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Topics - AndrewTheSinger

Windows can make me conscious, because I feel the urge to fly out through them. Clouds also denounce that I'm dreaming, because they will show what we can't see on this side, but they don't necessarily make me lucid. The same happens with mirrors.

Peter Pan is a character that I associate with astral travel and lucid dreaming:

Is there an icon, object or even a character that you associate with lucidity?
This happened last year in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil. Fortunately no one was hurt and nothing bad happened, as the rescuers were able to prevent the worst. A woman was threatening to jump from the window of her apartment, and a dark figure appeared moving upwards from the window beneath her. The shadow is visible from the beginning of the footage, rising subtly.

Everyone talked about it when it happened and they argued that it was just the window screen that fell off. However there is something else. At 22 seconds a light flashes quickly beside the woman on the building wall, and it apparently scared the shadow away, which you can see fleeing downwards.

The footage:

Was this a battle between supernatural beings? You be the judge.
Hello everyone. I used to be active here in the past, when I shared a common view with most of the members of the Pulse. Some years ago I left in order to proceed with my own researches. Since then, my understanding of things changed so radically that ended up isolated, and kept most of my ideas to myself and a few close friends.

But I have learned so many things that I simply can't keep them all to myself, so I decided to share, and I don't care if people are going to believe or not.

One of the things that I've learned is that if you cannot find the truth for yourself, then there is absolutely no hope for you. Who can you trust in a world where everyone is after his own interests? If I say one thing is true and another person says it's false, how do you decide who is right if the answer is not so obvious?

I believe that there is hope, and if you really want to know the truth about something that is out of reach, whether because it's in the past or a place far away, a divine part within you can show you the answers, as long as you seek them with a pure heart and a sincere desire to learn.

You can check out my website to understand what I'm talking about. I have all the evidences to back up my claims, and I'm going to gradually share them. As a monk I dedicate myself exclusively to developing my spiritual abilities and knowledge.

My astral experiences deal with a lot of these spiritual and unconventional things that I study, so I feel uncomfortable relating them, but when it's possible I'll continue giving my perspective on other people's experiences.

Don't be indifferent to this.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Scary NDEs
August 19, 2011, 20:12:12
It was not a radiant experience; it was an utterly terrifying experience of the void. I had never heard of anything like it. I didn't know anybody else in the world had ever had such an experience. That left me with a sense that I was walking around with secret knowledge too terrible to tell anybody.


Most of the people who have written about unpleasant experiences talk about them as happening to people who were sin-ridden, guilt-ridden, hostile, God–denying, love denying, suicidal -– all of that. None of which applied to me. I was far from perfect, but for heaven's sake, I had been saved twice at Billy Graham crusades! I had been born again.....and again! There was nothing in my background that could in any way help me explain this experience. I didn't even know where to look for an explanation.

To read more:
Hello everyone, I would like to suggest an astral experiment to obtain a certain information and then compare our results. The idea is to receive information only through experience.

During the astral projection there are some things that can be done to start a research, like: asking the people around, picking up books or magazines, teleportation to a specific destination, asking the astral tv, etc.

I've gone on this quest with a clear mind and absolutely no expectation or previous knowledge/belief, and came back with results that I think will be interesting to compare with what others will find.

The question is:

Is there life in Andromeda?

When posting your answer, use only the first letter of each word, and then on November 30 we'll compare our impressions and see what we can make of it.

For example, if the question was "When is your birthday", and your answer was "It is on June", you should post it like "I. i. o. j."

Now I'll post my answer, maybe I saw life, maybe I didn't, and if I didn't, maybe I saw something else that I found interesting. This is what I saw:

M. w. w. h. a. w. b., d., a. r. m., c.

This is a picture of the Andromeda galaxy, it's the closest galaxy to our Milky Way:

Don't rely on those colorful images that exist out there, they don't show real colours. They use false colors to study the composition. Galaxies when seen at close distance are mostly black and white.

Please, participate, it will be fun!
We came from above them all, the aliens and the gods, the angels of poverty and their monsters. Many people here are immortals, but they don't know it, so they live as though they were slaves. They believe they are part of the world, they don't know that the world is their pen, and their bodies their prison, because they are deceived. They don't trust their spiritual nature, they trust the flesh that will perish, so they put their hopes in this life, and they never find any truth.

Even those who have some spiritual perception don't realize that they must find the truth while they are alive, otherwise, when the body dies and they are in the hands of the authorities, they will have to go through a review, then a judgement, and they'll be cast into another flesh for servitude.

There is always much pain when they find out that they wasted their lives. But every new life is a new chance. When they attain to the life-giving word, they remain with it until the time comes. And in doing so, they will pass by the gates of all the authorities without fear. And they will strip off the burden of darkness, which is the body, and they will be baptised three times. And they will be received by those who give the eternal garments, the perfect light of the spirit, because they are no strangers to them. And they will move towards the highest place, since they became worthy of the indescribable glories, for they rejected the world and the powers in order to be free from the bondage of forgetfulness.

They will dwell there forever, with the Great Ones, the Immortals, in the Light of the Eternal Father. And they will learn from the imperishable perfect knowledge, and they will live and never die again.

Whoever has ears, let him hear!
Since I'm studying the gnostic books I decided to share with the forums this incredible text that was written almost 2.000 years ago, and had been lost and banned until it was recovered in 1945. It is part of the Nag Hammadi library.

What is so astounding about this book is that it speaks about our times, and not about the times when it was written. It speaks about science, the problems of the modern church, the social movements that would appear, and the person who wrote it somehow knew that the text should be kept hidden and that it would be recovered 2 thousands of years later.

I get shivers when I read this...

The Apocalypse of Peter ("Gnostic")

I had a vision (said Peter) that the Savior was sitting in the temple speaking these words to me. "Peter, blessed are those above who belong to the Father. They have revealed life to those who are of life. They have done this through me, since I have reminded them of who they are and whose strength that they are empowered with. And this power is the ability to distinguish words of unrighteousness and sin from those of righteousness. They are yet able to hear my words. For they are from the realm of the Authorities of Truth, having been brought to saving knowledge by the very One sought by all principalities. None have found him through scripture alone, since his name was never specifically mentioned therein, even among the generation of the prophets. Nevertheless, the Son of Man (who is exalted above all men, even those of like nature and being) has appeared among those who belong to him.

"But you, Peter, become completed, even though you are already completed in my estimation. Remember that I chose you out of all to become the foundation of the remnant whom I have summoned to knowledge (gnwssis). So be strong until the Image of Holiness - which is the one who has called you to know him, the one who was rejected by mankind, the one who is branded by the mark of rejection in the flesh of his hands and feet, the one who was crowned in the nether world, the one who has put on a body of radiance which is the hope of the servant and his badge of honor - tests you three times this night."

As the Lord was saying these things, I saw the priests and people quickly approaching us with stones; their intent was to kill us! I was afraid that we were going to die!

Then he said to me, "Peter, I have told you many times that these people are blind, and they have no leader. If you want to experience their blindness, hold your robe over your eyes, then tell me what you see." When I had done this thing, I saw nothing at all. "No one is able to see this way," I said. Then he told me to do it again. I did, and a mixture of fear and joy came into my being, for I saw a new light greater than the light of day. Then the light descended on the Savior, and I told him what I saw.

He spoke to me again, "Put your hands to your ears and listen to what the people are saying." I listened to the priests as they sat with their scribes, while the multitudes were shouting. I told him what I heard, and he again said to me, "Prick up your ears and listen to what they are saying." I listened again. "As you sit, the multitude is praising you!" When I said this, the Savior replied, "I told you before that these people can neither see nor hear. But now I tell you to listen to what they say, for their words are a mystery. Guard the words you hear! Keep them secret; do not tell anyone, for they are not for this time, but for the future. If you do this, you will be praised for your divine wisdom. On the other hand, if you tell all that you know, and make your visions public, the ignorant will beseech God against you!

About the church:
"The interpretation is this: that many will accept our teaching at first, and will turn against the priests and back to the Father, for they have done his will. And the Father will reveal the Servants of the Logos. But if some choose to mingle with these priests, they will be taken captive by them, since they are naturally blind and without spiritual perception. In this way the guileless, good, and pure will join the congregation of those still looking for their christ and awaiting final delivery to the Worker of Death. Skilled men will come after you who will be highly praised for the propagation of false teaching. They will cause many to cleave to the name of a dead man, thinking that through death alone (and not life) they have become pure. Their very means to purification will defile them, and they will fall into a congregation called 'Name of Error,' into the hands of evil and conniving men with manifold doctrines and laws, and they will be ruled by a heretic hierarchy.

About pedophile priests:
"Some will speak against the truth as well as proclaim evil teaching. They will even revile each other. Some will give themselves impressive names - names of the very demons that control them and give them their strength! They will not be threatened, even by the possibility of suffering for the sake of their sexual immorality. They will solicit for dreams. And if they perceive that a dream came from a kindred demon, one skilled at deception, they shall pronounce judgments that will render perdition instead of incorruption.

