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Topics - nrishiraj

Welcome to Dreams! / YES I DID IT! MY FIRST LD! :)
January 07, 2005, 12:04:56
I was in a big theatre type of complex and I was walking in and out of rooms through those flap doors you get in cowboy movies. As I was walking though them suddenly out of thin air beautiful sexy girls (blonds, latinos, brunettes) were popping out, so I grabbed two of these girls and made them walk around with me (at this point I think I did feel I was in a dream because I had the confidence just to grab the girls and make them walk with me), I had one each on my arm like a real pimp, hehe. As we were walking a waitress walked past me and I asked her “Excuse me, can I have a barcadi breezer” and she gave it to me in glass and it tasted so real. We then approached another room and when we entered it I noticed people ticked and having a good time, I looked around thoroughly around the room and I could see cases and cases of alcohol, food, chocolates and popcorn was for FREE. Another waitress walked past me and this time I asked for a beer and again it tastes so real. I also noticed people going into a cinema so I thought why not go in, I approached it and before I went in I said to a guy “hey, do you realise I’m in a dream” and he started laughing. Then I got excited and woke up and said to myself “I DID IT”.  

What I thought manifested and seemed to appear i.e. girls, alcohol etc…this reminded me of the movie “Vanilla Sky” towards the end of the film where Tom Cruise is at the top of a building and he thinks of that physiatrist (Kurt Russel) and he walks through the door.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Perception & Illusions!
August 30, 2004, 04:56:15
I have managed to download a documentery - called "Secret beyond matter".It has opened my eyes AND I am amazed how this documentery explains how we see things in our brains. Its all an illusion - !!!

You can download the documentary and ebooks for free at:
Welcome to Astral Chat! / HypnoBirthing
July 08, 2004, 11:37:24
Do u know what hypnobirthing is? I watched a program about it and amazed me.

They use hypnosis for pain free birth.
What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing is the use of hypnosis to achieve maximum relaxation, comfort, and relief during childbirth.

The HypnoBirthing method is based on the work of Grantly willy-Read, MD, the English obstetrician who wrote Childbirth Without Fear in 1944. According to Dr. willy-Read, use of hypnosis during labor helps laboring women break what he termed the "Fear-Tension-Pain syndrome" which makes labor more difficult. He believed the syndrome actually caused blood to flow away from nonessential organs such as the uterus to large muscle groups in the legs. He theorized that relaxation achieved through hypnosis would prevent that from happening.

Marie F. Mongan, Director of the HypnoBirthing Institute, says that with the aid of hypnosis, a woman can bring her body into a state of deep relaxation in which the body's muscles can work the way they're meant to during childbirth. She says it feels similar to daydreaming, or the feeling you get when you are lost in a book or movie. People who've used this technique report feeling relaxed, calm, aware, and in control.

How Does HypnoBirthing Work?

The process of HypnoBirthing is based on the power of suggestion. The laboring woman uses positive affirmations, suggestions, and visualizations to relax her body, guide her thoughts, and control her breathing. She can either do this herself (self-hypnosis) or receive assistance from a hypnotherapist. Sometimes women work with a certified hypnotherapist to learn self-hypnosis. They often play a tape of verbal affirmations that help them enter a calm state of self-hypnosis. Alternately, they might use a visualization — such as a flower opening its petals — to picture what's happening to them, and achieve relaxation.

A hypnotherapist may or may not be present during the birth, depending on the needs of the laboring woman. For some people self-hypnosis is easy to achieve, while others respond better to the assistance of a therapist.

The Benefits of HypnoBirthing

It's a natural form of pain management. There are no medications with potential side effects for you or baby.
It can provide comfort, relaxation, and relief during labor.
It can decrease stress and fear during childbirth.
It allows you to remain alert and awake.

Common Myths Associated with Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a form of mind control or brainwashing.
Hypnosis puts you in a deep sleep.
A person who's been hypnotized has no free will.
You can't perform usual tasks and functions if you're hypnotized.
You're unaware of what's going on around you when you're hypnotized.
If You're Interested in This Method...

Ask your family doctor or obstetrician for a referral to a trained practitioner.
Contact your hospital or birthing center to ask if they've had HypnoBirths and if they can provide you with a list of hypnotherapists specializing in childbirth.
Once you've found a few practitioners, ask for patient referrals and follow up.
Share your birth plan with your hypnotherapist so she understands what you envision for your birthing experience.
This guy is good, he approaches the medical industry from an alternative way.

