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Topics - G3MM4

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Very strange...
February 11, 2005, 01:27:15
I'm a bit worried because I've been under psychic attack for a few weeks (not so bad now because been trying different things as described in PPSD), and just now I looked at my left hand only to find little scratches on it. These scratches were not there earlier today, and it couldn't have been my cats, they've been out. The other strange thing is that for a few days, my left hand has been sore, feels like my nerves are on fire. Any ideas?
Welcome to Dreams! / Red Orb in dream
December 13, 2004, 21:36:43
I had a strange and disturbing dream, which people can read about here (scroll down until you see a picture of a red orb), but what I'm most interested in is the red orb I kept seeing. It kept attacking me.

Any ideas?
I don't know if this is in the right place or not, so feel free to move it if necessary.

I have been wondering if there are ways of raising your own rate of vibration? I wondered about this after getting the impression that negs find it easier to attach to people with lower rate of vibrations (please correct if I'm wrong).

Any ideas?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Depression
December 10, 2004, 01:59:22
I wondered if depression is just a medical problem - a disease of the mind, or could it be linked to neg problems as well? What are your thoughts?
Welcome to Dreams! / How to stay Lucid?
December 05, 2004, 18:26:55
I started to have a LD the other night, in a nightmare I was having. Only problem was, once I became lucid, I woke up. :( How do you prevent this from happening? Check it out at to see what I mean.

My cat, Kissy is ill, I think she's dying. I woke up this evening with the feeling that something was not right. I sensed it was Kissy, feels like she's dying. I have heard a lot of spirit activity since I woke up, which doesn't sound too good, as the same thing happened when my Mum died.

Kissy has been putting on a lot of weight even though she doesn't eat a lot. She has also had bouts of diahorrea (sp?), which makes me think there's something wrong with her. This has been going on for months. The vet can't understand it.

Also she has two large scabs on her tail which has been there for months, the vet keeps saying they will go on their own. Well they haven't, and it's not right.

Also more recently she has injured her paw somehow, and she's limping very badly.

I am taking my other cat to the vet, while I'm there I'm going to ask about Kissy, and if they don't do something about it, I'll find another vet. That's if Kissy is still alive.

I'd like to ask for healing to help Kissy in whatever way possible. I've attached her photo.

Thank you.


EDIT: Sorry the photo isn't very clear.

[attachment deleted by admin]

[attachment deleted by admin]
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Fear of OBEs
October 31, 2004, 01:27:23
I know there was a topic on this ages ago but I can't seem to find it. So I'm starting another one about my fear of OBEs. I keep telling myself that nothing can hurt me, and there really isn't anything to be afraid of whilst OOB, but when it actually happens, I fight the whole thing because the fear just takes over. Any suggestions on how to get rid of the fear?
Gee that was a weird experience I have just "woken" up from!

I went to bed this morning, after being totally unable to sleep at all last night. So, of course I slept until about four in the afternoon, when I woke up to go to the toilet and have something to eat then I went back to bed.

I didn't go back to sleep straight away, but I drifted off to sleep again when I had a weird dream about the world of addiction. I was with a friend of mine who looked after me as a teenager. I was looking for all the things I was addicted to, and she was talking to me.

All this time I really was aware of the fact that I was trying to go OOB. I woke up briefly feeling very very drowsy, and although I didn't have the pre-exit vibrations, I knew that I was starting the usual procedure for exiting. I could hear the "mystical" sounding music/sounds, I could feel energy going through my body, I found it very hard to move (not paralyzed, but going that way!), so every time my eyes shut, I literally had to force them open, trying to stop the pre-exit signs. I had to do this several times. Eventually I stopped doing this, and fell back into the dream.

I didn't want to go OOB because the dream had a very dark and negative tone to it (not suprising since it was about my addictions!).

In the dream, I still could feel the pre-exit signs, so I had some control in the dream. The dream carried on with me talking to my friend about my addictions and we were in a place that I recognised (not from real-life though), and I went into this small room that served as a toilet. I looked down at the floor, and I could see some writing. I could see the word "pain" daubed in blue paint. There were also other words daubed in blue paint, but the one that I noticed the most was the word "pain". While I was in this room, it occured to me that this room was full of traps, although I couldn't actually see any even though I was looking for them. So I got out of this room as fast as I could.