Back to their time:
"For a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Whatever the tree is, that is what will come from it. Certainly not every one is of the truth. Not all are immortal! Actually, in our view all souls of these ages are naturally assigned to death, because the soul-man is always a slave, being generated to fulfill its desires and their destruction. Soul-men are in destruction and from destruction! Souls love the flesh which was generated with them!

"But immortal souls are not like these, Peter. Until death, the immortal resembles the mortal. But the revealed nature of the immortal soul produces thoughts of everlasting life, has faith, and desires to renounce that which is not good!

"Figs are not plucked from thorn trees by the wise, nor grapes from thistles. The mortal soul is always developing into what it already is. Since it is not from good, but evil, it becomes destruction and death. But the immortal soul which comes to be united with the Eternal One (which is the one of life), resembles immortality and all the good fruit that comes from Him.

"Therefore those who are deaf and blind will join with their own kind, and the things dead will dissolve into non-existence. Others will be transformed from their practice of evil speaking and misleading mysteries.

About science and 'skeptics':
"Some of those who are 'intellectual' (yet 'unenlightened'), who do not understand true mysteries, will boast that they alone know all truth. They will come to believe their own fables; then, being envious of the immortals, will arrogantly and pridefully seek to lead others to their own point of view. (But these boasters have never been saved by the prescribed method; that is, the Way, although their greatest desire may yet be imperishability!) To hear them speak, one would think that they had direct communication with the various ranks of angels (principalities, powers, authorities), and that they were present at the very creation of the world! Their desire is to be remembered, praised and blessed by the immortals, even though they know that they have no part in immortality. Those who are deceived by such do indeed receive a feeling of soul-power, but it emanates from the intellect rather than the spirit. Thus, these 'disciples' immediately join those who mislead them!

About fundamentalists:
"Other messengers of error oppose the truth by making up laws against thoughts that are pure (and are my thoughts). They speak from one narrow-minded doctrinal perspective, teaching that good and evil are from the same place. They make what they call 'God's Word' into a business concern, and promise a harsh fate to those who will not cooperate. Even the race of the immortal will continue in deception until my public return. Only through the power of forgiving sins, will the chosen come out from among them, for I have ransomed them from the slavery of their adversaries. Even then, the free will create an 'imitation remnant' in the name of a dead man, who is in fact Hermas, the eldest son of unrighteousness, in order that the light which exists may not be believed by the 'little ones.' But those of this sort will be separated from the sons of light, and cast into outer darkness! For they will neither enter in themselves nor release those who are ascending for their reprieve.

About feminism:
"Still others think that they can improve upon the perfect wisdom that the 'brotherhood' already enjoys; that is, the spiritual fellowship of those united in the communion, through which comes the revelation of the binding of the corruptible with the incorruptible. A kindred fellowship of imitators will appear and be known as 'The Sisterhood.' These  sisters will oppress their brothers by saying such things as, "Because Salvation came from the womb, God has given women special privileges." They do not know of the severe punishment they will have to endure for approaching and taking those little ones prisoner with this deception.

"Even some who are outside our fellowship have given themselves impressive titles such as Reverend So-and-so, Bishop Something-else, and Deacon What's-his-name, and speak as though they have received their authority directly from God. These defy the judgment of true leaders, and are but dry canals."

But I said, "I am very troubled by what you told me, that the little ones, in our view, are counterfeit, and that multitudes will mislead multitudes of those possessing life, and destroy them by intermingling. But when they speak your name, they will be believed."

The Savior said, "For a predetermined time in proportion to their error, they will have authority over the little ones. When the time is right, the Never-Aging One of Immortal Understanding will become young, and the little ones will overturn their rulers. He will excise the root of their error, and will expose it in all the impudent glory that it has taken for itself. Then those who witness this will become unchangeable, O Peter.

"Come, then, let us continue completing the will of the incorruptible Father. For behold, those who will bring false judgment are on their way, and they will be shamed. They cannot touch me now! But you, Peter, shall stand amongst them. You are a coward, but I tell you, have no fear! Their minds shall be closed, for the Invisible One has come against them!"

When he had said these things, I saw the multitude seize him. I said, "What do I see, O Lord! Are they really taking you away? Are you grasping at me? Who is this person I see, glad and laughing on the tree? And is it another one whose feet and hands they are striking at?"

The Savior said to me, "The person that you saw on the tree, the one who is glad and laughing, that is the living Jesus! The other one, into whose hands and feet they are driving spikes, that one is the body; he is the flesh-manifestation of the immortal being put to shame, the likeness perceived by the natural eye. Look at him, then look at me."

I looked, and was much afraid and perturbed. In my confusion I said, "Lord, no one is looking at you. Let's get out of here!" But he said to me, "Haven't I told you to stay away from the blind? Can't you hear that they don't know what they are saying? They think that they have put my servant to shame, when in reality, they have hung the son of THEIR glory on the tree!"

Then I looked again and saw someone approaching that resembled the one who was laughing on the tree. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, and I knew him then to be the Savior.

There was a great and searing light around and about him. And I perceived a multitude of luminescent and invisible angels blessing him. And when I looked at him, the Blessed One was revealed!

And he said to me, "Be strong, you have been trusted with these mysteries and their interpretation through divine revelation. The one whom they crucified was the first-born in the home of demons, in a corruptible vessel with which the god of this world had his way by means of the Law and its cross. But near the first-born you have seen the living Savior, the first in spirit, whom they seized and released, who looks at his assassins with joy, while they are yet confused and divided among themselves. He laughs at their lack of perception, knowing full well that they were born blind and are blind still. The one susceptible to suffering suffered; that is, this one who they perceive with their eyes. But what they have released is my divine body. Yes, I am the all-knowing spirit filled with radiant light! The light which you saw about me is our Heavenly Host, which unite perfect light with my Holy Spirit.

"These things you have seen you will present to a future generation. There is no natural honor in any one who is not immortal, but only in those chosen to be from an the immortal, the only substance able to contain the one who gives his abundance! It is for this reason that I said, 'Every one who has, it will be given him, and he will have plenty.' But the completely dead - those that are creatures of this place - are rooted out from the planting of the recreation of what is begotten of God. Even if the immortal substance appears to some extent in these, it will be taken from him and added the living. You, then, take courage and do not fear anything. None of your enemies will defeat you, for I will be with you. Take peace; be strong!"

When Jesus had said these things, I came to myself.

There's a list of questions that I had made in the hopes of getting an answer to them through the astral, so I had a projection and received an answer to one of the questions.

I was in trance, back from an experience where I tried to ask something but I had thought too much and couldn't remember the question, so I had partially returned. There were stars in the darkness where I was floating, so I tried to reach them. Doing so I was back to a large green room full of things.

I went towards the tv and started thinking about something to ask, then I rubbed my hands together in order to remain stable and not return suddenly. Changing the channels I saw images from outer space, so I remembered a question on my list: Tell me about Hyperion, the Saturn's Moon.

Immediately a fantastic image appeared on the screen, and a voice started talking. I was so amazed that I thought "Wow, how beautiful! Do discarnates get to see these things?" All of this while the voice from the tv was speaking, so in thought I told myself to stay quiet, because apparently I was receiving informations from somewhere else. But the voice didn't say anything else. I had to split my awareness between vision and hearing, but I kinda slacked at hearing, this is what I got:

Voice: When the whole planet was an ocean, the ... use/do ... it.

Image: The whole landscape was water, it was an image from the past, not what one would see today. On the right side of my view was a huge, probably a few hundreds of kilometers high, set of metal pipes coming out of the water, they were interconnected, it resembled a hypercube. In the center of the landscape there were the tips of 2 rocks coming out the water, and on the left there were about a dozen fiery things - they could have been living things that were using or operating on that planet, but I'm not sure.

My interpretation: When the voice said "When the whole planet was an ocean...", I thought it could be talking about the Earth, maybe a tip so that I could locate myself in time, and though there was nothing about the experience that could relate to the Earth, the voice used the word 'planet' and not 'moon', so that kinda confused me. The second part of the explanation spoke about someone that had been there 'working' on that 'planet', but I don't remember who it was. The things that I saw were beyond my understanding, so I can't even make a guess of what happened there because I could be making a mistake. Even though the images were extremely detailed and perfect, I couldn't recognize anything.
LoL, sorry, but i think this is funny
Ever since I became fascinated by Ancient Egypt I've been trying to get an impression of Harakhte / Horus, the Bird-God, and after some failed and silly experiences I think I finally got something.

The silly experience was very dreamlike, I was traveling with somebody, in the modern world, and at some point we went to his house, he said he had to use the toilet. When he was going there his grandfather appeared, it was the bird-man. He moved towards me very slowly, because he was old, and it seemed that he was trying to sting me with his beak. He didn't look like Harakhte, looked more like Thot, it was funny but he kinda annoyed me, so I got a broom and started pushing him away with it.

Ok, so today I had a failed first attempt in finding the Bird-God, but then I remained in trance and started spinning to deepen more, and without shape I left my house to enter another house that I didn't know, and from there I tried to imagine that outside was a different space and time.

I imagined ancient egyptians walking outside, so I opened the window a little in order to see them, wishing they would not see me. Many of them had their hair dyed red. Their clothes were normal, they had t-shirts and shorts, only they looked very spent and were of dim colours.

