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I seem to be waking up 3 times a week or so during sleep paralysis, every time I feel very strong vibrations and can "leave" my body with little effort. I have been fighting this though, I love having an OBE but I fear it just as much. When I eventually get myself out of sleep paralysis I have to stay up for about 30 minutes or my body will literally fall back into it within seconds of lying back down. Last night was the worst, I felt like I was being forced out of my body. I felt so drained fighting it so I gave in and its like I wasn't in control and was being forced up stairs and I started fighting it even more to get back. Lately I feel like something or someone is making me leave my body, for what reason I don't know.

Is there any way to reduce having sleep paralysis because over all its just draining and I have restless nights because of this? Also why is it I was being forced upstairs, like I wasnt in control?
Hello all, its been a while!

So I've found a method that works the best for me to have an OBE and I've been doing it more often because of this. To my frustration, when I leave my body I can't speak at all. When I start talking my mouth feels like its glued shut and it sounds like I'm mumbling. I've "ran" into a few entities while out and I was told to try and speak to them and find out who they are but I can't speak! Last week I had a little boy in my room that ran up next to my bed as I left. I tried asking who he was but he looked extremely nervous and ran away. However a long while back a man was next to my then recently deceased dog and I asked him who he was and he pointed to my dog then smiled at me and gave me thumbs up. It was like he knew what I was trying to say or I wanted to say with his expressions.

Any pointers would be awesome!
Hey all the forum looks good, its been a while since I've been here but it looks like there are alot of new members so thats good!

I've asked this before but with now answer so I figured I would give it another shot. About a month ago I woke up during sleep paralysis again (this is very common for me). Every time I wake up during this I have very strong vibes and generally leave my body with little issues. Well I woke up during this state and was having issues leaving, when this happens I ask for "assistance" and it works often. I do run into random entities that I'm not familiar with but so far I haven't had any "dark ones" (excluding past experiences). Well this "person" that helped me was made entirely of light. I've never seen this before, I took his hand without even thinking about it (like ive been doing it every night or something ha). When I left my body this person disappeared so I didn't get a chance to talk to him.

Has anyone experienced this before? Ran into someone that was made of light, I'm not saying he was made of light but he definitely had light shinning off of him. I say him because for some reason in my head I think it was a man but whos to say, I just go with my gut feelings on these things.
I haven't been into the OBE thing much lately because of a bad experience I had that freaked me out, but I still have one about once a week but I force myself out of it. Last night's was odd though, I heard someone saying "come with me" over and over but with a slight pause in-between them. But for some reason I grabbed this "persons" hand and they start pulling me and I could feel it. I didnt even think about it and did it, almost like I've been doing often (a natural reaction). I could only make out the body, but it was made of light. That's probably the first time I saw a body made of light while in an ap. Now I'm not a trusting person while "out of my body", I would rather not talk/see anyone while out so thats why I find it odd that I just grabbed his hand without thinking twice about it.

Any thoughts?
Well I've been having alot more OBE now that I'm back into it, at least twice a week. I'm still having a hard time controlling my vision, sometimes I get lucky and can see right away sometimes I cant see at all. Last night I had three OBE and the first one I couldn't see, but was "flying" straight up. I could feel wind around me and lights swirling(almost looked like those pictures of traffic at night with the cars flying by) around me but couldn't really see. I've tried asking for light but with little success.

This is where it gets really weird, my second OBE I went to my family room (I could see) and saw my mom sitting on the couch. I looked at her and smiled and she looks at me and says "So can you fly yet?" and I respond to her question by jumping and floating downward really slowly and I say without even thinking about it "still working on it". We both started laughing, so I just continued trying to fly. The weird thing is that it all felt so normal, almost like we have been practicing together or something. It didn't feel strange to me at all at the moment but thinking about it after waking up I think its really weird. My mom use to practice OBE when she was younger but had a bad experience and doesn't do it anymore. I asked her about it and she just smiled and said "I have no idea, try asking me questions next time" ahha.