All this time, I was constantly fighting the pre-exit signs. My friend came up to me and said, "Do you like this?", holding out a tub of what looked like clotted cream. She scraped off a bit onto her finger for me to taste. I tasted, and replied, "I love this stuff!". She then told me it was nicotine. Now, I'm a smoker, and I'm obviously addicted to nicotine. I'm also a food addict. So it makes sense that the tub of clotted cream was in fact also nicotine. My friend mentioned some other people, who I don't recall now. She was talking about events and other things that had happened. At this point I was in her house, but it looked a bit different from what I knew in real-life. She said she had to go, but I was welcome to stay intil I was ready to go.

At some point, I woke up still feeling very drowsy, but thankfully the pre-exit signs had disappeared. The reason why I did not want to go OOB was because I knew I was in a very negative eviroment, and there was no way I was going OOB while I was in such a negative evironment, for fear of what other horrors I was going to come across. I just instinctively knew it was a bad idea to go OOB at this time. At some point, I even thought about flying upwards, but thought I couldn't because something made me stay in the dream. I knew that if I attempted to fly upwards, I would be OOB and I didn't want that. So I decided to keep fighting against the pre-exit signs and endure the dream, since the dream was only temporary. Now, I had some level of consciousness and control within the dream, even though it wasn't fully lucid. The clarity of what was happening wasn't that great, some bits of it was very vague, even though it all felt real to me.
Hi, I've set the Topic Notification feature to be on by default. However I'm not always being notified of any replies to topics that I've taken part in. This needs to be corrected, as I am using the same forum software on my website, and I don't get this problem on there.

Thank you.
Welcome to Dreams! / Kissing a camera...
October 18, 2004, 03:01:32
Well I recalled a dream I had, where I was kissing a boyfriend's SLR camera, while he was looking through it, instead of kissing him. How weird... LOL!

I just don't understand it at all. The full details of the dream can be viewed at

Just wanted to share it.
This is a brilliant book to read. It's about a man who could remember things from before he was even born. It helped to explain a few things for me. I bought it from Amazon.
I waqs reading an ebook that I'd found in the File Library. This ebook was about achieving a successful OBE. In it, it said something about the author "sinking through the earth and appearing on the other side" (or something like that) when she starts an OBE.

What I want to know is:

1) Has anyone here tried that method?
2) What would you see if you sunk through the earth?

I just think that it's a strange way of doing it. And I'd like to know a bit more about it.
Welcome to News and Media! / Toxic Life
September 29, 2004, 12:02:43
YUMMY! Chemicals. Can barely avoid them nowadays. Luckily I live in a clean area where you find fewer chemicals. Pity I don't wash my fruit/veg on the rare occasions I eat them. They taste the same unwashed as they do washed. [^][:D][:P]
Hi Gemm,

Basically, don't get in the way of it.
By that I mean, don't worry about what the energy is or isn't doing, don't actively put up any kind of defences, in general don't think about it too much at all.

If someone is sending healing energy to you your body will be naturally receptive and will know what to do with the energy it recieves. It will go about sending that energy to the right places in its own way. Just sit (or lie) back, relax, and enjoy.[:)]

Kind regards,
Most things I've read about psychic stuff don't seem to mention the "cool-down" that you're talking about, though the first thing I ever read on OBEs (by some witch, posted on the internet) did mention that you should make really sure you get the energy re-integrated into you.

Also (kinda unrelated, but it reminded me) there was an OBE book by some computer programmer guy, and for a while he was using the affirmation, "I am becoming very loose from my body," and it turned out that it was causing him horrible illness.  

Prolly didn't help.  Sorry.[|)]
Welcome to Dreams! / Dreaming about Core images
September 22, 2004, 15:03:47
I can sympathise with you regarding the unwanted thoughts, I often have upsetting spontaneous thoughts similar to you, things that I would never dream of acting upon.

The thoughts seem to spontaneously spring into my head as if from nowhere, almost as if some evil person or being had forced it upon me, the thoughts never seemed to be generated by myself but external.

