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Topics - dreamingod

The Breath of the Ages

Published on Feb 12, 2015

The hidden portion of the breath. Pass the word.

Interpretation of Tabula Smaragdina / Emerald Tablet

Silver Eagle

911 - Twin Towers

Password - Fermata - Breath - Pisces/Jesus

Vinegar - Breath - Blood - Jesus

Fermata - U/You and I/Eye bondAGE

Iron Eye - Luci-FER - Fermata

U - Horse-shoe - Pendulum - Rainbow - Arc Of The Covenant

Numerology  500, 528, 88

Dr. Stanislav Grof - The Cosmic Game
published in June 2014  .....  Duration 1.45 hrs

Stanislav Grof is renowned as a pioneer in the world of psychedelic psychotherapy and research.
During more than four decades of exploration in the field of consciousness studies, Grof has
accumulated data on some six thousand psychedelic sessions, having conducted more than
four thousand of these sessions himself.

In the video, Stanislav Grof talks about different states of consciousness, relating it to his personal experiences,
culture and various models of thinking/rational in context.
At ~40 mins he speculates that 10-20 years from now, virtual reality - holographic technology
can deliver optical illusion and various sensory stimuli and ultimately touch,
"and at the point there is no way telling difference between technology of consciousness and reality."

Void State
"When you go to the point of the void" ...
"you get the understanding of the creation of the illusion of the world"...
"the Hollywood aspect of the divine play of Lila"

You know that you exist.
There is existence, there is consciousness, awareness, knowledge and the state is blissful.
There is no forms yet.
Sat-cit-ānanda (Sanskrit) = Existence-awareness-bliss

This is the Supreme/Creative principle, out of which all this seems to have come.
If you are in this state, you are experiencing it ...  you know it's you.
This is the message from The Upanishads - Tat Tvam Asi (Sanskrit) = Thou-art-that

As you move through altered states of consciousness, boundaries become illusory,
I can become another person, elephant, something 20 years ago, the dancing Shiva ...
you start questioning whether you are your body-ego.

You start re-defining who you are, you realise that your identity is not fixed.


Review of book: The Cosmic Game - Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness
by Stanislav Grof


Founder of the Diamond Approach®

Does perception in nondual or other kinds of spiritual realization reveal what reality actually is?
Many teachings emphasize that enlightenment is seeing how things actually are.
However, the vision of reality given by the various teachings vary in significant ways.
Does this mean one of them is the right one or are all correct?
What are the implications about reality in either case?
I will present a vision of perception in spiritual realization that parallels the view in quantum theory
of the relation between the observer and reality.
Since in spiritual realization reality is more fundamental than the observer, actually manifesting the observer,
the vision brings in the subtleties of realization and why there are many kinds.

Reality becomes a much more mysterious truth than the view of any kind of realization,
which requires encompassing the various views of enlightenment.

Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas)
was born in the Middle East, but at age 18 he moved to the USA to study at the University of California in Berkeley.
Hameed was working on his Ph.D. in physics, where he was studying Einsteirn's theory of general relativity
and nuclear physics, when he reached a turning point in his life and destiny that led him more and more into inquiring
into the psychological and spiritual aspects of human nature. Hameed is the founder of the Diamond Approach®
- a spiritual teaching that utilizes a unique kind of inquiry into realization, where the practice is the expression of realization.

Freedom is living our realization, a dynamic enlightenment where our transcendent nondual truth lives personally in the world.
This inquiry opens up the infinite creativity of our Being, transforming our lives into a runaway realization,
moving from realization to further realization.


Brian Greene

Space. It separates you from me, one galaxy from the next, and atoms from one another.
It is everywhere in the universe. But to most of us, space is nothing, an empty void.
Well, it turns out space is not what it seems. From the passenger seat of a New York cab
driving near the speed of light, to a pool hall where billiard tables do fantastical things,
Brian Greene reveals space as a dynamic fabric that can stretch, twist, warp, and ripple
under the influence of gravity. Stranger still is a newly discovered ingredient of space
that actually makes up 70 percent of the universe. Physicists call it dark energy,
because while they know it's out there, driving space to expand ever more quickly,
they have no idea what it is.