Is this common, to run into family and actually carry on a conversation with them? The weird thing is, the fact that she doesn't remember anything about it or even having an OBE for the past 20 years.
Well about 30 minutes ago I had two OBE and have a couple questions.

My first OBE I had very strong vibrations and was building them up and felt myself "floating" up words. During this floating sensation I wasn't sure if I should open my eyes or not but when I thought of that my eyes just opened. I was just floating there in my family room looking around, to my surprise nothing was off. So I wanted to see myself laying there, I've always thought that doing that would be a bad idea because I would be "forced" back into my body like some people speak of. So I just stared at myself laying there for maybe 20 seconds but all of a sudden I was back in my body with very strong vibrations still going.

The second OBE I asked for assistance not really knowing if anyone was listing or even knowing what/who would be there. All of a sudden I felt like I was thrown out of my body backwards into my kitchen (kitchen/family rooms are linked) and I felt dazed. So I was floating there in my kitchen and look into the family room and there was a Man standing there next to my dog (that passed away while I was at boot camp a couple months ago). I didn't recognize this man at all but he had a very good vib to me, I knew nothing bad would happen with me being there with them. I looked at him and tried to ask "who are you" I tried maybe 3 times but I couldn't speak. It felt like my mouth was forced shut and i was mumbling. He looked at me with a huge smile on his face gave me a thumbs up. Then after that I was back in my body and jumped up right after so I would remember this.

My questions are

1.) Do you just open your eyes while have an OBE or do you just think about them opening and they do? I was scared that I was still tied to my physical form and didn't want to open my physical eyes.

2.) How do you go about speaking, I've had these experiences before but I've never tried to speak to someone and I found that I had a very hard to speaking? I just couldn't, it felt like I was mumbling with my mouth closed.

3.) Have you seen any animals that have passed away while in a OBE? I was always close with this dog very close, I ended up enlisting with the Marines and was at boot camp for 14 weeks. I ended up being discharged because I really hurt my foot and was told I would suffer with this injury the rest of my life. But during this time at boot camp my dog became really sick and they put her to sleep. It hurt coming home and hearing that she wouldn't be there waiting for me not to sound corny.

Sorry for the long post, just looking for tips on those couple of issues I have.
So I've been off and on with OBE the past few years, most of the time I stop trying because of something that freaks me out. Ever since I can remember I have seen spirits but when I was 15 (20 now) I went to a church with my mom and they told me to pray for it to stop and it did. The thing is, when I start getting vibrations and can feel myself coming close to leaving my body something really weird happens.

For example my last time, I was laying on my couch and dosed off I was suddenly awoken to very strong vibrations (this would happen maybe 3 times a month) and was thinking "well lets give this a shot" but only a few seconds into the vibrations I felt a presence kind of kneeling next to me. Dont ask how i know that she was kneeling i just know for some reason almost like i could see her but with my eyes closed  :? . Well this presence was saying my name in my ear "Chris, Chris, Chris" just over and over. The more I heard it the more intense my vibrations would get. I ended up thinking "f this" and forced myself out of it that took over a minute to do.

I know that you cant be hurt, but i would really love for once to be able to do this without being bothered by a presence. I have had one oobe where I left my body without anyone "bugging" me. Is there something I could do to maybe get over this fear, what helped you guys? I almost want to just go for it and maybe confront my demands per say. Just hard to get over my fear
Well, a year or so back i was really into obe. It all start when i woke up one night and i couldn't move at all, and it felt like i was being pulled out of my body. After that i did some research, read a couple books ect ect. The only way that i am able to "leave" my body is when i have that mind awake body asleep thing (forget what you call it). I can kind of force it on myself i guess you could say. I sorta slipped away from the whole obe thing after a couple creepy experiences i had.

