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Topics - Travellingmist

Firstly, I saw writing on the wall being written by a unseen figure. I was in bed asleep but awake. I was astral in the physical world but didn't make an attempt to get up. Just lay there hovering over the bed as someone said don't get up. I remember the slanted italic handwriting and the long text but can only remember the last of the text which was 'godbless and goodbye'.

Any idea what it was all about?

A few days later, I'nm in my home town at my mums and I go bed. Few hours later I fall asleep then I wake up. I'm aware I'm astral but I'm in a lift, not in my room with the kids near me. It's going down. I don't fear it. It opens. That's when the fear kicks in. I'm in the tunnel under my mums house (leading to the cells of the monks) - my mums street use to be tunnels and gardens leading to the nunnery and monsery. I go in a cell and observe a man being operated on when he's fully awake. The operation is brutal. I say something in my head, him and a priest look at me the the man on the operating table stands up wildeyed and in pain. The priest shouts at me for breaking the man's trance. I see the words S.O.B.S or S.A.D.S something like that anyway on the wall in blood and then I pray to get back in my body. I wake up in my body with the kids next to me.

Any ideas?
Hello. I use to Astral Travel a lot when younger (I also saw spirits) but in my early teens suffered a mental health problem and the travelling stopped. I stopped it as I was being attacked by a lower form and it dragged me deeper into depression. Now I'm 29 and have started travelling again. Bit exciting but also terrifying. I can't remember much from doing it as a kid so I consider myself a newbie at it. Nice to meet you all.