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Topics - jayselect

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Soo close
March 06, 2004, 15:12:25
Could someone mabye answer this for me.

I can get my body totally relaxed, most of the time it gets real paralyized and tingly and it almost feels like I am floating upwards(sort of like a big pressure being put on me)

Anyway what seems to happen is once I start to see vivid images, or whatever they are(their quick) I slip on something and my leg will kick right off the bed.

Or i'll be falling and i'll hit, whatever happens it snapps me right back. Are their any techniques for preventing this.

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Visuals help?
February 19, 2004, 12:26:35
I was wondering if anyone has ever used visuals to help induce oobe's. And if so did it work, have you ever projected using them?

I got some from a site that claims they are some of the best visual stimuli for help with inducing obe's. Any way I included one of the pics if anyone wants to try it out. Any feedback would be great thx[;)]


This topic has been talked about at great lengths on the forums, so I used the 'search tool' and came up with two pages worth, but the link won't work..[}:)]
soooooooooo, go to the search tool at the top of the page, type in "smoking marijuana" for all forums and entire message and you should get the two pages I got.

You should be able to find your answer in one of those post..[:P]


Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Vibrations
February 19, 2004, 17:49:18
Have you tried  to concentrate on your heart chakra?
Hi Jay it's good to have you here, keep us updated on your progress. Do you remember exactly which tape you were listening to?

One word of advice is that judicious use of paragraphs will make your posts easier to read and will get you more responses.