Well, lately i have been getting back into it. Now that i work mornings and have the afternoon off i figured it would be the best time to try to obe. Its very odd, every time i start to think about obes a day or two later i have one or start to have one. Well on to my point, today when i arrived home from work I gave it a shot. I laid down thinking to myself about obes, and didn't really do any methods but only thinking about obes. I woke up and couldn't move, and had that feeling like im being pulled away from my body. At this point, i can easily leave my body. The only problem i have with it is im scared at what i might see, spirits or anything in my house. The fact that they are in my house is creepy lol. Well when i started leaving, I thought to myself i won't get hurt, being scared is the worst that can happen.

When i left my body i saw a face strait to my left, it was a solid black face. It was almost like i could see the outline of the face, but it had no color. It was saying something, but i didn't stick around to find out what it had to say ha. So i went back to my body, but still had the problem where i was stuck and couldn't get up for about 5 minutes. The only way i can wake myself up is by breathing really hard so i can stay with reality in a since. All threw that I was banging my hands and legs, but not my physical ones. Just felt like it.

Would you guys recommend trying to communicate with this "face". I remember reading before somewhere not to communicate with anyone on the other side unless you dont mind making a new friend that will stick around and wait for you. What's your opinions on this?? Sorry how long this is also!
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Too Tired?
November 01, 2006, 22:36:20
Well im a very busy person. I wake up at 6 am school till 230- 3-8 i have work. When i get out of work i have h/w and other things that i have to take care of. This is what i do every day. So when i go to bed, i pretty much pass out. There isnt nothing that will wake me up. I try to ap but i fall asleep every time.

Anything you can recommend doing that might help me out?
I know you must hear this alot here. I never really strayed off from the dreams and obe section. I dont get what people are talking about, the end of the world in 2012 or the new begging. Can someone please give me some insight or a good web site to read about this theory.
 So i was talking to my mom the other day about obe. She's into this type of stuff. She was telling me when she was in her 20s she went to some sort of school to learn how to ap. She learned how and could project within just minutes.

I asked her why she quit, she told me she doesn't like seeing random people in her room when she leaves. The thought of this is kind of creepy to me. She said when you leave you can see spirits and ghost almost as if your in their "world". When I was younger I would see spirits/ghost alot. It was almost an every day thing for me. I had very bad experiences and some not to bad. I still to this day see them sometimes believe it or not.

I'm wondering is this common thing to see spirits when you leave. Do they try to talk to you? I have ap a few times a while back and didn't see no one. The only time I would see any spirits/ghost would be in the process of me leaving like the old hag, a dark guy, my grandma and a few others. I just dont want spirits waiting for me to project and follow me as weird as that may sound.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I asked this a while back but didn't get much feedback, so I thought I would give it another shot.

I was talking to my aunt and she randomly told me about her experiences with spirits, ghost, and obe. I have never talked about any of this with her. Well she was telling me that she will wake up out side of her body and she is being pushed around the house. Almost as if she is bouncing off the walls, she said it feels like someone's pulling her around and she has no control. The thought of this is some what creepy.

I was wondering if some one has had this happen to them or has some knowledge on what's happening to her?
All right, I would say about a year ago i was big time into obe and lucid dreaming. So i kind of knew what was going on today but I need your help.

Today during school I fell asleep during first hour. I was going in and out of dreaming (this is when i have best lucid dreams). During this time, I suddenly got a vision of the class. I could look around the room, but through my eyelids I guess? But I didn't physically move. I thought of looking at the ground and when i started seeing it come in more clearly, there were objects on the ground that shouldn't have been there.

Well I'm not sure if i was dreaming this or had some sort of obe. What do you guys think happened?
Ok i have to talk about this before i forget. I don't really know where this goes because i had a lot happen. So i will start it off here, if i should move it let me know.

Ok last night i woke up at 1 in my living room, so i went to my bedroom. So i fell of sleep of course. So all of a sudden i was driving my car, i thought it was real life. All i was thinking was how did i get here. So im turning onto a street that i always to from work. I though i just left work, but i also thought i smoked weed. Because the same thing happened to me when i smoked weed at work once. All of sudden my right arm disappeared then my left then i woke up, but i could not move. My mind was awake and body asleep. I could see, i knew i had astral vision. I look to the side of my bed, and there was some kind of creature there. It did scare me some but i knew not to panic. So i fight it and im back in to physical life. I could not fall asleep, every time i would fall into that sleep paralys or what ever it was. This happened around 7-10 times. It was starting to worry me and scare me.