The first thing I would try and instinctively do would be to try and repress the thought, which I now realise was probably the worst possible thing I could have done as it just served to give the thought more importance, this in turn would become more upsetting resulting in me trying to suppress the thought again and again, this would continue going on for days often spiralling into a miserable self perpetuating gloom.

The best advice I can give that works for me is to become a spectator or observer of your thoughts, let them play out in your mind watch them passively and let them pass, try not to be upset, annoyed or provoked by them and try not to repress them either as this just seems to add fuel to them which only makes them stronger.

I hope you don't mind me explaining a bit about how I came to change my way of thinking about these nuisance thoughts but it came about in a rather bizarre way.

A few months ago I had an unpleasant thought come into my head that my grandfathers grave was being desecrated or vandalised, this thought came into my head in the form of a vision, the thought was very upsetting and I had no idea why such a thought would just pop into my head, more so because I never met my grandfather.

A week later, my sister who lives in England had tickets to visit an audience with the spiritualist medium Derek Acorah, out of about 500 people my sister was one of 5 people to be spoken to.

Derek, on speaking to my sister gave her my first name and asked who I was, she was very shocked as it was the first thing he said to her, he then proceeded to give her my grandfathers first and middle name and his profession.

My grandfather told Derek that he had seen that I had been very upset in the past few days but that I would take a new path and that things would change from that point forward, the reading was quite remarkable and changed the way I think in more ways than one! After this I read a few books on thoughts and how to work positively with them.

The dream you had could be a result of thoughts that are occurring in your waking state, these are then played out and acted upon in your dream state, the cast, setting and time etc of your dream could be your subconscious's/higher self's way of helping you with your struggle with these thoughts.

If you aren't already try keeping a dream diary and review your dreams regularly, also try and keep a log of dream symbols with a comment explaining what you feel the symbol or character represents.

Sorry to have gone on for so long, take care, I hope that you manage to tame those unwanted thoughts.
it depends on the outcome ..., and how the other person was treating his/ her partner, if he was only causing pain and limiting, i see no harm
Welcome to Dreams! / Dreams = OBE?
September 04, 2004, 21:01:23
When dreaming, you arent aware of your body. Why should you start thinking about it if you start to OBE? Most dreams are not OBE.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Voids
September 01, 2004, 07:35:27
I'm not sure how Robert Bruce defines a void, but if it's that state in which you cease to exist except for an awareness of one's self, I've experienced that.
I would describe it as floating in space, but in this state there was no body existing as a reference point, or any sense of locality.

Anyhow, I think the 'void' I am referring to is mentioned in several yogi texts and doctrine. I have also heard of Chaotes releasing sigils in this state, but I can't see how one could consciously enter this state, or hold a conventional order of thoughts within it.
Since in this state perception seems to become reality, in that there seems to be no semblance of perception involved (just you and the void),perhaps this is why people claim to utilise this state for imprinting conception upon reality- perhaps perception *does* become reality. (unfounded conjecture)

Whatever state this was, I got there accidentally and it remains a significant event.
Welcome to Magic! / Love Spell
August 06, 2004, 18:02:26
man thats not right using that to do that and one more thing if you try to use something like that agaist ones will and its strong enough it wont work and it could backfire in some way so dont go lookin into that cause thats not right
Hey G3MM4,

Sometimes a flash of brilliant white light is strongly related to clairvoyance and is a strong indicator that clairvoyant potential is present. [:D]

As for the screaming..just astral noises that one hears during an exit, so my friend you were about to exit and be on your way!!  Sometimes it can be quite scary, but ignore it at all cost next time!


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Grief and Sex
June 28, 2004, 16:27:32
Hi Gemma,

Again so sorry to hear about you mum's passing!

From my experience it can very much increase. Although in my case this has occurred also following in the grieving had from the likes of relationship break-ups.

I can appreciate that these feelings are making you feel uncomfortable... There are different approaches to dealing with raised sexual feelings of this type. One would be to - roll with it and do nothing. Another is to vent and find release by what ever means you are comfortable with (in a safe personal environment) ... another again would be say to raise the energy to the heart (centre) or other centres, and convert it into a loving spiritual release rather than just a sexual release. Or any combination of these things! It will ease off in time which ever way you approach things!