My brother told me about him after listening to Talk Sport UK Radio.

He says that conventional treatments sometimes don't work, conventional methods treat the sympton while alternative (natural) methods treat the cause (go to the root of the problem).

I have two of his books and they are excellent and informative.

Check it out, tell me what you think?
I can't. Are you going to put the answer up for me?
Sounds excellent !

Do you just listen to the CD once a day ?

Hope you get the job ! I'm tempted to try it out, as I'm due a few job interviews soon !

No paralysis?  The key is you mind is awake and your body is asleep.  Lie to your body, fool it by noding off for a moment.  Your body will protest, it will send up a fake itch or cramp, DON'T respond, it's just checking to see if the mind is awake before shutting down.  Your body can be devious!
I had my second hypnosis session today and I went really deep I went to another world. I was self aware, and my visualisation is improving. She asked me what keyword would you like, really she meant what do you love. I couldn't think of anything, she suggested "ENERGY" as my keyword, because she can feel alot of energy around me. She has used energy as my keyword. Which means everytime I want to go back to that deep hypnotic state I just think and say the world "ENERGY" and I'm back there instantly.

As I stated in my first session last week that I felt an energy rush towards the end, this time I felt it more throughout the session and at the end aswell. Also, the pitch and level of her voice went up and down like a frequency which just means the consciousness is altering.

She made me visualise a 20 step staircase and as I took each step I went deeper and deeper. Then she said when I get down to the bottom final step that there will be a door, she said open it up and think your in a theatre, the colour of the walls, seats and curtains is black. Then think that the curtains of the screen slowly opens up and there will be a word saying "ENERGY". I managed to visualise this quite well. I noticed that my heart starting beating a little fast and I got very warm. So, I said to myself calm down and relax and it worked.  

Regarding the itchiness feeling, I did get that again. However, I have said to myself to observe and concentrate of what is going on. I also noticed that at the time of the voice going up and down, just before that happens I get a deep heartbeat.

Towards the end, I felt like my eyes went heavy and got the same feeling just before I slip into sleep at night. I could feel myself getting deeper and deeper. When I woke up I felt the energy rush in my body, but not as fast as my first session. I felt pure bliss and calm, also I felt warm, but it was a nice loving warm feeling, not the warm feeling you get when your sweaty.

My hypnotherapist said it's a pleasure to work with me and she believes that I can make a good hypnotherapist, she reckons I have been around for thousands of years so the past life regression session will be very interesting indeed. She says that I have a good positive vibe which put a smile on my face. :)

Next week should be interesting...

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Is life a movie?
August 02, 2004, 15:51:06
If free will is fact, then life is no movie.

I believe you had your first hypnosis session recently?

And you are interested in things like this?

And perhaps questioning how genuine it is?

In my opinion, it is very representative of your life right now.  Derren Brown is the illusionist, he represents the doubting side of you.  I may be barking up the wrong tree - only you can really interpret your own dreams, because only you know you.

(Did you go and see Derren Brown - I did at Dartford - he was amazing).  I left with more questions than I had when I walked in!  He's definitely on my dinner party guest list.  


I would gently encourage to keep meditating.  You don't have to power build (well a little here and there [;)] ).  It is still usefull for clearing your mind and relieving stress.

-Good Luck!
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Love an illusion?
July 19, 2004, 08:18:32
From my own experience I would say that there is only one
'force' from which ALL our emotions and feelings originate.
Some may call it love, some may call it something else, doesn't

As a metaphor you could take the Light wave for an example:

In the light wave you got the Electromagnetic wavelength, which
has most energy, then as you go downwards energywise you get to
the different visible Light wavelengths. Blue,green and the last
comes red light.

In my opinion the same goes for feelings AND thoughts. There are
high energy emotions and low energy emotions, but the essence is still
the same.
'subconsious mind' is an expression created by psychotherapists; any non-physical structure seems to have been disallowed. When you do allow this it becomes obvious (well to me at least..) that the subconscioius mind is the astral body. of course it now makes sense why it should be infinite - as a spirit, you connect up to the whole.

Here's a beautiful piece from Robert Wolff's 'original wisdom', as he is initiated by the local malaysian shaman:

Original Wisdom

Robert Wolff

ISBN 0-89281-866-2

p153 onwards.