This is where it got creepy. On my 5th time of falling into that sleep paralys, I looked to my side of the bed and there was a black figure right there. He was harassing me. He started to talk to me, i could not fight it this time, i was stuck. This is what he said in like a panic loud freaky voice.

" I wont to be just like you, I wont to be employed, I wont to be you". Then he wont on to say that i was a moron and just kept saying really crappy stuff about me. So after i finally fought it i got up and just prayed. I wonted this to stop, i wonted to sleep, but at this point i was scared to. I was being harassed by something every time i fell into sleep paralys. So like the 7th time, i tried to have an ap.

My legs floated up, then my arms. I was floating out, when that guy came back. Even after i asked for god to protect me, it still came back.

This was a crazy experience. Dont know where this goes, i had an ap,sleep paralys,lucid dream.
Man im so happy.

Alright i had a couple obes and lucid dream last night that led to an obe.

So i had vibes(it just happend woke up with them) and i left my body. So im leaving my body and im stugling. Hard for me to move. I was trying very hard to leave my room. I couldnt the first time. Then i was back in my body with vibs, this time i went through my celing, but it was still very hard. Had a hard time moving one i did that.

This is the strange part, when i left for the third time as i was moving, i looked back and saw a little boy on my bed in the corner. For some odd resen i was not scared. I just looked at him and he looked at me. He had dark hair.

Its strange how when i have obe, it not just one long one. I  keep going back to my body, and leaving again.

Also i woke up and looked around my room, i looked at my alarm clock and where the color was it was very bright white. Its really greenish. Then i relized it was a dream, and went into an obe.

Sorry kinda long

EDIT: Also im thinking about sleeping with my door open. So i wont be stuck in my room. I have a hard time sleeping with the door open, because of all the lights that turn on by its self, and noises. My rooms like my safe house.
Alrighty, every time i start comming to this site, i get those vibs. Strange.

But  nyways today i woke up early went to school. When i came home i laid down for a nape. I had some trouble at first. It was one of those napes that go on and off. Well in the middle i started to get vibs(starting to love that feeling). Well i had astral vision, i saw me flying through clouds. After about 10 seconds i opend my physical eyes, not sure why.So i just laid there and they came back. This time the vibs came, and this really loud noise. It was inside my mouth along with wind.

It sounded a lot like the drills and the dintest, and there was like this wind in my mouth. This has never happend, i have never even had noises like this durring vibs. Can any one explain this, has it happend to any one else with that wind?

Im not as consurned about the noise as i am the wind. When i fought the vibs when the wind started, it just kept comming back until my sister woke me up to go to work.
So last night i woke up to the "vibs". I thought im getting it this time, so i do this rolling thing(i dont really understand y i did it). So im out, my vision is kinda crapy. So im trying to move and its hard. I wonted to leave my room, but i have this fear. I always thought it would be creepy to leave my bedroom into my family room and see some like old lady or somthin.

So i thought i will just go out side, i dont know how i got out there but i did. After of course floating around for a while. So im out side, and i have lots and lots of thoughts. Kinda bothering me how many thoughts were comming to my head. So im floating. But for some resen im on the ground. I cant fly. So i was remembering people here saying they just jump and they somtime can fly with enough momentum. So I jump as hard as i can, i jumped really high, like saprisingly high. But just went back down. So i ended up like jumping around. But then i was back in my room with vibs. So i leave my body again, and i just really wonted to look at my body. I know its not smart and you would go back, but i didnt really care. I could not see my body. Its like some one was trying to prevent me from looking. It was like a force was pulling me from my room.
Sounds like a half lucid and half obe.

Well thats about it thought id share.

All right where to start.