There was something going on outside, they started making a lot of noise when suddenly someone opened the window completely, they found me. I jumped outside to see what was happening, they didn't understand who I was, they knew that I shouldn't be there. I couldn't make sense of their words. They pulled me from side to side.

Someone came riding on an elephant to scare those people away. That elephant was very aggressive, it started hurting the people. I could feel the weight of the animal trying to crush someone beside me, then I thought about giving up, but then I thought again and said 'No, I'm staying right here.'.

Concentrating more I managed to build enough confidence to fight the elephant and save the others, all I had to do was to think that the elephant was not heavy and not strong. When the beast came towards me I grabbed it's ears and held it's head down to the ground, the people ran, and then the elephant went away.

Now I had the chance to see how beautiful that city was, the tall pillars, dusty streets, everything was perfect. Walked inside a courtyard and a crawler dinosaur passed running by me... (this seems to be getting dreamy, but bare with me the end was cool)

Guess I found what scared the crawler, 2 very big dinosaurs are coming in my direction. The ground shakes as they move, I run with the other people. These beasts don't seem to be after us, but they are certainly dangerous and destructive because they can go through any man-made barrier. Unlike in the movies they didn't make vocal sounds, and they were not so fast.

Don't see anyone being eaten, but they are causing a big mess and ruining my experience, I'm not sure that I can defeat them, so again I think about giving it up. A voice speaks in my head 'Raise you chest.', I think it is a message by my higher-self, I do as it says.

More confident again, I go towards the 2 great reptiles and punch their legs. Have to sway away from those teeth and try not to be crushed by the gigantic paws, they are extremely heavy, all I can think is that they are not strong.

Still fighting them it kinda starts to work, they are stumbling, I make a final attack and one of the dinosaurs rolls and crashes against a huge wall. Can't remember what happened to the other one, it might have escaped.

There's a staircase to the upper part of the temple, I go up there and behold it in it's splendour. In front of me is dark night, the temple expands to the left and right sides. Moving to the right side I find at the base of every monolith something that resembles a small crystal that emits fluorescent light. There are no power lines.

That place is unbelievable, I stare up into the sky and feel the wind of the night. There are so many things to see, I find monoliths of birds and snakes, all more than 2 meters high, and on the right and left edges of the temple are huge stone walls. Exploring the left side there are many monoliths too, I take a look at the wall and the drawings. It has carvings and holes that look like a mask of Harakhte.

Then it happened, from behind the clouds above the left wall he appears, he seems to be about 10 meters tall, more than 2 times higher than the wall. He approaches, crouches behind the wall, and puts his face and beak inside the 'mask' carved on the rock.

His eyes are larger than a human skull, he adjusts his eyes and looks straight at mine. They are very human-like, brown iris and black pupils. I see only sanctity in his eyes. No words are spoken, whistles, nor thoughts, I don't know what happened after that, but I woke up, of that I'm sure...

I can't find anything to compare it with, it was sort of like looking into the eyes of a baby, but babies display emotions, his eyes displayed only peace and sanctity, but I mean, he had to give me that, I fought 1 elephant and 2 dinosaurs just to get there, come on, lol
This is something I've been doing lately, and from the results I've been getting I definitely recommend it. It is a variation of the Rope Method, it can be used to bring higher awareness and as a meditation ritual, here's the procedure:

1- Go outside at night when you can see the stars

2- Visualize a rope in front of you hanging from the sky

3- Imagine that rope binds the stars to the Earth

4- Start pulling down the rope with hand after hand

5- Imagine the stars becoming brighter as you bring them closer

6- Imagine the Earth rising towards the stars

7- Visualize the increasing length of the rope you've already pulled on the ground before and around you

Repeat steps 5, 6, and 7 as you wish, and when you're done, know that you've got something started. If there are no visible stars, imagine that by doing that you'll make them come. If a person doesn't have hands, invite a friend to pull the rope for you.

I wonder what will happen if many people on Earth started doing this, I get shivers. Anyone here involved in global meditations?
I'm not sure where to post this as I have no idea what it means, but it started bugging me when strangers started pointing to my shadow projected on the water and saying things like "Look daddy, how cool!", "Why are those lights there and not here?", "See those little waves there, what is it?".

Most of the time I just listen but don't say anything, but when that kid pointed to my shadow and said 'how cool' I asked him if it was around my shadow, to which he replied 'yes'.

I suspect it has to do with my recent researches, because I had never seen that before. It only happens around my shadow, and it follows me as I walk across the bridge. This made me worry that something was going to happen to me, but it's been about 3 weeks since this started and I'm alright.

They don't appear around my reflex, only the shadow of my head. I tried making shadows with my hands, but the streaks of light didn't converge to them.

I took some pictures to prove it because there are already too many people thinking that I'm crazy

pic 1
pic 2
pic 3
pic 4
pic 5
pic 6
pic 7
pic 8

I have no control over the water, I can't make it rise or anything, it happens totally independent of my will.
The former dwellers of the Earth


What you are about to read can be disturbing and can make you go insane, this is not a joke, so if you think that you're not ready to thread these waters then I suggest you don't read any further. For those that want to know more, you are certifying that you have good control over your emotions. For those that will read in disbelief, you are the best readers.

These informations are being made available because there's something very important that everyone should know. There is strong evidence to change everything that is currently accepted about the Earth and it's past inhabitants. I've been completely disturbed by this ever since it became clear to my eyes. Should I let others know? Am I meant to do this at all? Will I risk being thought of as a fool, nutcase, paranoid? Maybe, therefore I encourage you to verify every single sentence that was written here, and decide if it makes sense or not.

What I found has always been there for all to see, all I did was to connect the dots with lines to form the figure, so the credit goes to all the researchers that came before me and left their dots. My work is just another dot, and hopefully someone will use it to form the bigger picture.


Extinguished ancient civilizations are known to have possessed incredible technological knowledge, undeniable astronomical, agricultural and mathematical skills, and perhaps the most impressive and tangible legacy of their long lost past are the astonishing, complex gigantic structures made of carved stones that can be found scattered all over the globe, usually dated to at least 4.000 years ago, the Megaliths.

(For more info: Ale's Stones; Burnt Hill; Cromeleque dos Almendres; Pedra Montada; Carnac Stones; Khakassia)

Megalithic monuments can have stones of weighs varying from 10 tons to more than 150 tons, and heights that can reach up to 14 feet each.

(For more info: Mnajdra; Hagar Qim; Stonehenge; Ggantija)

Enormous blocks of stone are so precisely fitted together that even today with our modern technology it would be impossible to replicate such an everlasting feat.

(For more info: Kheops Pyramid; Baalbek; Tiahuanaco; Sacsayhuamán)

It has been proposed in the book 'The World Without Us' by Alan Weisman, that if the whole humanity suddenly disappeared from the face of the planet, all the great cities in the world would soon start to crumble due to natural phenomena and lack of maintenance. Roads would give way to forests, and skyscrapers would fall in a period of decades.
(For more info:

Who were the people that built these magnificent structures? They seemingly knew things that only now we're starting to grasp. If we look back to the scriptures of the very first civilization known, the Sumerians (5.000 BC), we find stories about a race called Anunnaki, who "descended" to Earth and established their cities on the alluvial plain of Mesopotamia. They supposedly created and instructed the human race, and in the scriptures, the Anunnaki are said to have been giants. Roman and Greek's texts speak about Titans, a race of godlike giants who ruled the Earth before the Olympians overthrew them.

If these ancient stories are true, that would explain the largeness of the constructions, but what does Archeology have to say? Has any Archeological proof for giants been found besides the monuments and legends?

The concise answer is yes, tombs, mummies and bones have appeared and disappeared here and there, however, no academic register of that nature has ever been made public.

It has been reported that there were larger animals, like mammoths, elephant birds that were over 3 meters (10 feet) tall and weighed almost half a tonne, great lizards and reptiles like the dinosaurs. Ocean creatures were larger and more numerous, like giant squids, and even a giant water scorpion that lived 330 million years ago.

Historians and Archeologists tell us that our ancestors were taller, stronger, but they won't tell us that they were giants, and for many obvious reasons. Among all those reasons, likely to be the most important of all, is that we simply don't know what happened to them.

The stones

Some of the stones used in the megalithic monuments were carried from distant places by methods not clearly understood yet, for instance, the nearest source of stones of the size represented by the large sarsens at Stonehenge is on the Marlborough Downs, about 30km (18mi) to the NE, and the 'blue-stones' were transported from over 100 miles away. Granite stones for Sacsayhuaman, of weighs between 361 tons - 440 tons, were transported 20 miles over mountains terrain. The source of other stones like the Carnac Stones, Cromeleque dos Almendres, and Pedra Montada, remains unkown. Could they have been carried from places much farther than what is believed? What would it mean if we discovered similar structures on other planets?

Speculations of a connection between the pyramids in Egypt and planet Mars have arisen when a humanoid face was photographed among pyramidal sructures in a region of Mars called Cydonia Mensae, in a picture taken by Viking 1 on July 25, 1976. Debates around the uncanny formation seemed to have settled after new higher-resolution images suggested that it was just an optical illusion. But still there is something significant to know: Is there any correlation whatsoever between the soil and rocks on Mars and the stones of the quarries and pyramids in Egypt?