Probing space on the smallest scales only makes the mysteries multiply.
Down there, things are going on that physicists today can barely fathom—forces
powerful enough to generate whole universes. To top it off, some of the strangest places
in space, black holes, have led scientists to propose that like the hologram on your
credit card, space may just be a projection of a deeper two-dimensional reality taking
place on a distant surface that surrounds us. Space, far from being empty, is filled with
some of the deepest mysteries of our time.

QuoteReality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.

The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand,
while imagination embraces the entire world,
and all there ever will be to know and understand.

- Albert Einstein

The illusion of time: past, present and future all exist together  [9.44 mins]

What (virtual) reality frames are you focused on now?
Full immersion motion picture experience.

or watch full documentary on:
The Illusion of Time  [55 mins]


-free your mind-

Raj Mohan. Conduct High Voltage Electricity Through his Body

Miroslav Magola. Mind Force - attract metal meditates.

Daniel Tammet. Incredible Brain - Maths, Language, Memory
Maths. Pi. Surpass Computer ability.
Language. Knows 9 languages. Demonstrated > can learn new one, Icelandic in 1 week

Stephen Wiltshire (an autistic savant). Human Camera, can draw landscapes in detail from memory

John Chang. Qigong Master. Directs & creates a field of chi energy to: heal people, start fire, stop bullet, move things, powers LED (meditates daily)


The Matrix Trilogy Decoded by Mark Passio

Referenced book: Simulacra and Simulations

NEO is the awakened ONE. Buddha means I am awake, awakened one.

I seldom consume any food and drink during AP so I don't usually experience taste sensation.

Last night I had a lucid dream. It was in the context of physical reality.

I was explaining to two children (boy and girl) and a female adult who resembles
Sue Sylvestor [character from the TV musical, Glee]
how all realities, including present physical reality, are in fact dreams
which feel real beause it engages one's range of senses:
sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell ...

I asked them to recall and relate their own dream experiences.

We all happen to be sitting atop of a tall building facing a mountain cliff.
The view was spectacular; summertime in full blossum [currently Winter in Australia -main foc us physical reality]:
Mountain earthy-orangy-red, azure blue clear sky,
An array of water-colours, non-transparent like paint cascaded out from mountain cliff.
Clean scent in the atmosphere.

I was quoting phrases from my own posts and Albert Einstein to make the point
QuoteReality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
Concerning matter, we have been all wrong.
What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered
as to be perceptible to the senses.
There is no matter.

- Albert Einstein

During the same lucid dream, in another scene, now at night time,
I was in a spacious 2 storey house with a large kitchen
slightly similar to my own [in primary physical reality].
I walked downstairs to get a rice-pudding beverage from the fridge
(contained in an opaque white plastic cup).
When I drank the cold beverage, I liked the slight sweetness
with a subtle taste and scent of coconut that I drank some more later on.
[Note: In primary physical reality 2 days ago, my son discarded the many home-made
rice pudding viscous desert (in an opaque white plastic cup) that had been left in our fridge
uneaten for a week. He commented it that it tasted a little like coconut; none was added.]

In another scene I experienced nature in full splendour: flora, the forest animals,
the feeling of renewal was strong.
I was explaining to another person that after the flood [metaphoric for cleansing, renewal]
you can be whatever you want to be/experience.
Here I was contemplating the idea of being a squirrel or an eagle 
[I perceived the image in my minds eye while lucid dreaming] :-D


I remember last year I had a lucid dream where I found myself also in a kitchen,
having a cup of aromatic hot coffee with my hispanic husband who
looks a little like Enrique Iglesias except has bright emerald green eyes and
speaks with a memorable, funny accent, much like the flamingo character
in the Movie-animation "Gnomeo & Juliet".

[my husband in primary physical reality is mixed caucasian-asian in appearance].

