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Topics - yothu

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Any Sufis around here?
August 23, 2005, 16:24:24
I wonder if any Sufis are around here?

Or anyone that has interest in Sufism.
Hi there,

could anybody please clean the appartment of my parents? :)
I mean "clean" in a sense of psychic or whatever cleaning to get rid of negative entities.

There is something bad in this place that causes short-temper in persons, blurred vision and general discomfort. It is always the same pattern. I do not know where it is hiding.

Please, anybody, if you can help, please help! This may be crucial for my parents. The adress is Hieszgasse, Vienna, third district, apparment #6.

A thousand thanks!!!
Hello dear healer!

I have a friend. Her name is Heike. She's living in Vienna right now. She has been here for about 7 months now and is having difficulties in taking root. Although she wants to stay here in Vienna, she is about to give up for various reasons.

She had bad experiences with her boyfriend lately and job interviews and work did not go along very well. Personal pressure and stress grips her in a way I guess.

Although this sounds not very "grave", I know she doesn't feel very well. I know she feels hopeless and lonely. I helped as much as I can.

Maybe it sounds funny, but I think some kind of darkness (maybe a nasty neg) is working inside of her. She has got a girlfriend that often does healings and "consultings" with her, yet it does not seem to get better. Can somebody check on her and give her some grip in life and grounding so that she may overcome this obstacle. I know she can be a strong person, but these days the world seems to treat her brutally.

I would be so glad if she'll find a job (she studied history of arts, she's very fond of art and culture in general. A very educated woman, shrewd) and luck in her life here. I know she doesn't want to leave, but money does not grow on trees. And that's part of the problem. She is desperately looking for work and thus weakening her state of being, which results in her having difficulties in actually finding a job.

Please help

Kind regards & thank you very much


There is a picture of her:
If disease is also created by thought, then is it possible to pick up disease telepathically?

For empathical people this would mean that they pick up many diseases per day? How do they resist? What is the mechanism that makes them resist?
Welcome to the Healing place! / Healing Request
January 05, 2005, 06:23:02
Hello dear fellows!

Hope you don't mind if I call you this way...

My uncle, Péter, suffered cancer of the bladder for the past 26 years (1979-2005) now. Three times he needed to undergo surgery and lately he was called to hospital because doctors diagnosed another tumor in his body.

Please, anybody who is able to help, let's lift the pain and weight from my uncle. Whatever is causing this disease, I am sure he is not comfortable with it.
What I know is that he is receptive to energies. Last year we visited together a place in Hungary called "Attila domb" which is famous for his mystical healing powers. It is a hill were supposedly Attila had his camps. There we filled up with positive energy. Maybe not enough for him to be healed but at least noticable to him.

I believe my uncle has a lot of dark thoughts and memories in his mind which clutters it. He often speaks with himself in his room, shouting and swearing. A lot of times this is because he is not able or doesn't want to express what he really wants to do, I think.
Besides he suffers from diabetes, lack of exercise and depression.
A lot of times I tried to convince him to go to a thermal spring (Hungary has lots of them) with me but with no success.

I kindly ask you to help me in assisting him to heal himself. Thank you very much!

There is nothing in the universe you need to be afraid of, right?

Hi Yothu, thanks for taking time to introduce yourself !

I hope that you find a lot of useful info within the forums....the astralpulse really gives a good spectrum of views too.

Although you may not have had any wake induced APs yet, keep at it !


I would be more than pleased to add your dad to my healing list. If you can send me his name by PM it would be appreciated.

Hope this helps,

I've something to add, perhaps nothing new: Stephen King's "It" is, I think, also a kind of story that was inspired by the existence and acts of demonic entities. It is scaring for me that there is at least a seed of truth in such stories and movies...
yea i wish i could see better too.[:(]