Egypt is a country rich in stone and was sometimes even referred to as the "state of stone". There was an abundance in Egypt both in quantity and variety of stones, from soft limestone and alabaster through harder sandstone to granite and basalt. From the Third Dynasty (about 2700 BC), stone was used extensively in construction. Most of the material used was fairly rough, low grade limestone used to build the pyramid core, while fine white limestone was often employed for the outer casing as well as to cover interior walls, though pink granite was also often used on inner walls. Basalt or alabaster was not uncommon for floors, particularly in the mortuary temples and as was mudbricks to build walls within the temples (though often as not they had limestone walls).

The ancient basalt quarries of Widan Al-Faras (Ears of the Horse), so named after two hills which stand as a prominent geological feature at Gabal Qatrani, lie in the north of Fayoum about 80km southwest of Cairo. Not only do they form the best preserved ancient geological landscape from ancient Egypt, but this is also the oldest and most extensively-used basalt outcrop. There are no known archaeologically preserved equivalents anywhere else in the world.

(sources: ;

Using ion beams, Demortier analyzed pieces of material from the pyramid, dated between 2551 and 2528 BC. His collaborators have determined alumino-silicate compounds. "In the 1970s, Josephs Davidovits studied chemical composition of polymers, with the aim of finding a fire-proof material. He discovered geo-polymer and some years later found out that the pyramid blocks have nearly the same composition. Upon his initiative I analyzed the matterial and found out that it is synthetic, not natural, especially because of the lixivial stone." Said in a much-simplified way, Guy Demortier asserts that the Egyptians built pyramids on the left bank of Nile from a kind of concrete, composed of 85 percent of limestone and of 15 percent of binder, containing water and natron; the latter is an alkaline sodium compound occurring in this area.

The pyramid samples contained microconstituents (μc's) with appreciable amounts of Si (silicon) in combination with elements, such as Ca (calcium) and Mg (magnesium), in ratios that do not exist in any of the potential limestone sources. The intimate proximity of the μc's suggests that at some time these elements had been together in a solution. Furthermore, between the natural limestone aggregates, the μc's with chemistries reminiscent of calcite and dolomite—not known to hydrate in nature—were hydrated. The ubiquity of Si and the presence of submicron silica-based spheres in some of the micrographs strongly suggest that the solution was basic. Transmission electron microscope confirmed that some of these Si-containing μc's were either amorphous or nanocrystalline, which is consistent with a relatively rapid precipitation reaction. The sophistication and endurance of this ancient concrete technology is simply astounding.

Samples from six different sites at the traditionally associated quarries of Turah and Mokattam have been studied using thin-section, chemical X-Ray analysis and X-Ray diffraction. The results were compared with pyramid casing stones of Cheops, Teti and Seneferu. The quarry samples are pure limestone consisting of 96-99% Calcite, 0.5-2.5% Quartz, and very small amount of dolomite, gypsum and iron-alumino-silicate. On the other hand the Cheops and Teti casing stones are limestone consisting of: calcite 85-90% and a high amount of special minerals such as Opal CT, hydroxy-apatite, a silico-aluminate, which are not found in the quarries. The pyramid casing stones are light in density and contain numerous trapped air bubbles, unlike the quarry samples which are uniformly dense. If the casing stones were natural limestone, quarries different from those traditionally associated with the pyramid sites must be found, but where? X-Ray diffraction of a red casing stone coating is the first proof to demonstrate the fact that a complicated man-made geopolymeric system was produced in Egypt 4,700 years ago.


Using atmospherically-corrected TES emissivity spectra, [1] and [2] identified two major surface types on Mars: basalt and andesite.
From low-resolution (1 ppd) global maps of the distributions of the two surface types, [1] concluded that the basalt is restricted to the cratered terrain, and andesite is concentrated primarily in the northern lowlands, but also has significant concentrations throughout the cratered highlands.

Close inspection reveals a host of rock types, from primitive volcanic material like olivine-rich basalts to highly processed silica-rich rocks such as granite, the study found. The diversity implies that the surface rocks have been reconstituted many times over an extended period of time, perhaps into the present era.

Christensen explained: "You melt the mantle and you get olivine basalts; you melt them again and you get basalt; you melt that and you make andesite; you melt that and you make dacite; you melt that and you make granite."

Mars is "a very complex world underneath that veneer of basalt," Christensen said.

The analyzed rocks were partially covered by dust but otherwise compositionally similar to each other. They are unexpectedly high in silica and potassium, but low in magnesium compared to martian soils and martian meteorites.

Although the first APXS soil analysis (A-2) was reported to be almost identical to Viking soils, ssubsequent analyses demonstrate some variability and a few significant differences from Viking analyses. Specifically, soils at the Pathfinder site generally have higher aluminum and magnesium, and lower iron, chlorine, and sulfur. Scooby Doo, which appears to be a sedimentary rock composed primarily of compacted soil, also exhibits a few chemical differences form the surrounding soils.

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit has found a patch of bright-toned soil so rich in silica that scientists propose water must have been involved in concentrating it.

The silica-rich patch, informally named "Gertrude Weise" after a player in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, was exposed when Spirit drove over it during the 1,150th Martian day, or sol, of Spirit's Mars surface mission (March 29, 2007). One of Spirit's six wheels no longer rotates, so it leaves a deep track as it drags through soil. Most patches of disturbed, bright soil that Spirit had investigated previously are rich in sulfur, but this one has very little sulfur and is about 90 percent silica.

Silica commonly occurs on Earth as the crystalline mineral quartz and is the main ingredient in window glass. The Martian silica at the Gertrude Weise patch is non-crystalline, with no detectable quartz.


Basalt and granite are a commom for both Mars and Egypt, but no limestone was ever found on Mars. Limestone is a sedimentary rock, it's presence would indicate that there were once oceans or large lakes there. Egypt is rich in limestone because it was covered by the sea during the Cretaceous Period.

Silica, aluminum, and magnesium are also found on both the Martian soil and on the composition of the pyramids. This would be of little significance, if not for the Opal CT, a rare substance on Earth, found in considerable amounts on the Egyptian pyramids.

Silica is silicon dioxide, non-crystalline silica like Gertrude Weise on Mars when hydrated is known as Opal-A, it's an amorphous silica and a necessary ingredient to produce Opal CT. Under atmospheric conditions of temperature and pressure, Opal-A would over time turn into Opal CT, and then microquartz. Silica will also combine with aluminum in the presence of magnesium or calcium, thus forming alumino-silicate compounds, and that's also what Demortier collaborators have found on the pyramids.

Joseph Davidovits, who analyzed the stones of the pyramids wrote "High amount of Silica exists in the casing stone of Cheops and Teti, yet, in the associated quarries there is only quartz and no presence of Opal CT. The presence of Opal CT in the casing stone of Cheops does not indicate that it is naturally occuring, since Opal CT is not found in the quarries."

My question is where did the Egyptians get the amorphous (non-crystalline) silica in high amounts to produce their pyramids, when that substance doesn't commonly occur on Earth?

. . .

Now, what if part of the raw material used to build the pyramids were brought from Mars?

I know, that's crazy, but here's the list:

*2.4 million blocks, weighing 2.5 tons each, cut, carried and and put together with millimetric precision by 'people using simple instruments';

*They were fitted together so perfectly that the tip of a knife cannot be inserted between the joints even to this day;

*Granite quarried nearly 800 km away in Aswan with blocks weighing as much as 60-80 tonnes, was used for the King's Chamber and relieving chambers;

*The casing stones of the Great Pyramid and Khafre's Pyramid (constructed directly beside it) were cut to such optical precision as to be off true plane over their entire surface area by only 0.5 mm;

And the list goes on and on...

John Anthony West writes in reference to Egypt in particular: "How does a complex civilization spring full blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of 'development'. But in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there from the start."

An interesting thing about Aswan is that it is one of the driest inhabited places in the world; as of early 2001, the last rain there was 6 years earlier. As of 18 May 2007, the last rainfall was a thunderstorm on May 13, 2006. In Nubian settlements, they generally do not bother to roof all of the rooms in their houses.

Is it possible that the whole city of Aswan stands on the soil brought from Mars?

Pictures of Aswan:

No blue light penetrates the martian atmosphere, as it is absorbed by dust, giving the sky it's red color.

The real quarry

What would have happened if the former dwellers of the Earth started using earthly resources to build their gigantic temples here? The Earth would most certainly be full of gigantic holes, sort of like these:

Those are accepted today as 'meteor impact holes'.  Are most of them impact craters? I don't know. Are all of them meteor impact holes? Definitely not.

The first thing to ask is: If the soil was soft enough to absorb the impact and create holes, how could have the meteors exploded and disappeared?

Not that they can't explode, but if they did explode there's something crucial to be asked...