The thing here is do what you feel most comfortable with, but I feel that this is not an uncommon part of the grieving process and certainly nothing to be ashamed or to feel really uncomfortable about.

Sorry if this sounds a very simplistic answer!

Kind wishes,

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Human?
June 19, 2004, 03:13:47
This is a good enough place for this post.

The only trouble I see with answering this question is trying to pin down a definition for a "neg"

I'll give you some examples of what they could be -

1)A persons own projected thought patterns (negative ones of course)
2)Astral "wildlife" - energy feeders, kind of like mosquitoes
3) "evil" entities - demons and such.

I'm not going to impose my own opinions here on what I think about some of these concepts, except for one - poltergeist.

These are the spirits of once living people. They cause problems for others not because they are malicious, evil, or anything like that. They have died under circumstances that have left them confused, troubled. Take a living person and put them in a sutiation where they feel they have no control, where they are confused and disoriented and you can get the same kind of results. They try to reason out what's going on but find that all the standards in their lives, like basic laws of physics, don't work anymore. It is not uncommon for some people in disorienting situations to become angry and hostile. They'll lash out without knowing why they're doing so. This describes your typical poltergeist. In such situations all it can take is a skilled and sympathetic medium to help them to understand what's going on, and to make the transition to the next world.

Welcome to Dreams! / Dream Journal
June 08, 2004, 21:12:43
Good move on keeping a dream journal, imo. [:)]

This is such a wonderful dream! There's a lot to look at. I want to look more closely at it when I get a chance. It does sound like you connected with the otherside! Wow!!

I don't know if your into this sort of thing, but when you said...
While i was telling her this, we were in my room where I live now, but the bed was in a different position, allowing me to see into the living room. I then saw my uncle sitting on my sofa, wearing a tee shirt and a pair of shorts.
....This made me think of a thread where upstream is talking about various positions and views. Here is the link to this thread.

It may not be related, but upstream says some very interesting things.When I read this part of your dream, I immediately thought of upstream's posts at this link.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Weird...
June 06, 2004, 13:26:16
Here's an update...

I was sleeping earlier, when I had a dream, that was quite pleasant, I was with my best mate, we were buying some pasties and some food. We went back to my old house, and my best mate went upstairs to change his clothes.

I went downstairs to get something from the kitchen, when I suddenly spotted my uncle (who died last year) sitting on the worktop. He looked like he was deep in thought. I shouted "Chris" (my uncle's name), and he looked at me, so I reached out for him, and he took my hand and greeted me. I asked him what he was doing there, and he started talking about some movies that he'd left behind, he wanted to take them with him. And he was talking about some guy who was meant to be helping him. As he was talking about this guy, I could see him in my mind, it was like Chris was projecting an image of this guy etc into my mind... like a form of telepathy. The images were quick, and a bit confusing.

But then he asked me how I was, and I replied that I was doing my best to keep going and to be strong etc. He seemed quite pleased to hear that. Chris then leant towards me (with a crafty look on his face!), and told me that my time would be up in the month of February, when I am married. He did say the date (day and month, but not the year) that I would die (can't remember the day, but he definitely said February), and he said the name of the guy that I would marry... sounded like "Neil" or something... I can't quite remember. Chris was saying this to me in a whisper... I had to get him to repeat some of it as I couldn't hear him properly.

When I went to ask him about my gran, I suddenly woke up. I could still hear his voice, it was really weird, but not scary. I was a bit miffed that I didn't get a chance to ask my questions before I woke up. Dammit! LOL.

I guess, I just want to know if it's possible to find him some other way, like AP etc so that I can be sure that what I heard was correct, and so I can ask my questions. I heard that people who have passed over find it easiest to communicate with you via dreams. What do you think?
That is weird. I'd like to know what that oil was, so I can try it for myself.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Bed vibrating
April 28, 2004, 23:19:50
This happens to me often... at least it DID happen often in our old place.  We just moved a month ago and there was only one night where I had something similar happen since we've moved.  It was someone/thing kicking the end of the bed while I was wide awake.  It was pretty unsettling.

In the old place the vibrating bed would wake me up.  I'd always check the earthquake maps the next day to see if there was a tremor and 99% of the time there wasn't!