The morning was especially beautiful, I thought, crisp with a chill
in the air. It felt good being out in the jungle again and I was
looking forward to the walk.
I made a firm resolve not to have any expectations. Whatever happened
would happen. I wanted to have all the wonder a child has at the
beginning of the day. We walked. I was thirsty and very tired - I was
sadly out of shape after a month of inactivity. In the early
afternoon, the hottest part of the day, when it might be cool in the
shade but very humid - we came to a big clump of bamboo about twenty
feet ahead. Bamboo tends to bunch together, forming an impenetrable
Ahmeed stopped, listened, turned to me (I was walking behind him),
and motioned: Be silent.
I opened my mouth to ask a question, but he gestured quite firmly,
motioning with his hand: No talking, stay still, quiet.
We stood frozen for what seemed a long minute when from the right a
large light-coloured snake came from under some bushes, slowly crossed
in front of us, and passed out of sight into the trees on our left.

I asked him, "Did you know that snake was coming?"
"Yes" was all he would say.
I tried to phrase the question differently: Had he heard it, seen it?
No, but he knew.
We walked on, my thoughts falling over each other. I returned to the
evening when he had introduced us to the Lord of the Great Ocean. That
had been a similar mystery. He had seen the ocean - and only the
surface of the ocean at that. He had probably not even put his feet in
the water, but he had known many things about the ocean that he could
not possibly have known.
"When we were in Port Dixon, did you walk into the ocean?" I asked.
No, he confessed, he did not get his feet wet.
"Is the ocean rainwater?" I questioned him, thinking I would trap him.
"Salty," he said.
"But how did you know?" I burst out.
He smiled his childlike smile.


The next day, after walking an hour, I realized that I was thinking so
much that I did not pay attention to where we were, to what was going
on in the environment. I was trying to figure things out in my head,
making lists, weighing probabilities as if Ahmeed's talents were a
problem in statistics. I decided instead to really open my ears, my
eyes, my nose, my skin to whatever I could pick up in the jungle
around us.

I stopped abruptly.
The jungle was suddenly dense with sounds, smells, little puffs of
air here and there. I became aware of things I had largely ignored
before. It was as if all this time I had been walking with dirty
eyeglasses - and then someone washed them for me; or as if I were
watching a blurry home movie - and then someone turned the focusing
knob. But it was more than that - much more. I could smell things I
had no name for. I heard little sounds that could be anything at all.
I saw a leaf shivering. I saw a line of insects crawling up a tree.
Ahmeed noticed that I had been walking slower and slower, while
paying intense attention to the world around me. He too stood still.
"Sit?" he asked.
"Well, no . . . not really . . . perhaps . . . I don't know," I
"Drink?" he asked.
Afterward I realized that he had spoked very softly, so as not to
intrude on what was going on inside me, and he had used simple, single
words: Sit? Drink? Yes, I was very thirsty. I looked at him, thinking
he would find a water vine. He was the person who knew the jungle,
after all. He looked back at me with a perfectly blank expression. He
was not helping. He was not talking.

Suddenly, a new thought burst in on me: maybe I could sense water. In
my mind I made a sort of list: seeing water, hearing water, smelling
water. I might smell water, or even hear it if it was dripping on a
leaf perhaps. I looked around.
"Do not talk," Ahmeed said - I knew he meant "Do not think." "Water
inside heart," he said next, with a gesture of his hand on his heart.
I knew he meant I should sense inside - not with my mind, but from the
It is sad to have to use so many words to say something simple.
As soon as I stopped thinking, planning, deciding, analyzing - using
my mind, in short - I felt as if I was pushed in a certain direction.
I walked a few steps and immediately saw a big leaf with perhaps half
a cup of water in it.

I must have stood there for a full minute, in awe. Not in awe of
anything in particular, simply in awe.
When I leaned over to drink from the leaf, I saw water with feathery
ripples, I saw a few mosquito larvae wriggling on the surface, I saw
the veins of the leaf through the water, some bubbles, a little piece
of dirt. Reaching out, I put a finger in the water, then saw that one
of the wriggling mosquito larvae had been trapped in a tiny bubble on
my finger. How beautiful, how perfect. I did not put the finger with
the water droplet in my mouth, but looked back at the leaf.
My perception opened further. I no longer saw water - what I felt
with my whole being was a leaf-with-water-in-it, attached to a plant
that grew in soil surounded by uncounted other plants, all part of the
same blanket of living things covering the soil, which was also part
of a larger living skin around the earth. And nothing was separate;
all was one, the same thing:
water-leaf-plant-trees-soil-animals-earth- air-sunlight and little
wisps of wind. The all-ness was everywhere and I was part of it.
I cannot explain what went on inside me, but I knew that I had
learned something unbelievably wonderful. I felt more alive than I had
ever felt before.
All of me was filled with being.