The second thing to ask is: Why the nearly perfect spherical holes? What does it take for an object to crash and make a spheral hole? The first indispensable requirement is a perfect spherical object, meteors and asteroids tend to have irregular shapes, but let's suppose that all of them are perfect round structures. For that round structure to make a perfect hole it has to move on a perfect vertical line towards a surface, otherwise the hole would be egg-shaped, wider than deeper. The next thing needed after we have a perfect round object falling on a perfect vertical line, is for the object to hit a surface that is softer than itself, so that it can imprint it's mark, and then mysteriously disappear. If the object exploded it would make a total mess and ruin all the previous perfect conditions.

Asteroid 253 Mathilde, discovered in 1880 by Johann Palisa, has an area of 52 km² (32mi), and 2 of it's largest 'impact craters' are respectively 29.3 km (18mi) and 33.4 km (20mi) wide. They are wider than the asteroid's average radius! Mathilde has at least 5 craters larger than 20km (12mi) in diameter on the roughly 60% of the body viewed by the Galileo spacecraft in 1993.

How could those immense, successive, devastating 'impacts' not have completely destroyed that asteroid made of chalk? Either some extremely strange force held it in place and steady, or that what we call impact craters may be a totally different thing.

The pattern on Mars:

Mercury - holes found: zillions, meteors found: 0?

This next picture is a very peculiar and strong proof that not only has intelligent life visited Mars before us, but that scientists are well informed of that. Here you can see two triangular shaped rocks that had their upper parts sliced off. They were carefully positioned in the center of the image taken by the probe, two of a kind side by side among thousands of other ordinary rocks:

The name of that previous picture is Twin Peaks  :roll:

A message?

As strange as it may sound I'm not interested in conspiracies, ufos, and I don't believe in reptilians, what I know now is that something very important happened in the past, and that story is not being told in school books. So, what's the meaning of all this? The stones, the temples, the legends, the marks on other planets, us, what is it all about? One thing is clear, those that lived long before us were very careful with the places that they've chosen to settle their civilizations, and with the materials that they used to build their cities. They were so diligent with their work that they left their unmistakable traces in all parts of the world to be found thousands of years later, and these traces would lead to a serious implication, that we were invited to take part in this creation.

One could picture the human race as fishes in an aquarium, but I think that what time has shown is that we are co-authors of a masterpiece, and we are just beginning. The question is now upon us, what honourable everlasting legacy are we leaving behind for the generations in the future?


The megalith of Pedra Montada stands about 4km (2.4mi) from where I live, and when it's not too hot I sometimes get my bike and go there. It's kind of difficult because it's an ascent, so at some points I have to get off the bike and walk it past the slopes. The way back is great, running over 60km (37mi) an hour on a bike you get to feel the wind and the ground real good. Now my brakes are not so good so I avoid going that fast.

Last time I went there I brought my camera with me and found that there is a stone much larger than the Pedra Montada, it looks like a huge crocodile behind the trees.

That thing is more than 10m (32 feet) long, and possibly weighs over 100 tons.

Another one that caught my attention is this half stone that is partially buried in the ground. Whoever sliced that stone used a very good instrument, it left no marks or slivers like one would expect from a sawing.

While researching sources of amorphous silica I found out about this substance called diatomaceous earth. It is composed of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae, and it's usually over 97% amorphous silica. 30 million years ago the diatoms built up into deep, chalky deposits of diatomite, sometimes thousands of feet under the ancient lake floor and seabed. The diatoms are mined and ground up to render a powder that looks and feels like talcum powder to us.

So, to consider the possibility that the builders of the pyramids were mining that product at such depths and processing it to mix it with limestone at 10% could be just as wild of an idea as the possibility that the silica was brought from Mars, except for two details, neither the product nor pits that deep were ever found in Egypt, on the other hand if you take a look at Mars...

An analysis of the microscopic structure of the silica on diatomaceous earth and the silica found on the pyramids should be able to clarify this.

Final notes

One day while writing this I started having serious doubts whether I should continue or not, it all sounds too insane for my taste even though I was inspired to start writing after my recent findings from researches on megaliths. I was out in the backyard looking at the stars and thinking about stopping and deleting everything, I don't want to play the fool or mislead people, so I asked for a sign, a good and clear indication that I was either right and should continue, or that I was totally wrong and should quit and forget all this, whatever I was shown I would understand and follow. Well, I went to bed and had a non-lucid dream in which I was on the beach and a few meteors started falling from the sky crashing into the sand and the sea leaving a trail of dust and smoke in the air. Most of them were the size of a car, the first one hit the water, the second one hit the sand, the third fell to the far right of my view, and I was starting to worry that one of them could hit my head, you know, when you're not lucid dreams can make a perfect depiction of reality. Then there was silence, everything was quiet when a massive meteor about the size of a basketball court crashed into the sand 100 meters (320 feet) in front of me and sunk. When the dust settled I saw it had formed a heart-shaped hole. Woke up after that and thought it was some kind of joke, a heart-shaped hole, alright, anyways, none of the meteors exploded, so at least I had a small confirmation. It was only late that day when I decided to make a search on 'heart-shaped craters', guess what I found? A heart-shaped crater on Mars, and what is this inside of the crater? A meteor. Now I'm totally convinced, so I had to finish the article.
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Recommended websites:    -    Impossible objects    -    Impossible findings     -    The largest cut-stones of all time    -    The Great Pyramid

Recommended videos:    -    Forbidden archeology (THIS IS AWESOME, A MUST SEE!) (Special guest appearance of Max Cavalera from Soulfly at 17:22)   -    Giants-Mystery And The Myth 1   -    Giants-Mystery And The Myth 2   -    Giants-Mystery And The Myth 3   -    Giants-Mystery And The Myth 4   -    Giants-Mystery And The Myth 5   -    Giants-Mystery And The Myth 6   -    Pyramid mysteries   -    Incredible Egyptian technology   -    Bases on the Moon and "out of place" artifacts
I stumbled upon this by accident while researching other things and it surprised me that it wasn't spoken of in the news nor anywhere else that I know. Someone has found a very clear face of an Indian carved in the mountains of Alberta, Canada. The coordinates are 50° 0'38.20"N 110° 6'48.32"W. You can also see it through Wikimapia:

I've spotted 5 other faces there in the surrounding area beside the helmetted one, all facing West.
I'm transcribing the words of a dying man who was attacked with a sword after trying to burglarize a house. He was taken to a hospital, incredibly, still alive with half a head, no arms, and God knows what other wounds he had.

screams of pain

Where is it man?

I'm listening (?)

Oh, I'm feeling cold

It gets very cold

I'm feeling cold, no... I'm feeling cold, I'm feeling cold

Excuse me bro (reverse speech), I'm feeling cold, it's, it's cold in this 'Pranu'

I'm feeling cold... Gusvaaaal... hum... hum...

I'm gonna die... hm...

I'm feeling cold! It's cold.. it's cold.. it's cold..


Oh it's cold

That... that dude right over there

Hello... João?

Right, I'm coming (?)


(?) means that the audio wasn't too clear, so I'm not totally sure.

'Excuse me bro' was said backwards, I wasn't understanding the words, sounded like mumble, so I tried to play it backwards and it became very clear, even the intonation was right.

I googled 'Pranu' and found about a burial ground in Italy dated from the Neolithic period, stands for 'Highland'.

Gusval could have been a name.

Hello (Alô) is only used when talking on the phone, when meeting someone in person we say Oi (Hi).  João = John.

Watching a TV screen, there was a girl alone in a small house, sitting on a couch, and it was snowing outside, she wanted to get out but could not. It was raining when I looked out of the window where I was, I didn't recognize the place, then I thought "Nah, this won't stop me from going outside".

Went out the window floating and dancing in the rain like a madman, it was dark and the clouds were thick. Can't remember where I landed, next thing I know I'm in an astral version of my room.

I watched the astral TV for a couple of minutes, some very interesting things, then I went for the astral radio, wanted to hear some rock music. When I turned it on there was a very fine tune playing, first the solo guitar, then the lyrics. I chose 2 lines to remember, but can only remember 1 now, because I prolonged the experience afterwards. It reminded me of Soundgarden, the lyrics went like:

I can even see my fear...


I enjoyed hearing that song so much. Back to the TV I started talking to it, there were a few questions I needed answer for, so I expected the TV to magically reply to me. It kinda worked, but I didn't like it too much, so I went outside.

There were a lot of people in this gym, there was a game going on, girls playing handball. Still looking for answers I walked by the side of the court when the ball went out the sideline. I asked the girl who was going to throw the ball back into the game "In the astral, can a person use a computer?", she said "Yes.", and threw the ball. Not fully convinced, I went to ask another girl. I didn't want to be annoying and disturb their game, but I needed a second opinion "Can I use an astral computer?", and she said "Yes.". Well, this one sounded more reliable, more like a 'Yes, of course.'

I kept on walking, there was a guy ahead leaned on a wall watching the game, I decided to ask him a more detailed question:

- Hi, I am a musician and a producer, and I'm afraid that when I die I won't be able to do the things that I've been doing on Earth, I have many unfinished projects, so, will I still be able to do everything?

He turned to face me and his eyes were huge, not like an alien, but of abnormal size, spooky, but he was nice. He smiled and said:

-Yes, everything and some more!

