point i'm not talking to anyone- i can hardly contain myself due to the speed i'm going. things become overwhelming- the stars become a blur- i kept going deeper and deeper into space- i could not hold the speed- something was about to happen and soon- another rush of being overwhelmed and then- i explode. at this point, i'm no longer looking at stars but other geometrical shapes. there were tiny particles and objects swaying up and down in one motion- inhaling.. exhaling- they moved together this way. the color contained in the arrow reaches out and covers everything in sight. all the objects around me, the particles- are draped in green. after this- that same feeling of being pulled out from what i was doing, as mentioned in the first dream, happens again. a bit rough, it feels as if i am being slammed down onto a table- i remember watching images of who knows what flash before my eyes. its like someone trying to hide a subliminal message by sliding in a quick image over a steady image. it was that, "quick image" different things flashing before me(it's hard to explain... that's the best i could do) again, i feel overwhelmed. i feel my eyes twitch and i notice i am laying in my bed but can not move. i must be experiencing sleep paralysis(is what i think) but how am i still dreaming and able to recognize my body?(my body was laying in a very weird position in the bed- as if i might have been tossing and turning all night)... there i am, unable to move feeling overwhelmed- the dream i had begins to fade but something in my chest sends waves of uneasy impulses to the brain. i begin to think i'm having a heart-attack. i can't move- i felt trapped- as if all i could do was lay there and watch my body die. not to shortly after i am free and able to sit up. i began to cry and ended up skipping class that day feeling very impacted by this dream...

between the dreams, sleep paralysis, OBE's/astral projection and the 11:11 prompts- it was around this time my journey inward really took a dominant role in my life

my name's eric, i am 32 and live in the united states of america, texas. i have always had an interest in my dreams. i still remember my first prominent childhood dream. i have also had an interest in the unknown or, "the other side." i remember, as a child, trying to go to sleep alone in my room and suddenly feeling a presence with me. something got close enough to whisper, "eric" in my ear. i remember feeling the entities breath. i was terrified, turned on all the lights and jumped back to bed pulling the sheets over my head. i think it was then i turned off whatever ability i might of had. there were a few other instances in my early years, but nothing quite as clear. i had a conscious out of body experience in my youth- i was laying in the back of my dads car as he was driving us home- staring out towards the clouds i began to drift away from my body. it was a blissful experience.
through out my life i've experienced phantom scents and phantom touch and during my disciplined years i began to see streaks of light and translucent misshaped orbs of colour over people and animals. i've had dreams of aliens and angels. at one point i thought i was a fallen angel. i've also a fond memory of a pack of celestial wolves. in high school i was totally absorbed again with my dreams. by the time i got to college, i started to experience sleep paralysis. in 2008 i have had 3 very prominent dreams that have reignited an interest and have lead me down very interesting avenues. it was in a dream i learned the word sufi which would also connect with the initiation dream from before but the connection wouldn't be made until 10 years later.
before knowing lemurian was a thing, i met a friend from work. on my ride home, thinking- "who is this person" i remember saying, "he is lemurian." i was so uncertain about the word i had to research it, besides my shock to find it actually meant something i also believe it is an accurate assessment.
i am fascinated by all of this and synchronicity- it is mind blowing to me, how consciousness will acknowledge the little i in any given moment and even manipulate the material world to do so. it isn't just numbers or license plates, it can be anything. i believe i have had a meaningful conversation with a spider once. i have had a crushed rose manifest in order to acknowledge me- a white peacock was lost in our neighborhood on easter day. the kids in our neighborhood were so intrigued. i have always had a fear and fascination/sadness with death. i believe for this reason, the green man aka the peacock angel is the one to have initiated me. i haven't been able to share with to many people. it is why i am here and putting it all out here. i have always had an interest in writing and have been to a couple of forums. there's so much more, so much more. i suppose this is a start. i am tired and find i have two or three different writing styles. i was let go from work because we were affected by covid19. i am in between jobs, currently working two part time gigs. i will say as a kid i thought it was matter of fact that there were 9 earth like planets and have had a memory of a, "future" life of leaving the planet earth. i also believe to have a memory of existing in darkness without form which might have been the womb.
that's all for now... thanks again for the warm welcome. now you know a little bit more about me and my interest.
on a separate note i do enjoy hearthstone, if anyone plays let me know- we can connect in other ways.  :-)
kind regards... <3
eric aka tides
Well, I had just written everything out and before submitting tried taking down my ad-blocker which completely erased my post. I will try again...

Hello(again). I hope it's okay to share a journal here. I am so excited and eager to share I don't know where to start! From alien experiences, divine assistance, mysterious ghost and pet interactions- so many wild entries and painstaking observations... But to keep it focused and simple I will start with tonight's experience.

12/8/2020 12:20AM.
I had just used the restroom and tried to fall asleep on my back. I was quickly met with a zeroing in effect and a flash of light. I heard and felt someone talk to me. I could not make out the words, it was muffled gibberish. Still, I tried to reply to this voice. "I hear you." Nothing... This zeroing in effect, and the presence that accompanied it left me feeling vulnerable and struck with fear. Irregardless, I attempted to proceed in pushing my self out of body. It was a success! Starting with my head, I was able to detach from my body. I could not see, my room was darker than usual with the exception of a thin streak of light in the upper right hand corner of my vision. Other than that my room was... faint vibrating outlines. I was a little dizzy and to try and counter this tilting sensation I tried to push my self out further, it was a quick movement up and out followed by a twirl around. I was so intrigued by these movements that I woke up. It took writing this out to calm my nerves from the fear that had struck me earlier.

Points of interest...
I read some of the FAQ's earlier tonight and remember coming across not being able to see once projected- I found it interesting that tonight would relay a similar experience. I have seen clearly before and other times not clearly. Sometimes it is like a drunkard walking around in a hazy or black and white static environment. Other times I can see my room clearly. I remember making a distinction recently that I do not have to walk in this environment and have found my self gliding and phasing through doors.  
For out of body experiences- if I do ever make it out of my bedroom, I can never seem to get past the stars(with the exception of my initiation dream from 2008). Most always I am stuck whenever I try to rise too high and slip into a dream.

If I wake up, like to use the restroom, and fall back asleep- an opportunity to project is there. It is almost always there if I fall back asleep laying on my back. There is always a honing in/rising up sensation. I don't hear the metal noise so much anymore, now I hear voices. One time the chatter was as if I had tuned into a mess hall. Another, two people having a conversation with myself being the one to interrupt it. And in another, like tonight's, something/someone is talking directly to me. This is the more adrenaline spiked moment for how close the presence feels and how vulnerable I feel. Whenever I try to respond, I find it challenging. I am a slow poke in this sense and respond back exhaustively whereas the voices talking to me are able to go at a normal speed. I remember an entity calling me an Idiot once(rather humorous to say the least).

With tonight's experience, countering the dizzy sensation by focusing on my disconnect/projection- I wonder if my mind has become accustomed to creating a challenging expectation when it isn't necessary.

I do wish to abandon the fear and vulnerability. Had it not been for this, I would have jumped right back in another attempt to project. It being so early in the night I think I will be met with another opportunity either way.