A few years ago I experienced OOBEs and lucid dreams which gave me more insight & self validation about the "self, I am".

My OOBE: WE all wear masks, personas.
I felt a slight weight on my cheeks, so I flew upstairs &
looked at myself in the golden framed mirror.
I was grey haired and appeared very old, and had many wrinkles, however I had so fat on my cheeks.
I immediatel rejected this reflection, insisting in my mind that I am youthful.
The reflection changed.
I saw a youthful version of my regular look wearing a fox half mask which covered my upper face.
Then the mask disappeared and I saw myself gazing into the mirror.
Unexpectedly I got pulled into the mirror, into nothingness, the stillness, the void.
I have no body awareness and experience the pure presence of mind, self awareness.
[I have experienced this several times before this experience].

My Lucid Dream: Timeless dance of nothingness
I found myself in - what felt like a spacious hall with shiny wooden floor boards.
[I did not perceive any boundaries/walls , heard the murmurs of many voices but perceived no bodies].

I saw three white scrolls on the floor; all looked like calendars
each featuring month after month,
an animated similing blue being with 4 waving arms, sitting cross-legged, wearing different neck ornaments.
I moved down the scrolls and did not perceive any ending to the scrolls/this repetition.

[I found out later this blue being is the image of the Hindu God "Shiva".
The hall is a metaphor for the hall of mirrors and
the timeless calendar a metaphor for the dance/dream creation
of hide and seek around nothingness].


Afterwards I looked up the symbols for:

HINDU GOD SHIVA: Shiva is the god of the yogis, self-controlled and celibate,
while at  the same time a lover of his spouse (shakti).
Lord Shiva is the  destroyer of the world, following Brahma the creator and Vishnu  the preserver,
after which Brahma again creates the world and so on. 
Shiva is responsible for change both in the form of death and  destruction and
in the positive sense of destroying the ego, the false  identification with the form.
This also includes the shedding of old  habits and attachments.


Alan Watts

talks about a
fter 19 mins:

What would you do if you were God?

The nature of play & the spirit of adventure

Here is an electronic book shared by a member of the David Icke Forum.

I've read the first chapter and glanced at some other chapters.
The author, Ian Wilson appears to have thoroughly researched "Dreaming" in its many facets,
comparing it to computer processing and explains the mechanics of dreaming.

I like the picture on the cover page.
Encapsulates ideas that I too recognise as being a metaphor/property of dreaming  :-)
eg. self reflection, energy grid, matrix, hologram, media, thoughts, computer.

Quote from: youaredreaming;1061488313It's been a while since I have last posted but I wanted to share that I have enjoyed David Icke's work for a very long time and that he has inspired me to write a book regarding dreaming, which I have but only as a free e-book, and in public domain.

I just wanted to share it with you because I do feel we are living in a dreamworld and are striving to wake up. That is what this book is all about, waking up to the dream that is our reality. It's on Google docs so I can revise it anytime and not have to pay for bandwith.

Hope you enjoy.

Here's the link: YOU ARE DREAMING
By Ian Wilson.
[Final Draft]
Just an update with an abstract, have you ever had deja vu?

Table of Contents. 91 pages.

I will pm Ian Wilson the link to this post after some replies.
He may be interested in reading any feedback and book review.

Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary

Documentary duration 2.29 hours
covers subjects such as:
Quantum Communication, scientific experiments, human body bioelectric field,
consciousness and power of intention.
The origins of the English word allegiance are interesting:

Allegiance comes from two words, Latin "ad" which means "to", "toward", "at".
The French word liege is derived from the Latin LIGARE from ligo which means "to bind",
so liege was to bind a relationship of a vassal to his feudal lord.

