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Topics - alchimiste

I agree with you about it being up to the intent of the user whether pentagrams are banishing or invoking, and what element it is. However, I do not agree when you say that starting at different points for different elements etc is complete rubbish! this helps the magick worker to focus by association, you recognise that a certain method of drawing the pentagram is associated with a specific element and this aids in the process of intent.

Also, I find you calling it complete rubbish very confusing, as it is clearly not. Very experienced and talented ocultists have been using these methods for a very long time, and they worked well for them. I am sure that You can assume that such people experimented with various methods and found the one that was more effective for them.

However, I will definitly try your extra line technique, it sounds very interesting. Thanks for that.
wow. i'm surprised i missed this thread. especially since my name is right in the topic name.

well, sorry to disappoint you, but i don't believe everyone who says just anything, even if what they are saying somehow backs me up.

as to whether i changed the weather or not, only true experimentation will tell.

on an interesting and possibly relevant side note: calgary (the city i am living in right now) has only seen a few days of snow this winter so far and the temperatures have been staying at a(n almost) constant 10 Celcius high and about 1celcius low. this year, as opposed to almost every other year of my life, i REALLY don't want it to get cold. i am not actively trying to keep the temperature up, but i do find this to be rather strange. especially with the last amount of precipitation we got was the day after i started thinking that we should have a bit of rain. it started raining and then turned into snow on the second day of the precipitation. then it stopped after the third day of light precipitation.

kinda coincidental, no?  :)

now, before any one replies, i am not claiming that i am behind this, but is it truly impossible that someone couldn't? especially with all the other things people are claiming to be able to do (like astral projection, use psi, use energy, etc)?   :P

chew it over for a while.


Secret of Secrets
Hello Pod3
  The important thing is that everyone can do herbs. They normally find the next steps on the path. I have one for the holidays. I have a rosemary plant in my front yeard. I intend to make a wreath out of some of the branches and hang on the door. It will protect the house and smell really good at the same time.

Hey Alchimiste,

well, all just speculation on my part, but I guess it's some of these extraordinary powers in extraordinary situation things... like someone getting giant strenght to lift a car where somebody is buried under.

I kinda doubt your guide just jumped into your astral double... but the higher self intervening thing sounds like a good explanation to me. Although your higher self probably wouldn't have to recite weird formulas to make that happen. Maybe there's some pastlife component to it and that's where that spell came from ?

But then it might've 'only' been your subconscious causing that... only you can know" border=0>