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Negativity
April 14, 2004, 15:36:30
ya gotta gotta gotta gotta BELIEVE! just tell yourself otherwise and DENY DENY DENY any negativity put in your brother said, 'telekenesis isnt re...' (and i said) 'YES IT IS!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!! I WILL SLAP YOU, BOY!!! YOU DONT KNOW SH*T STUPID!!! DONT YOU WEAKEN ME, B**CH!!!

Had looked at her website before... excellent NDE story!

Try this one for size:


Wow ... Big problem indeed ! Well depending on where your leg was amputated, i suggest that you start by doing the boucing action in the leg and stimulate the nearest joint. Don't care too much about the toe thing, moreover that you aren't concerned by it here. I'm curious however if when doing energy training for a few minutes in total relaxation, you can feel your energy "foot" ? I must admit i have absolutely no idea how your energy body has reorganized in this aera ... Maybe your chakras are now on the end of your leg (?). You should try to stimulate it the same way as the other foot to see what happend, if you fell somme chakras. If you do, then that's it, your chakras have transfered themselves to this aera. Let us no if you wish, it would be very appreciated, thanks !
Welcome to Dreams! / Predicting the future?
April 05, 2004, 16:27:05
That very well could be!

However, it is important to keep open to other possibilities. I would like to suggest something.

Perhaps you kept on having this recurring dream because there was something that you needed to tell your gran or she needed to tell you. Perhaps she was gradually fading away because no one (including yourself) was paying attention to her? She kept on doing what she was doing, even when someone was "locked" in a room with her.

Just a possible take... my two cents.
Hi G3MM4,

First, welcome to the Astral Pulse forums! [:)] Looking forward to your posts. Regarding your query, I am certainly no expert. From books I have read, there is often the statement that once we pass over, we adopt a younger, robust and healthy non-physical form. Robert Bruce wrote that he saw his mother after she had passed over and she was both younger and healthy looking in her non-physical appearance. Further, I do know Bruce Moen and others have written about the non-physical realms. You may also want to peruse his website as well:

Also, I thought that your topic might fare better in another forum so I moved to our Welcome to Spiritual Development forum. If you disagree, please contact me via private message (PM) and we'll work something out.

Very best,
Note: I'm not an expert at this stuff.

The first thing you ought to do is get your energy up. Forget about APing as it's kind of chaotic until you get your energy up anyways.

If you get your energy and get a psychic shield up you should be able to curb some of these negative experiences you've been having. Technically none of these things should be all that scary. 'Cept for the uncle reflection bit which freaked ME out. Heheh. But yeah. Don't try to AP. Rather raise your energy through Robert Bruce's NEW method. This will help you get a feel for subtle energies and give you a little more confidence and control over what you're having to deal with. Also, if you have these negs around, you can put up your shield, get your energy up (knowing what that feels like) and walk like RIGHT into them. This fearless bit should make them leave you alone. And laugh at them! If you're bugged by negs, your mindset should be, "Heheh, bring it ON biotch!!! I'm gonna kick your butt!" Then smile confidently and imagine (through your shield) that you are attacking them. You can also say you're going to give them a hug, which will send them away screaming. Note: you have to move towards them. Insane giggling helps too ;p

In addition, after you've been working with RB's NEW for awhile, e.g. once you get the tingles moving in your arms, just imagine that your arms are moving upwards and your astral arms will (because they aren't as attached to your physical body as your torso). This will give you confidence in the probable reality of AP'ing if not necessarily allowing you to fully get out of your body.

As far as projecting is concerned, it sounds like your grandma is watching over you and you can look to her for guidance. This rules! You probably have lots of dreams/trips with her which you don't remember because you don't have enough energy going on. If you increase your energy, you will remember these dreams more fully and they will become more real than real life sometimes.

Anyways, worry about ENERGY, not AP because AP will only become more reliable with your control of ENERGY. It usually isn't the other way around.

Good luck!

Jason. [:D]

Oh yeah. I forgot to say. Negs are useless unless you let them get to you. They can't harm you physically but they'll do whatever they can to freak you out because they feed off of this fear. So don't give in to that crap.