"Liege" has many different applications.
Here the root or suffix can come from the writing or decree from a leige lord –
a king or lord of a city to which one would pledge his allegiance.
As the prefix "al" means "to" suffix "legiance" as in pledging allegiance to something or someone is the pawning.
The root suffix liege is again found in such words as religion,
or reliege or to be attorned so as to transfer one homage or so as to continue as a new land lords tenant.
To attorn is almost like a lien – to transfer the tenant on a property from one land lord to another land lord,
the tenant stays on the property.
This is all feudal law.
The allegiance from someone or something is to transfer this allegiance or to be attorned.


Do you reliege to another lord when say you follow a religion?


What is Lore?

Why is Lore and Law used interchangeably?

Lore definitions:

LORE, n. Learning; doctrine; lesson; instruction. The law of nations, or the lore of war.
-Webster's 1828 Dictionary

archaic something that is taught ; lesson 2. something that is learned:
a. knowledge gained through study or experience
b. traditional knowledge or belief 3. a particular body of knowledge or tradition II.
-Merriam Webster's

The term 'lore' refers to the customs and stories the Aboriginal peoples learned from
the Dreamtime.

Aboriginal lore was passed on through the generations through songs,
stories and dance and it governed all aspects of traditional life.

The living, word is God. (Consciousness/ Spirit)
Light is God.
God and man are one as the living word is in man.
Man's living, active words is the lore.
Lore is the living words within man and is man's living beliefs and stories.
Each man experiences hiSTORY/herSTORY and the UinVERSE according to own lore.
Each man is "sui generis" [unique] of (his/her) own kind, and therefore
there is no other law that is between man and God.


Note: 'Man' is not gender specific.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them (Bible Genesis 1:27)
Through watching Anthony Peake's youtube interviews I became aware of the below machine.
The producers: psychologist Dr. Engelbert Winkler and neurologist Dr. Dirk Proekl in Switzerland
claim it triggers the production of METAtonin (is chemically known DMT)
and OBE release.

Lucia No. 3, a device that consists of a lamp surrounded by LEDs that hangs off the end of a pole structure,
which the participant sits in front of with eyes closed.
The device is hooked up to a computer with some custom built software
controlling the emitted patterns of light which trigger strange visions in the recipient.

The device works by affecting alpha brain waves and stimulating something called the pineal gland—
so called because it looks a bit like a pine cone—which is located in the center of the brain.
The pineal gland, which is functionally and anatomically linked to other centres of the brain,
reacts to both the intensity and rhythms of the light,
triggering a visionary reaction in the person's brain.

The experience is akin to playing video games or watching TV,
but instead of looking at a screen we'd be journeying into our own creative space,
exploring an ancient part of our mind that is rarely taken out for a ride.

Source: More info here

Hypnagogic Light Experience with Lucia is on Facebook.

Distributors of Lucia No. 03:

Todd giving viewers an update about his experience using the Lucid Light Machine
and a recent out-of-body experience. Youtube video.


Alice in Wonderland - Caterpillar

Psychedelics have been known to alter cognition and perception.
Magic (Psychobilin) mushrooms, such as those eaten by Alice (in Wonderland), Mario (Nintendo Game) and
Terence McKenna (psychonaut), can deliver you to another hyper reality where magical feats are ordinary,
and the sense of sublime is indeliby impressed upon the awestruck mind.

One does not need psychedelics to experience Alice's Wonderland where self definition and delusion
is commensurate to the extent of one's metamorphosis relative to self definition of ordinary.

In deep meditation and out of body experiences one can transcend the normal, and experience the sublime
dimensions of consciousness, where vivid dream worlds liberate the soul and beckons the nocturnal explorer.
Body morphing, teleportation, astral flying and extra-sensory abilities all reveal the fabric of dream worlds is malleable
as the changing thoughts, emotions and desires of the dreamer.

In contemplation and introspection one wonders whether the ego is the delusion.
Accepting that all these alternate reality experiences temporarily define self relative to the starship/light body vehicle
and reality paradigms, one persistent question remains:

Who am I?

Je pense donc je suis                     
"I think, therefore I am"   
-René Descartes (French)

I am nothing (in the stillness of meditation)
and I am all that I am.
I am consciousness and potentiality.