Ok once a month or so i will all of a sudden wake up to what feels like me falling off the bed. I swear when i open my eyes that I'm going to be on the ground. Strange strange feeling. But i open my eyes and im in the middle of my bed. It feels like you chest fell from the ceiling and slammed into the bed. Very odd. what u guys make of this?

The other night i woke up paralyzed. And i felt my legs rising. but that's all. i did not even try to force it. I fought but my legs kept rising. then i saw a dark figure. Could he/she have been pulling me out? i did not even feel vibrations. Has this been happing to any one else.

I think next time i should try to get out. Every time i get these kind of chances I back out. im afraid of what i might see. Like people and stuff. I would not mind it after practicing. But I don't wont the first thing i see is some one sitting there looking at me.
All right, last night I went to bed around 1 am. And i wonted to sleep on my stomach because well idk y just did( i never do). And I woke up last night and i could not move. This happens around twice sometimes more a month. Always seem to be on my stomach. I could not move. i was thinking urr can move my arm but i really wonted to. I felt my legs rising up. But it was not my physical legs. Then i opened my eyes?  And i looked at the ground and I saw a blanket on the ground, witch isn't really there so i was thinking hey lucid dream. But I was wondering how I was seeing over the side of my bed because i knew my face was flat on my bed.

So i tried sooo hard to move and i couldn't, finally i get out of it, but i don't move just a lil bit. then i go back into being paralyzed, but this time i wonted to try and pet my dog because i feel safe when she is there. This is the strange part. Instead of petting i kinda ummm squeezing. and its not my dog, it felt like i was squeezing a head or a large squishy globe thing. Very strange feeling, i have no idea how i was doing this seeing how i cant move. Then i fight it again and I'm am incontrol. but it happens a third time. this time i open my eyes, i don't know if its my physical eyes or not. and i look to my side, there is a dark figure and i hear this strange noise. Best way to describe it is if blow in your mouth really fast. First thing i thought was this guys its draining my energy out of me. So i fought with all my might and im out. but this time i sat up and looked around my room. i felt horrible, like i just ran a marathon. i was sweating up a storm. My legs were big time(first time that has happened).  

I was thinking next time this happens i will try and have a lucid/obe. i will try not to fight it. The whole time this was happing i felt my legs rise up.
Is there a way to make this happen, to wake up paralyzed, i think its my only chance of having a obe,meating past family,angels,spirit guids so on.
well for the last 2 days i have been having a dream about the end of the world. Its so real looking. Its kinda scary. Each time i have this dream im in some one else point of veiw.

i will tell u my second dream...

I am at my friend's house (not a friend in real life just in the dream) and all of her family is there. They are all watching tv. On the tv was the news talking about how we are all going to die. Her grandma brings out jello shots and gives us each one. we are minors but she said u cant die with having one of these. We were both just sitting in her room just holding each other. out of no where we hear this loud noise. So we get up and look out side. Rocks are slamming into the earth. We run out side because we have a better chance of living if we can see the rocks. All that really comes to mind is that what it looked like was hell. Every where i would go i saw people die. Fire every where. People screaming. I get lost and my friend was not with me. We eventually find each other. So i grab her and we run. It was really hot. like are skin was boiling. It was very scary. Just the thought of every one that i know dyeing. When i woke up i felt sad. like some one killed every one i know.. Both dreams were like this but in two different spots of the world and i was 2 different people.

So im just telling u what happend because it kinda freaked me out. has this happend to any one else. is this a warnign?
Welcome to Dreams! / odd thing happend last night
January 13, 2005, 22:10:33
Last night i tryed to have an obe. Well before that i prayed. i asked got to send my angles and guide to me to help protect and guide me. I also thought of wight light surrounding me. I felt so happy and peaceful after that. i felt like nothing could hurt me. i have never felt this happy in my whole life. Almost like they were all hugging me and love and warmth was going through me. I proceeded on trying to have an obe. But i found my self talking to my guide(just me talking my guide was not talking back). out of no where i felt energy flowing through me and i thought this is it. i was asking my guide to help me and talk me through it. Nothing happened..