What this other sense is, I do not know. For me it is very real. I
think of it as a sense of knowing. It probably is a quality we all
have to a greater or lesser degree. For me it works when I can get out
of my mind, when I can experience without having to understand, or
name, or position, or judge, or categorize.
It is a quality that has to be used or it fades away; just as one has
to exercise muscles, so too knowing must be exercised.
I am saying this after the fact, trying to describe something that
does not fit into our Western concepts, and therefore there are no
words. At the time I did not think anything. I was learning how to put
my mind aside and use some other sense to know.
Standing over a leaf with a little water in it, somewhere in the
jungles of Malaysia, I did not think in words. I did not think. I
bathed in that overwhelming sense of oneness. I felt as if a light was
lit deep inside me. I knew I was radiating something - love, perhaps -
for this incredible world, this rich, varied, and totally
interconnected world of creation that, at the same time, gave love to
me. And with the love, I also felt a very deep sense of belonging.

After a while, I slowly woke up. I came to, so to speak, and was in my
body again. I looked around. Ahmeed was not where I thought he was. In
fact, he was not anywhere in sight. He must have walked on, I thought.
And as soon as I thought, I panicked. I realized that I was alone,
that Ahmeed had left me in a strange place. I had no idea where I was,
or how to get back to Three or to find Ahmeed. My first reaction was
to shout, to yell, to call him. But the sense of being part of this
wonderful whole was so strong that I could not raise my voice. I
opened my mouth and tried to make a sound, but no sound would pass my
throat. I could not possibly disturb this oneness by yelling, by
feeling panicked. I could not be afraid - after all, I was part of
this all-ness.

My life changed in that moment.

And then I knew I need not shout for help, I need not run after
Ahmeed. I knew with great certainty that all I had to do was put my
mind aside and know where he was. Almost immediately I knew: He was
not too far away. I had an impression of him walking leisurely in that
direction. He sauntered as if he were deep in thought, or perhaps he
was thinking of me. In my mindless state of being I sent him a
voiceless hello, and it was easy to imagine recieving his slight smile
that barely stretched the corners of his mouth.
Part of me wanted to join Ahmeed, go back to Three to eat and drink.
But another part wanted to stay here and know this new world more
intimately. I stayed.
I was certain I would find my way back to Ahmeed and the village
later, when it grew dark perhaps.


I had frequent flashes of what I then called oneness, that magical
sense of being one with literally everything in creation. Each time I
had the oneness experience, it became more natural, more a part of me
- not something that I knew, but something I am.

Today I no longer wonder at the things I say when I let my inner
knowing speak. My mouth may surprise me, but, when, after I say the
words, their meaning penetrates my consciousness, my consciousness
admits that my mouth spoke truth.
The knowing I learned is not the same as consciousness. It is far
deeper. I have found that sometimes I know something that I cannot
possibly know, much as Ahmeed knew about the ocean. That kind of
knowing does not fit into the Western view of what is real. Scientists
need to measure, dissect, analyze, and prove harmless before they can
accept that a plant has valuable properties, for instance - and, of
course, the properties of the plant have to fit into current theories
of Western medicine.
Anthropologists and other scientists have occasionally, and wth great
reluctance, studied herbs that people in out-of-the-way places have
used for millennia, forgetting that a healing system is just that: A
system. Pharmaceuticals cannot be considered separate from the healing
system in which they were developed.
Western scientists seem surprised when they find that some herbs and
potions work. The next step then is always an elaborate, high-tech
chemical analysis of the herb to identify the active principle. The
active principle is then recreated from chemicals so that it can be
commercially produced without the many "impurities" of the original
plant material (although now nobody will ever know whether perhaps one
or more of those impurities plays an important part in the
effectiveness of the natural herb).