Wow, now I was happy to hear that, so I wanted to know more:

- Really? More like what?

- It's risky, I should not tell you, it's meant to...

Just as he was saying that a girl came out of nowhere with a group of some people to alert him:

- Hey, what's going on here? Are you going to tell him??? (or something along these lines)

My mouth was now stuck, I couldn't move my jaw and I had no voice anymore. Concerned that I might be causing trouble I turned my back on them and jumped through the dimensions and into my body.

Woke up sweating, my teeth were pressing tight against each other, it felt like I was back from a very profound dive.

Only now I can see a pattern in my experiences, going outside after watching the astral TV or listening to the astral radio I usually see people practising sports. Also, I would like to apologize to the astral beings, I'm sorry, I won't ask about the afterlife anymore.

These last few days I felt inspired to write this essay, got interesting ideas derived from experimentation and reading I've been doing, so I decided to put it all on text. Hopefully someone will find some of the things in this material useful for their astral explorations.

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Good old Broken Files

The astral world certainly doesn't seem to be the most suitable place to be called 'home', with all it's landscapes, trees and houses that disappear after a second look, but it's ever changing environment is surely a great ground for explorers, travelers, passersby and most interestingly, maybe operators.

Things over there are very much like things on Earth. The most common scenario encountered by astral projectors is to find people behaving just like they would in the physical world, this is, going up and down about their own things in total oblivion as to greatness of the reality that they are in.

Now if you stop for a while and pay enough attention to the strangers, you might see that most of them operate in a very predictable manner, usually in groups and involved with the same basic things, and this makes us feel like it's always our first day in school. It's like they are on automatic mode, completely inserted in their activities and supposed 'daily duties'. But remember, unlike here on Earth there's no routine in the astral, you might go out the door one day and see skyscrapers, then go out that same door the next day and watch the ships come ashore.

So, who are these people and what are they doing?

You can easily answer this by analyzing them, but let me give some pointers:

Do you recognize them?

If you're seeing a known figure, it can be the real person or your image of the real person.

How can one tell the difference?

Simply by their reaction in seeing you. Let's suppose you're able to make a real trip to the Moon, and, upon arriving there you are met with an old friend, what would you do? You could be surprised, greet, hug, be happy, excited, that's the most natural reaction of any real person. Why does one think the same thing can't apply to the astral?

When somebody you know doesn't have that natural reaction of being surprised and greeting you, you can safely dismiss it as it is not the real thing. It doesn't matter if you regularly see that person on Earth, don't forget that if it is real then you are both momentarily sharing a different state of consciousness. You should always be looking for a sincere positive reaction, specially surprise.

Another thing to check is their ability to maintain a conversation, imaginary subjects are poor in expressing themselves and their emotions, they might not even reply at all, but I'll cover this more ahead.

In the astral, a real person should always be happy and surprised in finding another real person.

And what if I'm seeing a real person who is unconscious?

Many dreamers fancy about waking up the dream characters and having them enjoy the wonders of lucidity, but find that they don't really understand what is being said, neither show any kind of emotion that could confirm that they are conscious indeed. Don't get frustrated or worry too much about this, actually, in my experience at least, there's no such thing as a 'real person who is unconscious'.

Being unconscious is like being a piece inside someone else's game, in this case, it is the game of the subconscious mind. To the unaware dreamer there is no will of his own, just the will of the character that he is portraying. Without lucidity one is just as real as the story that is taking place in the dream, for this reason, you won't find any real person in the dreamworld unless he/she is conscious, because if they were unconscious, they would be inside the games of their own subconscious minds, playing endless roles and characters, and wouldn't be available to you.

In the astral, a real person is only reachable by another real person when he/she is conscious, and not while involved in the games of their own subconscious minds.

What about the other explorers?

They are there, and we've learned that being lucid helps us access them or have them access us, but you can't actually see them, at least not initially.

The fact is that vision is a fantastic tool, but only when you're using it, not when you're being used by it. Consider this, how could a blind person become lucid in a dream?

For a start, blind people don't really dream like we do, they experience kinetic sensations and sounds, so that leaves them with very little to operate when most of the techniques involve noticing something different in the scenario. One thing they could do is to attend to weird sensations like floating and flying, which is the same thing that we do, only we add visuals to that.

Now I ask you:

If you are blind and you're in front of me, how can you know that I am real?

...perhaps by touch...

Yes, and what if you can't see me nor touch me?

...perhaps by talking...

But let's suppose that you're confronted with a very tricky situation where you're standing in front of a robot that is programmed to ask and answer certain questions, you'd still be able to touch it and "communicate" with it, yet, is it real?

No, it is a broken file.

Broken files are everywhere in our dreams, they are images of people that we have seen during our lives, and they occupy the spaces where the real files should be, therefore, what we can access through these broken files is very limited. When questioned, some of them may change into objects, animals, or simply disappear.

Generally speaking, in my experiences I could identify at least 3 basic reasons for the presence of characters, they were there to either:

*Aid: telling me where to go, how to find this or that, etc.

*Disturb: blocking me from getting what I wanted and from going where I wanted, etc.

*To occupy space: on buses, trains, subways, streets, school, work, etc.

Now a problem arises, the situation is, whatever they are there for there's one common result, they will be all around you, anywhere you go they will be there. It's not difficult to conclude that being conscious helps us escape from being a piece in the game of the subconscious mind, but we're still on it's board, and it's other pieces are there still moving around us.

Breaking the constraints

There is no use in trying to look for other explorers among the broken files, because the astral is specially known to react to our desires in the following manner:

1st) there's a desire to see, so it appears;
2nd) there's a desire to experience the visions, so it becomes, and we integrate them.

That would just end up creating another fake character. Also, it is likely that the other minds are still on their own boards, but if they are conscious, they just might be able to hear you.

What you do is send out a signal, a thought expressing your intention to communicate with another creative being, just like a bat or a dolphin would do in the nature to explore the environment. The primary idea is to establish a connection with a sentient mind, so it's best not to try to look for a figure or a location, but to wait for a special feedback, which can come as a voice, an external thought, a message in a cloud, etc.

After getting that positive response, it's possible to trace the source of that information. The order I suggest for this procedure is:

1st) Hear - send/receive signal
2nd) Feel - establish connection and trace the source
3rd) See - acknowledge the source

Below there's a simplified scheme of how the communication between minds can occur through the astral dimension. The yellow circles represent the fully lucid dreamers or projectors, the gray circles represent the broken files, the black background represents the board where the dream takes place, the blue background represents the astral plane, and the green lines are signals emitted by the minds that, after successfully escaping the dream thresholds non-materialized, propagate indefinitely.

Contacts can be requested beforehand, like a meeting with a guide, with a friend; can be induced by sending the signal while conscious in the astral; can happen totally spontaneously, however, when the dominant desire is more related to the physical experience (ie: seeing, touching), than with the mental experience (ie: communicating, learning), it won't pass through the dream threshold, and the subconscious mind will satisfy that desire by providing broken files and environments.

Non-materialized thoughts will propagate indefinitely outside the dream thresholds.

A promising route

Probably one of the most objective ways that I've found to demonstrate my intention to establish contact with an outside source is to use the astral telephone. Recently I've been experimenting with it and had some fantastic results communicating with unknown voices. For more than five minutes I talked to a voice and had a high number of very important questions answered, though I never thought I would get the answers for those questions. There's much more I wish to try, this is still very new. Often I get shivers while communicating due to the fact that, so far, most of the things that I've heard were totally unexpected, to say the least.

Ancient cultures worshiped oracles that supposedly gave them instructions straight from the Gods, some of those oracles were extraordinarily accurate. Now, the astral telephone might not always be such a trustworthy tool, nevertheless I'd say to everyone that wishes to find out how far can they delve into the unknown, go ahead and pick up your astral telephones! You don't need to type numbers, just wait and listen, but be careful not to let yourself be affected by what you might hear.

Five out of six experiences that I've had were positive, one specially was simply awesome, I couldn't believe the things I was hearing. One another was not so good and I didn't like what was said, the voice didn't seem to be very reasonable. All in all, it's a very interesting thing to try.

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Note that this is a theory, it is not perfect. All feedback is welcome, questions, comments, personal experiences that confirm or oppose these ideas, etc. I might update the text and add more subtitles as I find more information, for now I think this pretty much sums up my recent investigations and inclinations.

In trance I was reading some words on paper, then I could see a screen and some images, I tried to jump inside but could not. Kept on looking at the scenes, touching the screen and paying attention, then I was out in my astral room watching the tv. It wasn't really my room, but it looked a lot like it and I had all my stuff there.

Changing the channels of the tv there was the same thing on all the channels, 'Chaves' (a comedy show). I didn't want to watch that at that time, so I turned off the tv and was kinda upset for not having anything interesting to do. So I thought "Yes, the radio, I always get to hear interesting things.", it was not different this time.

The volume was kinda low, I turned it up to the maximun and still it wasn't so loud, but I could hear the song perfectly. It wasn't like any song I've heard before. There was a woman singing, and I'm not sure if her voice was doubled with another voice a little out of pitch (almost imperceptibly out of pitch), or if they were two different voices. I don't remember hearing any kind of drums or percussion, nor rhythmic instruments, still the sound was 'full'. Again I get the nostalgic feeling, as if it was a long lost song of the past.

