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Topics - thelou

For years I have used the ether's as an energy source.  However it seems like we are getting ready to transition to a different type of energy.  Almost like a different Universe.  I know it sounds crazy, but has anyone heard of or felt anything like this?
I have only been able to read about half of the posts here.  Was hoping to find my answer without having to bother others with a new post.  No luck.  Must leave soon.

Ok, before my question, let me back up a bit.  I started keeping a dream log about 6 weeks ago.  Most of them were just regular dreams.  One thing I found out for myself, that I have not heard anyone else talk about yet.  Is that we sort of pick and choose which dreams we want.  I discovered this when I was trying to teach myself to be lucid.

A picture would come into my field of view like a slide show.  I found myself passing, and then another one came.  I did this several times, before I found one I liked, and instantly I was in that dream.

Then the progression of my dream log started to slow down.  I was remembering less and less of my dreams, and almost no lucidity.

Then I read of people getting up and writing the dream down, right after it happened.  So I decided to do that.  It took three days to actually do it.  The first two I just sat there and thought about the dream.  Seems like if we don't think the dream is important to our growth, or just plain fun, we dismiss it as nothing worth writing about.

Ok now the weird part I could really use some help on.  This morning I woke at about 1am and wrote down a dream I had.

"I drempt I was talking to two other people".  Not significant or with many details.

Next three got longer with the explanations, and remembered more and more of each one.  I was kinda getting excited because it was working so well.

By now I was not really tired enough to go back to sleep, but not rested enough to get out of bed.  But I wanted to try and go back to sleep and see if I could go lucid.  Then I was laying there and could see like with my dream eyes a dream.  I could also sense the people like they were around me.  Then I realized that I had not fallen asleep yet!!!

I looked at the clock and rolled over.  Then it happened again.  I started to have a dream and I was not asleep yet.  I looked at the clock again and only 3 minutes had passed.  I never fall asleep that fast.  So this was proof to me that I started dreaming before I fell asleep.

Anyone have any experiences like that, or any ideas/opinions on what might have been happening?

Thanks all,

Hey lou,
Lots of people have ringing sounds in their ears when they are meditating, etc. You are possibly getting these ringing/buzzing noises just starting up when you experience the mozzy effect.

Just now I had what I think is the first astral hearing Ive ever had, where I heard a woman groan/shreik. It hit my right ear with a kind of shock wave effect and sounded very real yet not like there was someone right there next to me.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Happy Mothers Day
May 09, 2004, 10:40:54
Hey thelou!  I moved your thread to chat, and THANK-YOU!! [:D][:D]

Off to my sister's..We're gonna just sit and watch the men do all the cooking..Hehehe [:D] Not sure if it's a good idea though. [:P]

Nay [^]
Yes, I dream like this alot.It's like dreaming in a trance, and then I snap out of it before going to sleep.
Hi there,

Yes on occasion,

Looks like an audio version of hypnagogic imagery. I sometimes get once off sounds when going through into trance states – like for instance a popping, or bell like sound as if heard externally. Also spirit communication can be given this way. You might hear a familiar song been replayed in your mind as an example. Your M.A.S.H. experience reminds me of a dream had over ten yrs ago, where I found myself re-experiencing a level of the computer game Doom. Needless to say I had a rest from shoot em up type games and a repeat performance was prevented. Similarity who cannot say that after a long drive that when falling asleep the pattern of the journey appears to rekindle it's self before falling off! So it's probably nothing to be concerned about.

At the same time I would look at this way perhaps  - It is likely that you have some clairaudient ability. Have you noticed any throat centre (chakra) activity lately? It could feel like fluttering sensation around the throat of back of neck - right through to as if you think you are actually choking.  If so, then it might not be surprising to have had the experience you have talked about.

Perhaps a bit too time spent before the idiot's lantern?


Welcome to Dreams! / Dream within a dream?
April 24, 2004, 22:15:38
I've had a few like that. Once I dreamt I was waking up with real-time astral sight that allowed me to look through my eyelids. I woke up from the dream into another dream, and then woke up again but without 3rd eye sight.

Another time I was on a camping trip where we had made peach cobbler in a dutch oven but didn't cook it well enough on top and it made everyone puke. I was sleeping in my tent and dreamed I got up and out of the tent and went over an barfed on the scoutmaster. After I was done I woke up for real and threw up all over my sleeping bag then carried my yak encrusted bag to the scoutmaster who happened to be standing in the same spot by the fire that I had dreamed him.

I don't really know why this happens, I have a hunch that this is mostly the imagination feeding stuff to the subconscious to create odd dreams that mirror past experiences or that reflect the way you currently feel. These aren't astral experiences at all I don't think.