Then i heard "my name is M something. i knew it last night but i was too scared to move. every time i said this name to my self i felt great. i stated trying to have an obe at 10:30. i decided this was enough and i looked at my clock(i always do this) it was 12:46. i thought to my self no way. it felt like 10 min. I looked at my fish tank(i have an 85 gallon tank i like to watch) and it was hazy looking. i thought I'm dreaming. Sometimes i wake up and my vision is blurry so i just figured i was not dreaming. My room was foggy looking.

Do you think this could have been a ld because of the time difference? Also do u think i just made this name up in my head. but it sounded like some one was talking too me. Like a tune just poped in my head for 5 seconds and left.
The other night i fell asleep at around 11 being very tired. My obe or dream started like this..

Out of no where i was standing next to my bed, my vision was very blurry but i could still se ok. I was not in control but i was. its hard to explain. Its like at parts i was in control and some i was not. But i remember the feeling of this was awesome. It felt like i was flying. i was thinking going to my door and leaving. i went to my door. but i did not know if i could just walk through it or would i have to open it. Then i almost like teliported back next to my bed. i went to my door again. but this time i was not incontroll. it was like i was a doll and some one else was moving me. Any ideas? it was also bright in my room. Like my lights were on.
Welcome to Dreams! / sleep walking
January 08, 2005, 22:46:36
My sisters sleep walk all the time. Y is this. they seem like a whole differnt person when u talk to them. there eyes are half open but with like a wight coat of stuff over there eyes. Any ideas about this?
Welcome to Dreams! / something new for me
January 08, 2005, 22:41:12
In school i fall asleep some times. the other day a fell asleep for probably 2 minutes. I have a lot of brief dreams and visions. its very weird because im only asleep for a couple of minutes. it seems like i have more dreams in the two minutes im sleeping then i do when i sleep for hours. Is this normal?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / i wonder?
January 08, 2005, 22:31:30
Alright all my life i have seen spirits, ghost, one demand.... When i was a kid the thought of it did not bother me. i thought it was normal for every one. A while back i woke up because i heard a odd noise in my room. at that time i was terrified of the dark. i left my door open with the light on in the hall way. When I opened my eyes i saw a spirit or ghost witch ever in my closet. my closet door was opened and what ever it was was going through my stuff in my dresser. I thought it was brother at first not knowing what time it was. I just said "get out-get out-get out" it looked at me and just walked out of my room. i was mad at my brother so i ran out. no one was there. i ran upstairs to my brothers room to tell hem to close my closet door. he was asleep and i saw his clock it say 3:30 am. i was thinking WTF!

I went down stairs and closed my door and went to bed not even thinking it was a ghost. i woke up and i was scared.

Well i prayed for an angel to always protect me. About a weak after i took a picture in my room of my brother and sisters. There were a few orbs and on my door looked to be an angle. i could take pitcher after pitchur and always get a shap of an angle on my door. i could not see physically. only in the picture...

Could that be an angle protecting  the entrance to my room? i have not had any thing happen sense.
A couple months back i woke up early. it was 7 am. i went up stairs and and just layed on the couch. just looking out side. i was all alone. i fell asleep. well i had the mind awake body asleep thing going on. i woke up completely paralyzed. i had strong vibs going on. it felt like i was shaking inside not out side. Well i thought it would be the best time to project. at the time i have never projected and i was very nervous. it seems like i could see but i couldn't it was very odd. but right before i projected i heard a woman call my name. It was very peaceful sounding. kinda familiar but sense it was my first time projecting i was scared out of my mind. i fought it so much but it took a while for me to be in control of my body. Could this just be a spirit talking to me through the astral? But it sounded familiar like i heard it a few times before.

i was thinking even a angle or a spirit guide? Ever happen to u guys?
While trying to obe i hear a very odd noise. it almost sounds like air rushing into my ear. like some one breathing right next to my face watching me or trying to stop me by doing that. Any ideas of what this could be?? does this happen to any of u? it is very distracting.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Im back!
January 08, 2005, 18:38:42
alright i was a member hear about a year ago. i will tell u about me.