It played for some good 4 minutes, the chorus was repeated about 3 times, I had to chose some parts of it to remember because the lyrics were long, and otherwise I wouldn't have remembered anything at all.

Ok, I felt the song wasn't meant to be depreciative of the human level or existence, quite the opposite, the chorus went like:

Poor we are, in front of the golden ones
in front of the inner-free

While she sang I wondered why she included herself in the 'poor category', if she was an astral being and aware of these 'golden ones' and 'inner-free', what kept her from achieving that? Then I understood, from the rest of the lyrics that I can't remember, that she wasn't talking about how we (humans and astral beings) are far behind them, but that we are getting closer, and that, I presume, there is nothing that will stop us from becoming 'golden ones' and 'inner-free', for whatever that means  :-P

Then I was crying, I wanted to know where I was, what was I doing? Am I on the messed up part of the astral? Why can't I see the good things right now? Where are the golden ones? Yet I was thankful for being able to experience this and for my life.

Then out through the window I flew, over the city, there were smog and traffic jams, but there were also people smiling and playing volleyball... I wondered "Why aren't they flying? They could be having much more fun." - Well, because they aren't trying.
It's called Transcommunication, and they claim to be able to contact the spirit world through the use of a tv set, some special lightbulbs and some cameras.
Put on your headphones, close your eyes and enjoy, amazing  :lol:
It was nighttime and I was with some friends playing a strange chess game. I attacked with the bishop, and launched it a great distance over landscapes of fields and urban areas, but it didn't get where I wanted it to. They told me the castle stood beyond that place, so I took off and flew towards the area.

The view was beautiful and my flying was very good, surprisingly. After arriving at the castle I meet one of the king's subjects, who tells me that the king is asleep, but invites me to walk in and explore. The place is not too big, the king sleeps on a couch in the living-room, by his side lies a bottle of wine. I ask the subject why the king sleeps there, then he tells me that it's because they have no beds.

Since it's kinda late I'm invited to spend the night there, so I take a look at some of the rooms, they are all very nice with wide windows and colorful carpets, but this carpet must be someone's bed.

Not feeling sleepy I go for a walk. After exploring the middle and the top floor of this 3 stories castle I notice that they don't have a lot of furniture, instead they have holes in the columns and walls where they keep things like trinkets, glasses and other things.

The night is gone, and I'm at a window staring into the blue of the sky, then it turns into a huge sphere, then I wake up.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Shangri-La
May 23, 2007, 20:25:38
The mythical land of Shangri-La is the novelist James Hilton's fictional account of the legendary Tibetan paradise Shambala. In Hilton's 1933 novel, Lost Horizon, he changes the name of the paradise to Shangri-La. This lost Tibetan paradise is a valley cut off from the world. The wisdom of the human race is being conserved there against the threat of imminent catastrophe. Hilton's novel was turned into a hit Hollywood movie and the name Shangri-La came to mean a lost paradise.

The legend of this lost valley is one of the most ancient Tibetan myths, and one of the most striking myths of a sacred landscape, a landscape that inspires stories itself. Traditionally, Shambala is located in the Himalayas, in the remotest part of Tibet, on a high plateau, surrounded by a ring of mountain peaks.

The myth of a lost Tibetan paradise came to the notice of Europeans in the 1580s, when travellers to the court of the court of the Moghul Emperor Akbar heard strange and wondrous tales of a remote Himalayan world. Although the story is told in a Buddhist text and is considered Tibetan, the tale seems to have been recorded first in India in AD 962. The tale is that there is a land behind the Himalayas full of peace and harmony where an isolated people live in accordance with Buddhist precepts preparing for the day when the world will be ready to live in peace. The kingdom is in the shadow of a white crystal mountain, approachable only through a ring of peaks. Next to the mountain are a lake and a palace. Here the wisdom of humanity is conserved, ready to save the world when needed.

The present Dalai Lama says this about Shambala:

Nowadays, no one knows where Shambala is. Although it is said to exist, people cannot see it, or communicate with it in an ordinary way. Some people say it is located in another world, others that it is an ideal land, a place of the imagination. Some say it was a real place, which cannot now be found. Some believe there are openings into that world which may be accessed from this. Whatever the truth of that, the search for Shambala traditionally begins as an outer journey that becomes a journey of inner exploration and discovery.

Today, Shangri-La is seen both as a place, and as an era of enlightened consciousness. The Tibetans say that the need to find paradise elsewhere is it what keeps us from having it. Wherever Shangri-La is, the search for it continues.

text from:
It was a very confusing dream, first I was on the street talking to my grandmother and my mother, then I was in the house taking care of my grandmother, then there were kids petting puppies, then there were people dressed as animals petting people (This I know I saw because I watched Donnie Darko last night, didn't catch it from the start but it was fun).

Then there were some other random stuff and I was cutting my hair, but when I looked in the mirror I was a 16 year old punk rocker guy, and outside there was a 70's style punk rock music that in my mind I was sure I have heard it before, even felt nostalgic for hearing it again, and it went like:

Many money money money money
That you gotta have
Many money money money money
Cast upon our heads

I googled it and, of course, nothing was found, bet they want me to do something with these lyrics  :lol:
He refuses food and meditates till his life wears out. 

(Be careful, loud!)

We often hear about techniques that, when correctly applied, induce the state required to have out-of-body experiences, but rarely people talk about ways to avoid them. Sometimes all you wanna do is fall asleep and wake up in the next morning like any normal person does, but it can be nearly impossible. Here I will present some things that worked for me when the last thing I wanted was to go OB.

Then you might ask - Why would someone not want to have an Obe?
Obe's are profound conscious experiences, and you might just be wanting to give your consciousness a break. Eventually you feel that instead of increasing your energy, they are making you tired and drained, and these can be good reasons for you to not want to have them in a while, specially if you're going through some physical illness.

*Avoid drinking - alcohol is a depressor of the central nervous system, it will slow down your metabolism and leave you at the mercy of an inebriated consciousness.

*Avoid becoming overtired before going to bed.

*Make a request to have only ordinary dreams.

*Have some light around so that you can clearly see everything around, but not bright enough to disturb your sleep.

*Neutralize any smells, smell of fried food, perfume.

*Avoid overeating before going to bed.

This does not mean that if you do the opposite you will have Obe's, things work different for different people. If even after following these tips you're still having Obe's there is a plan B.

*To break out of sleep paralysis, concentrate on moving a single finger of your hand, or foot.

Feel free to share your hints too.
It has called my attention because it happened more than a couple of times, always during some insightful astral travels, I meet these people that I wish to call intelligent and kind beings.

We usually have meaningful conversations, and I spend a lot of time with them during these meetings, they are very very nice, helpful, but there's one thing about them that makes the experience completely bizarre, they are terribly ugly. Hope this won't offend them, I just don't have a better way to put it and, it really feels like they are sentient beings, probably the most interesting I have ever met.

Their looks is like they are more than 200 years old, sometimes they don't have nose, just a few rotten teeth, their skin resembles corpses or mummies, but their most impressive feature is their intelligence. For a human, they are next to angels.

Today I had a chat with one of them, we went through some halls while he was telling me about his existence, and asked me about mine and my current situation. I remember telling him that my body was really in bed sleeping, and that I often go for a 'walk'. Then I said "But there's something really strange here, I know you are good and everything but I can't see you correctly, I must be interpreting this all wrong because I see you as a walking corpse.". I don't remember exactly what he said after that, but it went on though now it's really hard to tell what happened.

Not long ago I remember being tested by one of them, they asked me about my physical life, tested my reflexes and other skills, and it is always extremely real, so real that I'm sure that they exist, I'm only not sure that I'm seeing them right. 
Welcome to Astral Chat! / To the stargazers
March 10, 2007, 03:25:49
Tonight the sky was very beautiful, can't see as many stars here as in the other city I lived before moving, but still it was nice. I probably stood there for hours, tried taking a picture of the Southern Cross, but the camera just captured the Moon. Anyway, as I looked to the sky it felt pretty much like an astral experience, so I tried to make a lightning in the sky.

I kept thinking about it, how distant I would like it to happen from the ground so that it  wouldn't hurt anybody, I just wished to see how much and how quickly I could influence the physical world with my thoughts.

It wasn't happening, and I wasn't really concerned about it, it was just a game, just a thought. Then I made a deal with the sky, asked it to make the lightning at any time, but preferably some place where I'm looking.

After a while I had completely forgotten about that thought and accepted that it wouldn't happen at all, and that's when I find myself thinking about other things, global warming... and then when I look at another portion of the sky I see a star I hadn't noticed there before, and it began moving.

'Maybe it's not a star, it's kinda greenish. It is probably a firefly, no, wait, it's not
blinking... seems pretty far away, could be large, what the...'

Everything was quiet, so it wasn't a plane, and if it was, by the direction it was moving it should have passed right above my house, and it didn't. I'm not info UFOs, but that was weird, and I remember stargazing in the past and the same thing happened when I lived in that city of the beautiful starlit sky.

