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Topics - Transplutonian

Welcome to Dreams! / Dream landscapes
April 08, 2004, 15:13:34
Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the complex maze of dreams(over analyze). Personally, I don't try to come to conclusions about anything. Right now I'm in a phase of not remembering my dreams. I still have the essence of the dreams. I believe there is a reality other than this waking one. I believe part of it is about learning to navigate this other realm(s), and the dreams provide clues.A field in a dream is getting close, for instance.A field can mean a field of vison, a portal of sorts.

I have noticed songs, stories, commercials, and many such things have a lot of subconscious indicators in them. I suspect most creative things come from dreams. I believe this less when it comes to what appears as destruction. Destructive aspects tend to be wrong thinking or out of balance emotional issues. This is not the same as prophetic dreams.
yall need to stop posting stuff on drugs. the 'experiences' you have on drugs are not real. theyre artificial and everything seems real, your just to dumb to know the difference. ppl say, i reached my higher self on pot! no u didnt! u were just high, not your higher self!
I've never tried eating bananas before I go to sleep for that purpose, but someone posted a while back about eating cheese before going to bed, and I tried that two nights ago and had over 6 vivid dreams.  I'll give the banana thing a try, but I'm pretty picky about bananas.  One brown spot and I won't go near it, lol

Welcome to Dreams! / Recurring themes
April 01, 2004, 22:55:13
Driving is a common dream theme for me. I can agree, navigation is involved.MY dreams are about going somewhere, and the discovering and learning the messages along the way. Even though I believe all dreams are obe, it's the astral type dreams I concern myself with navigation and finding my way back (unless in a airplane or rocket now). This was more when I was younger and doing a lot of lucid dreaming and mental travel. Now I do more ground based activities. I don't recall any cave dreams. I had a couple of experiences of being part of earth, and at least once, like a little earth tremor I felt myself coming out of the ground.There was vibration which I could feel, I became scared by it.

There is a lot about vehicles in learning about dreams.There are so many ways of looking at vehicles, like energy movement, physical body, and other such ideas.

There's so much to learn on this subject of vehicles. I'm sure there's a lot about the underworld too, this is so intersting too.Since I don't experience much of 2., I must not have come to that learning level yet. My ground breaking experience was quite frightning!
If I were to try to attribute meaning to them, caves may symbolize the subconscious or the underworld.

Yes, I think so too.
Regardless, I love dreaming.
My dreams are usually very vivid.
I usually remember some upon awakening.
I never have nightmares.
A couple of times I have had flying experiences.

Same for me. My last nightmare was Jan. 1,2003. I have to really work on remembering dreams.Not all my dreams are vivid,but always in color.If the colors are absent and black,white, or gray, I have to still learn what those kind mean.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / 4hz
March 31, 2004, 16:34:14
4hz is below hearable levels. Maybe you mean 40hz?