The explanation Western scientists give for how people all over the
world discovered the healing qualities of plants without the benefit
of our sophisticated science is always the same: trial and error - as
if primitive people tried this tree bark, or that leaf, and perhaps
experimented with cooking it, eating it raw, shredding it, baking it
until, in the end, they kept what worked.
In reality, the preparation of many native foods and medicines is
often so complicated, requiring so many steps, that it is hard to
imagine how people would use trial and error to learn what is good and
safe to eat, or which herbs prepared which ways prove to be medicinal.
How would people discover through trial and error that curare, a
quick and deadly poison that can be applied to blow darts or arrows,
must be prepared by collecting the sap of the plant and cooking it
down to a thick paste, being careful, the whole time, not to touch it
with their hands?

All through history there have been people who knew with an inner knowing.
Once, while walking up the steep and very narrow trail that goes into
Hanakapi'ai Valley on the island of Kaua'i, I had an almost disabling
sinus headache. Each step pounded in my head. As I trudged up the
steep trail, I looked up and saw a plant I did not know, maybe twenty
feet above me on the side of the cliff. As I looked at the plant, I
knew what it would feel like (hairy, but not stinging), what it would
smell like (aromatic), and I knew that if I could get even one leaf of
that plant, crush it, and put it in my nose, it would clear my
sinuses. A friend reached up with a long stick and managed to break
off a leaf of the plant. It felt as I knew it would, and it smelled as
I knew it would. I put it in my nose. It cleared my sinuses, as I knew
it would.
The plant, I later learned, is a wild species of oregano. Hawaiians
know it for its medicinal properties.

Another time, in the mountains of Luzon in the Phillipines, walking
from one Igorod village to the next with two Igorod guides, I slipped
perhaps thirty feet down a very steep slope of scree and badly scraped
the insides of both hands. I knew that I had better not get an
infection on the inside of my hands: We were at least two days from
civilization. I looked for water, but the landscape was dry and sere
and there was no water near us. I saw a plant that grew all around,
and again I knew what the leaf of that plant would feel like (hard,
harsh, prickly), what it would taste like if I chewed it (bitter). The
knowing came in a set. I also knew what to do with these leaves: I had
to chew them to make a poultice that would clean out the dirt from the
many scrapes on my hands and perhaps even disinfect the wounds.

Click on that members name to bring up their profile.  There is a section whre you can view all unarchived posts.  Click on the link to their unarchived posts, this will show you the forums with the posts of that member.  You will not have the ability to read that members posts alone, in a vaccuum, but you wil see their posts within the context of each of the the threads that they posted.

Welcome to Dreams! / What does my dream mean?
July 10, 2004, 13:10:58
Keeping a dream diary is widely regarded as being a great tool for developing your ability to recall dreams...It will also increase the frequency of lucid dreams you experience.

Its a hard habit to get into, though !

As for the meaning of the dream...I'm not sure. It sounds just like a scene that has been cut out of someone else's experience & dropped into your mind whilst you sleep ! Though the cannabis reference is confusing.

Hi nrishiraj,

Your topic was moved as I thought it might be better suited here, rather than Astral Chat. Could you expand on your question a bit, as to what you exactly mean by "one level of consciousness"? That might clarify what you're asking a bit more.

Hopefully you'll get some serious responses here in Quantum Metaphysics. If you'd rather your topic be moved back, please PM me, and we'll see what we can do.

Very best,
Welcome to Dreams! / Video Game Lucid Dream?
July 07, 2004, 18:28:19
you know i had this lucid dream once and it wasnt like any video game that i knew of but at the same time i did have this sense i was in a video game. it made it way easier to manipulate what was happening and it was almost as if i could conciously do whatever i wanted. it was at a school and i saw some children there sitting on a bench with skateboards, i had already realized it wasnt real so i picked up the board and hit him in the face with it. i got absolutely no response out of him but it really seemed that i was in some sort of video game.
I've just finished his book 'The Biggest Secret'.
I can see why he is called 'the world's most controversial and challenging speaker!'  

He thinks the British Royal family conspired to assasinate Princess Diana in a staged car-crash with a wealth of esoteric symbolism surrounding it.  Today the memorial to Diana was opened in Hyde Park, and the queen said:

"To find some... way to capture her spirit has been the challenge.
I congratulate those who have created the memorial before us." ...

"I believe that you have given the Park, at the very heart of our capital city that Diana knew so well, a highly original memorial which captures something of the essence of a remarkable human being."