It seems to be a common thing among stargazers, anyone?

I'll see if the moon picture was good, then I'll post it.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / 2 nice videos
January 25, 2007, 05:49:08
I've been looking for some documentaries on google and found these 2 videos:

About the development of the human race. It's kinda old, he still had dark hair, still interesting to see:

Gulliver's story in cartoon. It's just his passage through the land of the Lilliput, very funny and nice film:
This is a questionnaire to help put together some of the most interesting achievements people had with Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming. Anyone is free and very welcome to answer the questions, though the aim is to provide data received through direct experience.

1 - Have you ever encountered more evolved beings?

1.1 - If so, describe the place:
       what were they like:
       what have you learned from them:

2 - What have you found out about life on other planets?

3 - What was the most interesting conversation you had? What did you ask/say and hear?

4 -  Describe 3 things/creatures that you saw there, but never saw here:

5 - If you've been able to read, what did you read about? How many consecutive words do you remember?

5.1 - Have you read words you haven't seen here before?

6 - Ever learned special tricks to be used there?

7 - Ever received a solution to a problem?

8 - Describe the most amazing thing you saw:

9 - Describe the most amazing thing you did:

10 - Describe your most amazing validation:

11 - Ever had your astral body malformed or defective? What was it like?

13 - Describe the 3 strangest sentences you heard:

14 - Describe 3 things that you still want to try in the astral:

12 - What interesting things have you found out about the Universe?

15 - If you believe in a God, what clues have you gotten about it's existence?

16 - Ever been lectured on the process of Creation?

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Please, copy and paste the questions followed by your answers. It's not necessary to answer all the questions, but try your best. :-) Also, you don't have to describe 3 things if you can only remember one. I will answer them too, looking forward to hearing from you all!

If we receive a good amount of answers we can make this a Sticky Topic, available for easy research.


"As knowledge increases, the attitude of science towards the things of the invisible world is undergoing considerable modification. Its attention is no longer directed solely to the earth with all its variety of objects, or to the physical worlds around it; but it finds itself compelled to glance further afield, and to construct hypotheses as to the nature of the matter and force which lie in the regions beyond the ken of its instruments. Ether is now comfortably settled in the scientific kingdom, becoming almost more than a hypothesis. Mesmerism, under its new name of hypnotism, is no longer an outcast. Reichenbach's experiments are still looked at askance, but are not wholly condemned. Röntgen's rays have rearranged some of the older ideas of matter, while radium has revolutionised them, and is leading science beyond the borderland of ether into the astral world. The boundaries between animate and inanimate matter are broken down. Magnets are found to be possessed of almost uncanny powers, transferring certain forms of disease in a way not yet satisfactorily explained. Telepathy, clairvoyance, movement without contact, though not yet admitted to the scientific table, are approaching the Cinderella-stage. The fact is that science has pressed its researches so far, has used such rare ingenuity in its questionings of nature, has shown such tireless patience in its investigations, that it is receiving the reward of those who seek, and forces and beings of the next higher plane of nature are beginning to show themselves on the outer edge of the physical field. "Nature makes no leaps," and as the physicist nears the confines of his kingdom he finds himself bewildered by touches and gleams from another realm which interpenetrates his own. He finds himself compelled to speculate on invisible presences, if only to find a rational explanation for undoubted physical phenomena, and insensibly he slips over the boundary, and is, although he does not yet realise it, contacting the astral plane."
Had this experience early this year, in which I saw actor Jack Palance (spelled correctly now) as a kind of mediator between me and God. It was a profound projection, and when I returned I searched the internet to know if he was alright.

Do you think it could have been a prediction, or coincidence?

He died on November 10, 8 months after I had that experience.
Have you ever had an experience of seeing little people around you? I would like to hear stories, specially how you felt about them.

I've had some few experiences opening my eyes while in trance and seeing small people dancing around in my room, it is always so funny that I laugh so much until I cry. Not physically, though, I wake up feeling like "wow, that was so cool.".

Once I was having this lucid dream and there was a nice music playing, we were all dancing and laughing, when suddenly I opened my supposedly physical eyes and saw a group of small people dancing on my bedcovers, some hand-in-hand, some just jumping around. I couldn't make out details, they were just like those cartoons made of black lines and a circle for the head, but they were chubby and stylish. It was such a great time.

One other time as I woke up I saw this tiny man that was a caricature of a famous talk show host, he was so small and chubby that he resembled a keg. He kept running and rolling on the floor as if he was running from a cat, made me laugh so hard.

I don't know what's so funny about them, but I read a couple of stories and people always seem to have fun seeing them.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Same Ol' Road
October 26, 2006, 04:10:42
I love this clip:

the doll gains lucidity
Near Death - Heaven or Hell?
There was a plane crash here in Brazil today, the worst that ever happened here, no one survived, all 155 people died.

Someone found this picture and suggested the couple walking hand-in-hand in the back are ghosts, since they appear to be transparent. Now I don't believe in ghosts resembling the physical form, but the picture is indeed strange.

Why don't we make a special gathering in like 100+ years, there are many people here that I would like to see, I'm sure we'll have a good laugh. We could have live music, exhibition of members artworks, lectures on how to try to make ourselves perceivable to the people on Earth, videos of our best experiences and blunders, it would be great.

I can even imagine people coming one by one, greeting each other, we could have flying contests, magic contests, you name it. If many of you agree to attend I will surely be there too.

My suggestion is September 22, 2156.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / can you photoshop me?
September 19, 2006, 00:03:56
I think I'm gonna shave my head. Can someone show me what I will look like? Think I'm gonna do it anyway, but would like to see it beforehand if possible  :-)

Having just returned from an incredible experience, or set of experiences, there are some things that I'd like to point out, and to know if others have gone through something similar.

There's something that I do to prolong the time that I stay on the astral when I'm flying, I choose the farthest visible/possible spot and move towards it as fast as I can, as if it was the mission of my life. If I'm not flying so fast I choose one that is kinda near.

So, I was doing this, after having about 3 other long experiences and no recollection of having returned to my body for a 'pit stop'. Flying incredibly fast towards the horizon, there was a little girl sitting on my back, I was helping her to fly. I had just jumped from the highest tower and was floating in the air, this child asked me if she could jump too, I said it was OK, and she did, but couldn't fly too well and began to cry as she was falling into the sea. I put her on my back and headed towards the horizon. I was flying superman's style, with my right hand pointing to the place that I wanted to reach, when suddenly I realized I didn't have a body anymore.

I commented to the girl, 'Oops, I might have woken up, I have no arm anymore.'. It was like I was just a point of consciousness standing still in the middle of that amazing landscape.

Not wanting to give up, I began to feel like falling into the sea, and so I did it. By now my vision was almost gone, I could only see hazy colours, hues of purple and blue, but heard myself having dove into the waters. Swimming there for a while I realized I needed to return to my body or it could be bad, so I slipped into what I'll call "RTZ1" (Real-Time Zone 1).

Most are familiar with it. You can perceive the physical world the way it is, but eventually some things will seem to be another, they are not really hallucinations because the environment doesn't change, instead some things appear to be added to the normal environment. Illusions. While on the RTZ1 one can't hear his/her voice or move his/her ghost body. You will hear and see the physical world, but you're not really there, there's no way to have any kind of interaction with the environment. You may even feel like you're moving your arms, but you won't see anything moving, your point of view will be the same of your physical body, a little out of phase as you can move about it to some extent, but never get away from it. This is the closest to the physical you will get while still alive.

So I remained there for some time, naively trying to get up and OBE, then after a while I slipped into "RTZ2". This is the astral counterpart of the physical, where you float above your body, you can turn on the TV and lift the covers. Interaction here is normal.

I was kinda worried, because I got closer to my body but still hadn't reentered, didn't feel like I had to either. Didn't want to wake up yet, but also didn't want to let my body think that I would leave it forever. Started to pay attention to my heartbeat, should there be any problem I would jump into my body right away. It was normal, I could hear my heart and my breathing. It was cool, so I turned on my astral TV, still in bed.

The first channel was kinda freaky so I changed the channels. Turned up the fan speed, the gust of wind was very strong this time, but I noticed that instead of adjusting the speed using the wheel, there were buttons.

OK, so I'm here watching this crazy TV and being blown by this aeroplane turbine, but hey, shouldn't I return!!!???

That's when I decided to cut it all off and get into my body. It felt very warm, nice, but unwilling to move, my breathing was very deep. I was sweating, and it's been very cold here.

It felt like I could have stayed there if I wanted to. I like to think that when someone is to die like that there will be a great signpost saying 'HEY, ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA GO THAT WAY?!', or someone to tell you "It's not your time, son.". I might have blabbed so much that now 'they' decided to let me do whatever I wanted. It feels kinda loose, has anyone ever felt this?

All comments are appreciated.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / wow, this tool is amazing!!!
September 09, 2006, 12:29:27
It can help us projectors find our way through the entire planet!!

I heard google earth is even better, but gotta fix my video card before I try that one, meanwhile this one is more accessible. This is a satellite picture from right above my house:

Find your house and post the link!!  8-)