My family is a long line of phycics. i remember when i was a kid seeing spirits and it did not scare me until around 8. I was in my room upstairs and me and my brother where standing in front of the tv. It was like i heard some one calling my name but it was in my head because i looked at my brother and he was just watching tv. So i looked behind me. I look out the window and there is a ghost or spirit, well looked like a demand im not shure(sorry if u don't believe in that stuff). and it was waving me to come to it. it was reddish blackish. it was very scary looking i look at my brother and tell hem to look and when we both looked it was gone. It seems after that i have not seen to many spirits.

I have had one spirit follow me witch did not bother me that much. it mostly scared me when he started to come in my dreams and attack my family. i have never talked to a spirit or even tried to communicate with one. My friend was talking about obe when i was 15. he has never had one but tried. After that i looked around and i found this forum. let me tell u some weird stuff happened after trying different methods. I have never had an obe that has lasted more then 30 seconds. i don't even think they counted. I was very scared to have an obe. I was afraid to come out and see spirits like they were people and i was afraid of being attacked (energy loss). i will tell u what happened to me once a week for around 2 months. i would try to have an obe every night. i would ley there do a method that was in a book. Nothing would happen but my legs felt numb and i would feel really light but that's it no vibes nothing. I would wake up at any time after 12 completely paralyzed. i could not move at all.

I would get vibes like crazy. it felt like i was shaking inside my body and not out. Very odd feeling. The first like 6 times i tried to fight it. it was very hard. i was scared out of my mind. but one day i woke up at around 7 am and i went up stairs and laid on the couch. i fell asleep and then i woke up. Wow now that i think about it i could see kinda but not through my eye leds. I could not move at all. i was thinking this time i will have and obe. I could feel my self-getting very light. But out of now where some one was calling my name. It was a woman, saying chris-chris-chris. it was very peaceful sounding. but still i was scared. i did wont to have my first obe and see a spirit. i fought it like crazy. Its hard. Very hard for me?

Yesterday i had an obe but i was not really in control. my vision was blurry. it felt so familiar. it felt like i have been doing it every night. my room was lit up with light. i remember trying to leave my room but i did not know how? After that i thought maybe I'm ready now. i am  going to try again with yours guys help.....
Welcome to Dreams! / Two questons? kinda long
July 01, 2004, 12:14:48
1)One dream i need to ask about is about a old friend. I have been his friend for 6 years but he was 2 years older and we just went are own ways (it was weird I was a freshman in high school and he was a junior). One day i wonted to see how he was so I drove up to his house. When I got there there was a for sell sign and the place was completely empty. His dad was very sick, and for about 2 months I had a feeling he was dead. About a week after going to his house I have had three dreams about hem. They were all bad, in every one we were running away from bad guys. He lived in a very bad neighborhood. It was dark every time. So could this be like a warning dream that he could be living in a bad place right now?

2)I will start off by telling you about the person in my dream. I have been working at a pet store for about a year now. and there was a girl that started about a month ago. We have been getting really close now(i would like it to be more than friends though). She just makes me feel good just when i see her. So now i do care about her(even if she does not feel the same). In my dream we were walking from 7-11 to this bakery. And the light said stop but she said we could make it, I just kept saying no just wait. Than she ran out in the middle of the street and out of no where this huge yellow truck ran her over and she got stuck on the front. He did not know he just ran some one over. He kept driving. This huge pain hit my chest like some one ripped my heart out. I was on a bike all of a sudden and I was looking along the side of the road for her. i could not find her now where as i was looking it was like my heart was rapidly being ripped out. I than woke up with tears to my eyes. i thought that was not a dream I wonted and I did not like how ended it, just riding my bike for her. I felt so bad and i wonted to go to sleep so I fell asleep.