The memorial is a giant granite ring with water flowing around it.
I wonder what David will make of that...

I have to say I am rather incredulous of much of what the book says, but I did have one rather strange experience after reading it.

I was talking to someone about the claims in the book that "the royal family are shape-shifting reptillians from the lower 4th dimension(!)"
This person I have known for ages, he's pretty strait-laced with no apparent interest in anything esoteric.  Our conversation happened as I was passing him a £2 coin, with the queen's head on it.
He reacted as I expected 'oh that nutter David Icke.'
Then he looked thoughtful and turned the coin over where there is a pattern on the reverse, and he said 'hmmm, looks like an Egyptian Sun God.'  That is precisely what David Icke is going on about for much of the book!

It sounds like the dj was talking and its just a beat he had playing in the background...thats all I can figure but then again I'm not from the UK.
hello again !

I'm a newbie and I have not had an OBE yet. I'll be honest with you, I'm a little scared. Is that normal?

Yes, its normal. Unfortunately, fear is a barrier to your progress. To overcome it just takes time. Another thing to consider is this : emotions are multiplied and often manifest in the astral....creating a viscious circle. You get scared whilst projecting, then a scary thing you get EVEN MORE scared...and so on !

Just remember that you won't come to any harm, and confront the fear head on. Have a positive outlook and be rational - trust that you won't come to any harm !!

2) When you are flying and when you look at yourself, do you see your actual body?

This varies enormously. You may see an exact replica of your body. You may see yourself glowing. Or you may not be able to see your body, even though you are "aware" that there should be something there.

Hi there nrishiraj !

It was a combination of your meditation, and your falling asleep. Sounds like a cop out answer, eh ?!

Whilst your body became tired, your mind remained awake, & began to drift away from the physical. This is part of the state known as "mind awake / body asleep". Look in the astral conciousness forum for more info. Search on "focus levels" too.

You were actually quite close to astral projection. Did you notice anything odd about the blackness behind your eyelids ? Or your perception of space around you ? If the answer is no, then the next time you experience those sensations, just let things unfold naturally & do not think about it...see what happens.

If the answer was "yes", you may have noticed that the blackness that you normally perceive behind your eyelids had a certain texture. You may have also had a 3-D feeling that you were within a "space" or "room", and not lying on your bed. This state is focus 12, according to Monroe.

Sorry, I feel like I'm putting words into your mouth now  ! I'll stop.

Anyway, if you did perceive a texture to the blackness, the next step is to passively focus your mind on a speck / dot / pattern. With any luck, this will expand into a screen or window, which you can step through. Be aware though, that you can't just focus on a spot whenever you close your eyes - you have to be at that particualr level of conciousness that you may (or may not!) have reached.

Hope that wasn't too confusing !!!

Welcome to Dreams! / When we dream...
June 29, 2004, 12:04:29
Subconscious is a psychological word, and what it suggests. Some may say it is a motivating factor for dream scenerios. The word unconscious is another word for the same.When something is brought to consciousness, it builds on understanding. How a person utilizes the mind is up to them. Mental process doesn't require an entity,imo.

Soul/spirit are metaphysical words. There are various ideas about how this relates to the subconscious. For instance, a spirit is motivated by it's level of evolution, imo.I believe dreams are dimensional travel, therefore, out of body. The use of a vehicle may or may not be necessary. I guess it comes down to defining or recognizing energy?

My simple answer for a very deep question. [:)] This is why I wish to understand more.

Other ideas are possible.Quantum physics is interesting, but I can't get a handle on it.

Buy Astral Dynamics..

It's worth it.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / 2 questions?
June 06, 2004, 18:40:28
Good questions and glad to see your are enjoying your visits to the forum!


Stephen [:)]
I found some beautiful pics on the net: in the forum (astral chat) search some where between pages 2 and 5 (i think it´s 3, maybe 4) for a thread called "Real Eden" (or Let There be Eden, dont shure) that was created by me (Kazbadan if it helps).

i posted some nice pics there.
Hi nrishiraj,

This topic was moved here to our Forum Bugs Reports and Questions forum as it is more appropriate to what you ask. Not sure why that is happening with your computer, do you have cookies enabled? You can look over the other posts in this subforum, however I don't recall this particular issue before. Perhaps someone else has some ideas.