I had the same dream but with a different ending. The new ending i was in a car and i chased the truck down. i pulled in front of it and the truck stopped. I went to the front of the truck and her lag was stuck in the bumper. i took her off and carried her to a rib place. And they called the cops. the ambulance came and i went with her to the hospital. That's where my dream ended. I was so sad to see her in that much pain. i still felt sad in the real world. So what could this mean? Could this be a warning or something else? Any comments would be great as well.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Im back
May 08, 2004, 12:52:57
im back and going to try and obe. i will try now after i do a  couple things. im going to finish the book i started.

Well i need people to post the Scariest thing that has happend to them in an obe. if people post things that has happen to them and scared them i can be ready for it.
a reletive of mine told me that she went to bed mad and woke up in an obe but she was not in controll. she started bounsing off the walles going through room to room. she said it was as clear as day. she said she felt her self riseing out of her body and every thing. does any one know what was happing to her because i have no idea? Always smile[:D]
IM at school so I need to be careful. [:P]

I will edit this when I get home. Well I woke up and I was having my fist VIBES. It was really weird it even affected my hearing in ways. Well I felt my self-rising but my legs were going faster than the rest of me. I had my astral sight. I could tell because I could remember going to bed with me TV on and when I looked around my room it was kinda dark but not bright like what a TV gives off. At that point for some resin a thing poped into my head saying not now. I fought it for some resin I was kinda scared you could say. I was afraid to leave my body and see a ghost or something in my room. IM not that scared of them but it would be weird to see a ghost and them starring at my body. I thought one step at a time and I was skipping a few steps there. I was incontroll of my astral legs I could tell because I could lift them through my blanket and when I brought my feet back down they went through the bed WOW [:P]. I will finish this later when I get home. Always smile [:D]

Well I did not have a question in
that but my queston is do you feel vibes when you phase?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / moving up
March 19, 2004, 20:29:07
When I try to obe I pitcher my self-rising up. Well for that last couple day when I do that it feels so real like I am actually moving up but its like my bed is going with me because it seem I can still feel the bed. It feels so real like I can just keep rising up but I am still on my bed. When I pitcher my self-rising it is easier to feel my legs go up but its like my bed is pointing strait up and IM not falling off. Any one got any ideas what this could be am I just imagining it?
when trying to obe i start to hear like a breathing noise in my ear. it is not like a mean breathing noise but it is deffenitly breathing. it sounds like when some one is breathing heavy when they have been runing for a while. any one elce here this? should i be worryed of it like could it be a spirit?
Welcome to Dreams! / First lucid dream.
June 30, 2004, 12:58:28
Congrats on your first LD!
I've tried the "looking at your hands" technique and have never once seen them melt or fade. They just look like my normal everyday hands, with the exception of a few scars and tattoos on the palms that I don't really have.

However, I have never TOLD myself that my hands should fade or melt in a dream. I will most definatly give this a try!

Pleasant Dreams!
Welcome to Dreams! / Confused ?Sleep walking
June 29, 2004, 13:29:41
Hi smooth,
Sorry, I haven't personally found too much reading material on sleep walking. I've heard that it has to do with a malfunction in the sleep cycle. Maybe Lucidity Institute has something on the subject. I had a sister who sleep walked, but I never actually witnessed her doing it.I think that's a little strange, unless I just happened to be asleep at the same time, all the time! [:)]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / what is an aura
June 28, 2004, 17:40:05

There are lots of threads on this subject if you do a simple search from the menu above.... Also consider reading the article on the main site. See the article training to see auras:

Take care,

I would say you fell asleep for a few seconds/minutes.
its called the paralysis state. i have not experienced voices or music of any kind in the vibrational state, but many other people have from what i read here. also i am not an experienced OBEer so that might be why it hasnt happened to me. as for the woman whos to say shes not real...i believe what i see you should too
If you fear it, you know it is true for yourself, you can't just reassure it away, because there have been sightings of it.  The thing that you must assure yourself of is that concioussness is immortal.  The only thing to fear is fear itself.